The Lost Princesses- COMPLETE...

By zoehill0130

385 33 2

What happens when a girl has the whole world on her shoulders, discovers an unknown secret and has worst high... More

N.O 1 Sophia Elizabeth Davidson
N.O 2 'Can I help?'
N.O 3 'Long story '
N.O 4 'yesterday'
N.O 5 'They're cute'
N.o 7 'Happy Birthday' Part 2
N.o 8 The beginning of something
N.o 9 Its what flows through you
N.O 10 - The Mirror
N.O 11 -The Prophecy?
N.O 12 - Athena?
N.O 13 - Secrets.
N.O 14 - The Futures Past
N.O 15 - She
N.O 16 - Alone?
N.O 17 - Get Answers
N.O 18- peace
N.O 19- Training
N.O 20 - The library
N.O 21- Magic lesson 1
N.O 22- Memories
N.O 23- Peatro
N.O 24 - i'll find you
N.O 25 - She did it
N.O 26- Found
N.O 27- I've got you
N.O 28 - 'She's here'
N.O 29 'Together?. Always'
N.O 30 'Her story'
N.O 31 'You're supposed to be dead Bitch'
N.O 32 The End.
N.O 33 Epilogue

N.O 6 'Happy Birthday'

10 2 0
By zoehill0130

The sun beamed through the windows, leaving no trace of the rain that happened last night, showing the rectangular patches of brighter wallpaper that covered the wall. After the movie had finished, they awoke the two on the sofa and made them go to bed. Inviting Alex to go to their spare bed. He left early in the morning, claiming he had to go buy something.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" mum and dad says bursting through the doors of her bedroom and comes round my bed kissing their baby girl on the cheek.

"Thanks guys" she replied, her arms winding their way around their bodies pulling them in close.

"Here are first present for you" mum says pulling a small box that was wrapped in 18th paper from behind her back.

"First present?" she questioned. Usually when it someone's birthday they would just search for one present that that person wanted. It wasn't because they didn't love them it was just that they have always been strapped in money, so you just learnt to appreciate even the small gift.

"Of course, it's your 18th we are not just going to get you one present " he says feigning offence. Pressing a hand against his heart

Her fingers gripped the box tight enough that it wont slip form her grip but not denting it at same time. pushing her pillows up she sat up resting her body against the fluffy object .

"Come on then, open it" mum, says practically jumping upon and down

A smile pulled her lips at her mother's actions. Anyone would have thought that it was her birthday instead. She shook the box to try and figure out what it could be. The object rattling in the seemingly empty box.

"Oh, come on" her mum said jokingly

"Calm down love, she's going to open it in her own time" he laughed.

Laughing quietly her fingers slipped underneath the paper, taring it off the box. Opening the box carefully she met with an old looking necklace that looks like it been well loved. The necklace has a moon with a few stars hanging from the chain. It was perfect.

"Thank you, it's beautiful" she whispered her eyes enchanted by the dainty piece of jewellery. She held it up in the light, the necklace dangling from her fingers.

"it's what I got for my 18th and I thought that you should have it" mum says

"Thank you" carefully placing in back in its box she moved towards her mum who now sat down on the edge of her bed. She wrapped her arms around her figure, giving her a squeeze before letting go and sitting back where she was. Her eyes already admiring the necklace.

"Do you want help to put it on?" mum asks he hear full to the brim with the knowledge that her daughter loves her present.

Nodding Sophia carefully placed the necklace in her mother's palm before turning around so she could put it on

"there" she says placing her hand on her shoulder. After a few moments her dad coughs, getting their attention

"Come on then, let's get you to school" dad says hitting me jokingly around the head

Moaning she reluctantly got out of bed to get ready for the day. "Turning 18, man you would have thought that gives me the privilege of having a day off" she whispered under her breath whist browsing her clothing options.

"Not today missy" he replied giving her quick kiss on her head before leaving the room

"you'll get your other presents later" her mom says before placing her hand on Sophia shoulder and giving her a kiss.

"Thanks again mom" Sophia rested her hand on top of her mother's giving it a small squeeze

Nodding her mother then left the room her feet pattering on the faded wood in her wake.


The ride to school was filled with chatter, mostly just Sophia trying to get her dad to slip up on her other presents that they had gotten her. However, their conversation was cut short when the big building approached them.

"Have fun at school." Charlie said leaning over the car console to give her kiss on the cheek.

"Schools fun? when did that happen?" Sophia said jokingly

"Yeah alright" he says waving his hand lazily at her

"Oh, and I might be a bit later home tonight" he avoided her gaze slightly.

"Really?" the laughter dropping her face at the words. To be disappointed would be an understatement.

"Yeah sorry, I can't really miss this, you know I would if I could" he gave her a sympathetic look.

"No, its fine, I'll see you later, love you dad" without looking back at him she turned and opened the door, hauling her bag onto her shoulder and made her way to the school entrance.

The hallways filled with the chattering of fellow students talking about the latest gossip and the slamming of the lockers as people make their way to class. As she made her way through the crowd, she is pulled into someone's arms just ass she makes it to her locker.

"Happy birthday missy" Mira says as she pulls back. Reaching into her bag she pulls out a small balloon and a present. Small balloon being a big one that she had somehow fit into her bag.

"Uhh, please tell me that is not for me" she pointed at the large 18 hovering in the sky "I do not want any more attention than I already get cause people hate me"

"Oh, come on" she says giving a blank look. It was almost as if she was saying 'you're boring' without actually saying it "it's your 18th have a little bit of fun" she wined.

Sophia hadn't even started the day, but she could already feel the burning eyes in the back of her heads. Turning her head slightly she could she the attention that the balloon was already getting. Discomfort slithered its way into her chest.

"No, you can do whatever you please with those balloons but I don't want to have to deal with them, plus I really want to just get to my locker and go to class" Sophia points towards the locker that Mira now stood in front, blocking her from even reaching the metal box

"Fine, I'll get rid of it but you have to take this" she hands over the box that she held in her other hand. Mira has never been good at wrapping presents and this year it was clear he hadn't gotten any better. The box was covered in insane amounts if paper and tape. But at the end of the day at least she tried.

"Thanks, you didn't have to"

"of course, I did, what bestie would I be if I didn't get her an 18th birthday present?" she exclaimed. Clapping her semi empty hands together.

"Ok well I'll meet you in class" she pauses "once I have put these somewhere" waving the balloons around. Before any thing else could be said she had already walked away. She was a woman on mission.


After placing her things in the locker including her present, she would open it later, she had rushed into her first class of the day. Sitting down she grabbed all her stuff out of her bag placing it on the small desk in front of her before realising that she had forgotten one of the most important pieces of equipment

A pen.

Turning to the person next to her she was met with a familiar face. Alex. A smile made its way onto her face at the sight of him. "Hey can I borrow a pen?"

"Uh yeah sure" he says bending over to the side reaching into their bag grappling a fairly new pen and handing it over.

"here" he says his eyes searching her face.

"Thanks" Sophia smiled warmly at him their hand touching slightly as she grabbed the pen. Her fingers tingled at the contact. He looked at her one last time before turning back to what he was doing.

The time seemed to move slowly as the teacher began to explain the questions that they were going to answer. luckily though the work wasn't too difficult and she finished it rather quickly. unluckily however it meant that she had too much time left causing her to zone out of the lesson

"Sophia, can you answer the question" a voice broke her trail of thoughts, looking away from the clock her eyes met the teachers who were looking at her expectantly.

"Uh...what's the question?" her cheeks flared up.

"Of course, she can't her brains too small for that" Megan buts in, laughing

"Stop it, Megan!" Alex turned in his seat to face her. His glare deadly. He didn't look to happy at her behaviour. After all this wasn't the first time that it had happened.

The teacher shushed the class quickly. Trying to dispute the argument that was brewing. His attention back on Sophia's shrunken body as soon as she finished.

"I hope you listen next time, please Sophia, this could be vital to your education" he says pointing at me, my face heating up the second

Placing her head on the table she just wished that that ground would swallow her whole. Embarrassment very quickly took shape of anger as her gaze found her pen. Sometimes she just wishes that she could throw something or hit Megan around the head. Maybe then she would grow a pair of brain cells.

"OW!" Megan's voice rang through the now quiet room. Everyone had turned to see what the problem was "who the hell it me with a pen" she growled out

Sophia looked the pen that Megan had in her grasp and the lack of one on her desk. Did she? No, she couldn't have. Could she?

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