A Different Tale, d.s[1]

By bev_ellen

73.5K 2.3K 125

We know the story of Emma Swan, mother of Henry, daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. But what about t... More



836 40 0
By bev_ellen



At the Miner's Day festival, Mary Margaret and Leroy were trying to sell candles at their booth.

Mary Margaret was holding out a candle, trying to get people's attention, "Buy your Miner's Day candles here! Handmade by Storybrooke's very own nuns! Light your way to a good cause, by buying a candle..." she exhaled sharply in defeat, "This isn't working," Mary Margaret said.

"You're right, we should pack it up," Leroy said.

Mary Margaret looked at him, "Now, you're quitting?" Mary Margaret questioned.

"If the customers don't come to us, we got to go to them, door to door," Leroy said.

"If they hate us here, what makes you think they'll like us in their homes?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Exactly. They'll pay us just to leave," Leroy said with a grin and they started packing up.

Elsewhere at the festival, Elias and Emma were walking together when they saw Sidney at the ring toss stand, and they walked over to him.

"What the hell are you doing?" Emma asked.

"What happened?" Sidney asked.

"I just got off the phone with Kathryn's school in Boston. Registration was this morning and she never showed up," Elias said,

"Something did happen," Sidney said.

"It looks that way," Elias said.

Mary Margaret and Leroy rushed past them, but Mary Margaret stopped and looked at them, "Oh, Emma, Elias! Help me out!" they looked at her taken back, "What's more sympathetic? Um, scarf or no scarf?" Mary Margaret asked as she unwrapped her scarf.

"Sc-Scarf," Elias and Emma said, surprised.

"Okay," Mary Margaret said.

"Come on, we're on schedule," Leroy said.

"Oh, uh, thank you. Got to go," Mary Margaret said before she and Leroy rushed off.

Sidney looked at the twins, "Why didn't you two say anything? You're looking for a suspect, someone with a motive. Pixie cut over there's got one a mile high," Sidney said.

"She had nothing to do with it, trust me," Elias said.

"But she's the one-," Sidney began to say.

"Trust me," Elias interrupted him, "We know her. Just get us those phone records," Elias said and they walked off, leaving Sidney.

"That was a little..." Emma said.

"This whole town is a little bit of that," Elias said.

"Hmm, true," Emma said.

"Any leads on the computer?" Elias asked.

"None and her phone records aren't here yet, so that doesn't help," Emma said.

"Right..." Elias sighed, "It's strange, isn't it? A whole town, unknown to everyone," he looked at his sister, "But it exists," Elias said.

"Must be one of those hidden gems," Emma said.

"Yeah, but where's the gem?" Elias asked and they laughed before continuing to walk through the festival crowd.


Elsewhere, Mary Margaret and Leroy walked up to their first door where Leroy knocked, and a man answered the door eating a carrot with a woman beside him.

"Hi. We're selling candles for Miner's Day," Mary Margaret said with a big smile as Leroy stood beside her, holding two boxes.

"We're not interested," The woman said and shut the door.

Mary Margaret and Leroy tried several more houses, but each time they had the door slammed in their faces.


Dreamy and the rest of the dwarves were eating and drinking inside a tavern. Dreamy was sat off to the side by himself when Bossy joined him.

"What's the matter? You barely touched your food," Bossy said.

"I don't know. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I don't feel at all like myself. Maybe I should have Doc take a look at me," Dreamy said.

"You're going to trust a dwarf that got his medical degree from a pick axe? I wouldn't worry about it. Dwarves don't get sick. It must be in your head," Bossy said.

Belle, who was sat at a neighboring table, overheard them, "It's not in his head," she looked at them as they turned to her, "It's in his heart. You're in love," Belle said.

"Well, that's impossible. Dwarves can't love," Bossy said.

"Trust me. I know love, and you're in it," Belle said and Bossy dismissively waved before joining the others.

"What's it like?" Dreamy asked her.

"It's the most wonderful and amazing thing in the world. Love is hope. It fuels our dreams. And if you're in it, you need to enjoy it. Because love doesn't always last forever," Belle said.

"But, if love's so great, then why do I feel so bad right now?" Dreamy asked.

"You need to be with the person you love," Belle said.

"Yeah, but how do I know she feels the same way? All she talked about was going to see some fireflies, not loving me," Dreamy said.

"What?" Belle cleared her throat, "What did she tell you about these fireflies?" Belle asked.

"Uh, that she was going to go see them on the hilltop tonight. That she heard they were the most beautiful sight in all the land," Belle chuckled, "What?" Dreamy said.

"She wasn't telling you about the fireflies. She was inviting you to go be with her," Belle said.

"You think so?" Dreamy asked.

"I've had my heart broken enough to know when somebody's reaching out. Now go. Find your love, find your hope, find your dreams," Belle said.

End of Flashback

In the volunteer center, Astrid was picking up apples that she dropped when Leroy and Mary Margaret walked in. Leroy walked over to Astrid as Mary Margaret stood off to the side, and watched.

"Sister Astrid?" Leroy said.

Astrid looked at him, "Hi," She said.

"I have to talk to you. See, I have some bad news," Leroy said.

"Oh, no," she stood up as she looked at him, "What is it?" Astrid asked.

"The bad news is, that...that..." he couldn't bring himself to tell her the truth, "You nuns are going to be real busy making candles, cause me and Mary Margaret just sold them all. You're not losing the convent. You're not going anywhere," Leroy said and Astrid hugged him, happily before walking off.

Mary Margaret pulled him to the side, "How could you tell Astrid that we sold all those candles? That is five thousand dollars, Leroy. Five thousand dollars that we don't have," Mary Margaret said.

"Don't worry about it, alright? I got a plan," Leroy said.

"What plan? A plan like going door to door and having everyone in town laugh in our faces?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Just give me till the end of the day. I'll figure something out," Leroy said.

"And why is this so important to you?" Mary Margaret asked.

"The nuns...they're going to have to leave," Leroy said.

Mary Margaret's eyes widened, "Oh, my God! You like her! She is a nun, Leroy. Could you possibly pick anyone any less available?" Mary Margaret said.

"Says the girl who went after a married guy? At the end of the day, you're no better than I am. You got your reasons for being here, I got mine. And when I say I'm going to get that five thousand dollars, I'm going to get that five thousand dollars," Leroy said and walked out of the volunteer center.


Dreamy ran through the forest and up Firefly Hill, where he found Nova waiting on him.

"I didn't think you were going to show up," Nova said.

"I was afraid I was too late," Dreamy said.

"Well, you did cut it pretty close. Come on," Nova said as she took hold of his hand and led him to a clearing on the hill, where they were able to see the village lights below.

"Wow! Look at all those lights. Are those the fireflies?" Dreamy asked.

"No!" Nova chuckled softly, "That's the village," Nova said.

"Oh," Dreamy said.

"And, beyond that, all the lights of the kingdom," Nova said as she gestured to the lights in the distance.

"You've seen a lot of this world, haven't you?" Dreamy asked.

"From a distance, yes," Nova said.

"What's wrong with that?" Dreamy asked.

"Flying over the world and being a part of it aren't exactly the same thing," Nova said.

"Well, at least you've seen the world. Me? I live in the mines, underground. All I ever see is diamonds and dirt and dwarves. You know...we could see it together. Get a boat, sail all over, explore everything the world has to offer," Dreamy said when suddenly hundreds of fireflies appeared all around them in the night sky.

"Oh, look!" Nova and Dreamy smiled then looked at each other before Nova leaned in and kissed Dreamy, "Okay, let's do it. Tomorrow night, after I drop off the dust, let's meet back here. We'll run off together. We'll see the world," Nova said.

"Sounds like a dream come true," Dreamy said.

End of Flashback

At the docks, Leroy was trying to sell Mr Gold his boat in order to earn money for the nuns.

"Now, I know it's a bit of a fixer-upper, could probably use a new coat of paint, a few spritzes of Febreze here and there, but you can't tell me that five thousand's not a reasonable price for this beauty," Leroy said.

"Three thousand, I think," Mr Gold said.

"I need five," Leroy said.

"You need five? To what do we owe the specificity?" Mr Gold asked as he looked at him.

"Trying to help out a friend," Leroy said.

"Oh, I see," Mr Gold said.

"Look, you don't even have to pay me anything. Just forgive one month's rent for the nuns," Leroy said.

"The nuns?" Mr Gold questioned.

"You can have the boat. They'll pay you back eventually. It's a good deal. You get everything," Leroy said.

"So, that's what this is about?" Mr Gold asked.

"Come on, you're a rich guy. You can afford to give them time to make up one month's, right?" Leroy said.

"You're right, I could," Mr Gold said.

"So, great," Leroy said.

"But I won't. I have a fairly specific rental agreement. If they miss a payment, I'm within my rights to evict," Mr Gold said.

"Oh, come on. Why don't you-," Leroy began to say.

"And, quite honestly," Mr Gold interrupted, "It's going to be a great relief to be rid of such distasteful tenants," Mr Gold said.

"You don't like nuns? Who doesn't like nuns?" Leroy asked.

"Oh, I have my reasons. And they're mine. Let's just say, I have a long and complicated history with them, and leave it at that," Mr Gold said before walking off towards a car, and getting in.

"Not helping them?" Nadia asked.

"Certainly not, don't even try to change my mind," Mr Gold said.

"Wouldn't have worked if I tried. You're a very stubborn man, Mr Gold," Nadia said as she watched Astrid walk to Leroy before pulling away from the docks.

"Well, you're my nurse, so you have to put up with me," Mr Gold said.

"I didn't ask to be. I was told to do it," she glanced at him before focusing on the road, "You're nothing but an assignment, a piece of work...both physically and mentally," Nadia said.

"You're a lot like your brother, you know that?" Mr Gold said.

Nadia glanced at him before pulling over and parking, "What is that supposed to mean?" Nadia asked as she looked at him.

"Well, whenever you're told to do something, you always do it," Mr Gold said.

"Okay," she shrugged, "So, maybe I'm just nice in that way," Nadia said.

"Or maybe...it's a way of filling a hole that you have. Tell me," he looked at her, "When was the last time you were with someone?" Mr Gold said.

Nadia's gaze hardened, "That's none of your business," Nadia said.

"Ah, there it is. A way to fill that hole," Mr Gold said.

"Get out," Nadia said.

"You're my nurse. You need to-," Mr Gold began to say.

"I don't need to do anything," she interrupted, "Get out of my car. You can walk home," Mr Gold opened the door and stepped out, closing it behind him, "Consider this a warning, Mr Gold," he looked at her, "Next time, you talk about someone's personal life? Make sure you're not in a car with them...where they have your life in their hands," Nadia said and drove off, leaving Mr Gold behind.


At the Sheriff's station, Elias and Emma were looking at pictures from the crash site on a bulletin board when Sidney walked in with a folder.

Elias looked at him, "You find something?" Elias asked.

Sidney handed Elias the folder and he opened it to see the phone records, "Kathryn's phone records. Every call she made the day she crashed her car. Including an eight minute call between her and David within an hour of the accident," Sidney said.

"That's not possible. He said he didn't speak to her that day," Elias said.

"Then, he's lying," Sidney said.

"No. I know when someone is lying, and David-," Emma began to say.

"It's right here on paper, Emma," Sidney interrupted her, "Phone records don't lie, people do. And our friend David does it better than most. Don't beat yourselves up over this. You're not the only people David fooled," Sidney said.


At Granny's Diner, Mary Margaret was having a drink as Nadia stood opposite her when Leroy walked in, sitting beside Mary Margaret.

"I'll have what she's having," Leroy said and Nadia nodded before getting him a drink.

"Well? Did you get it?" Mary Margaret asked.

"What do you think?" Leroy asked.

"I think you're right. I was dreaming if I thought the town harlot and the town drunk could accomplish anything," Mary Margaret said.

"Yeah. Just dreaming," Leroy said.

"Nothing's wrong with dreaming," Nadia served Leroy a drink, "Because that's, where some of the best ideas come from," she smiled, "Trust me. I do a lot of dreaming," Nadia said.


Dreamy was trying to sneak out while the other dwarves are slept However, Stealthy was awake and cleared his throat to make himself known to Dreamy.

Dreamy turned around and saw him, "Stealthy," Dreamy said and the other dwarves began to wake up due to the noise.

Stealthy walked towards him, "You know, if you wanted to sneak out, you should've come to me," Stealthy said.

"You're leaving us?" Sneezy asked.

"Without even saying goodbye?" Doc asked.

"B-But where're you going?" Sneezy asked.

"To be with Nova. We're in love. We're going to see the world together," Dreamy said.

"I don't understand. I thought we were meant to live our lives here, in the mines," Stealthy said.

"I thought so, too. But things change when you fall in love. Suddenly, anything seems possible," Dreamy said.

"Well," Sneezy handed Dreamy his axe, "Take this with you. It might come in handy," Sneezy said.

"I don't need it anymore," Dreamy said and the eight dwarves hugged.


Grumpy headed through the forest towards Firefly Hill, unknown to him that Bossy was following him.

"You can't do this, Dreamy. You can't go to her," Bossy said and Dreamy stopped walking, turning to him.

"Why not?" Dreamy asked.

"You have a responsibility. To mine the diamonds we make into fairy dust," Bossy said.

"But, I love her," Dreamy said.

"You're a dwarf, Dreamy. We're not capable of love. It's not how we're made," Bossy said.

"But, what if I'm different? What if you're wrong?" Dreamy asked.

The Blue Fairy appeared, "Bossy's not wrong, young one," Dreamy looked at her, "What you feel, it's just a dream," The Blue Fairy said.

"Who are you?" Dreamy asked.

"I'm Nova's teacher. And if the two of you run away together, it will not end well. Nova will lose her wings. But, if you return to the mines, and if you allow Nova to become the fairy that she was meant to be, the two of you will bring untold joy to the world. Nova can be a great fairy, if you let her. The choice is yours," The Blue Fairy said.

End of Flashback

Mary Margaret and Leroy were still drinking at the diner as they talked.

"Leroy, you understand that a relationship between you and Sister Astrid can never happen?" Mary Margaret said.

"Yeah, yeah. My whole life people made it their business to tell me what I can't do. She was the first person that said I could do anything. Who believed in me. I didn't want to disappoint her," Leroy said.

"But there are consequences to following through when the world tells you not to. I mean, look at me. I am a pariah in this town," Mary Margaret said.

"What about your good memories?" Leroy asked.

"What do you mean?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Didn't you have moments with him that you love? Do you regret them?" Leroy asked.

"No, of course not," Mary Margaret said.

"Isn't that what life's about?" they looked at Nadia, "Holding on to your good memories? All I wanted was a moment with...uh, someone, to tell them how I felt...but someone beat me to it," Nadia shook her head, "Never mind what I wanted though, but good memories are what give people hope that their dreams are possible," Nadia said.

"Yeah, all I wanted was a moment with Astrid," Leroy looked at Mary Margaret, "You've had all that, Mary Margaret. So, stop feeling sorry for yourself and enjoy it. Because I haven't," Leroy said.

"Well, if I had the dream, I'm sorry to say, it wasn't worth it," Mary Margaret said.

"Well, sitting here drinking won't end the pain," Nadia said.

"What will?" Mary Margaret said.

"I can only think of one thing," Leroy said and walked out of the diner.


At the Miner's Day festival, Leroy was holding a pickaxe while standing on the roof top of one of the buildings, and was looking at a transformer that was near him.

"Perfect," Leroy said as he stepped onto the edge of the roof.

Mary Margaret climbed onto the roof and saw Leroy, "Leroy! What are you doing? Please, don't do it!" Mary Margaret said as she rushed over to him.

Leroy looked at her, "I'm not going to jump," Leroy said.

"You're not?" Mary Margaret questioned.

"No, are you crazy? I could hit someone. You know how much damage I could do? I'm solidly built," Leroy said.

"Leroy, what are you doing up here?" Mary Margaret asked.

"I'm going to get my moment," Leroy said as he drew back the pickaxe.

"Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! What?" Mary Margaret said.

"You might want to duck," Leroy said and Mary Margaret ducked as he swung the pickaxe, hitting the transformer causing all the festival power to go out.

Mary Margaret stood up, "What are you doing?" Mary Margaret asked.

Leroy looked at her, "I'm selling candles, Sister," Leroy said.


Nova was waiting at the clearing near the edge of Firefly Hill when Dreamy arrived.

"Dreamy, come on! I have to show you something," Nova said.

"Nova, we need to talk," Dreamy said.

"No, you have to see this," she made a telescope appear in her hand and handed it to Dreamy, "Take a look," Nova said.

Dreamy looked through the telescope and spotted a boat on the water, "It's amazing," Dreamy said.

"It has everything we need to explore the world. Supplies, maps of all the kingdoms, a sturdy sail-," Nova began to say.

"Nova, I can't go with you," Dreamy told her.

"What about our life together? Our dream?" Nova asked.

"I'm a dwarf, Nova. I belong in the mines. You belong with the other fairies, and that's never going to change," Dreamy said.

"Dreamy, you control what changes in your life. Never let yourself forget, you're special," Nova said.

"Why? What makes us different from any other dwarf and fairy out there?" Dreamy asked.

"Our love," Nova said.

"I don't think it's love. It's a dream, we need to put it away," Dreamy said.

"I don't want to put it away," Nova said.

"I'm not your dream, Nova. Your dream's to be a fairy godmother, and you can still be that," Dreamy said.

"You talked to the Blue Fairy," she stepped back slightly, "What did she say?" Nova asked.

"It doesn't matter," Dreamy said.

"What did she say?!" Nova asked.

"Nova! What matters is, I can't stand in the way of your happiness," Dreamy said.

"You're my happiness! I love you. Don't you love me?" Nova asked.

"I'm a dwarf...I can't love," Dreamy said.


In the dwarf mines, the dwarves were mining as Bossy observed them, "Let's pick up the pace, boys! We're making magic here!" Bossy said.

Dreamy walked in and the other dwarves stopped working and looked at him, instantly noticing his attitude change.

"Where's my axe? Where's my axe?" Dreamy asked.

"Dreamy! You're...back!" Sneezy said.

Bossy handed Dreamy his axe, "Well, heigh-ho, boys! Good to have you back, Dreamy," Bossy said.

Dreamy walked up to a rock, "No place I'd rather be," he pulled his pickaxe back, "Heigh ho," Dreamy said and began to furiously sound at the rock with his pickaxe.

The other dwarves stopped working and stared at Dreamy worriedly, when eventually, the handle of Dreamy's axe broke. Dreamy dropped the broken axe, "Bossy," he held his hand out, "Hand me another axe," Dreamy said.

"Here you go, Dreamy," Bossy said and handed him another axe.

As soon as Dreamy grabbed the axe, he looked down at the handle to see that the name Grumpy had appeared on it.

"It's Grumpy now," Grumpy said.

End of Flashback

All the people at the Miner's Day festival were swarming Leroy and Mary Margaret's booth, buying all their candles when Mary Margaret noticed that they had run out.

"Leroy, we should out," Mary Margaret said and they hugged.

Nadia walked over to them with a candle, "Congratulations, you two," she smiled as they looked at her, "Knew you could do it," Nadia said.

"Thanks, Nadia," Mary Margaret noticed Astrid standing with the other nuns, "Well, go on, give her the news. Have your moment," Mary Margaret said and Leroy walked over to Astrid with the box of money.

Nadia smiled at Mary Margaret before walking over to Ruby who lit her candle, and they leaned against a closed stall looking at everyone.


Meanwhile at the Sheriff's station, Elias and Emma were looking over Kathryn's phone records that had the name D Nolan highlighted as Elias sipped his water.

Regina walked in and Elias glanced at her as he put his glass down, "If this is about the blackout, I've got the guys from the power company down there working on it," Elias said.

"That's not why I'm here," the twins glanced at each other, "It's been twenty-four hours since my friend, Kathryn, went missing. Have you found anything?" Regina asked.

"We found something, we just don't know what it means," Emma said.

"Well, what is it?" Regina asked.

"At this point in the investigation, it's best I don't divulge that information," Elias said.

"If you're covering for someone, if you're not doing your job, Sheriff and Deputy Swan, I'll find people who will," Regina said and walked out.

"We have to ask him about this, ask to look at his phone," Emma said.

"I know," Elias sighed, "Okay...I'll go get him," Elias said as he stood up, grabbed his coat and walked out.


Back at the Miner's Day festival, Mary Margaret made a sold out sign and placed it at the front of the candle booth. She walked over to her car, which still had the word Tramp spray-painted on it, and she stared at it before turning around, walking back to the festival.

Mary Margaret held her unlit candle and Granny walked up to her, stopping her and lit her candle with her own. They smiled at each other and Mary Margaret continued to walk through the festival with a smile.

David watched Mary Margaret walk past as Elias arrived in his squad car and approached David.

"Elias?" David said.

"David, we need to talk," Elias said as Mary Margaret looked at them.

"Did you get a hold of Kathryn?" David asked.

"No, I'm afraid not," Elias said.

"Then, what is it?" David asked.

"I need you to come to the sheriff's station with me and tell us everything," Elias said.

David looked at him confused, "I'm sorry. I thought I already did," David said.

"So did I. Please, David. Some stuff isn't adding up and only you can clear it up," Elias said.

David nodded, "Okay, Elias," David said.

"Thank you," Elias said and led David to the back off the squad car, he shut the door then walked to the drivers' side and got in.

David looked at Mary Margaret who watched worriedly as Nadia walked up to her.

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