It's You | Harry Potter

By malfoysho

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Harry Potter love story. Years 4-7. Mature content. Ruby & Harry swore up and down they would never develop... More

Year 4: 01
Year 5: 31


2.1K 42 26
By malfoysho

"Try me, Evans."

I had never been so confused over boys. I knew I needed to find a way to escape Cormac. I also knew I needed to finally figure out what I was feeling for Harry... But it was growing more and more obvious what I was feeling when I could hardly breathe around him after what had happened at the Gryffindor party last night.

I thought long and hard about how my brain should have been falling for Cormac by now and Harry should be out of my interest entirely, but I couldn't convince myself of it. Kissing Cormac felt like a regret instead of a joy, and all I could think of was sitting in Harry's lap for much longer than I'd anticipated and hearing his chuckling while we talked for hours.

So now I'm in a bit of a pickle, and there weren't many people I could come up with to talk to about all of this into great detail, except for my personal love doctor himself who had already suggested an intervention...

"Give him the fucking boot." Fred told me bluntly with his hands crossed on the library table while I finished telling him every part of the last few weeks. I let out a sigh of disappointment and bit the inside of my cheek. "No, Ruby. Don't even look conflicted about this. As your older brother, I'm not asking, but telling you to give that prick the big ole goodbye. Adios. Good-riddance. Arrivederci. Sayōnara, sucker." He waved his hand back and forth dramatically to help me get the hint.

"But— he helped keep-"

"No. No 'buts'. Did you even hear any of the words you just told me? So, he starts off like your typical dream guy. He tells you things you want to hear, he feeds off of your attention, he's perfect in every way— just like Angelina said— and then when he gets you hooked, he can start to dig the claws in a little deeper." He told me thoughtfully.

"But he-"

"I'm not finished. This guy has called you names, made fun of you, had you complete his work for him, embarrassed you in front of everyone to make himself feel more empowered, says horrible things about the people you are friends with, took advantage of you in a drunken state— I mean, you nearly punched Malfoy for that once!" He raised one brow and gave me a crazed look that didn't understand what I liked in the guy.

"I just... I wanted to find someone that wasn't Harry because I saw how that ended the first time." I admitted quietly while I picked at my fingernails. "I thought I should move on. He was the first guy I really noticed when we got to school so I rolled with it." I mumbled.

"Well, don't worry about moving on anymore. We're going to get you back together with him." Fred told me confidently. I shot my head up and looked at him with eager eyes. "You just have to wait for his dumbass to catch on to how you two feel as well." He said in a less confident tone.

"But I don't even know how I feel." I told him, and he narrowed his eyes as if to challenge me.

"You like him, Rube. Let yourself admit it. He is flying through your mind like he's on his Firebolt and chasing a golden snitch." He hummed cheery tone. "So, I know that the timing all sucks, and waiting around for him is even harder to do, but if you can just get him to come back around again... y'know... work that charm you have on him... I bet it happens in no time." He nodded like he cracked the case as he leaned back in his chair. "You have him wrapped around your finger. If you just let him see how much you still adore him in that type of way, I think it will work itself out. I nodded to myself while I thought it over, and I slumped my shoulders in defeat.

"I think I still like Harry." I whimpered while I stared at the table.

"Ha! Really?!" Fred gave an exasperated gasp as he smiled his cheeky grin at me.


"Honestly, these classes are going to be the death of me." Parvati groaned with her papers skewed all over the coffee table. "Divination used to be my best subject, and now I'm suddenly drawing a blank. How on Earth am I supposed to see the future?! I can barely get through the present!" She huffed.

"Professor Trelawney always says not everyone has the eye. Not all of us can be so fortunate." Lavender said with a triumphant grin before Seamus scoffed next to her.

"You don't have the eye either, Lav! No one does. That old bat makes these things up!" He argued with her.

"That's why you should just follow our philosophy, Parvati. Ron's the best at it— it's called 'make that shit up and turn it in.' Last week Ronnie told her he was going to get dragged into the lake by a Grindylow within the next 4 months and she bought every word." I giggled with a hand on my stomach.

"Okay... How about, I'm going to witness something I've been dreading for weeks." She asked over her shoulder, and I gave her a nod of approval.

"Ron, come up with something else ridiculous so she can turn her paper in." I nudged his shoulder and he scratched the back of his neck while he pondered for a few seconds.

"You're going to trip and twist your ankle— nothing drastic, but enough that Pomfrey will have to give you a potion for the pain." He nodded his head once like he was proud of his answer. All of us giggled and laughed while Hermione and Harry whispered to each other on the opposite couch. He and Ron were still avoiding one another, and Harry looked completely out of it tonight. His mood was concerned and I could tell he was closing himself off from everyone else just by how his posture was slumped down on the couch.

"What's she doing in here?" Lavender stood from the floor next to Parvati, and continued to stare at the Beauxbaton girl that was in the middle of the common room. She appeared lost as she looked around at every one, and my brows furrowed even more when her face lit up and she approached me like we were the best of friends.

"Can I help you?" I asked her slowly while I blinked a few times. Ron leaned closer to me to stare up at the girl behind our couch as well. I really wish I knew french right about now... Her English is not the greatest.

"Cormac's cousin! I need help." She looked around the room with a bewildered expression. "I've lost the exit." She huffed. My head shook slightly and Ron was the one to ask the question.

"Cousin? Who the hell is McLaggen's cousin?" Ron turned around and glanced between our small group to figure out the family tree.

"Her," she pointed right at me and my mouth fell open, but I didn't know what to say. "I've seen you with him a few times, and he explained how you are related. I was just leaving his dorm, but now I don't remember where the exit is." I heard a few gasps behind me, and I didn't want to turn around and meet everyone's expressions that would make me feel even worse.

"Pardon, but if you don't mind me asking, what were you doing up in the boy's dorms?" Dean cut in behind me. Thank God they were all here to ask the questions that were stuck in my chest. All the confidence I have, and I can't even bring myself to speak.

"Cormac always takes me to his room to hangout. For a while he was hanging out with a bunch of us, but he slowly started to weed out my friends and we've been going pretty steady. I think he's going to ask me out soon." She said happily with a doe-eyed, love-struck smile. I could feel my frozen jaw still hanging open like a fly trap. Harry was right all along...

"Spare me the major details, but how steady are you and my cousin?" The word dripped off of my tongue like venom and she scrunched her pointed nose at my sudden attitude change.

"Very steady. We hold hands when we go for walks, and he leaves me little notes to find. I'll save you the details about our snogging-" she cut herself off with a laugh, and that was the last piece I wanted to hear.

"How charming." I said bluntly. "The exits out that portrait." I pointed to the exit and felt my breathing increase. She gave me a thankful smile before she skipped along her way.

"Ruby," Ron whispered while I kept my back towards everyone else and stared at the portrait hole over the back of the couch. He placed his hand on my back and rubbed a small circle on it. "Ruby, you're crying." He mumbled so no one else could hear.

It wasn't that I was sad. I wanted to leave Cormac anyway and this was all the more reason. I was so pissed off that I couldn't do anything but cry, and I didn't know how to shake this embarrassment that all of my friends had just witnessed.

"I just want to be alone." I squeaked out to him with a frown before I scurried off of the sofa and beelined for the girl's dorms.


"When I see him, I'm going to lay it on him." Ron continued to promise me— like he had all morning long while I took my turn in accompanying him and Hermione got Harry— but my stomach was in knots for other reasons while we sat in the bleachers. Why was I not informed that Harry would be up against a dragon for this stupid tournament?

"Ron, that's great, and I know you're using that to distract yourself from paying attention to Harry, but-"

"Well, for good reason! I'm still angry about what happened the other night! He chucked a-"

"Potter Stinks pin at your forehead. I know. You've told me a dozen times." I practically snapped while I followed Harry with my eyes and my leg was bounced rapidly in suspense.

"No need to have your panties in a twist." Ron huffed while he linked his arms together over his chest. "Maybe I won't beat up McLaggen for you after all." He turned his nose up to pretend to give me the silent treatment. The students around us continued to shriek and squeal as the suspense of Harry's firebolt flight grew.

"I'm sorry." I sighed before I rubbed his leg with my hand. "I'm really freaking out. I just want him to be okay." My throat closed off at the end of my sentence.

"Ruby, he's going to be fine. He and I practiced for two days straight. He's fine." She tried convincing me while she watched him intently too, but her tone was as unconvincing as it could've been.

"I'm still mad that you didn't mention this was the task!" I pointed at her, and she shrugged like she didn't care it had upset me.

"You would've been panicking for days— just like this— and he needed to concentrate without your worry making him more stressed." She said knowingly.

"Now's my chance." Ron randomly said with the most confidence I had ever heard from him, and 'Mione and I shot our heads in his direction in confusion.

"Hey, McLaggen!" He stood up and shouted at the boy that Ron had figured out was just a few rows below us. "You're dead from the neck up if this is what you're willing to give up to be a slag!" He pointed his thumb in my direction and I covered my red face now that everyone was watching us instead of Harry. "She's a catch, and you were lucky! Maybe I should climb down there and knock some sense into you!" Ron started rolling up his sleeves, and everyone grew more interested. Cormac looked at him with wide eyes before they flickered towards me.

"Ruby, I have no idea-"

"Oh, shut the fuck up!" I finally had enough as I stood next to Ron and looked down at the boy. The nerves over Harry, plus the rage building within me had snapped something when Cormac tried covering his tracks. Now his eyes really grew from surprise. "You're the worst cousin ever! I'll pummel you myself!" I pushed Dean and Seamus aside in front of me and tried crawling over them, but George had grabbed ahold of my collar and yanked me back in to my seat.

"No you won't!" Fred grabbed ahold of me as well and forced me to sit.

"Don't ever speak to me again!" I screamed down at Cormac.

"Ruby, your hair!" Hermione gasped with fright before she grabbed the one inch section in the front.

"What-" My confusion shrunk when I noticed that the sliver of hair in between her fingers had abandoned it's natural brown color and had taken on a platinum white. "Bloody hell- what is that?" I shrieked. "Is that going to go away?! What does the rest look like?!" I asked her in a panic before I pulled the chunk into my own hands to see.

"It's just the one section!" Her voice was just as worried.

"Would you look at that!" My attention left my new hair and snapped down to Harry who held the golden egg in his possession. "Our youngest champion is the quickest to get his egg!" The lot of us forgot everything else while we jumped up and down and screamed with joy. Until my screams turned to sobs of relief, and I had my arms clung around Ron's neck while he was letting out deep breaths that I knew he had been secretly suppressing the entire time.

"Let's go see him, c'mon!" Hermione grabbed my arm and dragged me while I clutched onto Ron's jacket and pulled him along. We raced out of the stands and found our way to the pitch just like numerous other's had. Harry's beaming smile left a few familiar faces before his eyes locked on mine and his happiness grew more— if it were possible.

"H, you did it!" I squealed, wrapping my arms around his neck and leaving the ground to greet him— just like the day he showed up at my house over the summer. "I was so scared. Don't ever keep something like this from me again— what if something happened to you? I didn't even get to talk to you this morning before you had to leave." I whispered into his ear all at once while my legs wrapped his waist and his arms snaked around my back to hold me up. It didn't take long before my bottom lip was quivering and I was hidden away in the crook of his neck.

"What, like we needed a last goodbye? As if I'd leave you behind. Who would torment you if I died? Ron isn't nearly as good at it." He gave me a breathless laugh before he could hear my sniffles right by his ear. "Awe, don't cry. I'm fine, love. It's fine." His voice took on a softer tone and he tightened his hold on me. "We're fine."

"Harry!" Hermione cheered as her torso pressed against my back and she hugged both of us. Next thing I knew, I was being held up in the center of Harry's enormous group hug, but his arms never left my legs or my back, and his chin never lifted from my shoulder as he whispered cute things in my ear that I'd memorize forever. I could hear Hermione's sobs hitting the back of my shirt from the relief that flowed through each of us.

This was one of those moments in life that I knew I'd never forget, and just the thought of how much every one huddled together meant to me was enough to make my heart swell.

"Harry, whoever put your name in the Goblet— I reckon they're trying to do you in." Ron shouted over the cheers of the crowd while he hugged Harry and I from the side.

"Caught on have you?" He asked Ron coldly. "I just want to forget all of it. What's done is done. Best mates forever." Harry said in a tired voice, and I felt Ron's grip get tighter. The flashing camera caught my attention, and I rolled my eyes at Rita Seeker hovering all of us.

"I need to go see Pomfrey." Harry sighed as he loosened his grip on me and let out a wince. I could tell his adrenaline was started to die off by the way his face became a pained expression. "I'll meet you guys in the common room." He placed me down on my feet and gave me a weak smile. He glided his thumb over my cheekbone softly, probably in an attempt to calm my worried face. Before anyone could ask what was wrong, he was being dragged off towards the champions' tent.


The party was in full swing, and Harry had sheepishly been making his rounds through the room to talk to everyone while we all indulged in the liquors and treats that the twins had snuck in through the tunnels with the Marauder's Map. Students from all the houses and visiting schools had crammed into the Gryffindor tower to celebrate Harry and Krum's tie for first.

"It was brilliant! Right after you guys left the bleachers, he socked him! Longbottom of all lads!" A drunken Fred had his arm wrapped around the shaggy haired boy's neck.

"We're celebrating you, Neville! What a sack in the nose!" George raised his cup while they swayed on unbalanced feet. Neville was as red as a tomato while he scratched his neck.

"You're the best, Nev! I can't believe you did that for me!" I smiled before I threw my arms around his neck. I had been having loads of fun at the party, but after how sick I had been the last two times, I was taking it easy. "I'd pay for footage of you punching Cormac!" I laughed as I pulled back. He flexed off his beaten knuckles and shrugged like he was the coolest guy here.

"It's whatever." He sighed, and Fred and George had pulled him off in the opposition direction like he was a trophy to tell the story to a few others.

"There's my gorgeous gal," Harry's soft voice came from behind me, and I turned on my heels from surprise. "I figure Rita will have our new column out by tomorrow. She was eating that hug from you up like it was Christmas dinner." Harry chuckled, bringing his red cup up to his smirking lips and taking a sip. "Woah! What did you do to your hair?!" He asked with wide eyes as he did the same thing Hermione had done, and scooped the new blonde streak of hair up into his fingers.

"We, uh- we don't know..." I admitted while he studied it. "How are you feeling? I've been worried since you left us out on the pitch." I asked him rapidly as my eyes scanned him over. He gave me a lazy shrug and pulled the collar of his shirt down over his shoulder so I could see the large scratch.

"I think the liquor's doing all the talking. I haven't felt it in a few hours, but Pomfrey said it would need cleaned up again." He sighed. My eyes widened and I dropped my cup to the floor to get closer— making the contents splash at our feet.

"H, you're bleeding!" I panicked, and he let out a wince as my fingers touched him.

"Well, when you do that it hurts like a bitch." He seethed through his teeth while he dragged in a breath.

"Come on, I'll clean it up for you-"

"Rubes, it'll be fine." He protested, but I was dragging him towards his dorm room anyway. "It's just a cut. No biggie." He argued, and I shot him a strict look over my shoulder as I walked up the stairs that made him chuckle. "You're cute when you're intoxicated." He teased with a slight slur, and my cheeks warmed up while I stuck out my tongue.

"You seem worse off than me for once." I chuckled while I pushed his door open. He let out a long breath and heading towards the bathroom.

"The more I drank the better it felt." He told me innocently. He leaned back against the edge of his bathroom counter and waited for me to come in. He pulled his shirt over his head carefully, and revealed the scratch that looked much worse in lights that weren't colorful and strobing. I was taken aback from the view in front of me, but I pushed my personal thoughts aside and focused on taking care of him.

"I wish this hadn't even happened." I sighed while I grabbed a rag off of the hanger and rinsed it in warm water.

"I'd take a scratch any day. I'm just happy to have survived." He giggled, and I let out a light laugh as well as his words fumbled together slightly.

"So am I." I agreed. I kept my touch delicate as I dabbed the cloth over his wound.

"Were you really scared?" He teased while he held on to my elbow for stabilization. His thumb rubbed up my bicep, and I felt a shiver jolt across the back of my neck.

"Of course I was. Worse than the time we watched that movie in my living room." I reminded him with a hint of laughter in my tone. "I'd never— I don't think I could—" I thought of the proper response to get my feelings out and shook my head. "I don't ever want a life that you aren't in. You're my person." I said lowly. He hummed while he looked down at me with a goofy grin and I felt my nerves growing despite my liquid courage.

"Look at me." He laughed lowly. I obeyed immediately, and my eyes ventured to his warm smile.

"What?" I whispered. I grabbed the small container of purple paste he was supposed to use on the cut, and rubbed some of it onto his skin carefully so every inch was covered.

"Your hair looks really hot like that— and you're so precious." He chuckled deeply while his good hand found my cheek instead of my arm and stroked it with his thumb. My eyes shot up to meet his through my lashes, and I stopped in my tracks. He could hardly keep his eyes open, let alone mean the things he was doing and saying.

"And you're drunk." I sighed with a hint of disappointment as I continued my work. He licked his tongue out over his bottom lip and tilted his head to the side so he could meet my gaze a little better while he still cupped my jaw in his palm. His hair fell in the same direction, making me smile from the ridiculous look of it.

"As are you." He said quietly. I let out a shaky breath.

"I'm tipsy. You're drunk." I corrected, and he ignored me before he changed the subject.

"I love doing that to you." He gave a small shake of his head.

"What? Staring at me?" I teased while I wrapped a bandage around him to stop the cut from bleeding again. My eyes kept flickering over his torso that was starting to develop into a muscular figure, and I felt my heart start panging as I touched his warm skin. His fingertips tapped against my neck softly while he cupped my chin.

"No— I mean, yes— but that wasn't what I was referring to. I love flirting with you. And making you feel nervous. I can feel your heart pounding from your pulse." He poked my side with one of his fingers, and made me jump with a gasp from the ticklish feeling. "Too bad you aren't as good at it." He made fun of me with an amused smirk.

"Not as good at what? Flirting?!" I asked him with shock in my voice. "Please! I always had you in the palm of my hand!" I argued with him. He didn't look convinced, but he was enjoying this.

"After watching how you acted with McLaggen every day, I figured I must have just really loved you. Your version of flirting is comical. You don't even know what good flirting is." He continued to wind me up with narrowed eyes and a cocky grin while he released me and leaned back on his hands.

"Do you need a refresher? Because I'd bet that I'm better at it than you are." I challenged in a lower voice, and he narrowed his eyes behind his glasses and his smile grew a little more.

"Try me, Evans." He dared in a whisper.

My fingers grazed across the waist band of his sweats as I peered up into his gaze that changed colors rather quickly. His sparkling emerald had turned to a deep forest color, and I was locked into a trance. I let the pads of my fingers slowly run over his warm and soft skin that covered his firm abdomen, and I heard his breathing hitch and a throaty sigh escape his throat from the shapes I was drawing. His smile was gone while he studied me, but I held my innocent look while I inched my touch towards his hip.

"You've probably been having the worst time moving on from me." He tried to joke, but failed. "Just can't resist, can you?" He said confidently while he held his serious stare with me. I gave a soft shake of my head to disagree and ran my tongue over the inside of my cheek.

He was intoxicating for me, more so than the drinks we had both had tonight. I couldn't help but crave his attention all the time— and feel empty when he wasn't pouring himself into me. He always had that effect on people. He had a way of making everyone feel important and safe— and warm.

"That's not true." I protested. One side of his mouth curved up at the edge to call my bluff.

"It's disobedient to lie to me, Rubes." He whispered in a husky voice before his hands found my hips and gave them a possessing squeeze. I let out a quiet gasp and the jolt my body did pressed me against him. I was trapped between his legs while he leaned against the counter, and we were entering a position where abstaining from his lips that were right there was feeling impossible.

"What about your other 12 girlfriends, hmm? Do they lie to you, too?" I asked him. My hands snaked up the sides of his torso before they found his neck and slid behind it. The tension in the room could be sliced by the Sword of Gryffindor right now. It's all a part of this act. That's all. Who flirts better with who.

"Now, that really isn't true— I don't have 12 girlfriends, and you know that." He shook his head with a subtle pout like a little kid.

I was growing more nervous from how long we had let this go on. I knew better because I was more sober than he was. We needed to stop. But, fuck... I don't want us to stop.

"It's disobedient to lie to me, Harry." My hushed voice muttered. My eyes looked back up at his from his lips. He flashed his pearly teeth in a wide smirk from how I mimicked his phrase, and he pulled my body against his by my hips like he meant to do it this time.

"You lie more than I do." He mocked me. He let his arms wrap around the back of my waist and he held me right where he wanted me. We had shared one too many intimate moments like this recently.

"How so?" I quizzed him, and he didn't answer as he kept his eyes locked on mine. Just a few inches separating our faces.

Now was when I realized we could hear the music downstairs echoing in the background. Before, it seemed like the rest of the world was empty and there was no party. There weren't other girls. It was just me and my boy as he slipped his hand under the back of my shirt and traced circles over my hot skin.

"What's this really about?" I shifted on my feet with the uncomfortable question. "Is it because you're drunk? Or you just want to one up Cormac?" I cleared my throat. I was expecting him to give me a humorous smile, but instead he shook his head with a straight face.

"I heard how that ended today, and McLaggen is the last thing on my mind right now. If I didn't already, I think I have him beat." He whispered. I gave a smile of approval for his sweet answer before I hugged him closer to me and let my cheek rest against his.

"Ditto." I agreed in an airy whispered. I felt him shift his weight as he held me tenderly.

In a split second, he tilted towards me and pressed his lips against the base of my neck. A choking breath slipped from my lips while my eyes shut from the relief of feeling something to ease the craving I had felt for him for days. I tipped my head as he kissed the spot below my ear painfully slow.

"Harry," I gasped as my arms tightened around his neck. I heard and felt his soft groan part through his lips and fan over my skin from my noise of surprise.

I was shocked by this side of him— and of me. It was a side that had been dormant until this touch, and my abdomen clenched from the satisfaction of his affections. This was a new feeling. The one they describe in books and movies, but it doesn't compare until you actually feel it... Hormones.

He sucked on the skin between his lips lazily— soft enough that it wouldn't leave any damage behind, but enough that my knees were buckling. The only thing blocking my brain was worry that he wasn't in the state to mean what he was doing.

"H, you're really drunk." I told him in a huff. I curled my fingers into the hair above his neck and claimed him like he was doing to me— even if just for a second.

"I'm worried you can't think properly." I choked out after he had ignored me and ran his fingers up my spine under my shirt. His lips moved over my skin carefully like they already knew exactly where they wished to go. For the life of me, I could not stop tugging on his dark hair that pulled him closer.

I was nervous and excited, and had no idea what kind of reaction I should be having to this because in all the time I had known Harry, these were no where close to the interactions we had ever shared. Fighting, bickering, teasing, laughing— that was how this relationship was supposed to go. A few hugs and adorable kisses had even made the list. But nothing this intense.

"I lose the bet. You're better at this than me." I stammered out while I squirmed in his grasp. He let out a deep breath and finally got himself to detach his mouth from my throat. He rubbed his nose against the sensitive spot his mouth had left and laid his warm forehead on my damp skin against my pulse point.

Maybe he had felt the same way I had, and he was just as conflicted. One taste wasn't enough to satisfy him, and that's how we ended up like this. Or he was simply under the influence.

"This has nothing to do with that— trust me." He muttered silently. I didn't know what that was supposed to mean, and I didn't know what to say as I stared into the mirror behind him and watched his bare back move with his breathing while I loosened my grip on his jet-black locks.

That's when things got awkward. We had gone from a zone of friendship that was already hard to describe, and now we had entered a grey area that felt even worse within a few seconds time. If I didn't know where we stood before, I was completely blind now. This wasn't how this was supposed to go, and now I felt scared it was going to screw up what we had going on.

"We should go back downstairs." I said with a tight throat. Harry hesitated for a second before he nodded along.

He stood up straight for a minute, and just by the look on his face, I could tell that he didn't like the new feeling in the air just as much as I didn't. I wanted to crack a joke, or tease him for how his hair looked— maybe even throw a fit that he needed to put a shirt on because my dad would kill him if he knew what had just happened, but I couldn't get myself to do anything but move backwards until my back hit the opposite wall with a thud.

"Ruby, I-" He started to say with a deep look in his eyes that suddenly seemed sober. He bit his swollen and flushed lips and paused. Harry was always the one to deescalate the situations, and as usual, I was more than thankful for it.

"I promise you that this wasn't for reasons you probably think." He whispered with a small shake of his head. "We aren't about bets, or drinks, or getting back at people that you've given your attention to in the past." My eyes widened. I lost all thoughts and blurted out the first sentence that came to my mind in response.

"I don't think I can stay away from you." I admitted the truth that had gotten us into this mess. I clamped my mouth shut, and tried to keep my head from spinning as he looked at me with a sweet expression that both comforted me and terrified me. "I- I feel-" I inhaled a deep breath, and tried to keep from getting worked up while I searched for words.

"I feel, too." He gave a knowing smile that looked just as guilty as my stomach felt. "It's okay." He leaned off of the counter and threw his shirt in the laundry. He extended his hand towards me and nodded his head towards the door. "C'mon. Party awaits." He said coolly like nothing had happened.

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