The Book of Emotion

By Sullyletmechangeuser

625 40 12

I'm gonna give this more detail for you guys.You have to have finished Season 4 of miraculous to understand w... More

Transmission (The Kwamis Choice Part 1)
Deflagration (The Kwamis' Choice Part 2)
Conformation (The Last Day Part 1)
Re-Creation (The Last Day Part 2)


11 1 0
By Sullyletmechangeuser

Kagami's POV

Master Su-han thought that training for hours on end would unlock the power of healing. I knew that wasn't going to be the case. I needed to find out how to bring Marinette back to life, alone.

I didn't tell anyone, where I was going; or even if I was leaving. I took the Ladybug miraculous and my miraculous with me to London. When I got on the airplane to London, I felt at peace. I thought that I could've just sat back and relaxed.

"Kagami I feel a bad aura." Lonng told me.

I looked through the window, and saw none other than Climeater siting on the edge of the plane's wing.

" Longg that's not just a bad aura, it's an evil one." I told him.
I got up quickly and walked to one of the flight attendant.

"Ma'am I have complaint. There's something on my window." I told her.

" Oh please show me!" She insisted. I walked her to my seat, and pointed to the window. She saw Climeater and was in shock. Suddenly, Climeater turned and looked at the flight attendant through the window. She smiled wickedly.

" There's a-a-a- villian!" She shouted out. The passengers on board heard and some came to look. Suddenly, she disappeared. In flash, all the lights on the plane turned off. The plane started to shake like it was inside a tornado. Passengers started falling left in right. Some of them were in tears. I fell to the ground, almost breaking my ribs. Lonng and Tikki fell to the ground too.

" Lonng, Tikki,Unify!" I yelled.

I transformed into Tento Dragon. I got up from the floor as it shook. I could barely stand still. I looked at a broken window, for about 6 seconds before jumping into it.

When I jumped out of the airplane, I saw the catastrophic storm I was in. I was inside an actual tornado. I looked up and saw Climeater, looking down at me. She gave me a cold stare. I started controlling the air in the tornado, in an attempt to calm it down. I managed to stop in a few minutes.

"Sweet Relief!" I told myself.

I didn't see Climeater, which was fine. Less fighting for me, I thought.

When I arrived at London, It was around 11:30 P.M. The sky was black and it was cold.

I went to a local hotel to sleep. I saw a lady near the front desk. I ran to her in a hurry.

"Hello, Do you work here?" I asked the lady.

She looked at me and smiled.

"Yes, Ma'am just please wait for a moment." She told me.

The lady was around my age. She had beautiful blonde hair with blue eyes.

She walked to her front desk that has her computer.

"How may I help you?" She asked me.

"I was wondering if I could get a room, please?" I asked her.

"Can I get your name?" She asked me.

"Kagami...Kagami Tsurugi." I told her.

She started typing on her computer.

"May I please get your credit card?" She asked me.

"Of course!" I said.

I grabbed my credit card from the back of my suitcase. I handed it to the lady.

"I'll be right back." She told me.

She walked away and came back about 15 seconds afterwards.

"You're ready to got to your room." She said.
She handed me my room key.

" Your room 18 on the 1st floor." She told me.

I grabbed my key and waved goodbye.

When I arrived at my room, I was already tried. I dropped my suitcase and ran to bed. I jumped on it and went to sleep.

"Goodnight." I said to Tikki and Lonng.

In the middle of the night, Tikki woke me up.

"Do you have any food? Lonng and I are hungry."

I got up from my bed and checked my purse. There wasn't any food, which was strange because I packed what felt like a whole Thanksgiving dinner.

"The food must have fallen out of my purse when Climeater attacked the plane."

The kwamis seemed disappointed.

"I'll try to get some food for you but not at this hotel." I said.

I left the hotel with the kwamis and went to a restaurant. When I opened the door, I quickly realized it wasn't just a restaurant. It was most known for being a club.

"This is the most inappro-"

"Who cares? They have food!" Lonng shouted.

There were waitresses that looked like models (Some barely had clothes on). The music that was being played felt like a porn ad. One waitress walked up to me with a cigarette in her mouth.

" Sit wherever you want." She said.

She had the strongest New Jersey accent and was clearly not from London. I grabbed the cigarette that was dangling from her mouth and dropped it on the floor.

I walked to a random table and sat there.

"I feel like I'm going to die of starvation!" Tikki complained.

A different waitress walked to my table.

"Hello! We have French fries and fried chicken today and some left over popcorn." The waitress said.

"I'll take all of that."

"Ok that'll 12.95."

I handed her some money and she walked away.

" Kagami isn't that the lady who works at the hotel." Tikki asked me.


"On the dance floor!" Lonng yelled.

I turned to the dance floor and saw the lady from the hotel dancing with Felix. I was in shock.

The waitress gave us our food and I was starving. Tikki and Lonng digged almost at each other. I watched the lady dance with Felix for almost an hour. It was shocking how Felix could have a girlfriend who probably didn't know that he was the reason that most people lost their happiness. When they finished. I walked to them.

"It's you!" I yelled.

"Oh hello! I don't think we got to properly introduce ourselves this is Felix and I'm Emma." She told me.

I shook Felix's hand. He didn't seem to remember me.

"Nice to mee-"

That's when Felix found out that I was Kagami.

"Are you both dating?" I asked Emma.

"For 1 year."

"Wow that's so nice."

Emma checked her watch to see what time it was.

" I better get going." Sje told us both.

She kissed Felix on the lips and waved goodbye to me. When she left, a girl walked to Felix and her arm around his.

"Are you spying on me? Can Adrein just give it a rest?" Felix asked me.

"Are you cheating on Emma?"

Emma walked back inside the club to grab her phone but secrets was listening to Felix.

"Emma's not worth it. I mean she's not the one for me. I have multiple little ladies who don't care about me and I don't care about her." Felix admitted.

Emma was hurt. She was right behind him but he didn't know that.

"Turn around, Felix!" I demanded.

He turned around and saw a crying Emma. She ran away outof the club in tears.

I ran after her outside.

"Poor girl." Tikki said.

I looked at the ground in shame. I don't why but I felt guilty. When I looked at the ground there was a little puddle. When I looked at it, I saw Marinette.

"What the-"

"Kagami, it all up to you now." Marinette said.

I heard a scream in the distance. I ran to the noise. It was Emma and she was being attacked by Wizardo.

"I'm back!" He shouted.

"Leave HER ALONE NOW!" I yelled.

He proceeded to shoot lightning bolts at her. She got electrocuted repeatedly.

"Lonng,Tikki, Unify!" I shouted. I transformed into Tento Dragon.

I controlled the earth around me and threw it at him. It seemed to do nothing to him. He seemed invincible. He shot a big lightning bolt at me which almost killed. I collapsed on the ground. I felt paralyzed. Suddenly, I felt energized and happy. I finally unlocked the power of healing.

I controlled the water from the ground poured it on my body (which healed me). Wizardo knew he wouldn't stand a chance so he ran away. Emma collapsed on the ground.

"Emma!" I screamed.

I ran to her and healed her with my water.

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