Symbiotic Relationship

By PresidentThanos

58K 1.2K 120

Nemuri Kayama, A.K.A Midnight finally gets a break from the chaos that is Class 1-A when they leave to go to... More

Broken Windows
New Friends
Peaceful Rest
Chaos Returns
Meeting the Class
Introductions and Preparations
Special Exams
Party Shenanigans
Work Studies
The Little Girl
Planning the Raid
The Raid
Revealing Recovery
Two Children
Cultural Festival
UA Traitor
Kurogiri's Capture.
Shirakumo's Return
New Work Study
Association's Opinion
UA Raid
First Day
War Incoming
Changing Sides
Director's Downfall
Relatively Normal
Preparing for War
War Starts
Unwanted Aid
Collapse of UA
The Final Battle Pt. 1
The Final Battle Pt. 2
The Final Battle Pt. 3: The End
Christmas Special

Joint Combat Training

1K 22 6
By PresidentThanos

It was an ordinary day, 1-A woke up, ate breakfast, and got ready for classes. They all walked to their classroom and sat down to wait for Aizawa to come in and start the day.

Once he came in they could tell something special was going to happen when Shirakumo came through a warp gate and sitting on one of his clouds.

Aizawa: "As you all could probably guess today will be a little different. All of your classes have been canceled to make room for a joint training session with 1-B."

Shirakumo: "And I'm here to stop any extra dangerous fights from seriously hurting any of you!"

All of the students looked excited as Aizawa pressed the button to release their costumes from the wall. Nemuri, who already had hers on, simply followed Aizawa and Shirakumo to the factory like training ground they would be using.

The two classes and Vlad got there shortly after they did, so the teachers started explaining the exercise, when that was done the matches were revealed. It turned out that Nemuri and Izuku were alone in theirs, which made sense based on how unfair it was that they could participate anyway, but to make it even they were put up against Rogers from 1-B and another American exchange Gen Ed student named Tony Stark, who everyone agreed should've at least been in the support course. His quirk was much like Nezu's own High Specs made him significantly smarter, but since Stark already had an intelligent mind, he was ultimately smarter than Nezu, which allowed him to create the silver colored suit he was wearing. And due to Shiozaki leaving, he had to be in two matches that day.

Most matches went without a hitch, the only problem was that Shinso started spewing out dark tendrils from his wrist as he tried to capture Stark. Once that was taken care of, there were only two matches before Nemuri and Izuku's.

During the last two matches Stark could be seen by a small case, attaching new devices to his already very advanced armor. The people who were watching this couldn't make out what most of them were, but once he put, what were obviously speakers of some kind on to his gauntlets, it was obvious what they all were for, to dominate Venomnight in their upcoming fight. This caused Nemuri and Izuku some worry, as they remembered the last time they were separated in a fight, Nemuri was hurt badly. They put those fears aside knowing Stark wouldn't go that far, but still secretly wished that he wouldn't use any fire.

Once their match was up, both teams walked to different parts of the training ground. Then once they were ready, Present Mic came on through the speakers.

PM: "Alright let's do this! The creepy and slimy duo of Midnight and Venom, also known as Venomnight!!! Versus! The patriotically named Captain America and the metal newcomer Iron Man!! Let the match start!"

With that said, the duo venomized and lept into the maze of pipes to begin their hunt. Cap started to walk through the factory like maze while IM was flying above and scanning for any sign of Venomnight.

After a few minutes he caught sight of a tendril and knowing it was most likely a trap, he told Cap where it was through their coms. Cap had found it and started to follow it deeper, before he got too deep he had IM follow him so, if they did find Venomnight, they could fight together.

It didn't take long, they reached a big open room and when they looked around, they saw at least 30 separate tendrils all going different directions, they also so some weird green looking spider silk on the ground, in the shape of a web. Before the trap could be sprung, IM used a laser to cut the web around where they were standing. After that, the heard an echoing cackling, but they couldn't see where Venomnight's voice was coming from.

Venomnight: "Well done, maybe you two are hero material after all."

Cap then threw his shield in the direction he thought the voice was coming from, but all it did was bounce around and come back. Though now there was a small, green, string on it's rim. Before he could realize what was going on, Cap was dragged into the darkness, all IM could hear were grunts and hissing, and then silence. After that a new sound was heard, metal rolling on concrete, as the shield slowly rolled into view, with Venomnight right behind it.

Venomnight: "One down, one to go."

IM: "Nice for you to finally join us. You know, for a hero, you're acting pretty damn evil."

He then activated his boots and started flying around while firing repulsor blasts at the venomized giant. The beams had little affect, and while he was doing that, the many spread out tendrils all retracted, one hit him on it's way back which caused him to fall. He got back up, avoiding tendrils now coming from Venomnight's back. They then charged at him and went to hit him in the chest, he moved just enough to cause them to miss, but one of his shoulder plates got knocked off. He boosted away and readied a small shoulder mounted device, which was quickly decerned to be a miniature rocket launch launcher. He fired, and most were deflected by tendrils, but one made it through, and launched them to the other side of the room. Thankfully they were concussive, not explosive, so no damage to their bond was created.

He then readied the small sound cannons he attached to his gauntlets and started to bombard them with sound, which started to slowly rip Izuku from Nemuri. Venomnight screeched in pain from the separation, but then the sound stopped, allowing Venomnight to pull themselves back together, a small curse could be heard from IM as his cannons couldn't maintain the frequency needed to fully separate them. He barely dodged a flying kick from the now VERY angry Venomnight. Once he could, he flew into the air again and prepped his final weapon, a flamethrower attached to his other shoulder. He started to spew flames at the now scared Venomnight, who was barely able to avoid the flames, but the heat had forced them to devenomize, leaving Nemuri to fight IM alone until he could recover. Hoping his suit wasn't air tight, she ripped the biggest part of her costume that she could and made the biggest, most dense cloud of somnambulist she could at the moment. It invaded his suit and caused him to fall asleep instantly. She also fell unconscious from the energy it took to keep Venomnight from completely separating.

When she woke up she was in the infirmary. She could feel Izuku moving, she smiled knowing they were both okay.

Aizawa came in and told her she won, and because of his performance, Stark was moved into 1-B's empty seat. She then went back to the dorms. Her and Izuku fell asleep after a long day.

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