Kira Arisen (Death Note Alter...

By OhShitABirb

317 14 8

There is a message here for you, from L... "This transmission has been sent to tell of my achievement in the... More

The End
The Lost Soul
Past Sins
Fall To No One
McBrigg's Orphanage
Fate's Flame


22 1 2
By OhShitABirb

I didn't go to sleep when I entered the box this time. With my knees forced up against my chest, my shoulders and hands and everything in between throbbing, I knew any sleep I could catch would give me nightmares.
Light had spared me because I looked like L.
"That was the whole idea...idiot..." I mumble to myself. My voice is raw.
I need water.
I don't know exactly how long it's been, but I can tell my tongue is so dry it must be cracking. My left hand etches my path to the interrogation room on the wall, and my other one reaches out to feel the slit.
"Hey..." I say with some more emphasis, tapping the slit, "I need...I need some water." I narrow my eyes, trying to sound more urgent, "You do realize you will kill me just the same by dehydration, don't you?"
There is no answer.
"Fine...fine..." I say slightly drearily. I can tell that I'm becoming slightly delirious with lack of sleep and blood loss. The hunger pains came and went, and with each tumult of pain, I was brought back to the start of it all.
Just as I flickered my eyes closed, I heard footsteps.
"Is anyone in here?"
A voice. Female. I knew it had to be one of the kids...
No...Kira knew they were going to escape soon, and from what I've noticed in my keyhole of a perception, all the children are playing right into his palms.
But at this rate, I don't know how much longer I can stand to be in here. I may not be much use, but I have to let this girl let me out.
Maybe we can escape. Maybe.
"...Hello?" I say. My etching stops, my fingertips feeling numb after all the movement. I wore gloves before, so that the constant chalk wouldn't have any negative effects on my skin.
Now, exposed, I know my skin must be red.
I hear the steps come closer as I feel a shift of movement outside the box. The slit opens, and blue eyes take notice of me.
I must look pretty bad in here, my eyes grey and red mostly. My hair is oily as of now, and since I haven't eaten...I'm probably thinner.
"Hey, I'm going to try to get you out of there, alright?" The girl says, her eyes flickering down to the keypad below the slit, "Just give me a few minuets."
I place my hands on my knees, leaning forward slightly. I recognize this girl, but I can't quite place a name to her concentration becomes hazy.
Beeps resonate after every previous beep, until I am brought into sleep that seems more meaningful now.

*One Month Earlier*

"You aren't looking very well."
I glance up at Lawliet, perched on my bed like he usually is when he visits. The chalk I have is stationary in my sleeve. I haven't made a maze all day today.
"I'm just thinking about your theory." I say, leaning over my laptop, tapping every so often.
"Which one? I have many." He says as he snaps open a small plastic bag of miniature marshmallows. He tosses me one, and I place it in my mouth.
"The one about the thirteen day rule." I swallow, as I see L's documents pop up on my screen, "Why haven't you let anyone know about it yet? I mean, you haven't even let the team see the notebook yet." I say, as the document quickly scrolls down on the screen.
"Proper investigation first begins with individual examination." L says, fingering a marshmallow between his fingers, "I always evaluate information myself before I tell the team." He eats one.
"Considering that Light was..." I say, " under suspicion of being Kira, I would do that too." I say. He throws me another marshmallow, and as I catch it, I don't place it in my mouth as I stare down at the ground.
"Lucian, are you still with me?" Lawliet says quickly.
"I am." I sigh.
Silence fills the room for a moment.
"You know he's Kira." I say, squishing the marshmallow between my fingers.
"I do." Lawliet responds, almost sadly. I look to him, his shoulders sagged more than I had noticed before, "Light has been, is, and always will be Kira. The moment he touched the notebook...I noticed the change right away." Lawliet says, "And our conversation days before, when I asked if he himself would have passed off the power to avoid being caught with it...he said he would most likely have done that if he were Kira."
L's eyes droop.
"He is Kira. I simply have to prove it, again." He takes another marshmallow, a pink one, pinching it tightly, as if to relieve his tension, "And when I do, we will part ways."
I feel my face go slack.
"He will either kill me when he knows I have found him...or I will kill him shortly thereafter."
He eats the marshmallow, and my computer screen turns off.

*Present Day*

I suddenly awaken to falling forward.
I tumble out of the now open box as I blink up to two figures staring down at me.
For but a fleeting moment, I see Kira's red eyes, L's black hair.
They smile at me, before the illusion fades. A girl with blonde hair. A boy with purple bangs.
"Can you stand?" The girl says to me, and I look at my wrists. Red. Cut. Most likely scarred forever.
"I can..." I say quietly as I place a hand on the wall next to me, leaning into it for support.
"I got you." I notice the boy, I remember his name. Prespice. He places my free arm over his shoulders, and hesitantly, I lean onto him, "You practically weigh nothing. I could carry you."
"It might come to that." I say lowly, my eyes fixed on the ground under me. How many kids are outside now? Did they even make it?
Has Kira planned this very escape?
"My name is Rook." The girl says, and I nod. Watari's granddaughter, "We need to get out of here. Guards might be coming." She says, and Prespice nods. We walk, at first slowly, but then I am able to walk normally, finally being able to jog after some minuets.
"I don't hear any guards." Prespice says, looking down every corridor anxiously, as if to pounce, "Wouldn't they take us over at this point?"
"That's exactly what I was thinking." Rook says, her hair drifting behind her as we turn a corner.
"They won't come for us." I manage, my voice still barely audible.
"What?" Rook says, "What do you mean?"
"I mean, they are letting us escape..." I slow down, resting my hands on my knees. I'm exhausted...almost ready to collapse at any wind, I know.
"Hey, are you okay?" Prespice places a hand on my shoulder. I don't move.
"Kira is wanting to start it again." I shake my head, "Beating us just wasn't enough. He wants to completely destroy every member of what could have been an L figure...methodically." I narrow my eyes. The cruelty of it all.
"Kira wants to battle L again, and so he is letting us go."

We continue on, slowly as I manage to stay awake. Eventually at some point, I know I have collapsed, because when I wake up, Prespice is carrying me.
"I told you it might have needed to come to that." I say, almost smiling.
"It isn't a problem." Rook says, looking down a pathway that crosses into two different hallways, "Did we turn wrong?" She looks to Prespice, who shrugs.
"Left." I say, and they do nothing.
Sighing, I lurch myself out of Prespice's arms, and grab a hold of Rook's hand, along with Prespice's.
"I said left. Let's go, now."
We continue down the hallway, and I notice that I am partially leaning against the wall as I walk. I growl in indifference, my eyes narrowing.
"Look, are you sure you know your way around? I mean, we freaking found you in a box-" Prespice opens his mouth, but I turn my eyes and sharply glance at him.
"There is a reason they put me in the box, Peter Rince." I say his full name, and he stifles a gasp. I turn back around.
I hurt so much. It's making me irritable. Impatient.
I have to get out of here.
"Hey! Hey, there it is!" Rook suddenly says, and when I look up, I see the door with an illuminated Exit sign above it.
I stop walking.
"Aren't you coming?" Rook asks me as she passes, and I swallow, my eyes glazing over the exit sign.
"It's just..." I blink, "I haven't exactly...been outside since I was small." I feel like drawing back, to be honest. The last time I went outside, I was so young.
"It maybe only feels that way because of that box." Rook says, a slight smile spawning on her lips, "Left. Let's go, now." She pulls me along.
Beside me, I see L, leaning on a wall, his hands fingering an empty spoon.
"I will not make the same mistakes my predecessor did..." My mind echoes what I said before.
L shakes his head, slowly, before disappearing from existence.

*Light Yagami*
He sat in his usual study. Reconstructed to almost look like his room, he felt a sense of familarality, one that brought him comfort and solace.
"They're gettin' away you know..." Ryuk says, chuckling hoarsely, "Are you going to play cat and mouse again just because you're bored?"
"I can understand why you relate, Ryuk, but that's not the reason I'm letting some of them run off..." He fingers a pen in between his fingers, remembering the first name he wrote.
"Then why? It's going to be him all over again." Ryuk inquires, with a little rare curiosity.
"I have a feeling that I'll like this fight, Ryuk." The face of L-Minor came to his mind, "There's just something about him...just like L. But he is somehow...better than L. He surpasses L." Light leans back in his chair, "It excites me."
Ryuk simply sighs.
"But it isn't like I'm letting them out without a little opposition."
Light reaches over, pressing a small switch on the under panel of his desk.
"Let's see how hard you can kick, L-Minor. Can you fight?"
He saw the camera near the exit door. He saw his face, and somewhere in there, he saw L.
"Can you make an insomniac rest peacefully, I wonder?"

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