code breaker: code 0

By Ushachangshu

69 1 0

Two girl unknown to each other but related by blood are unknown to the future that they are going to have. ... More

writer notice
Character Introduction
Chapter one: Blue flames
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter 5

chapter four

10 0 0
By Ushachangshu

At Sakura’s house

Sakura woke up suddenly from her bed and started feeling around her throat and body for any burn marks but she didn’t find any. She was shocked. One second she was at a park with Ogami burning her and now she is here alive. She didn’t understand anything at all. 

Sakura’s mom: Sakura wake up. You will get late for school.

Sakura: Yeah mother I’m coming. Just give me 5 min.

After that Sakura got up from bed and went to get ready. She came downstairs to see her parents eating breakfast.

Sakura: Good morning father, mother!

Both: Good morning Sakura!

Mother: Did you sleep well last night?

Sakura: Y-Yeah I did.

After having breakfast

Sakura: Bye mother, father. I will see you later.

Both: Bye Sakura. Have a nice day.

Sakura: Yeah! You both as well.

After Sakura left for school

Mother: She is hiding something from us.

Father: Yeah.

Mother: She has never lied to us before this.

Father: If she is lying about something then it must be very important. She will not lie for anything bad.

Mother: Yeah you are right. I shouldn’t worry much.

With Sakura

I was thinking about what had happened yesterday. It really feels like a nightmare but I know it is not and what happened yesterday was real. I wonder after what happened yesterday whether he will come to school or not. If he comes then I’ll confront him.

Sakura was in deep thought that she didn’t realize her best friend was coming from behind.

Aoba: Good morning Sakura.

Sakura: Oh! Good morning Aoba.

Aoba: What were you thinking about? You looked like you were in a deep thought.

Sakura: Oh! It’s nothing. Don’t worry.

Aoba: Okay. If you say so.

Both of them walked towards their classroom. 

Sakura was shocked to see Ogami standing there at the class talking and smiling with everyone. As if sensing someone’s burning gaze on him, Ogami looked up to see Sakura glaring at him intensely. Ogami just smiled at Sakura, making her more irritated. Sakura marched up to Ogami and dragged him to the corner of the classroom. 

Sakura: What are you doing here? Are you insane?

Ogami: What do you mean by what I am doing here? This is also my class so of course I will be here. You are the insane one.

Sakura: Did you think that I will forget about yesterday?

Ogami: What about yesterday? I don’t know what you are talking about.

Sakura: Do you seriously think I will forget that you tried to kill me?

Ogami: If I were you I would just shut my mouth. After all life is precious, no.

Sakura: Are you threatening me? I’m not afraid of you.

Ogami: No, no I’m not threatening you. Take it as a warning.

Sakura: No, I will not listen to you. I will tell the police.

Ogami: I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You care about your friends, don’t you?

Sakura: What do you mean by that?

Ogami: You are a smart girl. You know what I mean. If you keep your mouth shut, you and your loved ones will be safe, that's all.

After saying that, Ogami left Sakura alone.

At the rooftop with Ogami

Ogami was just standing at the rooftop keeping an eye on Sakura. Just then his phone rings.

Ogami: What is it? A new mission or what?

???: No, it's not a new mission. You are requested to visit Eden today.

Ogami: Fine but what does he want with me?

???: I don’t know. He just asked me to inform you.

Ogami: Is that all?

???: I was wondering why you didn't kill Sakurakouji Sakura. You know right every witness also should be killed.

Ogami: I was about to kill her but my abilities didn’t work on her. She nullified it.

???: What does it mean? Does she also have some kind of ability?

Ogami: No, you are quite wrong. She is a rare kind.

???: What is a rare kind? I haven’t heard of it ever.

Ogami: Rare kind is a person with abilities to nullify any kind of special ability which is why I couldn’t kill her.

???: So, what are you going to do about her?

Ogami: Just keep an eye on her for now. If she does something stupid then we will see.

???: I understand.

Ogami: Contact me again if there’s more information.

???: Understood master.

After that Ogami hangs up his phone and looks down to see Sakura staring at him. He just glances at her and moves to the door.

Somewhere else

Hikari was just sleeping peacefully on a grassland. Suddenly her phone rings disturbing her sleep. She just clicks her tongue and picks up the phone knowing who is calling her at this time.

Hikari: What is it? If it is not important then I’m hanging up?

Eden: Why so hurry? I’m sure you will be pleased after listening to this.

Hikari: What is it?

Eden: Code 6 has encountered a rare kind during his mission.

Hikari: A rare kind, huh?

Hikari was slowly getting excited which she rarely does.

Eden: Yes, I myself have confirmed that fact.

Hikari: You know if he also finds out about this then he will surely use her to defeat you.

Eden: Oh him! Yes, I know.

Hikari: Then what do you plan on doing?

Eden: I won’t have to do anything. I’m sure code 6 will love to kill him.

Hikari: Oh! I forgot about their relationship. He has a good relationship with every code breaker. He was like a leader to them, right.

Eden: Yes, you are correct. So, what do you plan on doing about this matter?

Hikari: I don’t know. I’m pretty much bored these days. I might just participate in this little fun.

Eden: Ha Ha Ha! It will truly be interesting. I am waiting eagerly for that time.

Hikari: So, is there anything else to say?

Eden: Hmm no. But I’m thinking of sending code 4 and code 6 to a mission.

Hikari: Are you serious? You know how much code 4 hates code 6 since the day they met.

Eden: I know but it will be fun, you know

Hikari: You are not even calling code 4 your_____ huh! Do you hate him that much or what?

Eden: He may be my ______but ever since he became a code breaker he doesn’t exist in my life nor in this world.

Hikari: I see.

After that Hikari cuts the call.

Hikari pov:

Being a code breaker means you don’t exist in this world. You are a government servant. You can even die on a mission and there will be no one to cremate you nor will someone visit your grave. Being a code breaker means you already have one foot in the grave or more like walking towards death voluntarily.

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