lovers rock

By surferboypizza

7.3K 236 39


chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
author's note

chapter 11

216 6 0
By surferboypizza

-y/n's pov-
after safely escorting el back to mike and will, I quickly made my way to the girls bathroom. I burst into one of the cubicles, slamming and locking the door shut behind me with my powers as I miserably sat on the dirty floor in tears. listening to the sounds of employees putting out the fire I caused with fire extinguishers.

the recent memory of the speakers in a blazing fire with the pile of people on the floor played through my mind again, setting off an older memory of mine.


"you have visitors today" the russian spat into my ear, "impress them."
the huge russian man stomped away, the sound of his big boots thumping on the snowy concrete echoed through the cage-like building I was stuck in. with a mechanical noise, the huge metal gates in front of me began to operate and once they were fully open it revealed a line of ten prisoners that the russians held captive. they lowered the weapons they held once they saw a young frail girl standing before them, some even backed away a little. they were shocked, they believed they were about to fight some blood-thirsty monster that could tear them to pieces in seconds.
with a saddened expression I looked up to the people on the balcony, four unfamiliar people stood there, they looked down on the base of the prison, where I stood, as if it was some sports game.
"O-27!" a man shouted in a russian accent "KILL THEM."
they treated me like some dog but I had no choice, seeing as there were visitors I had to fight else the punishments would be severe.
I took a deep breath in before raising my right arm out, and one by one the prisoners began to levitate a few feet in the air. they squirmed about in my grasp as I snaked the line of men about in the air.
after playing with the prisoners like some toy for a few minutes, I collected them all up so they were squished up into a ball. a ball made of human beings who had done no harm at all to me, the visitors watching began to cheer. I sealed my eyes shut as I felt a warm heat blow past me, the sounds of agonising pain filled my eardrums. I let go of the hold I had on the prisoners and listened to the thud of them hitting the ground. I opened my eyes to find that there was no longer a fire, no longer any men, just a huge pile of ashes with steam coming from it. tears flowed from my eyes just like how the blood flowed from my nose.

-end of flashback-

I gasped loudly as I pulled myself back to reality, my whole body was shaking in fear. muffled arguing could be heard from outside the bathroom, it sounded like mike, will and el all having a go at eachother.
I remained trembling on the floor for another minute or so until I heard a blood-curdling scream. I shot up from where I cried on the floor and sprinted to where the sound came from. I looked out across the rink to find el standing there, holding a bloodied roller skate above angela's fallen body. I continued to run over to el, reaching her side just as mike and will did.
angela's nose was all crumpled and blood poured down her face, whereas el shakily held a skate, scared of herself for what she had just done.
"what did you do!" bellowed mike angrily.
"el- that was-" will started but he couldn't find the word to describe it.
"awesome" I finished for him, but it was the exact opposite word he was searching for.

-time skip-

police and ambulance had now arrived at the rink. the paramedics surrounded angela as she cried.
"can you tell me your name?" asked one of them.
"um- angela" angela stuttered as the blood-soaked cloth was held on her face.
"do you know where you are angela?" the paramedic continued to ask questions.
"rink? rink o mania, I think?" she sobbed.
"good," the paramedic said "now, where does it hurt?"
"my head" she cried.
"your head hurts?" the paramedic repeated.
"and my nose" she weeped, she continued to cry and make a scene, all of the rink-goers surrounding her.

I sat, perched upon one of the illuminating yellow tables, a reassuring hand on el's back, she had a tear stained face and a bouncing leg from being nervy. her breathing hitched everytime angela sobbed.

-time skip-

we were all now squished up in the van, yet again. but this time el chose to not sit by mike, she sat closest to the right window with me next to her. whereas mike sat closest to the left window with will beside him.
"I know this might be upsetting and shit, but that future prom queen is gonna be fine." Argyle assured el, "I mean, it's just like rubber wheels."
"Plastic" Jonathan corrected.
"Oh" argyle exclaimed.
"Not like hard plastic" Jonathan continued as he twisted around in his seat to face us as we all sat sulking in the back, "just- just the soft kind."
"Totally" argyle agreed, "but you ever wonder why wheels aren't wood, man? Or metal? It's so people don't get hurt when they get shmacked."
"Ohh" Jonathan slurred.
"Yeah, because it happens more than you think man." Argyle informed, before swinging around to face El, "roller skate attacks."
El's expressions sunk even more at this so I placed my hand on the top of hers and softly rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb.
"Man, hey. At least it wasn't an ice skate." Jonathan announced.
"That nose would've been sliced clean off, man!" Argyle exclaimed.
'Wooing' and 'Ahhing' came from Jonathan and argyle as they thought of this.
"It could've been so much worse" argyle said.
"So much worse." Jonathan added, "I'm the grand scheme of things, it's just a little blip."
"That's a funny word man" argyle told him.
"Blip" Jonathan repeated.
"Blip" Argyle copied his actions.
They shared their 'blips' until it came into the pattern of jaunty music.

I continued to comfort El as she gazed out the window, clearly upset.

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