Love Me Dead

By gl4ss_eatr

16.6K 372 1.3K

when fan finds a pretty cool experiment for test tube, they both try their best to keep it humane, meanwhile... More

bad thoughts
bad dreams
get up
report pt2
lights out


970 21 81
By gl4ss_eatr

Streams of golden light leaked out through fans closed blinds as the sun rose to make a brand new day.
He sat up and leaned on his bed frame.

"All she needs is a little push"

"I don't care. I'm not doing that. I'm a good person."

"Are you sure?"

Fan shivered and got up
"YES. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to go be a good friend and actually help test tube."

He picked his keys up and walked outside

'if I was a good friend I wouldn't be thinking about this..'

He slammed his car door shut and started driving to pick up the lab rats, deciding to cancel on the dog as he got overwhelmed easily and it was a puppy, so it'd be more hyper, which would be a bad thing for both him and the dog.

Technically what he was picking up wasn't even really lab rats, they where a bunch of guinea pigs, but fan looked up if they were a good replacement and came up with... mixed answers.. He was sure it'd be fine though..

Once he ended up at the house he was picking them up from, he saw two stressed parents yelling at each other on the porch of a broken down home.
He cleared his throat
"Uh, so sorry to interrupt, but is this the right address for the.."

The mother looked at fan, her expression softened
"Oh- no no, you're fine, let me just go get them"
She went inside the broken down house.

The father glared at him
"Hi sir im-"

"Don't call me sir" the man slurred his words, in a harsh, angry voice

Fan looked at him, confused
"Jeez.. okay?"

The man started yelling at him
"You think I don't know who you are? You're just someone's stupid delusional daughter"

"I- what?" Fan was being backed into a corner

"don't act all innocent. You're fine."

Tears threatened to fall from his eyes.
"I'm not-"

the mother opened the door to see her husband lashing out at him
She sighed, walked up to fan, and handed him the cage of guinea pigs
"I'm so sorry about him.." She said in a hushed tone

Fan nodded quickly and ran to his car


"It's not my fault!"

The sounds of an argument lingered in his mind.
He shook his head quickly.

"C'mon fanboy! Play some music, the good kind please!"

Fan sighed as he put lightbulbs playlist on
They all shared an account with no adds, so it was pretty convenient.
The music blasting in the car gave him no time to dwell on the interaction with the two people he had met earlier.

Test tube sat in her lab.. dwelling on fans idea earlier, she had already made a hypothesis, and done enough research, but she couldn't help but considering fans offer. If she had another human being to experiment.

she wouldn't have to worry about her data being inaccurate, and therefore her being wrong.. hell if she was wrong on something as simple as this, then who's to say that she hasn't been wrong about everything from the start?

She sighed and wrote down what her first experiment would be if it ever came down to it.


OTHER INFO: paralyzed from her waist down
What would it take make a human regrow limbs?

She put it down on her desk before tending to a bigger issue. The escaped subject.

She had laid out what seemed like millions of traps, but it hadn't worked to catch the vermin running rampant in her lab. She decided to take a break for a day, and fill her lab with neurotoxin while she would be gone, oh and of course drain the toxic gas out before she would re-enter.

Test tube grabbed a notebook and exited her lab, before hitting a button on the vending machine to fill her lab with poison. she heard footsteps speeding towards her in the soft grass.

Fan rushed up to her with a box in his arms
He took some deep breaths and started to speak
"I-i got youu a- some more subjects-" fan stuttered from trying to catch his breath

"Oh! Fan, uhh.. my labs being cleaned right now.. maybe tomorrow?" She looked him in the eyes

His face heated up
"Uh- okay dokay?"

Test tube thought back to how fan had drank the potion, she figured it'd be a bad idea to leave him alone.
"Maybe we could just hang out though"

Fan looked at her with a smile and nodded quickly
He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the hotel lobby, where soap was cleaning the counters, mumbling about tissues stupid condeshawn.

Fan put music on the TV and leaned on Test Tube, writing on his phone quickly.

"Whatcha writing?"

"I'm writing to indefinite island, asking for an easier way to travel back and forth"

"Hm.. sounds neat, but why?"

"Uh.." fan chewed on his shirt collar, making a hole in it
"I just really think they shouldn't have to stay on that ugly island, and I'm concerned about the food, and-"

fan rambled on about reasons, but test tube knew he was lying. Thing was whenever he lied he would over explain every little detail about what he was lying about, if he was telling the truth he'd probably say cuz he wanted to.

"You aren't lying are you?"

"No, if I was lying I'd tell you!"
Fan slipped up, quoting something he'd heard while rewatching ii

"Wanna get some hot cocoa?"
Test tube changed topic

"UH- of course I do?!" He said In a fake offended tone
Time skip to night

Test tube sat on the couch, she and fan were watching a movie about some all powerful star?
Fan had been talking about how the stars backstory had been strung out through multiple other series, but around the last episode, he had gone silent. Test tube looked at fan and realized that he had been sleeping on her lap. She picked him up and carried him to his room, before going to sleep in her own.

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