chapter 27

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-y/n's pov-
el slipped her socks off one by one as Jonathan set up some static on the radio.

el was now standing in the freezer, the glasses rested on the top of her head. she gripped onto the sides of the container for support as she knelt into the water before reaching for her glasses and putting them on. once she laid back in the water and began to float that was when I realised how much it looked like we were doing a satanic ritual.

the lights began to flicker whilst making an ominous buzzing noise.
"wild~" whispered argyle as he gazed at the lights.

"I found them." announced El a few moments later.

Mike and Will shared a concerned look as el spoke again, "they're carrying a light, a blue light.

"El, what's going on?" I asked her a few minutes later.

"It's not working.." trembled el.

"what? what's not working?" asked a confused will.

"max's plan." she replied, her body still and unmoving as she rested in the tub.

after a few silent minutes el suddenly spoke again, "he has her."

everyone all shared anxious glances as the lights continued to flicker.

the noise from the lights grew louder and the pace they flickered grew also.
I could tell El was trying to focus by the look on her face.

"What's happening now?" Asked Mike.

"I think.." El's voice echoed, "I am in a memory, a max memory."

"Do you see her?" Will inquired, "do you see max?"

"No." Eleven answered, "but she's here, she has to be.

moments later, el spoke again, "I found her. But she's young, she can't see me.. Can't hear me."

"Do you see anything.. weird? In this memory?.." I asked her.

"any sign of vecna or the mindflayer?" Will added.

"No, everything is normal..." El informed to the group, "...there is something.. that doesn't fit. I think it is another memory."

"A memory within a memory?" Argyle whispered dozily.

a long silence passed, but nobody's worries faded away. suddenly, el began to shake and the water rippled as she did so.

"she's fighting him." mike announced as we all looked up at the lights which were going batshit crazy.

minutes with no noise from el came and went. but then she began hyperventilating and it looked as if she was struggling to breathe.

I grabbed her hand as I yelled, "EL! EL WAKE UP!! WAKE UP EL PLEASE!! GOD PLEASE WAKE UP EL!!"

"she can't breathe!!" Jonathan exclaimed.

"HELP ME! HELP ME!" I shouted whilst the others helped me lift El out of the water and onto the table.

on the table she was gasping for air and her body shook as she tried to.

"El, can you hear me?" I asked, pleadingly, "El! El! Can you hear me? El?!"

"Y/n," Mike tapped my shoulder so I turned to face him, "don't stop trying, okay? you love her, you need to wake her."

I nodded determinedly as I faced El again, "El? I don't know if you can hear me, I really doubt you can but.. but if you can.. I want you to know that I'm right here, okay? I'm with you. And.." tears slipped down my face as I cried out, "and I love you... please can you hear me?.. I love you. this is the first time I've ever said it but I mean it, okay? ever since that day last year.. at school, it was your first day.. a-and as soon as you walked in I thought you were the prettiest person I'd ever seen... and when you were told to sit by me.. my heart burned and I was so so happy. but I was even more happy when we became friends.. choosing to hang out with you, the new kid, was the best decision I'd ever made and ever will make in my life. truth is, I was so so sad and well.. jealous when I found out you had a boyfriend. And then when Angela started picking on you.. I knew that I had to protect you.. I had to keep you safe. And I've tried and I've tried every day since but I- I just.." my sobs echoed through the room, my powers acting up due to my emotions caused the temperature of the room to increase, "I've let you down, I've let myself down, I've failed myself.. but that will never, never defeat the fact that I don't love you, because I do. I love you with my whole entire heart, words cannot explain how much I love you.. and to loose you now.. well, my whole world might as well fall apart. you're my saviour.. and I love you...
I love you.
and I just will not be able to function without you.." the words just wouldn't stop spilling out my mouth as I told her how I felt, how I truly felt, "so that's why.. that's why you need to fight. you need to fight for me, for max, for you.. for everyone. you need to fight, you have to fight.. and I believe in you, oh god do I believe in you."

el regained her breathing and her body stopped shaking.

"Fight!" I yelled at her, my voice dripping with determination and hope.

The lights started to flicker again as I took her hand, "that's it El.. you're doing it.. well done.. well done. Fight el, fight. FIGHT!"

"FIIIGHT!" I let out one last battle cry.

-*insert stranger things outro*-

leaving you guys on a cliffhanger haha I'm so evil, ik, ik. 😈😈

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