Dragula x reader

By justmelol654

231 2 4

Hey guys, so this is a bit of a "differnent" fanfic, I'll leave a note at the beginning so you'll see. Enjoy... More

Becoming yours

Becoming yours (clean)

144 1 0
By justmelol654

Hey guys, so I wrote two versions of this story. This is the first one and it's clean. That means there are no smut scenes and only a few kissing scenes. The second one contains smut and more kisses. If you prefer that, you can just skip to the next part and if not, here you can start reading. Hope you enjoy. ^-^ 

Oh and also this story was inspired by the song Dragula by Rob Zombie. That's why Dracula is written as Dragula here. And if you get confused, whenever I wrote 'him', I am talking about Dragula (at some points that might be a bit confusing so just keep that in mind). ^-^

Now have fun

I have been running through this forrest for many hours now. I don't know what to do. Should I stop? Are they finally gone? They have been chasing me all this time, but are they finally gone now? I'm not sure, but I'm too scared to stop and look.

I just keep on running for another 20 minutes. When I finally hear no sounds around me anymore, I sit down behind a tree. The people from that village that were chasing me seem to think I'm a witch. I do know some magic, but does that make me a witch?

I hate those people so much. Now they even chased me through this forrest. I have no idea where I even am. I hear footsteps and I turn to see that they are still behind me. These dumbasses, what the hell is their problem? I run away once again.

This time I run into a different direction. I can hear them scream not too far away. "Get that damn witch. She shall burn!" I run even faster after hearing about that plan of theirs. Suddenly I bump into something, but I don't fall.

Instead I can feel myself in an embrace and when I open my eyes, I find myself on a branch of a very big tree.

I look up to see a mans face. He is very handsome and has pale skin. His hair is dark and it looks very pretty in the moonlight. I want to thank him for helping me, but he presses his fingers against my lips and gives me a sign that tells me I shouldn't talk right now.

When I look down, I see that the villagers are still close. I look back up and give the man a little nod. One of the villagers is standing right beneath us right now and I look down on him. I'm scared he'll see us and to my shock he actually looks up.

Before he can say something to the others, the mysterious man jumps down and slices his throat open with his hand. I gasp as he looks up at me. His eyes are bright red.

I get scared and jump down from the tree. I run as fast as I can, but he catches me. He pulls me close and says in a dark voice:"You want to stay alive, right? Then just stay with me. I won't hurt you."

I try to calm myself and I give him a nod. "Fine, but when this is over you have to tell me who the hell you are." He nods and takes me back into his arms. He jumps up the tree as if it was nothing.

After putting me down, he gives me a smirk and jumps back on the floor. About five minutes later he is back. "Well hello beautiful. Your problem is solved now." He winks at me, opening his arms. I jump into them.

"Now tell me who the hell you are and why you helped me!" He chuckles:"Oh, watch your tone lady. We don't want you saying bad words now, do we?~" I get mad. "Tell me already!"

He smiles and says:"Well well, what should I say now? Should I just tell you my name? And what would you do with that information?" He has a point to be honest... I think for a second before saying:"Then tell me why you saved me."

He takes my hand and starts walking. "I know what it's like to be chased. I know what it's like to be hated and called a monster. I know what it's like when they want to see you burn."

He stops to look me right into the eyes. I feel like he can see my bare soul right now. "And since you know how that feels, you wanted to..." He lifts me up and starts running with me in his arms. "I wanted to help you, my lady.~" He gives me a little smirk. I feel myself getting very tired and finally I fall asleep in his arms.

When I wake up I am laying on a very tall bed. The room is very dark and beautiful.
I look around the whole room and when I see that the man from earlier is laying beside me, I let out a loud gasp. Then I realise that I'm not wearing any clothes either.

I am wearing a shirt that's very big on me. It's comfortable, but someone must have stripped me and I don't like that thought too much.

I don't think I'll need many guesses on who undressed me and whose shirt this is. I scream:"What have you done to me? Are you insane?" He wakes up and looks at me. "Darling it's the middle of the day. I'm trying to sleep." I scream even louder:"Why would you sleep when it's daytime? And what have you done to me? Answer me right now!"

He gets up and says:"You are wounded, it was bleeding through your clothes. I took them off, treated the wound and washed your clothes. Since I didn't want you to get cold I dressed you with my shirt, it's very big, but that doesn't matter too much right now, does it?"

That makes me just a little less mad, but I am still not happy about this situation. "Where am I right now?" He chuckles and says:"What does it look like to you? My bed of course."

I blush and turn away from him. He brings his hand to my chin and turns my head back to him again. He gives me a soft smile and says:"I wouldn't do anything you don't like. Especially when I don't have your permission."

I bury my head between my legs and he puts his hand on my thighs. I look up and give him a glare. He chuckles and finally lets go. Then he lays down and looks at my face. "Can you stop staring at me?", I ask.

He doesn't say anything and rests his head on the pillow. He closes his eyes and soon he's asleep once again. I am pretty exhausted as well so I decide to also rest for a bit. When I wake up I find myself being pressed against his chest.

I don't have the power to get mad so I just put my arm around him and look at his sleeping face. He's very handsome. I saw that earlier too, but now that I can get a closer look, he is even more handsome than I thought.

He opens his eyes and looks into mine. I feel flustered and can't help but blush a little.

I turn around and lay back down on my side of the bed. I'm trying not to blush, but that's not too easy.

I nuzzle my head against his chest and put my arm around him. He hugs me back and covers me with the blanket. We stay like that for a few minutes. When we get up he holds out his hand and I take it.

He leads me to a big room with a large black table. It's completely filled with food. He gives me a sign to sit down and I do. We eat and talk a little about ourselves.

I find out that he is quite and interesting person. He tells me that he was called a monster and that people were scared of him. I ask him why and he answers with:"It's fine. It's all in the past."

But obviously I keep pushing him until he finally tells me. "They are scared of me, because I need blood to survive. I drink human blood as well and that made them think I was a monster. I have been treated like this for so long, having no one to talk to. I only have a few assistants and they don't talk much. They just prepare everything and go away as fast as they came."

I need a few seconds to process all of these informations. "But... why did you not drink my blood?" He chuckles slightly and looks at me:"Because your blood is not my food nor something for me to drink. I only drink the blood of those who treat me wrong or try to kill me first. I know you are not like that. You are different."

I stand up and so does he. "I didn't mean to scare you!", he says loudly. I walk over to him and take his hands. I look up at him. He looks at me, seemingly confused.

He gives me a smirk and says:"That really came out of nowhere, didn't it my lady?" I place a soft kiss on his lips and look into his beautiful dark eyes.

We smile at each other and after a few seconds he says:"The name is Vlad. I am also called Dragula by some of my assistants. You can call me whatever you want though, my lady." I blush and say:"My... my name is...", before I can finish, he says:"I don't want to know. For now just leave it be. One day I want to know, but for now it doesn't matter. Just "my lady" is good for me. I hope that is fine for you as well."

I am confused at first, but I guess he has his reasons. I smile.

Suddenly he brings his mouth to my neck. I can feel his teeth on my skin and I feel like he is going to bite me any second. I close my eyes and wait for him to do it, but he lets me down and pushes himself away from me.

He lands on the floor, shaking and looks at me in shock. I try to get closer to him and help him up, but as I put out my hand, he pushes it away.

"Go away!", he screams while breathing heavily. "Are... are you not feeling well? Can I do something to help you?", I say concerned. "I'm sorry. I will be in my room for some time.", he says after having calmed down a little.

I nod and wait for him to get out of the room before sitting down on one of the chairs. I don't know what to think right now. I would really like to know why he suddely reacted like that...

After thinking about what to do next, I decide to get a bit closer to his room. When I get there, I can only hear him moving something around before he screams out in pain.

I can't help myself and open the door without thinking. He is sitting on the bed, the veins on his arms are almost popping and his eyes are as red as when he killed one of the men who chased me in the forrest.

He has a syringe in one of his hands and black liquid is coming out of it. "What happened?", I scream before running toward him.

He looks at me and his eyes slowly get back to their normal color. His veins are also getting back to normal and I am a bit relieved to see that he is slowly going back to normal. "I'd understand if you want to leave, but let me explain this situation first. I beg you!", he says while tears are welling up in his eyes.

I go over to him and give him a hug. "I won't leave you." He looks at me and gives me a heartbroken smile. I smile back and say:"I would still like an explination, but only if you are in the mood for giving me one. If you are not we can talk later"

He gives me a nod and starts:"Years ago I was possesed by a demon. He made me immortal, but I have to consume human blood as you know and I can't go out at daytime. People called me a monster because of that, but they don't know that I did all of this to protect my people from our enemies. I did it for them and what did I get out of it?" He looks down at the floor and sighs.

I need a moment to process all of that and when I did I say:"So you let the demon posses you to protect them? That is very selfless, don't you think? And they called you a monster for that?"

He looks back up at me and seems confused. I give him a soft smile before placing a kiss on his forehead. He smiles back. "What was that black liquid?", I ask.

He looks at the syringe and says:"It's a medicine that helps me with my bloodlust so I don't have to drink blood." I feel a bright smile build up in my face:"May I ask what ingredients you put in it?"

He gives me a little smile back and tells me what herbs he used. We talk about more medicine and how it's put together. We also talk about the situation back at the forrest.

We laugh about it even though at that moment I didn't feel like laughing. He tells me that his eyes get red when he sees blood and they also do when he uses the medicine. Then we talk about how his body has changed after the demon possesed him.

I find out that he can run extremly fast, he has gotten very strong and his senses became stronger overall. I can't quite understand how all of these changes are related yet...

He tells me how and where he found that demon. This leads to a solution for most of my questions. The demon was in a cave so he himself couldn't go into the sun, he was very strong and fast and his senses also seemed very strong.

The demon must have passed his abilities and his weaknesses over to him when he possesed him. I understand everything now and I feel very sorry for all the things he had to go through.

So my goal is to make him happy and have a good life together with him. "I don't want you to be sad anymore, I just want you to smile. What can I do?", I ask without thinking.

He looks at me with a little smile and I sit down beside him. I put my head on his shoulder and he puts his arm around me. We stay like that for a few minutes before I get up and take his hand into mine.

The next thing I hear is a knock on the door."My lord, are you alright in there?", a soft voice of a woman says.

He answers:"Yes, you can all go back to your rooms for now, thank you for the service. I'll call when I need you." She sighs:"Thank you, my lord.", the only thing I can hear now is her walking away.

Since I have nothing to wear he gives me one of his shirts. I sniff it as he gets out of the room because it smells like him. I really love his scent. I wait for him to come back.

When the door opens I want to greet him, but it isn't him. One of the maids from earlier comes in. "The master has informed me that the young lady doesn't have any clothing with her. He asked me to lend her some underwear so I am here to give it to her. The master should be back soon. He is currently hunting, I shall inform her of that.", her soft voice is slightly shaking when she talks about giving me her underwear.

She wants to get out of the room, but before she can, I say:"Excuse me? I just wanted to thank you for everything...", I give her a soft smile and ask for her name.

She curtsies and says:"My name is Anna." I give her a little nod and a smile before she gets out. I sink onto the bed and fall asleep. When I wake up, he is sitting right next to me watching my sleeping face. I look up at him and see a little blush on his cheeks.

"Welcome back.", I whisper. He takes my hand and softly starts to caress it. I melt into his touch and we stay like that for a long time.

He suddenly stops and gets up. I give him a confused look and he gives me a warm smile back. "They are coming for me. Sooner or later I will die and I don't want you to do so as well with me. Don't come after me, I want you to stay here where you are safe."

I jump off the bed and walk over to him. "You can't stop me, I'm sorry my lady." Tears well up in my eyes. "B-but..." I can't stop my tears.

He tries to wipe them off. "Don't cry because of me. You said you wanted to make me smile. How could you do so when you are crying yourself?" He gives me a pained smile. I put my arms around him and he softly pats my head. When we let go of each other, he opens the door and leaves me behind.

I cry even harder, but the only answer I get is silence. I search for my shoes and quickly put them on.

Then I run and run, following his footsteps. I scream his name while my tears keep dropping down from my cheeks. When I finally see him, I also see that there are countless men running toward him.

He stands still and waits for them to take him away. I scream for him, but my voice cracks. He still hears and turns around, a shocked expression on his face. The next thing I see is darkness.

When I wake up, I need a few seconds until I can remeber what happened. I fainted and just got my consciousness back. I stand up and look ahead of me.

All of the men that surrounded him earlier are dead now. He had stacked every single one of them. I close my eyes since my head starts hurting and when I open them again, he is standing in front of me.

His eyes are red and everything is full of blood. He sticks out his hand to help me get up. I take it and when he lifts me I jump into his arms.

He gently hugs me back. I can't help but cry again. I'm overwhelmed by my feelings. "You think only that many people could kill me? The demon didn't just give me his weaknesses , he gave me his strenght as well. You didn't forget, did you?", he laughs.

I press a soft kiss on his lips and whisper:"I'm just glad." He hugs me tighter than before and softly says:"Me too, my lady."

The next morning I wake up in his bed. I am very happy when I find him laying next to me. I let out a sigh of relieve. "Good morning, my dear.", he says calmly, "Staring at me first thing in the morning, I'm getting red." He doesn't really seem red to me. I might be a little red though...

I chuckle while running my fingers through his hair. He sits up and looks at me. "You are so beautiful.", he says as he caresses my back. He brings his hand to my face and gets closer to place a passionate, long kiss on my lips.

I put my arms around him and we keep kissing until there's a knock at the door. Not waiting for an answer Anna walks in casually saying:"Good morning master. And a good morning to you too my la-", she stops.

I blush almost as hard as her. She walks back out, shutting the door behind her and screaming:"I apologize!"

He chuckles and I can't help but do so as well, after the shock is finally over. We have a good laugh. When we stop, he gets up and leaves the room.

He gives me a soft smile and I know that he wants me to wait while he is getting ready. Suddenly there is a knock at the door again and it's Anna. This time she asks:"May I come in?" I tell her that it's fine. When she comes in we laugh about earlier and gladly it's not as awkward anymore.

Anna tells me that the breakfast is ready and that I can eat as soon as I am ready. I decide to just eat it while he is still getting dressed. I sit down while the other maidens are getting me a napkin and water and fill my glass.

"Thank you.", I say while giving both of them a little smile. They blush and walk away, giving me a quick:"It's nothing, my lady."

Now that they are gone I feel pretty lonely. When I see Anna pass by I ask her to sit with me. "If the master finds out, I will be scolded.", she says while obviously not wanting to sound mean.

"Anna, if you feel like it, come sit and eat with me. The so-called master won't be scolding you. I will make sure of that. So have a little trust in me and sit down to chat a little?" She looks down as if searching for a hole in the floor which she could just jump into to disappear, but in the end she sits down with me.

We talk about the castle, the weather and about the people from the town nearby. It's quite interesting to talk to Anna. When the "master" walks by, he walks toward the table. "Are the ladys having a chat about earlier?", he asks.

Both of us blush, thinking about it once again. Even if we could laugh about it earlier, him mentioning it makes me feel kinda strange and it seems to be the same for Anna. He sticks out his hand and gestures for me to take it.

We walk toward his room and I wave Anna goodbye. As we enter I say:"She is a very nice person." He nods and says:"Well as she should be. You deserve only the best, my lady." I feel my face getting hot.

                 ~a few years later~

It's the day. The day I get to hold my daughter in my arms. She is the most beautiful little girl in the world. I am very glad. Anna helped me delivering her. My husband is standing beside me and our perfect little family feels complete.

Now the rest is all in the future. What counts now is the present. Tears are welling up in my eyes at the sight of my cute little girl. My kid, my flesh and blood and the only thing that will remain when I leave this earth. Marya.

                 ~a few weeks later~

Our life as a family has been going very well. Sometimes we need help from Anna and the other two maidens, but together we can manage. Marya is such a lovable little child. The only thing that would seem pretty strange to others might be that my husband does still not know my name.

I never really intended to tell him since he didn't want to know. Now that we even have a daughter together, I don't know wheter I should keep it a secret or not. Maybe when Marya is older I will tell him, but not at the moment. We will see what the future might bring us.

    ~5 years later - Maryas birthday~

Marya is now 5 years old. Sometimes I wonder where all the time has gone. She is growing up so fast. It makes me feel like in the wink of an eye she will be 10, then 15, then 20 and so on.

I am looking forward to the future, but it feels like the present is already going to be the past very soon. I made a cake for Marya and her father allowed her to ride the horse for the first time.

She seemed very happy about that. "Mommy, when can I ride the horse?", she asked every morning since her father promised her. Now that day is finally here. Anna helps me decorating the table. After we finish, we put 5 candles on the cake and wait for Marya to come back so we can surprise her. I'm sure she will love it.

"Are you feeling unwell, my lady?", Anna asks. I smile and try to endure it. "It's fine, I'm just a bit sick. Don't worry about me Anna." She gives me a nod, but the worried look on her face doesn't seem to go away. I feel like something has happened. Something bad. And I feel like I can't stop it anymore.

I walk down the stairs so I can be closer to the forest and see when he will be back with Marya.

I wait for about 20 minutes and when they finally get back, I feel very relieved. "Hello, my dear. Are you not feeling well?", he asks while getting down from the horse. He is sticking his arms out for Marya to jump into them.

I shake my head and try to put on a smile, but I know very well that it looks forced. He presses a soft kiss to my forhead and heads back into the castle, taking my hand for me to follow him.

Marya is very happy when she sees her surprise. "Thank you Mommy and Daddy. And you too Anna, today is the beeeest day of my life." I smile and give her a tight hug.

After the party is done we head to bed. He asks:"What was on your mind today, my dear? You seemed worried." I try to stop my tears, but some run down my cheeks anyway. I answer:"This is the last time."

He looks at me in shock. "Wh-what do you... mean my dear?" I look up at him and say nothing. I can't bring myself to let any words get out of my mouth. But he knows. And I know. I run out of the room.

I go straight to Annas room to tell her that she has to take Marya and run away as far as she can. He wants me to go with them, but I want to stay. I know that everything that is going to happen will happen. No matter what I do, I can't stop it.

So going with Marya would only make it dangerous for her and Anna. I know that they will survive on their own. I want him to go with them as well, but I know that he won't go without me. I have to take the risk.

When Anna and Marya are gone, he places a kiss to my lips and runs down the stairs. I'm scared that something will happen to him. I wait and wait, but nothing happens for a very long time.

Before he can get back, I will already be gone. Not completely, but an important part of me. The door opens and many soldiers enter our dining room. They make me get on my knees.

One of them steps toward me. He has a knife in his hand and I already know what he has planned with it. He thrust the knife into my stomach. I scream. The pain is running through my entire body.

"That's what you get for being married to the devil himself. We will kill him and you will watch. Then we will slice you open some more.", the soldiers are laughing while I am crawling on the floor that we used to dance on. But now we are not dancing. Now I am filling the floor with my blood.

The door opens again and when I see who it is, a tear falls from my eye. I never wanted my man to see me like this. Ever since the moment we first saw each other in that forest I knew that he was the one person that mattered the most to me.

He should have never seen me like this. He makes his way through the soldiers by killing one after the other. He is screamimg, but I can barely hear anything. Everything is getting dark.

He kills every single one of the men until he is finally sitting by my side. "No, please no. Take everything from me, but not her. Not the only woman I ever loved. No, god." Tears start running down his cheeks. I also can't help but cry.

I try to wipe his tears away, but new ones won't stop coming out. "Someone once told me not to... cry because of... him. Now I want him to... not cry... because of... me.",I can barely talk. He smiles under his tears while holding my head up.

He places a very gentle kiss on my lips and says:"Maybe that someone didn't know what it meant if it hurts that much." I smile back and say:"Does he now? What did he lose since then?" His eyes fill with even more tears. "Everything", he says.

I can only bear to say:"When I die, drink it. It will make you stronger... my blood. And you know what that someone doesn't know so far? My name." He hugs me as tightly as never before.

I run my fingers through his hair. "Tell me dear and then we will go find our daughter. We will live happily." I chuckle:" It will never be the same. It won't be for you and it won't be for her. But that's fine. I am glad I got to live this life with you."

A tear drops from my eye again. I try to catch it, but it is faster than me. "Don't say that. We can fix you. Of course we can, my dear." He seems to panic, but I take his head and gently press him down for a kiss. "It's nothing you can fix. It's fine dear. Don't forget that I love you. I always have and I always will."

He looks at me, his eyes filled with horror. "I-I love you too, but-", I press my fingers against his lips to shut him up." "My name. My name is Mi-"

"What? What is it?", is the last thing I hear him scream before I can feel my soul leaving my body. All that is left is my man. He is crying while holding the corpse of his dead wife.

My dear, I was glad that I could become yours. In love, your Mina.

  ~an unknown amount of time later~

I go to the market to buy a few things. The woman who sells fruits is very nice. I know her from somewhere, but I don't quite remember. Am I already that old? I chuckle at the thought.

I am so lost in my thoughts that I accidently bump into a man. Some of my apples fall out of the bag and the man helps me getting them back together. "I'm so sorry, I was pretty lost in my thoughts.", I say.

The man looks at me and says:"It's fine, I could have been more careful as well." He is very tall and handsome. I feel like I have also met him somewhere. "I hope you are okay, my lady.", he continues. I chuckle and nod while giving him a smile.

My lady, how old fashioned~

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