Someday | Zed & Addison

By disneyobsessedbitch_

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Witney was found just outside of Zombie Town when she was just a baby. She was taken in and raised alongside... More

i. humans don't really like zombies
ii. you're not hideous at all
iii. i'm so sorry
iv. someday, maybe
v. it's beautiful, you're beautiful
vi. because it's not right
vii. i'm not a monster
i. we're not alone
ii. we just need the right leader
iii. welcome to seabrook
iv. welcome to the wolf den
vi. you lost yourself first
vii. so let's own it
i. something big is happening

v. i believe you're the great alpha

712 24 0
By disneyobsessedbitch_

"Witney!" Addison called out as she entered the wolf den behind Wynter and Wyatt. Witney turned around with a smile on her face. "Hi, Addie." She said. "You look... Wow." Addison said, eyeing Witney up and down. Witney blushed and giggled. "Thank you." Addison looked around in amazement. "This is amazing." She said. "That's exactly what I said." Witney said. Wyatt howled. "That means welcome." He said. Addison howled. Everyone laughed. "Ostrich boots?" Wynter questioned.

"No, I think Addison meant..." Wyatt said and howled again. Addison howled again. "Polka dot unicorn?" Wyatt questioned. "Cool! Where?" Wynter shouted out. "Oh, no. Sorry, um. Uh..." Addison howled and everyone gasped in shock. "Whoa, whoa, language. There are were pups around." Wyatt told her. "She needs to put a pebble in the swear wolf jar." Wynter said. Everyone howled. Addison turned around in embarrassment. "I am so sorry." She said. "Enough." Willa called out.

"This is not why you brought her here." "Why am I here?" Addison asked. Wyatt grabbed a stone and held it up to the moon's light. It showed an image of a faceless girl with white hair. "I believe you will lead us to the moonstone. I believe you're the Great Alpha." Wyatt told Addison. "I believe you're a werewolf." "What?!" Addison exclaimed. The werewolves started singing and dancing, and eventually Witney and Addison joined in.

By the end of the song, Addison was dressed in traditional wolf clothing, just like Witney was. Suddenly, Zed rushed into the wolf den. "Witney! Addison!" He called out. "Zed!" They screamed in unison. He rushed to stand in front of them. His hand grasped his Z band. "Don't make me take this off!" He yelled. "You don't want to see me zombie out." The wolves growled at him and he threw his Z band to the side.

"Wolves!" Willa called out as Zed's zombie form started to appear. "Stand back!" Zed yelled. Witney rushed to grab his Z band. "No!" Addison yelled out. Zed threw a werewolf away. Witney grabbed his Z band and quickly snapped it back onto his arm. "Zed! We want to be here!" Witney told him. "What?" He asked in exasperation. "But Addie texted me 'Help'!" Bree said, holding up her phone. "I needed help on the chemistry homework." Addison told her. "Didn't you see the beaker emoji?"

"Oh, I do now." Bree said. She laughed awkwardly. "By the way, I love these new looks." She said to the two white haired girls. "New hairstylist?" She asked. "Werewolves, they know hair." Addison responded. "And manicures." Wynter said, holding up her hands. Everyone agreed. "They think I may be a werewolf too." Addison said. "What? How?" Zed asked. "I don't need to explain genetics to you, do I, Zed?" Witney asked. The zombie rolled his eyes.

"Maybe a grandparent." Addison said. "My hair means something. This could be my pack." Witney noticed Willa grab a box and look over at her. Witney gestured to Addison. Willa nodded. "For centuries, this has been set aside for the Great Alpha." She opened the box and inside was a moonstone necklace. "A fully charged moonstone is priceless to us, Addison." Wyatt told her. "If you're truly one of us, when you put it on, you'll be transformed into a werewolf. Part of our pack, forever." Willa explained.

"What? No!" Zed exclaimed. "Wait." "Can I think about it?" Addison asked. Willa turned back to look at Wyatt and Wynter, who smiled and nodded. "For a day." Willa said after a moment of silence. Addison grabbed the box. "Once you've joined us, you can lead us to the hidden moonstone." Wyatt said. "But she doesn't know where it is." Wynter pointed out. The ground started shaking. Everyone rushed out from the den and to the surface.

Bonzo pointed to the old Seabrook Power building. "Yeah. The explosion came from Seabrook Power." Zed said. "They must be testing charges for the demolition tomorrow." Addison added. "Seabrook Power is the birthplace of zombies." Eliza informed the werewolves. "A little lime soda mixed with some mysterious energy, and bang! Zombies!" Zed said in Wynter's face. She hissed at him. "Nice story, but it doesn't concern us." Willa pointed out.

"But it does concern you, Willa." Witney said. "Seabrook Power was fueled by a mysterious energy source. That could be the moonstone, right?" She continued. "If she's right... Wow." Wyatt said. "We'll see you at school tomorrow." Willa said to the two white haired girls. "Okay. Tomorrow. Big day." Addison said, and then everyone besides the werewolves left.


Witney gave the Aceys a dirty look as they ran past her and away from Addison. She noticed Zed rushing towards them. Witney got closer to Addison and wrapped an arm around her waist. Zed jumped over a table to reach them. "I was up all night thinking. You're not a werewolf, you can't be." He said. "But I love moonlight strolls." Addison told him. "Yeah, you like sunsets too. That doesn't mean you're a vampire." Zed countered.

"Zed..." "Look. It's really hard being considered a monster. Trust me." Zed said. "All I've ever wanted is to find my pack. And now I finally have." Addison started off. She opened up the box with the moonstone necklace in it. She handed it to Zed. "When I see the wolves, I'm going to put this on. And I'm really sorry I can't make the debate, but I need to find the wolves." She brought Witney and Zed into a hug.

"Good luck." She went to walk away but turned back around. Zed snapped the box closed. "Whoops, almost forgot. You'll do great, Zed." She said, grabbing the box from his hands and rushing off. "Are you ready for the debate?" Eliza asked, running over. "Come on, we're going to be late." She grabbed onto Witney's hand and started dragging her to the gymnasium. "Ow! Eliza! I'm not a zombie. My limbs don't come off." Witney groaned. "Sorry."

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