Chapter two

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Somewhere else..........

In an alleyway, there was a group of men sitting in the corner as if planning something.

Man 1: So, what should we do next boss?

Boss: We should first supply the drugs to those who are easily manipulated then spread it all over the town. Then everyone will know our name. We will become big shots in this town.

Man 2: Wow boss. You're so smart. This is why we follow you.

All other men nod their heads.

They were all so busy discussing their plan that they didn't notice a shadow looming over them. All of the men felt a sudden change in the air but were too busy to think of it. Suddenly all the men's throats were cut open by wind. They didn't even have a chance to think about what happened to them. One second they were discussing their plan and the next second they found themselves dead.

???: Tch......This is what you get for supplying drugs to innocent people. This is the punishment given to you by the government.

Author pov:

The moonlight falls on the shadowed person revealing its identity. The person is a girl with light purple hair and blue eyes like the sky. She is wearing a crop top with ripped jeans and shirt. She is wearing black shoes. She also has a sword strapped to her hip. She has an indifferent expression on her face despite killing all the men. Suddenly her phone rings.

Phone conversation:

???: Did you finish the job?

???: Yes, I did.

???: Why am I even asking? I shouldn't be even surprised that you finished the job, Hikari.

Hikari: Stop the chitchat Eden. Just tell me what do you want?

Eden: Oh, nothing. I just wanted to have a decent conversation with you.

Hikari: If you have finished spouting nonsense then leave me alone. I'm going to sleep. Don't disturb me.

Eden: Fine, fine. But just listen. I will tell you one thing that will surely excite you.

Hikari: Excite me, huh? What is it? And if it is not important don't waste my time.

Eden: ...................................................

In the rooftop of a building

Hikari was lying down and thinking about her conversation with Eden. All she wanted was to rest but the last sentence that Eden spoke was keeping her awake despite wanting to sleep.

Flashback starts:

Eden: He is on the move.

Hikari: He? Who are you talking about?

Eden: Don't tell me you forgot about him. You should know who I am talking about.

Hikari: Don't test my patience. Just tell me already.

Eden: Alright, alright. Code breaker 1 Hitomi is on the move.

Hikari: Are you serious? You're not joking right.

Eden: Why would I joke about this matter? You should know best that he will be after me.

Hikari: So what are you planning on doing? You know right I won't do anything. Just ask code 2 to do your dirty work.

Eden: I'm not asking you to do anything. Just watch from the sidelines.

Hikari: Fine. Now leave me alone.

Flashback ends:

So he is on the move after all these years. It would certainly be fun to watch it all play out from the sidelines or should I interfere a little. Hmm.... whatever I will sleep for a while and then think.

code breaker: code 0Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя