Remember (Todobaku)

By WokeASF

43.9K 1.9K 2.3K

Bakugo scoffs loudly and scowls. "Are we gonna be fucking stuck together for that shit?" The man nods. "Yes."... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

821 34 40
By WokeASF

He practically passed out when he was finally back at the dorms with Todoroki in his room.

Recovery Girl gave him his medication, and as soon as he was in his dorm with his boyfriend sitting on the bed, using his phone, he was out like a light.

Sure it was only two hours, but that's two more than he had before.

When he woke up, Todoroki was still in his room. He was laying down on his side while he used his phone now, but he stayed.

"Hey sleepy head," Todoroki smiles when he sees Bakugo's eyes are open.

He'd been on his phone, but he looked away from it for one second to look at Bakugo and saw he was awake, so he sits up, caressing Bakugo's face.

"Hi," Bakugo greets back.

"How are you doing?" He asks, voice quiet.

"Better now. Felt like fucking shit earlier. They just watched me fucking sleep. Annoying as hell. They didn't need to do that to give me fucking sleeping pills. Stupid bastards," he huffs angrily as he pulls Todoroki in for a hug.

He sounds angry but he's so cuddly and Todoroki loves it.

Not the angry part.

The cuddly part.

"You did it, though. It's over and now you'll be able to get what you need, right?"

Bakugo nods angrily.

"Wanna do something?" Todoroki asks.

Bakugo looks up, wondering what this idiot would wanna do.

"I'm not kissing you again."

Todoroki frowns. "Why not?"

Bakugo can't help but smile. "Idiot."

"That's not what I meant, though. I wanted to know if you want to go on a walk. It's nice out right now. Cool air and the sun is out so you won't be too cold."

Bakugo thinks about it, deciding to mess with the idiot.

"Sorry, I have something planned with my boyfriend already. He'd be mad if he saw you trying to make a move. Wouldn't want that, would you IcyHot?"

Todoroki frowns, not really understanding.

"What? I thought I was your boy- ohhh," he realizes, face lifting back up into a small smile, "I'm sure he'd be jealous if someone swept you up while he was away."

Bakugo smiles and rolls his eyes, shoving the idiot away a bit. "Come on then. Let's go," Bakugo says, getting up to put on his shoes.

He's got on some sweat pants and a hoodie so he shouldn't be too cold.

"Okay. Let's go."

They talk about whatever they haven't talked about.

Bakugo about his childhood and Todoroki about his new life with his mom and siblings.

He doesn't really get into the trauma stuff too much. Sure he'll say something here and there, but he doesn't usually bring it up and Bakugo doesn't blame him at all. Doesn't mention how Todoroki will pause before saying something about his childhood to make it less extreme.

"During things like this. Like small dates or even just anytime, if we're talking and you talk about your trauma, don't try to shove it to the side. I care about it, okay?" Bakugo asks, making sure that Todoroki is aware that he's free to talk about his own experiences as a child.

Todoroki looks over at him, brushing their hands together before Bakugo opens his hand to offer it to Todoroki. The idiot immediately takes it and intertwines their fingers.

"The same goes for you. You know that, right?"

Bakugo nods.

He knows that he can, he just feels really fucking shitty even thinking about it, so he wants to avoid talking about it. Because if he talks about it, he'll remember it.

Remembering is not always a good thing for him.

So they continue their little date. Todoroki completely mesmerized when he sees a crunchy looking leaf on the ground.

It is nice out. The air is cold, but there's no wind and when the clouds pass, letting the sun through to warm them up, he can see Todoroki's eyes perfectly.

They're so pretty and they make Bakugo want to poke them.

He knows that'll hurt, so he doesn't, but you can't blame him.

"So when the new movie came out, I begged to watch it. I loved the first one. Obviously I was going to want to watch the second. Of course, he didn't allow that so I didn't get to watch it until years after. Talking about him makes me angry. We should watch cat videos," Todoroki rants.

He talks slowly and thoughtfully.

It's like he's analyzing exactly what he's going to say when he's telling a story.

Todoroki also doesn't express many emotions. At least, not the way a usual teenager would.

He doesn't scowl heavily when he's mad or smile with his teeth when he's happy.

His eyes just get harder if he's mad and when he's happy, his lips will just barely quirk up or his eyes will brighten up.

It's so cute, really.

"Whatever you want, Halfie," Bakugo says, trying his hardest to stay casual.

Todoroki, as they continue walking hand-in-hand, squeezes his hand and gives him a side glance, eyes doing that thing they do when he's happy.

Todoroki's going to fucking kill him.


"But how does that work?"

Bakugo has been trying to teach Todoroki what jinx means since they passed Kaminari and Jirou on the way back to their room. They'd said jinx at the same time and then again and Todoroki held his questions in until he was here alone with Bakugo.

"Basically when you say something at the same time with someone, you have to do this bullshit thing where you say jinx. The first person to say it, pretty much wins and the other person has to stay quiet until some fucking extra says their name. It's really fucking dumb."

"I wanna do that. Can I do that?" Todoroki asks.

Bakugo looks at him, dumbfounded, but still replies, "Yes you can."

The idiot just smiles and nods in acknowledgement.

"Now?" He asks.

Bakugo has to stop himself from screaming from how cute his boyfriend is.

"We have to same something at the same time, dork," he explains.

Todoroki just sighs heavily and dramatically, pouting at the blond in hopes of getting his way.

"Halfie, I just explained how it works. Rules are rules."

"Fine. Can I get a kiss, then?"

Bakugo can't help it when his eyes immediately travel to Todoroki's lips. He catches himself and makes eye contact with the other teen who's already leaning in.

"Yeah," Bakugo relents and immediately, both teens surge forward, Todoroki sighing a certain way that has Bakugo blushing.

Todoroki likes kissing him. And it's obvious. Bakugo likes that and kissing Todoroki.

At one point, Todoroki drags the blond onto his lap, still kissing him to get Bakugo where he wants him.

Like before, Todoroki's hands find their way to Bakugo's waist and his fingers softly sink in when Bakugo decides to experiment and softly bite down on Todoroki's tongue.

They're both breathing heavily when they pull away, but they don't pay any mind to that. Instead they immediately go back to kissing.

As one hand stays on his waist, Todoroki's other hand gets tangled in his hair much like Bakugo's hands in Todoroki's hair.

When it seems that Todoroki has run out of breath, the teen breaks away and starts kissing down Bakugo's neck. The poor teen didn't see it coming and gasped when Todoroki started trailing down, kissing his neck sensually.

He doesn't suck hard enough to leave marks. No, he just sucks hard enough to let Bakugo know he can.

He can easily bite down or anything, and that fact has Bakugo shifting in Todoroki's lap.

The position is very very intimate, but so is this make out.

"Bakugo," Todoroki whispers in between kisses.

Said teen almost forgets that he was called.

"Yeah?" He asks, opening his eyes slowly and wondering why Todoroki he's stopped when they were both enjoying this.

"I really like you," he breathes, lips puffy and red.

Bakugo notices that his hands are still very much tangled in his boyfriend's hair.

"I like you, too. A lot," Bakugo says, still catching his breath as Todoroki leans in once more.

Damn Todoroki is a great kisser.


Monday was shit. Absolute shit.


Fucking fuck.

All Might was fired.

Because of him?

"-have been disrespected by him. As the future of the world, being exposed to negativity like that will only cause you and the future harm. Our priority is you which is why we have made that decision."


Like how Aizawa said that respect is not about age and that All Might doesn't give respect?

It's obvious why this transpired.

And it was his fault.


All Might's career was ruined. Completely fucking ruined.

Because of him.

Not only was he not a pro hero anymore because of him, All Might's fall back job was taken away from him, too.

His skin crawls with regret and guilt.

It's almost overwhelming the way he can't really hear what Mr. Aizawa is saying anymore. It's muffled and suddenly the only think he can really focus on is the itchiness of his hero costume. It's so tight around him and his gauntlets suddenly feel twenty timed heavier.

Bakugo slowly steps back, hiding behind his classmates as he tried to pull himself together.

But he ruined All Might.

What if his classmates are already blaming him?

What if they know he was the one who got him fired?

They'll hate him.

Completely hate him this time and he can't do anything to fix it anymore. If only he weren't such a broken piece of shit, this wouldn't have happened.

It's not until a hand starts holding his own that he breathes in harshly and snaps out of it to look up at his boyfriend. He knew it was him.

"It's not your fault. All Might was not being professional. I despise him for that."

But Bakugo doesn't get it. He doesn't get how they don't see it. It's not like he's trying to get attention or anything. He legitimately was the reason for All Might's fall, and it's killing him. It hurts.

Bakugo is the problem.


"No, Katsuki. Stop blaming yourself. Stop it. I'm never going to shut up about this. Stop blaming yourself. It's not your fault," Todoroki says firmly.

Bakugo is shocked, looking up at his boyfriend who's looking back, waiting for Bakugo to comprehend this.

"Come here," Todoroki says, pulling him out of the building.

Bakugo follows dumbly, not really sure what's going to happen.

Once they're outside, Todoroki puts his hands on Bakugo's shoulders. He's also making pretty direct eye contact and forcing Bakugo to look back at his.

"Repeat after me. You did nothing wrong. It's not your fault."

Bakugo scowls, getting ready to fire back, but Todoroki interrupts him.

"Say it, Katsuki. I'm not letting you go until you do," he threatens.

Bakugo feels so many emotions right now and it feels like he might explode because of it.

The biggest feeling of all, though, is surprise and warmth despite it being cold out.

"Repeat it," Todoroki prompts, "say you did nothing wrong and it's not your fault."

So Bakugo clears his throat, looking away for the first time in what felt like ten minutes.

"I did nothing wrong. It's not my fault," he says quietly.

"I couldn't hear. What was that?" Todoroki says, making him say it again.

"I did nothing wrong. It's not my fault," he repeats.


"It's not my fault cause I did nothing wrong," he says, finally looking up at the other teen who looks proud as he nods.

"Good. I need you to believe that. I need you to stop being so hard on yourself. It's hurting you. You're supposed to help yourself grow into a better person, not place false blame on yourself. So tell me, what did you do wrong?"

His words hit hard, but he answers.


"And who's fault is it?"

"Not mine."

"Exactly," Todoroki smiles, "not yours."

Not my fault.

He really fucking hopes that's true.


They didn't get into trouble when they entered the building again and everyone was stretching to get ready.

Bakugo just made eye contact with an already looking Aizawa to which Bakugo glared as heavily as he could. He respects Aizawa, don't get him wrong. It's embarrassing how much he likes his teacher, but he was just mad.

It's so damn annoying that he's depressed.

What is wrong with his stupid brain and his stupid brain chemicals that are making him like this?



Apparently not.

Instead it puts the idea of suicide into his head when the smallest thing goes wrong. God it sucks so much.

But at least he has a Todoroki.

A Todoroki who makes him feel like the biggest winner by just being with him.

Todoroki chose him.

He was desirable enough for Todoroki and that alone blows Bakugo's mind.

Bakugo spends a lot of time alone.

Sure, a lot of the time he's with Todoroki, but that's usually when he's not holed up in his room.

Todoroki always comes by and sits with him, but the other is also busy all the time, so it's never for long. Ever since his whole cramped up hand thing, Todoroki has been massaging his hands for him. It feels good, especially when he activates his quirk to make it warm.

"So my mom wants you over for dinner this weekend. Is that fine?" Bakugo asks Todoroki.

He was building up the courage to for some reason. It's not like Todoroki would be completely revolted by the idea, but anxiety doesn't listen to reason.

"She does? Really?" Todoroki asks, smiling as he looks up from the blond's hands.

Todoroki is massaging them again as he sits criss cross across from Bakugo.

"Yes, really, dumbass. She won't stop asking. Did you want to come over? He food is the fucking best. Well, next to mine obviously," he gloats.

Todoroki nods. "I would love to come over, Bakugo."

Said blond looks away as he thinks about telling Todoroki to stop calling him that.

Fuck it.

"Cut it with that bullshit. Just call me Katsuki," he huffs, looking away because wow that's embarrassing.

"You don't mind?" Todoroki asks.

Bakugo already knows that the idiot is smiling again and probably had that same dumb look in his eye that let's Bakugo know that he actually likes him.

"No, dork."

"I can't wait for dinner with your parents, Katsuki."

He could hear Todoroki say his name for- well, forever.

"Oh," Todoroki says as if he's remembered something, "call me Shoto, please. If you don't mind. I'd like it if you did."

How could he deny him that?"

"Alright. Now choose what you want for dinner or I'm making the spiciest shit I know how."

Shoto puckers his lips in a 'you already know what I want for dinner' way and Bakugo rolls his eyes.

"If I keep making you soba, you're gonna die."

"At least I'll die happy," he says, hugging the blond who just lets the idiot do what he wants.

Word Count:2,533
yall last week was full exams and i stayed up all damn night for my calculus exam and i still didn't get the score i was aiming for. im so mad at myself rn bro im just struggling and i hate school but i won't drop out because home is messy and i want to succeed to show everyone at home that they fucking suck and i don't need them. yesterday i went to a party and it was so fun except that the girl i made cry that one time got super drunk and me and this guy had to be watching her. like girl how fucking irresponsible. we're in public like it's not like you know the people here. i really don't like her but besides that it was so fun. anyway i hope yall liked this chapter. next one will go up on Wednesday at 8pm central time. I love you all and tysm for reading<3

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