Y/n stark: the unwanted daugh...

By pricefieldvsp

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The unwanted daughter (FEMALE READER) Your 23 years old and live with your dad at the avengers compound, your... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (🌶)
chapter 8- (🌶)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28 (🌶)

Chapter 11

776 19 7
By pricefieldvsp

The next morning y/n and wanda had gotten out of bed around 10 am as y/n needed a drink from crying after losing her very first best friend daisy.
They headed to the kitchen and sat at the island and started talking

*wanda's pov*

Wanda: my love are you ok

Y/n: yeah why wouldn't i be

Wanda: y/n it's me i can tell when your lying

Y/n: ok im sorry wands, I'm just in a bad place right now

Wanda: i know my love but you wont be alone during it

Y/n: your the best girlfriend ever wands

Wanda: no you are

Y/n: im not wanda

Wanda: y/n y/m/n stark you are the best, your my everything and you deserve everything in life no matter what your dad says

Y/n: how did i get so lucky to meet you 4 years ago

Wanda: well i mean i did accidentally enter your room when i didnt know it was yours but i dont regret any of it, and i still dont regret it

Y/n: i love you so much wanda

Wanda: i love you more than i can say in words

We sat there holding each other until we got a knock on the door

Wanda: I'll get it

Y/n: ok wands

I leave y/n to answer the door

Wanda: wtf are you doing here

Tony: i own the place

Wanda: y/n isnt here tony

Tony: i know she is here, so move wanda

Wanda: no tony your not taking her again

Tony: i wasnt go too i need to talk to her

Y/n: it's ok wands

Wanda: are you sure love

Y/n: yeah

I move from the door and let tony in

Y/n: so what do you want tony

Tony: wow not even dad anymore

Y/n: why should i you don't love me you hate me

Tony: i don't hate you y/n, i was angry that was all. It's just when you were born your mother didnt make it as you know. I shouldn't blamed you for 23 years but i did when really I should've blamed my self. So now im apologising and hopefully one day you can forgive me

Y/n: you know that hurt me when you blamed me for mums death, i thought you would always hate me *tears up*

Tony: y/n im sor..

Y/n: im not done, when you kept me in my room for 23 years. No one and i mean no one knew i existed apart from wanda, she talked to me for a year when she joined the avengers, and then you arrested me which you enjoyed i saw the look on your face. I was thinking "wow my own father is happy about arresting me"

Tony: im so sorry y/n

Y/n: its take more than a sorry for me to forgive you tony and i know that i have a younger sibling

Tony: how did you know that

Y/n: nat told wanda and wanda told me

Tony: im sorry i didnt tell you myself. I wanted too but then nat told me you and wanda went away for a month

Y/n: yeah we did we had a great time, also dad i need to tell you something

Tony: if it what i think it is i know, you and wanda are dating and I'm ok with that

Wanda: really tony

Tony: yeah i may have not been the best father in the world for you but I'm trying to change

Y/n: for Morgan, thats who you want to change for isnt it

Tony: yes and i hope one day you can forgive me for what i did. I've got to go now is there anything i can do before i go

Y/n: i want to meet her

Tony: yeah we can set up a day

Y/n: no i mean i want to meet her now

Tony: well ok then, I'll wait outside while you both get dressed

Y/n: ok you better not leave tony

Tony: i wont

Wanda: lets go love

Me and y/n head to our room to change into some clothes to meet y/n little sister



5 minutes later me and y/n head outside to Tony's car and in, we both sat in the back as y/n couldn't forgive tony that easily which I don't blame her

*y/n pov*

10 minutes later Me, and wanda arrived at Tony's lake house. We got out of the car and stood by it for 5 minutes before tony speaks again

Tony: wait here

Y/n: yes sir

Tony leaves the car and heads inside

Y/n: wands what if my sister doesnt want anything to do with me

Wanda: it will be ok love. She's only 4 years old

Y/n: your right

Wanda grabs my hands and kisses them before tony comes back with morgan in his arms

Tony: morgan this is y/n your older sister

Y/n: hi morgan it's nice to meet you

Morgan: hello, *whispers to tony* who's the other one

Wanda: I'm wanda

Morgan: your both very pretty

Y/n: your pretty morgan

Tony smiles for the first time

Y/n: tony you smiling

Tony: yeah i actually am, would you both like to come in for lunch

Wanda: up to you love

Y/n: yeah sure why not

Tony puts morgan on the floor

Morgan: race ya

Tony: what your gonna win your faster than me

Tony and morgan race off and i stand with wanda trying to hold in my tears

Wanda: are you ok princess

Y/n: *tears in her eyes* i don't understand why he wasnt like that with me, was i not good enough

Tony overhears the conversation but doesn't say anything, he just stays hidden

Wanda: you are good enough y/n, and its his own fault for not getting to know you as well as i do

Y/n: i just feel like im not good enough, look at all the toys he got for Morgan she got more than me because I got nothing

Wanda: babe, come here

Wanda pulls me in for a hug and by this time i am fully crying

Tony: y/n i-

Y/n: *wipes tears* no it's ok, im ok

Tony: your not y/n, i know it's my fault but i think you might have your mothers depression

Y/n: mum had depression

Tony: yes she did when we first met she told me she suffered with it since she was a teenager

Y/n: did you ever have depression

Tony: no but i did have ptsd from the fight in 2012 with loki

Y/n: I remember that i kept hearing your screams i got worried but i couldnt come and check on you

Tony: i never should have locked your bedroom door or kept you in your room. That was wrong of me and i know that now also im sorry for hitting you

Y/n: i know tony

Wanda: you got scared of me that day

Tony: well you are scary

Y/n: and she's very protective

Tony: i know i can see that y/n

We all start laughing before pepper yells


Tony: we better head in you dont want to get on the wrong side of pepper either

Pepper: i heard that tony

Tony: shit

I laugh before taking wanda's hand and walking into the house

Pepper: ah y/n nice to finally meet you

Y/n: hi you must be pepper

Pepper: yes i am, so i hope you aren't allergic to anything

Y/n: not that i know of

Pepper: hello again wanda

Wanda: hi pepper

Y/n: wait you too know each other

Wanda: yeah i kind of might of came here to 'talk' to tony but pepper answered instead

Tony: yeah i was here but i was afraid of you

Y/n: wait tony stark is scared of my girlfriend

Morgan: girlfriend ??

Tony: yeah sweetie they are together

Morgan: i knew it

Y/n: wait what *soft laughs*

Morgan: you both are a-adorable

Y/n: your the cute one morgan

2 hours pass and me and wanda thought it was time to head back to the compound but we got stopped by tony

Tony: y/n wait

Y/n: whats up tony

Tony: i want to give you the compound

Y/n: your joking right

Tony: no I'm not me and Friday got the contract sorted all you have to do is sign it

Y/n: yeah ok

Wanda: why tony

Tony: because i want to retire from the avengers so there's going to need to be someone to take my place and i want that person to be y/n

Y/n: aw tony thank you so where do i sign

Tony: right there

I sign the papers and i now own the compound the place i was raised was now mine, i never thought it would be mine or even tony retiring

Y/n: so i guess this is it

Tony: also I know steve has grown into a father figure to you, so if he wants to he can adopt you if you'd like that

Y/n: wait really you mean that

Tony: yeah i do, I'll still be your birth dad and you can still see us if you want to, but I want the rest of your life to be happy

Y/n: thank you dad, that means a lot

Tony: back to dad are we

Y/n: don't ruin the moment

Tony: sorry

I hug him tight before getting in the taxi wanda had ordered to take us back to the compound i know own

Wanda: so y/n how do you feel

Y/n: happy actually i never thought tony would ever say that, that man was not the man i was bought up he changed

Wanda: isnt that a good thing

Y/n: i mean yeah it is but i wish he was that man when i was Morgans age

Wanda: i know princess i know

I lean on wanda's shoulder

Y/n: i love you wanda

Wanda: and i love you

The taxi immediately stops after me and wanda said those words

????: get out

Wanda: what

????: your one of those gays aren't you

Y/n: so what

????: you guys are disgusting women should be with men

Y/n: fuck off we can be with whoever we chose

????: no you can't it's wrong

Wanda: it's ok baby he's just jealous that we love each other and he has no one

????: im married actually

Y/n: no your not

????: i am too

Wanda: do you even know who we are

????: no why should that matter

Wanda: we are the avengers

????: no your not

Y/n: we are shes wanda and im y/n

????: wait y/n stark aka the iron soldier

Y/n: yeah thats me

????: omg im so sorry please dont kill me

Y/n: i don't do kill anymore so your homophobic ass is lucky

????: im sorry I'll continue driving you free of charge

Y/n: no thank you we are good we aren't going to stay with someone who's homophobic

Wanda: well said baby

Y/n: lets go love

Wanda: bye asshole

Me and wanda get out of the taxi and decides to walk home as we weren't that far from the compound

Wanda: people can be so horrible

Y/n: i know right

Wanda: so are you going to ask steve

Y/n: no i dont want to put that pressure on him

Wanda: you know y/n he does love you i saw it

Y/n: how does he love me

Wanda: like a daughter when you were arrested steve looked everywhere for you and didn't stop when i was trying to get some sleep i heard him talking himself and pacing all around the floor

Y/n: I'll see what he says if i see him tomorrow or later today

Wanda: i think he went to wakanda to get bucky back

Y/n: wait buckys coming back

Wanda: shit

Y/n: what

Wanda: it was meant to be a surprise

Y/n: it's ok i didnt hear a thing. My lips are sealed

Wanda: lets see how long this will last for

Y/n: whats that suppose to mean wands

Wanda: nothing dont worry about it

Y/n: hmm hmm

Wanda: come on love lets head back home

Me and wanda walk into the compound doors to see Steve waiting for us

Steve: ah there you both are

Y/n: steve your back where have you been

Steve: well

Wanda: I'm gonna go for a shower

Wanda walks off

Y/n: one second steve

I run to wanda

Y/n: excuse me you forgot something

Wanda: right sorry princess

Wanda gives me a kiss

Y/n: thank you

I run back to steve

Y/n: sorry about that whats up

Steve: i have 2 things for you

Y/n: oh no am i in trouble

Steve: no nothing bad dont worry

Y/n: i got worried then

Steve: as you know i was gone for a while

Y/n: yeah you vanished after you rescued me i thought i did something wrong

Steve: no i went to talk to tony to ask him something

Y/n: *in mind* this is what tony was talking about

Steve: y/n you listening

Y/n: yeah sorry

Steve: so i asked him for his permission to adopt you

Y/n: wait what your joking right

Steve: no I'm not, since the first day i met you and saw how tony was treating you i wanted to adopt you then but then hydra happened then you got arrested by tony and before I found you i was pacing and worrying.

Y/n: aw steve i didnt know im sorry

Steve: its ok y/n you didnt know 

Y/n: you know what the funniest thing is though me and wanda when we are on holiday we were talking about this exact moment but i didnt think you actually might

Steve: of course i would but not without Tonys approval and believe it or not he said yes

Y/n: i had a feeling he would

Steve: so y/n i have the adoption forms with me you can keep your last name if you want but you can only if you want to change it to rogers

Y/n: I'll change it to rogers. Y/n rogers has a nice ring to it doesnt it

Steve: so does that mean

Y/n: yes i would love to be your daughter

Steve picks me up and hugs me,wanda walks in

Wanda: you told her

Y/n: you knew

Wanda: yep sorry baby didnt want to ruin your happiness

Y/n: your part of my happiness wands

Steve: so should we make this official

Y/n: YES

I walk over to the kitchen to sign the documents, for me to be Steve's adopted daughter and officially change my name to rogers and if me and wanda ever get married it will be changed to rogers-maximoff or maximoff not sure yet

Steve: I also have one more surprise for you

Y/n: what is it

Even though i think i know exactly what it is or who it is

Steve:  you can come round now

Bucky pops out from behind the sofa


Bucky: heya y/n miss me

I ran to him to give him a huge hug

Y/n: ofc i did your my brother

Bucky: and your my sister y/n

Y/n: so big question, is hydra gone

Bucky: from my head yes and when i was in wakanda they gave me a new arm

Y/n: WOAH thats sick

Wanda: steve could i talk to you in private while they are catching up

Steve: ofc wanda


Me and steve walk into another room

Wanda: so now y/n is your daughter I have a question

Steve: if it is what i think it is

Wanda: i would like your bles.....

*third person pov*

Before wanda could finish her sentence there was an explosion in the compound where y/n and bucky were. Are they both ok? did Bucky and y/n get taken again ? Or was it just y/n taken ?

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