Harry Potter: Heart Of A Myst...

By WinterWolf-99

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Sirius Black is the father of all godfathers and he will do anything to prove it. He knows that his godson ne... More

Chapter One: The Nature Mage
Chapter Two: Some Sirius Thoughts
Chapter Three: Crashing An Order Meeting
Chapter Four: Picking Up Harry
Chapter Five: Harry Arrives
Chapter Six: Forming A Plan
Chapter Seven: Godfather-Godson Bonding
Chapter Eight: Heart Of... No... Flower Of Gold
Chapter Nine: Setting The Plan In Motion
Chapter Ten: I Hate Politics
Chapter Eleven: Olivia Showing Who Is Boss
Chapter Twelve: First Sign Of Powers
Chapter Thirteen: Change Of Weather
Chapter Fourteen: Birthday Blow Up
Chapter Fifteen: A True Friend
Chapter Sixteen: Preparing To Leave
Chapter Seventeen: We're Going On A Trip
Chapter Eighteen: A Lesson On Mystic Souls
Chapter Nineteen: Arriving At Crystal Rose
Chapter Twenty: Touring Crystal Rose
Chapter Twenty-One: Mystic Souls Aplenty
Chapter Twenty-Two: New School New Houses
Chapter Twenty-Three: Every Rose Has Its Thorns
Chapter Twenty-Four: Do Not Mess With A Rose
Chapter Twenty-Five: Legacies
Chapter Twenty-Six: Some Sirius Progress
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Storm Is Coming
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Once Is A Coincidence, Twice Is Magic
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Unblocking The Block
Chapter Thirty: Breaking The Block
Chapter Thirty-One: The Start of Something New
Chapter Thirty-Two: What Else Can I Do
Chapter Thirty-Three: Control The Storm
Chapter Thirty-Four: First Real Day As Crystal Rose Students
Chapter Thirty-Five: Light And Dark Debate
Chapter Thirty-Six: How A Mystic Fights
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Olivia Is The Best Lawyer Ever
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Padfoot & Boreas
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Dealing With The Bumblebee
Chapter Forty: Potion Commotion
Chapter Forty-Two: No Apologies
Chapter Forty-Three: Creature Feature
Chapter Forty-Four: Order of the Fried Chickens
Chapter Forty-Five: A New Teacher And Friend
Chapter Forty-Six: Mystic Spark
Chapter Forty-Seven: Might Of A Hurricane
Chapter Forty-Eight: Power of the Mind
Chapter Forty-Nine: All Hallows' Eve Introduction
Chapter Fifty: A Sacred Sabbat
Chapter Fifty-One: Reunion
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Attack
Chapter Fifty-Three: Never Mess With Crystal Rose
Chapter Fifty-Four: Olivia Rocks The Court
Chapter Fifty-Five: Heart of the Storm
Chapter Fifty-Six: A Sirius Confrontation
Chapter Fifty-Seven: A Demonic Housecall
Chapter Fifty-Eight: More Mystic Souls

Chapter Forty-One: Cutting The Strings

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By WinterWolf-99

There were many things that Harry did not think that he would ever be able to do in his life. Turning a teacher into a toad was definitely one of those things. But now that he has actually done it, he could not be prouder of himself.

He finally had given Snape exactly what he deserved. That man had had his punishment coming for a long time. Harry was definitely glad that he had been the one to finally give it to him. He was so sick and tired of Snape's never-ending hatred toward him for no reason other than that he looked like his father. Karma had been coming to get Snape for a long time and Harry could not be more satisfied that he was the one that karma used to deliver that punishment.

Does he care that he was currently in Headmistress Jiwe's office along with Dumbledore, McGonagall, Professor Gold, and Melody? No, he didn't care. If anything, he was going to make it very clear how he felt about Snape and that he was glad that he had done what he did. After all, there was no "better" person that deserved to be turned into a toad than Snape.

He did expect to be called to Jiwe's office given what had happened. Melody had been his partner, so she joined him. Professor Gold made sure to be there as well. Given what the Crystal Rose teachers have been hearing from the Hogwarts staff and about the Hogwarts staff, she was definitely not going to let Harry be blamed for what happened.

Arriving at the office, Harry was shocked at how beautiful it was. Dumbledore's office was set up to basically show off how many artifacts, books, knowledge, and power he has compared to others. Not to mention how he has his desk and chair set up at the top of a set of stairs, making it so he is literally looking down on anyone that is in his office.

But with Headmistress Jiwe's office, it was definitely different. For starters, her walls were lined with pictures of what seemed to be groups of past students. Hanging from the ceiling was also an incredible chandelier that was made of hanging small crystal animals instead of normal crystals hanging from it. Animals also seemed to be a recurring theme with the rest of her office since the windows at the back of her room were made of stained glass with the stained glass forming images of animals. There were also statues of animals sitting on top of bookshelves that were around the office. And looking behind her desk, there seemed to be a room filled with small houses made for animals. One of those little houses obviously big enough for the lion friend that they knew she has. The only thing that was similar to Dumbledore's office was the line of portraits on one wall that was obviously of the former heads of Crystal Rose.

Though, if Harry had to guess, he bet that all the heads could design their office how they want to when they get the job as the head of the school. He bet that was how it worked because he doubted that they would all have had animal powers like Headmistress Jiwe. So, they definitely would not have had their office looking how it currently does.

Jiwe sat at her desk that was near the back of the room, near her stained glass windows and by the room with the animal houses. Snape the toad was on her desk. Something that Melody was giggling at since their potion had obviously not worn off, yet.

Harry and Melody sat down in the chairs offered to them by the headmistress. Professor Gold stood close to them, showing that she was on their side in this situation.

"Other than the obvious, would you two like to explain what happened in class," Jiwe asked the two of them.

"What is there to explain," McGonagall basically yelled. "They turned Severus into a toad! Turn him back and punish them as they deserve!"

"I do not simply punish students, Ms.McGonagall," Jiwe glared at the Transfiguration professor. "I get all sides of the story before I make any decisions. It is a requirement of all staff members here in order to prevent punishments being given based simply on word of mouth of a single source."

Harry definitely wished that was a thing at Hogwarts given how many times students got in trouble for no reason other than another student accusing them even if there was no proof. That happened a number of times in Potions. A Slytherin student would accuse a student of another house of sabotaging their potion, even when it was just them doing poorly at making it, and Snape would instantly take the Slytherin's side and punish the accused student. No proof at all.

"My dear..." Dumbledore was interrupted by Jiwe.

"I have told you before, Dumbledore," she glared at him. "I am not your 'dear' anything. I am Ms.Jiwe, Headmistress Jiwe, or Madam Jiwe to you. Nothing more and nothing less."

Harry was liking Headmistress Jiwe more and more with every passing second.

"Madam Jiwe," Dumbledore was obviously trying to hide that he was not happy about being told off by her. "Harry is my student and he should be punished for what he did to Professor Snape."

"That man is not a professor," Crystal stated, determination in her voice. "If anything, he is the furthest thing from a professor that I have ever seen in my life. The way he behaves makes me question the sanity of anyone that ever says that he is a teacher. He can not seem to go two minutes without insulting Mr.Potter in some way. He is a menace, not a professor!"

"Severus has my complete trust," Dumbledore said as if that solved everything that Professor Gold had just said.

"Well, he certainly does not have mine," Crystal says, crossing her arms. "Mr.Potter and Miss.Gardna were doing their chosen potion perfectly when Snape decided that his unneeded and unwanted opinion had to be heard. I am sick and tired of how he treats the students. I have lost count of the number of times that I have had to stop myself from freezing him where he stood."

"Professor Gold is right," Melody spoke up. "Snape is nothing but a big bully. I have no idea why he feels like he needs to target Harry because Harry certainly has done nothing to deserve it. I've met demons that are nicer than Snape. And demons literally do not have souls."

"My dear girl, you are obviously exaggerating," Dumbledore said. "Professor Snape is a great teacher."

"Were you dropped on your head or something," Melody raised an eyebrow. "I have only just met the man this year and yet even I know that a wild monkey probably would be a better teacher than him."

"Miss.Gardna," Jiwe gave her student a look that made Melody calm down. "Now, please tell us what happened."

"Well, as Professor Gold already said, Snape really can never go two minutes without insulting me," Harry explains what happened. "Melody and I had been working on our potion, just as we were told to do."

"What potion did you two choose to do," Jiwe asked. "Knowing which potion it was will help us reverse what happened."

"We chose to make the animal conjuring potion that we learned last year, Headmistress," Melody tells her. "But, the potion was not finished when Harry threw it at that disgusting excuse of a human being. That was probably why it changed him into an animal instead of summoning one."

The headmistress nodded, showing her understanding. Harry then continued his explanation.

"We had been going perfectly with the potion," he continued. "Melody helped me with the things that I had difficulty with. Snape suddenly had come up to us and started to insult me as he always does. I have never known Snape to ever be able to say anything other than insults to me. One of his favorite things to do is to call me arrogant while also insulting my father since he is always saying 'arrogant Potter just like your father.' As Melody said, the man is nothing but a bully."

"Now, my boy, you really should not say such things about Professor Snape," Dumbledore scolded Harry. "He is a wonderful teacher that deserves your respect."

"He should EARN that respect if he wants to be given any," Harry glared at Dumbledore. "I have no idea what makes you say that Snape is a good teacher when he is probably the worst teacher in the history of teachers. He is literally hated by over three-quarters of the school. Even some of his own Slytherins hate him because he makes it even harder for them to make friends outside their own house. With Slytherins like Snape and Malfoy, it's no wonder why people are so against Slytherins as a whole."

Melody has a feeling that Harry has been wanting to say all of those things about Snape to Dumbledore for a long time. She wished that she had some popcorn for the show.

"Severus may not be the easiest teacher, but he deserves your respect, Mr.Potter," McGonagall also scolded Harry.

"He most definitely does not deserve my respect," Harry shouted at her.

"Harry, my boy, that is no way to treat your professors," Dumbledore definitely was not happy about Harry standing against them.

"I am only treating you all exactly how you deserve to be treated," Harry yelled. "I have had it with Snape being allowed to treat everyone around him like garbage while you do nothing to stop him. Not only is he constantly insulting me, but he insults my father every single time he sees me. I can handle insults just fine, but insults against my father are not something I will tolerate anymore. My father's been dead for fourteen years! Snape should never have been allowed to make those insults in the first place!"

Dumbledore actually took a step back. He could not believe that Harry was being so outspoken. He had never been like that with him before. This was not going to be good if Harry continues to be rebellious. He had to make sure Harry sacrificed himself for the greater good. But if Harry continued down the path that he was on, there was no way that he would.

"Harry, I trust Professor Snape with my..." Dumbledore tried.

"No," Harry stopped Dumbledore from once again saying to trust Snape. "Just because you trust Snape does not mean that I have to. Or that I should even want to. I threw that potion on him because he called Melody a freak! What type of person, especially a grown adult, would act like that toward a teenager? And every time you let him get away with it, it shows how much you don't actually care about those he hurts. You're supposed to be educators, but you don't actually care about how horrible he is as a teacher and as a person."

Melody had to place a calming hand on Harry's shoulder. She knew how much Harry had to hate Snape. She would also hate anyone that would insult her own dead parents. If anyone ever insulted her parents in front of her, she would have blasted them through a wall before they would ever finish speaking. And that is not even getting to what Krinos would do. Not to mention what Olivia would end up doing. They were a scary family when they wanted to be.

"I think that Harry said everything that needed to be said," the music mage said. "I would have personally used some more colorful language, but that's just me."

She tried to lighten the mood with that line, but it went over like a lead balloon.

"I think the fact that you are not even trying to listen to your student says a lot," Jiwe said. "From the little amount of time that I have spent with you all, I can tell that none of you are fit to care for your students."

"How dare you," McGonagall shouted.

"Oh, I do dare," Jiwe stood up from her desk. "Quite frankly, it's a miracle that Hogwarts is even still open."

"You do not know what you are talking about, obviously," Dumbledore probably believed that he did not sound as arrogant as he was. "Hogwarts is the best school in the world."

" A Potions teacher that bullies his students for no reason, a ghost that is supposed to teach history and only puts his students to sleep, a Divination teacher that predicts the deaths of her students every single year, a cursed Defense Against The Dark Arts position," Jiwe listed some of the problems of Hogwarts. "Your school is ranked at the bottom of the rankings of the magical schools in the world. And considering this failure of a teacher on my desk, that explains why so many students from your country do know anything about Potions."

"Not to mention everything that I have heard from the students in my class," Crystal said. "I have heard of everything that man had put his students through. He lets his precious Slytherins get away with sabotaging the potions of other students, even rewarding them for it while punishing their victims. He especially does it when it comes to that spoiled brat, Malfoy. You will not believe the number of times that I have heard students talking about how my class was the first time they were ever taught about safety in Potions. That should be the first thing that is taught and yet he never even bothered to do so."

"Excuse me," Jiwe glared at Dumbledore and McGonagall. "You are saying that this man is a good teacher and yet he does not even teach his students how to be safe in his own class!"

"Severus may not be liked, but he is a fine teacher," Dumbledore said. "If anyone has difficulty in his class, they just need to study more and be more prepared. All that stuff about his Slytherins sabotaging others is just nonsense spread by those that don't like to fail. I trust Severus with my life."

"I think Mr.Potter made a good point when he said that just because you trust him does not mean that anyone else has to," Crystal crossed her arms. "I certainly don't. In fact, he is no longer allowed in my classroom since he can not keep his own behavior under control."

"My dear girl, that is not necessary at all," Dumbledore tried to convince her. "I will talk to Severus and everything will be just fine. Especially since Harry and his friend finish their punishment."

Crystal's eyes glowed ice blue, showing that she was definitely not okay with what he had just said to her. Especially since how he avoided saying Melody's name did not escape her, either. The floor under her feet slowly started to get covered in frost. If Harry did not already know about her ice powers, he would be just as shocked as Dumbledore and McGonagall. Though, her powers were still impressive to him. Not to mention her control given that she had not turned either of the British teachers into ice statues, yet.

"Mr.Potter and Miss.Gardna are not going to be punished," Jiwe stated.

"Pardon me," McGonagall looked personally offended by what she just heard. "They deserve to be punished! Severus is a toad!"

"And it was his own fault because he couldn't keep his mouth shut and his behavior under control," Crystal said.

"Professor Gold is correct," Jiwe says. "Had Mr.Potter or Miss.Gardna simply throw the potion at him to purposely turn him into a toad for no reason, then they would have been punished. Instead, it was thrown because he decided to be an overgrown man-child bully. If anything, what Mr.Potter did was completely in self-defense."

Dumbledore and McGonagall both looked really offended about Harry not being punished at all for what he had done to Snape. Harry knew that when he would tell Sirius about this, his godfather is probably going to go crazy with laughter. Not that Sirius was not already his own brand of crazy.

"Thank you, headmistress," Harry tells her.

"There is no need to thank me, Mr.Potter," Jiwe smiled at him. "You did nothing wrong. The only ones in the wrong are the ones that let such a horrible man get away with his behavior for so long."

Harry nodded, really glad that someone was actually on his side for once. Remus and Flitwick had been the only other teachers that had ever been on his side. All the other teachers either ignored everything going on, caused what was going on, or actively participated in his torment. Two examples other than Snape would be when McGonagall had removed 150 points from himself, Hermione, and Neville over the dragon in their first year, which turned most of the school against him, as well as how Sprout had basically turned into a Hufflepuff version of Snape after his name came out of the Goblet of Fire.

"Now, as much as I hate that sorry excuse of a man, is he going to be a toad forever," Melody asked her headmistress.

Harry was also concerned. He hated Snape, yes, but that did not mean that he wanted to actually cause someone to be turned into a toad for the rest of their life. Though, he was already convinced that someone had already done that to Umbridge given how she was being called the Pink Toad by pretty much everyone in the whole school.

"Oh, it's no problem at all," Jiwe tells the two students. "Animal magic is my specialty, after all. I can turn him back easily."

"Just make sure that he knows to stay out of my classroom from now on," Crystal stated. "If he tries to come in and harass my students again, I have every right to turn him into an ice statue."

"I would not be surprised if you did, Crystal," Jiwe giggled at the professor's attitude. "You two can leave now."

She told that last part to Harry and Melody. Both of them were quick to leave. Especially Harry since he was definitely not in the mood to be scolded by Dumbledore, which he knew would happen if he stuck around.

"I can say this to you right now, Melody," Harry tells her. "I love each and every single teacher in this school. Not to mention your headmistress."

"Crystal Rose certainly got lucky in terms of amazing teachers," Melody giggled. "By the way, if you ever need help escaping from those two idiots back in the office, any student here will be glad to help you."

"I will definitely be glad for the help," Harry says. "I have so had enough of being scolded by those two just for standing up for myself."

"That sorry excuse of a headmaster of yours certainly seems to think of himself as a puppet master with how he behaves," Melody commented.

"That is exactly what he thinks he is," Harry said. "Even though he probably would call himself more like the next Merlin or the Lord of Light."

"Makes me even happier that you are standing up to him and everyone else that is trying to control you," Melody says.

"It definitely is a lot of fun seeing Dumbledore struggle," Harry chuckled. "After all, his favorite puppet to control has cut his strings."

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