Part of the Pack •Teen Wolf•

By queenwithissues

15.6K 134 12

Teen Wolf Madelyn Stilinski, the younger twin sister of Stiles. Love, emotions, hormones, sex, drama. A norm... More

1.1 wolf moon
1.2 second chance at first line
1.4 magic bullet
1.5 the tell
1.6 Heart monitor
1.7 Night school
1.8 Lunatic

1.3 pack mentality

417 20 0
By queenwithissues

Maddy walks to her locker and opens it. She grabs her books all the while thinking of her dream the night before.

Maddy runs towards Scott before jumping in his arms. "You're okay," she whispers with tears in her eyes.

"Yes, I am. And you?" He asks pulling back from the hug with his hand on her belly.

At that moment the dream started getting fuzzy and things turned into the past, but also something that felt and looked real. She woke up completely drenched as the last thing she dreamed was Scott.

He stood in front of her with red eyes, his claws and fangs out. But he had complete control, yet he still looked very angry. Something had pissed him off, and the cut in her lower arm made her think it was her getting hurt. She still wasn't scared, she felt safe and protected.

Maddy keeps her frown on her face as she remembers his red eyes. They looked at her for a second, but for her it was enough, enough to know that he still loved her. That he still needed her, he still wanted her deep within his heart.

Isaac looks at her across the hall and starts walking towards her. But somehow as she closes her locker and turns to walk away, Scott bumps into her hard. She drops all her stuff and swears before bowing to pick up her stuff.

"Hey," Scott smiles looking at her.

"Hey?" She questions his happiness at seeing her.

"You're okay," he states handing her the book back.

"Are you? You're acting weird," she says with a frown while standing up again.

"Yes, I'm fine. Uhm, what class do you have?" He asks changing the subject.

She frowns but opens her mouth to answer. "Attention students, this is your principal. I know your all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our busses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will preside as scheduled. Thank you." It sounds over the intercom.

"Well, we better go to class," she smiles at Scott who nods.

Maddy sits next her brother in silence while Stiles is taking out his stuff. "Maybe it's my blood on the door," Scott says leaning to Stiles.

"What blood? Did you hurt yourself again?" Maddy asks leaning on the table over Stiles.

"Oh my... Scott had a dream last night that he was making out with you in a bus. Then he started to turn and dragged you by the ankles to the back of the bus, where he killed you in a horrible way," Stiles explains like it was nothing.

"You killed me?" Maddy asks Scott.

Scott looks at Stiles angry. "It could be animal blood, you know, maybe you caught a rabbit," Stiles shrugs trying to get away from the topic of Maddy knowing.

Scott's face gets washed with shock as he frowns. "And did what?" he asks.

"Ate it, of course. Much better then eating me," Maddy says looking at her book.

"Raw?" Scott asks disgusted.

Maddy looks shocked at how stupid he is. "No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven," Stiles says with sarcasm draining his voice, "I don't know. You're the one who can't remember anything."

"Yeah, maybe you did kill someone. Who knows. It was probably a rabbit or something. But next time. Just eat Jackson," Maddy says glaring at Jackson who looks up hearing his name.

Scott opens his mouth to say something but mr. Harris interupts him. "Miss. and mr. stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper you might wanna pull the headphones out ones in a while," he says making Maddy roll her eyes and gather her stuff.

"Here we go again," she sighs.

"I think you three, all would benefit from a little distance. Yes?" Mr. Harris smiles before pointing out three assigned seats to the trio.

"No, sir. We're all good right here," Maddy says making mr. Harris throw her a warning look.

She nods putting her hands up as she gets up to sit next Jackson. "Let me know if the seperation anxiety gets to much," mr. Harris says.

"I think I can already feel it sir. I better sit next to my brother or I'll die with anxiety," Maddy says with a sarcastic smile but getting the same back before he turns to the board and continues his lesson.

Maddy looks at Jackson who is staring at Scott intensely. "Hey, i think they found something," the girl next Scott says jumping up.

Everybody rushes to the window and Jackson stands stangely close to Maddy. He whispers something Maddy's ear causing her to step to the side, away from him. She bumps into Scott who frowns at her but let's her seeing Jackson next her.

The trio watches in horror as a man on a stretcher is rolled out until he suddenly gets up and screams. Maddy doesn't move unlike the rest of the class. Instead she steps closer to the window with raised eyebrows.

Her glossed lips are slightly parted with her eyes on the man that is put in the ambulance. Stiles grabs her hand carefully, making her turn to him.

"I'm okay," she whispers while nodding.

"You sure?" he asks worried.

"I'm not scared of him. What if that was me? Just because i don't fear him," she says with a frown.

During lunch, Maddy sits with Isaac on a stairs. "What do you know about the man in the bus?" she asks.

"Don't worry, he's not dead," he says not looking from his lunch.

Maddy keeps looking at him until he looks up before looking away quickly. The short eye contact is enough for her to notice the bruise under his eye. "Hey, look at me," she says sitting up from where she was leaning against the wall.

He let's out a sigh and closes his book turning to her. "It's nothing," he says softly.

She puts her hand on his cheek and carefully moves her thumb over the bruise. "You have to go to the police, Is. We can talk to my dad, he can help you," she says.

"He's the only family i have left, Mads. I have no one else, but him," he says grabbing her wrist.

She shakes her head. "You have me. You'll always have me," she smiles softly while taking his hand of her wrist.

"I can't lose him. You of all people should understand that," he says shoving his stuff in his backpack before he walks away.

Maddy sighs looking after him before she picks up her book and continues reading until the bell rings. "Maddy, Scott is gonna go on a hang out with Allison, Lydia and Jackson," Stiles says rushing over to Maddy who walks down the stairs.

"I thought it was a date," Maddy says with a frown.

"It was, but Allison told Lydia about it and she decided that their date would be a hang out. And get this..." Stiles smiles watching his sister open her locker, "they're going bowling," he says almost jumping with happiness.

"Scott's a terrible bowler," Maddy smiles.

"I know, but he told Jackson that he was a great bowler," Stiles smiles.

"We have class, come on," she smiles locking her arm with his and dragging him to class.

After school, they start leaving the class with Scott walking between them.

"You're a terrible bowler," Stiles says as they walk down the stairs.

"I know! I'm such an idiot," Scott says in defeat as he puts his hands up to let them fall beside him.

Maddy nods with a soft laugh. "Now that's a fact we can all agree on," she smiles recieving a glance from Scott which she answers with a wink.

"God, it was like watching a car wreck. I mean, first it turned into the whole group date thing. And then out of nowhere comes that phrase," Stiles says letting his face fall in his hands.

Scott puts his arms up."Hang out," Scott says defeated.

"You don't hang out with hot girls, okay? It's like death. Once it's hanging out you might as well be her gay best friends. You and Danny can start hanging out," Stiles says making Maddy frown as she stops walking.

"Wait, so I'm not hot? Ouchie," she says putting her hand over her heart.

"I can't call you hot because your my sister. Scott?" Stiles asks with raised eyebrows as he looks at his best friend.

"I can't call her hot. She's my best friend and my ex, that's weird," Scott says looking at Stiles while Maddy crosses her arms as both boys ignore her presence.

"It's not weird because you guys dated. You can totally call her hot." Stiles says slapping him on the shoulder.

"Well, I mean she is kinda hot. I mean- I- god. Okay, yeah, you are hot. Satisfied?" Scott says turning to his ex who smiles with a satisfied nod.

"How is this happening? I either killed a guy or i didn't." Scott says as he starts to panic.

Stiles gets distracted in his own thoughts. "I don't think Danny likes me very much," he says with a frown.

"I ask Allison on a date, and now we're hanging out," Scott says with a sigh.

"Hey, am I not attractive to gay guys?" Stiles asks.

"I make first line and the team captain wants to destroy me, and now..." Scott pulls out his phone, "now I'm gonna be late for work," he says before he running off.

"Wait, Scott, you didn't..." stiles calls after him as he stops walking, "am I attractive to gay guy," he looks at me, "he didn't answer my question," he says with a diappointed sigh.

"Well I'm not gonna answer it either. Come on, let's go home," Maddy smiles locking her arm with his.

It's already dark outside when Maddy is reading in her bedroom. She's in her reading chair with her hair in a bun and in her pj's.

Her door flies open, but she stays calm as she is reading a new book. "Madelyn!" Stiles yells grabbing her sneakers from the floor.

"Stiles..." she says with a suspicious undertone.

He throws her some sweats from her desk. "Get dressed, we're going to the school with Scott," he says.

"Why?" she asks with a frown.

"Because he wants to remember what happened," he smiles.

"Do i have a choice? Or will you drag me out against my will if i say no?" she asks with a frown.

"You never a choce, we're the three musketeers. Come on," he says before he walks out of her bedroom.

When the trio gets to the school, they all jump out of the jeep. "Hey, no. Just me. Someone needs to keep watch," Scott says grabbing Maddy's wrist.

Maddy pulls her wrist away from him and puts her hand in her pockets. "Great, Maddy, you keep watch," Stiles says.

"You keep watch," she says crossing her arms.

"Stop! You're both staying here. End of discussion," Scott says as Maddy opens her mouth to argue with him.

"Okay, why's it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm robin? I don't want to be robin all the time," Stiles says.

"Nobody's Batman and robin any of the time," Scott says with a sigh.

"Not even some of the time?" Stiles asks.

"Just stay here," Scott sighs.

"Oh, my god! Fine," Stiles groans before taking out his keys.

He throws them at his sister who watched their arguement in silence. "You're the butler," he says as they start walking back to the jeep.

"Why can't i be cat woman?" she asks with a frown.

"Maddy?" Stiles asks her after a while.

"Yes," she says looking at him.

"Do you like Isaac?" he asks.

She stays quiet while she thinks for a bit. "I don't know," she sighs.

"What's the story between you two?" he asks.

She frowns as she looks at him. "We've both lost a parent," she says.

He nods looking in front of them. "He still loves you," he says looking at Scott.

"Yet, he's dating her," she mumbles before sitting up.

She honks as Stiles climbs in the backseat as Maddy starts the jeep. "Go! Go! Go! Go!" Scott yells as he jumps in.

Maddy drives backward until she does a full spin while both boys scream her name. "That is why you don't drive!" Stiles yells at her.

"Did it work? Did you remember?" Stiles asks in the back poking his head forward.

"Yeah, I was there last night. And the blood, a lot of it was mine," Scott says making Maddy look at him with a frown.

"So, you did attack him?" Stiles asks.

"No. I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren't mine. It was Derek," Scott says making Maddy let out a chuckle.

Both boys look at her with a frown and she looks at them "Don't tell me you're surprised," she shakes her head turning back to the road.

"What about the driver?" Stiles asks.

"I think I was actually trying to protect him," Scott says.

"Wait, why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?" Stiles asks.

"That's what I don't get," Scott says with a frown.

"It's got to be a pack thing," Maddy says making them both look at her as if they forgot she was there.

"What do you mean?" Scott asks.

"Like an initiation," Stiles says nodding making Maddy nod.

Scott looks at them both with a frown. "You do the kill together," Maddy says with sigh as she rolls her eyes.

"Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience?" Scott asks looking out to the road.

"Yeah, but you didn't do it, which means you're not a killer. And it also means that..." stiles says but Scott interrupts him.

"I can go out with Allison," he says with a smile.

Maddy rolls her eyes as jealousy sets in while she tightens her hands around the wheel. " I was gonna say it means you won't kill us," Stiles says sitting back in his seat.

"Oh, yeah. That, too," Scott says before looking at Maddy and taking in her scent. "Hey, you okay?" he asks putting his hand on her knee.

She moves her leg away from him causing him to take his hand back. She looks at him with a fake smile before she nods. "I'm fine," she lies before looking into the mirror at her brother before focussing to the road again.

After Scott's date, Maddy and Stiles go to tell him that the bus driver died because of his wounds. They climb in through the window and Melissa almost attacks them with a bat but the three of them start screaming.

"Stiles, Maddy, what the hell are you doing here?" Melissa yells at them.

"What are we doing? God, do either of you even play baseball?" Stiles asks.

"What?" Melissa says as the lights turn on and Scott walks into his bedroom, "Can you please tell your friends to use the front door?"

"But we locked the front door. They wouldn't be able to get in," Scott says pointing at the twins.

"Yeah, exactly. And by the way, does any of you care that there's a police-enforced curfew?" Melissa asks looking at the three.

"No," they answer at the same time while looking at her.

"No. All right then. Well, you know what?" She hands Maddy the bat, "that's about enough parenting for me for one night, so good night," she says walking out of the room.

"Goodnight," Maddy and Scott says as she walks out of the bedroom.

Stiles sighs as Scott pulls out his desk chair and sits in front of him. "What?" He asks his best friend.

"Dad left for the hospital 15 minutes ago. It's the bus driver," Stiles says playing with his hands.

Scott looks at him shocked and a little confused. "They said he succumbed to his wounds," Maddy says playing with her ring that she got from him.

"Succumbed?" Scott asks looking at her with a frown.

"Scott, he's dead," she nods as she looks up at him.

Scott gets up and leaves, the twins eventually leave and go home. Each walks into their own bedroom and falls on their beds.

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