Reborn as Infected Sans

By Errorfics404

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What if someone died and he was reborn as Infected Sans. What he will do in multiverse. What if it involves a... More

I am a who now?
Meeting Bad Guys and my name is Infected
Infected and Bad Time Trio becaming friends.

Infected vs Error404, meeting with nightmare and Ink

1.3K 72 25
By Errorfics404

When I was done with my business. I did felt good helping Bad Time Trio, for some reason I had bad intuation. I shrugged it off, perhaps I am being paranoid. I ended up in some kind of space, right now my LOVE reached 20, which made me astronomically more powerful than before. I smiled at my progress. Don't get me wrong I know that there is a lot of beings that can beat me, but their count are shrinking as I get stronger. 

Suddenly I saw someone, he looked like that. 

I instantly knew who this guy was. Famous Error404, the most powerful Sans in Multiverse, at least for time being. I wondered what he was doing here, it was not Mainframe, we were in random place in Multiverse, I think he noticed me. He turned to me, his gathe full of hate, I am not surprised by that, Infected did kill his brother and destroyed his home, so his hate is undestandable. I got ready for a fight, it is definitely unavoidable. Besides I am not a pussy who runs away from battle. 

He charged at me with insane speed, I barely dodged, it seems he is not holding back. Well I need to be serious. I picked him up and slammed him onto the ground, cracking whole place. But he countered with his own punch, I felt that. 

Infected: Man that hurt

Error404: Hehahhaaha trust me you will be in so much pain that you will regret ever stepping in my au. 

Infected: We will see about that

I summoned my bones, they aimed at Error404. He created his bone wall for protection, it did it's job but it collapsed nonetheless. 

Error404: You are stronger than before, no matter that will change nothing. 

We were at it. Our fight was affecting not just an au but much more. We both could literally destroy multiverse, if he wished to do. I stroke him with my axe dealing decent damage to his health. 

Error404 only got more frustrated and furious. His attacks were reckless like he was not thinking but acting. Despite his attacks increased potency and speed, it was easier for me to defend and counter to them. I once again slammed 404 onto ground, then I summoned my blaster that dealed more damage than I have done before. 404 was now hurt and had only half of his initial hp. 

Error404: For now I will leave, but I will find you and kill you. Mark my word Infected. 

Then he left. 

Bruh man it's not what I wanted 404 is after me. Thank God I am stronger than ever before or I would be in trouble. I sighed that is a long day truly. However I need to go further. I feel like something else will happen soon. 

For now I should not worry about it. Still I am quite shocked by this encounter. never thought I would meet him here. Anyways I need to leave. I teleported out of this place. I decided to go into other aus. I want to acquire knowledge about this Multiverse curent state. I need to do what I must. 

Escaping from that place I found myself in kind of realm. I think there is a lot of negativity in this au. Figures Nightmare is somewhere then. He finally to pay me a visit did he. Perhaps I should prepare then. Never know when he strikes. Obviously he isn't going to face me all alone. At least I don't think he is that stupid. He should have some information about my power either from his lacques or  Error himself. I am exicited. Though I need to look out for 404, when the time comes. 

I sense danger approaching rapidly. This is it. I turn around to see Nightmare. His goopy appearance and tendrils all present. I positioned my axe in more battle mode to make my moves easier and more devastating. He looked confident. How perciliar he probably has plan in mind. I am sure of it. I can say there are a lot of people at this particular location. Not bad Nightmare, but you are gotta try harder than that. 

Infected: Look who the cat dragged in. I stated looking directly at Nightmare. He knew that I am talking about him. I noticed his worry, despite his best efforts to hide it. Okey Nighty the game is on. 

Nightmare: You are not worried at all? He asked looking as confident as possible trying to make me fear him. I really wanted to laugh at him. I decided to not to would be too disrespectful. Maybe I should have done it to engolf his resolve for defeating me. I am convinced he will do exactly that with or without his army of his. 

Infected: What should I worry about you with your little army? I ask smiling with crazyness. He looked with shock. I really creepily laughed at him. He really thought I am not going to realize his plan or sense auras of his army? I can say it's some Sanses and mostly Charas. 

Nightmare: How did you? He asked with more worry. I do not sense fear, which is good. I am going to hold back to give them slight chance of doing something. They won't be able to do anything,if I will go full power. It will end too quickly. 

Infected: So what are we going to do here? I questioned waiting for Nightmare to finally attack me. That will send signal to others most likely to do same. Let's see what he is going to do. Nightmare stands for some time. Then he goes for me. He lengthen his tendrils to impale me. I easily cut them with my axe. He narrows his eyes and then looks at another direction. So he is saying to assist him. Well let's watch their teamwork. 

Suddenly gaster blaster fires at me. I react instantly by creating wall of bones, which protects me. I saw that this was Dust. I notice figure running to me at high speeds. I bloock incoming strike. It was Horror who tried to overpower me, but had no luck. I punch him so fast and hard he comes crushing into nearby mountain. The power behind my punch and landing was enough to leave krator in it. It seems Horror is not available now. Killer tried to charge at me when I am distracted. He used his knife, but I just created bones that shotted to his destanation. He managed to move away, but still had to ditch his attack for that. I see several Charas coming from all directions. It seems they are trying to overwhelm me by numbers. 

What a fools. They just made my job easier. I impale Charas with my bones. This killed them instantainiously. Other Charas watch in horror at their comparedes dead bodies and at me. Poor creatures, but I am not done yet. I swing my axe creating humongous slash. It flew right to Chara's. A massive explosion was emitted from my attack. Nightmare's army is diminishing more as I fight. He isn't looking worried for now. But he is definetely quite perplexed by me. 

Charas: Nightmare what we do. This guy seems to be too powerful even for all of us to take on. Charas exclaimed very sure about this statement. They knew for a fact Infected was just too strong. They saw he was holding back even now. He did not even use his gaster blasters yet. 

Nightmare: Shit I can't risk you dying here. Leave to my castle. Hopefully those Charas that was killed by him is there. This might be turning really bad. All Charas leave after his command. He realized that no matter how hard they tried, they would never defeat Infected. He was simply too powerful. In fight he seemed to get stronger, which only decreased their non-existant chances. 

Infected: What? Already giving up? Come on we were only getting to good part. I say knowing that Nightmare won't be able to continue on. He most likely came into conclusion that I am way out of their league to face on. This is true because even this broken version of Error, which I am sure is weaker than Canon one would annihialate them. I am far stronger than him. Shame I didn't use any of my gb's or my souls(fires). I did hold back considerably, but it helped them very little. 

Nightmare: I admit we are too weak to face you even with sheer numbers. It will only make things worse cause your attack seem to be very powerful on aoe. I am defeated. I did not believe Error, when he warned me that you are stronger than him. I thought it's just a hunch, but you proved me wrong by easily defeating us. Dare I say you held back during this fight. 

Infected: Good you can go. Maybe I will help you some day. But I will not join your gang. Sorry. I stated in convincing tone. Nightmare nodded he was about to leave, when he was hitted by golden arrow. I recognised it as his brother attack Dream. Shit that means Ink is here. Well It would happen anyways. I motioned for him to go away from here. 

He teleports looking at Dream, who was away from me in about 10 meters. Ink and Swap Sans were present there as well. My first meeting with Star Sanses. It would be cool, if I wasn't killing bad Friskes and Charas. I am not going to tp just yet. I want to see how they will act about me. 

Ink: Who are you? I don't remember creating Sans that have appearance like yours. Perhaps I just forgotten or you are from naturally created au. Probably that. It's the only explanation. 

Dream: I have a better question. What were you doing with Nightmare here? Dream said with a bit more hostility than I expected. Something wrong I can feel it. Is it doing of that being? It is a possibility. I thought about how I should reply

Swap: I think Nightmare offered him to join in, but he refused. Blue discovered my reasons about being here. He is smart I will give him that. I am not surprised even. He has Papyrus personality. 

Ink: It isn't like Nightmare to disappear like that. He normally recruits someone with force, if necessary. Ink says as the matter of factly. I am going to lie he tried, but things didn't turn too well for him. I was his opponent to his extreme disluck. 

Infected: Well we did have some disagreement about him recruiting me. However I refused his offer, due to my own reasoning. Unsurprisingly he made decision to gang up on me with his little servants. Unfortunately with army he wasn't able to made me join him. Let's say I forced him to ran away from here. The sheer audacity. I said conviction. That is true or parly true. Hopefully they will let me go without a fight. I am not really feeling like fighting this guys. 

Dream: You lie. It's impossible that you were powerful enough to even defeat my brother alone not even accounting that army, you mentioned in your tale. Simply too unrealistic. You either joined him or he would kill you. He stated while pointing his golden weapon at me. Terrible he seems to be set in stone. Is it necessary to convince him though? I need to try it. 

Infected: Why is it so unlikely for you to believe? I asked curiously I don't think this Nightmare is even half here what he is in Canon. Despite that he still strong. Just not to me. I am build different. Dream cannot see that I can tell. 

Ink: I think he tells us truth. Despite how unbelieving it may sound. I am actually impressed by you. Managing to fight alone against an army with leadership of Nightmare is nothing easily achieved. Even I would need someone backing me to fight Nightmare army, if he brough everyone he had in store. He proclaimed. Good at least Ink believes me. This might be both good and bad. Let's see  how it will turn out. 

Swap: Yes I can see that. There are many sanses and beings out there that can be stronger than Nightmare. Perhaps this Sans is one of them? Swap spitted facts as always. My respect grows more as time passes. 

Dream: Can he explain why does he have 20 LV? Dream only tighter gripped his weapon. Oh yeah forgot he is goodie all shoes. I wonder what will he do, when he listens to my story? This Dream seems to be a lot darker than regular one. I don't really have things to hide. 

Infected: My name is Infected, if you don't know. Let's introduce each other before talking about personal. I suggested. Ink and Swap agreed, while Dream relactengly nodded. He is more suspicious to me as I get to know him. Maybe it's my imagination. 

Ink: I am Ink! Guardian of all Aus and sometimes help with their creation. He said a bit happily. I knew that. Ink of course couldn't have idea that I might know something about him. 

Swap: I am Swap Sans or as I oftenly called Blueberry. He replied a bit solitery. Nah Swap is better than Blueberry. 

Dream: I am Dream! I am guardian of positivity that all you need to know. He answered with bitterness. I looked at them. I settled myself, then started my tale. Of course I told them everything because I had nothing to hide. I wasn't afraid of them. I knew I am much stronger than them, if necessary I am able to defeat them. In seriousness I hope it won't come to me fighting them. They listened carefully. 

After my whole tale. They sat still for time being. Ink watched me, but then his eyes shifted into stars. Shit I knew he do that when he is exicited. I am about to receive an offer. 

Ink: Oh gosh so you are guy that kills evil inside aus am I right? He asked with happiness and exicitement. I simply nod not wasting time for voice answer. 

Infected: I guess I am doing what I think is right. I reply standing. Ink follow as the rest followed him. Swap and Ink seemed to trust me or was not so guarded in front of me. Dream on the other hand only grew his suspicion of me, I could tell about his gathe. Doesn't matter. 

Ink: How about you join us? He offers and asks at the same time. I was cough off guard, but I knew I will not take this offer. Sorry Ink but I am a bit of more alone going. Besides I think he will need someone different. 

Infected: Sorry I can't. That doesn't stop me from helping you though. Here this is device that will allow us to communicate. This also can call me, if you ever in trouple feel free to call me. I will arrive as soon as I can. I state giving him phone and Swap as well. But Dream of course did not accept it. I shrugged him off. 

I was getting ready to teleport, when suddenly. 

Dream looked at retriving form of Infected. He couldn't let him escape. Dream did not buy any lies this Sans spilled. He knew for a facr Nightmare send him to gain their trust, then kill them or weaken them to ascend domination of negativity and his reign on Multiverse. He realised his attack. Ink and Swap did not notice right away. When they did they looked in shock at Dream. 

However Infected did not espect that sneak attack. He took them head on and pretended to fall from that impact appearing to be in fatal state, when in reality this attack did nothing. Ink and Swap approach him, while Dream smirked. He knew that this Sans was not powerful, he wasn't able to endure his attack. How can he hope to defeat Nightmare, which means he lied. That will make Ink and Swap see his deception. However that action made them furious. Dream attacked innocent, maybe not so, but he was ally. Infected did not nothing wrong. He fought Nightmare prior to this and possibly was weakened from it. Dream cowardly attacked him, when he fough battle beforehand. 

Ink: Infected are you alright? Dream what possesed you? Ink exclaimed in anger. Swap also joined in. He was very dispointed in his friend. He saw Dream's true nature. He always knew that Dream couldn't be so nice to others. 

Swap: I am dispointed Dream. Why would you attack an ally like this? Swap said in monotone voice with coldness that could freeze entire ocean. 

Dream: Can't you see he can't even take my attack, how can he defeat Nightmare and his army. See he lied to us. It wasn't even my strongest attack. Dream lied. In reality that was his strongest attack, he wasn't a fool to believe a weak attack would finish someone that can fight off Nightmare Army and come off relitevely unharmed. Perhaps he gave up knowing his limits. 

I laugh as I stand up. They look at me with shock even Dream. He really thought his attack gonna hurt me. He is truly weak. My dispointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. I decided to roast him. 

Infected: Quite facinating that you believe your attack did something to me? Isn't this laughable? Also they fact that you had to lie in order to make Ink and Swap believe you is not noble. I can say this was your strongest attack. I state as matter of fact. 

Ink didn't knew it, but was suspecting it. Swap did knew that as he saw Dream strongest attack multiple times, it was exactly that attack. He would recognise it, even when he is blind. 

Dream: Shit okey. But I am going to watch you closely. He said as he disappeared. 

Ink: Sorry for him. He apologised. 

Infected: Don't worry about me worry about him. Something is wrong with your friend I can tell.

After that we departed ways. 

To be continued(finally)

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