Falling (Dean Winchester)

By writerqueenff

7.9K 132 21

You can barely stand Dean Winchester. His womanizer attitudes and his flirty nature get in your nerves like n... More

Why are weddings sad
Dean the Dick
How to ignore your roommate (having sex)
Pretend he doesn't exist
When he holds my hand
What are friends for?
How to Be-Friend
Oh my, am I in love?
How To Fall In Love With Dean Winchester
Making the Moves
We're hot-blooded
Casual encounters of the Dean kind
The Knight and The Princess
Hey! I love you

Secret romances are sweeter

482 7 0
By writerqueenff

They say that secret romances have a certain thrill that makes you addicted. It creates an intimacy hard to replicate. Or at least, that's what they say. For the past month, you've been officially dating Dean Winchester, something you never thought would happen. Things have been going incredibly well. The fact that you live together hasn't discouraged your interest in each other. Possibly it's because you respect your boundaries and privacy. There is a time when you are with each other, and there's another when you prefer to be on your own. Because of your different schedules at work, you don't see each other too much to get tired of it. It has also been convenient to know how the other lived before you started dating. You know that Dean is not going to have a sudden change of heart and start washing his dishes after eating. He's just the way he is, and you're glad to have him like that. So, you've seen each other's bad qualities, and you've even hated those same things before. However, you have also learned to move past and love what you couldn't stand. Definitely, living with Dean hasn't affected negatively your relationship. There are times when you like to be alone in your room, just enjoying your own company. There are other moments where you cuddle beside Dean on the couch watching TV, or when you go out on dates, or even when you have other kinds of fun. And of course, sometimes you just want to spend time with your friends without his company.

Your new relationship status with Dean has also brought certain happiness into your life that even your friends can distinguish. No one has directly questioned you about it, but they had commented before that they notice some lightness in your demeanor. Most of the time you brush it off, claiming that it's the tranquility of your new job. To an extent, that is true, but there's more to it than just that. The truth is, letting go of your hate for Dean has been a positive experience for you. And now that you're actually dating him, you have even learned to embrace a softer attitude. Living with Dean almost feels like the homeliness you felt when you shared a house with Meg. It's like being with a friend... plus the sex.

However, you're not hiding your relationship because of the intimacy or connection that provides. No, you're doing it considering what happened with Sam and Ruby. It's easy to forget about the problems that aroused when those two started dating. It happened a while ago, and Ruby doesn't really enjoy hanging out with you anymore. For them, things started quite sweet. They began dating shortly after Sam graduated from college. Ruby was a friend of Meg from the university, and she met Sam at a party that Meg invited her to. They didn't have many things in common, but they clicked fairly easily. Everything was good for a few months. Ruby started to hang out with Sam's friends and the other way around. Back then, Ruby was somewhat like a friend to you, so you got to see more of Sam and, unfortunately for you then, more of Dean. Nevertheless, soon enough, things started to go sideways for the couple. They were more toxic than they were good together, and broke up in a nasty fight. Since then, they can't tolerate being in each other's presence for long. Compared to them, your animosity towards Dean was nothing. But because of such, you and Dean decided to keep your relationship to yourselves for the time being. No one needs another Ruby-Sam scandal. There's also the fact that you're supposed to hate each other. The sudden shift will be hard to explain. You'll tell friends and family once you're sure everything is going smoothly.

"I think Cas knows", Dean says one day. You're watching a Dr. Sexy marathon in your bedroom. He has been quiet for the most part, so the little interruption takes you by surprise.

"What? Are you sure?" There's incredulity in your tone. "What exactly makes you say that?" Castiel has never been quick when noticing things about love, or overall social interaction. Thus, you cannot really believe Dean's words.

"Well, the other day, he kept giving me these weird looks and mentioning your name more than usual. We weren't talking about you, but he kept bringing your name up, expecting me to react a certain way."

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing. I mean, Cas is weird either way." Dean nods, accepting your words. "It's not like we've hung out with all of our friends since we started dating."

"That's true." His hand finds its way to your waist, he pulls you flush against him.

"Not that we would be able to hide from them, since apparently, you cannot keep your hands to yourself." Your words don't discourage Dean because he merely laughs.

"Sweetheart, with a beautiful girlfriend like you, who can keep their hands to themselves?" His statement makes your heart beat faster in your rib cage. It's the first time that he has called you his girlfriend.

You try not to make a big deal out of it. Nonchalantly, you caress from his hip bone to his upper chest underneath the shirt. A delicious sound escapes Dean's throat. "It's not like I'm too different from you."

Truth be told, you haven't been holding back from the sex, and it's been amazing. You kind of understand what all those girls that he brought home saw in him. Although you try not to think about them too much, otherwise you'll get jealous of things that happened some time ago.

You don't realize that Dean has been telling you something until he calls your name for the third time. "What is it?" You ask him. There's a funny look on his face, but he decides not to ask about your lack of attention. You're somewhat glad because it would've been embarrassing to tell.

"I was asking if you wanted to watch the next chapter."

You hesitate, "well, as interesting as Dr. Sexy is, I was hoping we could do something else."

Dean's face changes instantly, with something akin to hunger in his eyes. "Well, I might be open to other entrainment activity suggestions."



His soft mouth finds its way to yours in an instant, flesh clashes with flesh. It is unmistakably sweet the way he sucks on your upper lip. There's something perfect about the way his body morphs with yours as he holds you closer to him. Dean certainly enjoys your frames pressed together, almost to the point of you becoming one. He separates and gives you a moment to breathe, but the next second he's back at your lips again. His tongue traces the corner of your mouth, requesting entrance. You don't hesitate to invite him in. Your left hand fists the short strands of his hair in a tight grip. The action has him moaning in your mouth. The TV is now long forgotten in the background. Another episode of Dr. Sexy is playing, yet you barely pay attention to anything that isn't Dean Winchester. Your former so-called nemesis and now one of your favorite persons in the world. You cannot think of anything better to be doing right now other than making out with your roommate. Perhaps it's maddening to think that you could go from complete hate to this, but it is what it is.

His mouth finally releases yours, but only to travel down your neck to the juncture between your breasts. You don't realize you are making such delicious sounds until he praises you in a sultry voice. Dean's expertise with women that you hated before is now the very same thing that is turning you into a moaning mess in his hands. There's no shame in the sounds that you let out because you know those are the very same thing he enjoys when giving you pleasure. And if it makes you and him happy, why not?

His rough hands sneak under your blouse, tracing the soft skin of your stomach and then to the underside of your left breast. Your nipples are already erect in anticipation. From then on, everything becomes a bit of a blur of skin on skin, hands roaming, and sinful sounds. When, in what feels like too long, he finally gives attention to where you need it, you're nearly at your peak.

"You feel so good," he murmurs in your skin. You used to think that Dean Winchester was going to be the death of you. Now you're sure.

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