Classroom President [ BxBxB ]

By Xandersheren

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Class A is a class made only for the intelligent, for the skilled and talented kids we're society labels them... More

Chapter 1 • The mark
Chapter 2• The Announcement
Chapter 3• The test
Chapter 4: Passed?
Chapter 5: Class A
Chapter 6: Strange things
Chapter 7: Powers?!

Chapter 8 • First Task

1.3K 81 27
By Xandersheren

( Jay's POV)




" I think I've gon mad" I whispered to myself as I starred at the ceiling lost in thought.

Ms. Mendel thankfully dismissed us right after the..shocking announcement letting us take in this new information.

" Cells that can be genetically modified in doing inhuman acts"

"Each one of you will have your own element"

"And that's the purpose of Oak Wood Highschool, to help you control and discover your element"

Oak Wood Highschool.

Now I know why,

Why the population of Class A students are small

Why there are three divided classes in school

Why Oak Wood Highschool was one of the hardest school to be in.

"It was because of..people like me" I whispered.

Am I even considered a 'people'? I don't know anymore, should I be scared? Happy? Excited? Confused?

I've always wanted to special but
I didn't expect something special like this

" You know what? No, nope I'm not gonna overthink this shit" I stated as I closed my eyes praying that whatever happens in the future...

I'll survive

* * * * * * * *

"Good morning students, how was your sleep?" Ms. Mendel asked as we all remained silent looking at her as if trying to convince ourselves that everything she said last night was nothing but a mere dream.

Not gonna lie, I kinda hope it was too

" Cat got your tongue?" She jokes for the first time, usually we would've laughed at her corny jokes just so we could encourage her into being more happy.

But now, she's a little too happy

It kinda creeps me out

" We're fine" We all said in unison as we stared at each other realizing that, Georgia was the only one who looked excited.

Just proves more that the possibility of last night to have actually happened is 99.9%

"Hmm, maybe I should set up the mood real quick, Georgia would you like to do the honor?" Ms. Mendel asked causing Georgia to laugh nervously.

Whatever she does will either make truth of what Ms. Mendel said last night

Or make a fool out of it

" Uhm..Miss, I don't exactly..know how yet?" Georgia stated causing Ms. Mendel to hum thoughtfully as she opened her bag.

What on earth is she doing..

Suddenly something made out of rubber that had seemed to be a toy frog was thrown at Georgia causing her to yell in fear.

Ms. Mendel seriously still has the time to joke around huh?

"BWAHAHAHA-" Diego's laughing session stopped almost instantly when the room started shaking.


"What the fuck" I muttered under my breath as we all stared at each other in horror. 

It's the same earthquake that we experienced last night

"GET IT AWAY FROM ME!" Georgia was too focused at the frog that was currently stuck on her hair while we all grabbed on to our chairs for dear life.

Last night was definitely not a dream

"What the fuck is happening" Kenneth cursed as he looked at Ms. Mendel almost pissed to which the advisor only chuckled in response.

Earthquake was one thing, but the abnormal growth of the potted plants that were inside the room was another.

The plants are all growing at an abnormal speed.

The potted plant's small branches
grew rapidly that..the pots of the plants itself broke because of the abnormal growth of its roots.


"We need to stop this!!" Kenneth yelled causing all of us to stare at Ms. Mendel who currently, seemed to be enjoying the situation.

I officially confirm, that Ms. Mendel is far FAR from normal. 

"Everyone listen up" Ms. Mendel stated, even though the room was shaking, and the plants are spreading everywhere, her voice was still booming and crystal clear.

"This, is your first task, find the reason why this is happening, and stop it before.." Ms. Mendel stopped as she took out a small hourglass.

"The timer runs out" She said, she started laughing hirastically then dissapeared out of nowhere causing all of our jaws to drop.

What the fuck is happening.

"W-what do we do..?!" Diego yelled helplessly, the earthquake still continues to intesify by the minute and the branches are now almost the size of the chairs.

"How the heck would I know?!" Kenneth yelled.

I was about to say something when suddenly someone grabbed me by the waist throwing me over their shoulders making me gasp in surprise.

What the..

Zhang Wei?

"Dude what the heck you almost killed me!" I yelled as I clutched my chest causing Zhang to roll his eyes.

"I won't kill you, but that almost did" He said as he pointed his finger at the giant root of a potted plant that was near my foot the entire time.

If he didn't caught me..

"If It hadn't been for me, you would've been limp the entire school year" He stated monotonly causing my eyes to widen not because of what Zhang said but because of the no longger potted plant continuing to grow.

So what Class A students are capable of

"Zhang stop messing around and help me think" Shang stated as he walked behind Zhang.

Shang only stared down at me causing me to smile awkwardly seeing as I'm still on Zhang's shoulder.

This damn giant.

" MAMA I WANNA GO HOME" Diego yelled crying as he held onto his chair for dear life

"GET IT AWAY FROM ME IT'S EATING MY HAIR" Georgia yet again was still focused on the frog to whom I believe is sticking like a slime.

"Georgia for fuck's sake we have a bigger problem here" Kenneth hissed to which Georgia didn't seem to hear seeing as she was still screaming because of the frog.

"I'm scared" Dave wailed while Kenneth fought off some of the roots nearing the both of them.

Shit shit shit

What did Ms. Mendel said last night?

"Fuck what was it again" I muttered under my breath in frustration as Zhang continued to carry me around with Shang following him from behind.

"Each of these students gets an element, an element of which they can control. It usually starts to generate when you experience heavy emotions such as, happiness, anger, sorrow and.." She then looked at Georgia with a smile "Fear."


" Zhang put me down-"

"No" he simply stated causing me to roll my eyes.

How the fuck do I make this giant listen?

Without much thought I quickly wrapped my legs around his waist to which made him stop almost instantly.

It worked!

"What the fuck do you think your doing?" He hissed even though his arms wasn't planning on letting my waist go.

"I know how to stop this!" I said causing his eye brows to furrow.

"Enlighten me" he replied.

"All we have to do is to calm Georgia down" I said causing Zhang to look at me skeptical while Shang remained quietly listening behind Zhang.


"Last night Ms. Mendel stated that these abilities are more active when the person who controls it feels heavy emotions right? " I stated causing the both of them to tilt their heads.

"Your point is?"

"If..Hypothetically speaking, if we calmed Georgia down-"

"Everything will go back to normal" Shang continued causing me to nod rappidly.

"Considering all of the activities that Ms. Mendel had made us do this week, all of those calming sessions would make sense" Shang said as he looked at his brother to which Zhang sighed in response.

"It's worth the try I guess" He stated causing me to cheer happily.

The question now is how?

"MAMA" Diego continued to cry while Kenneth fought off the giant roots that were slowly making their way towards Diego.

"Kenneth! You're the one closest to Georgia how do we calm her down?" I yelled at Kenneth on the other side of the giant root causing Kenneth to scowl at me.

"Firstly we are not close" He said making me roll my eyes.

That's not the point here

"And second I think the only way to calm her down now is getting that damned frog off of her hair" He yelled while Diego used him as a human sheild.

"It sounds easy-"

"Jay, look" Shang said as he pointed at Georgia causing my eyes to widen.

Georgia was far from us, surrounded by giant roots filled with torns while jumping up and down because of the toy frog that was sticked to her hair like a glue.

Fuck how do we get to her?

"We just nees to get the frog off of her hair" I stated.

Zhang only sighed while finally putting me down causing me to internally cheer.

"I didn't want to resort to this but this is getting out of hand" He grumbled as he walked towards the thorned bush  that was surrounding Gorgia.

It's as if, the thorns were trying to protect her from us

"Be careful ass shit" Shang yelled causing Zhang to roll his eyes.

How on earth can he walk that straight amidst this damn earthquake?

"Georgia!" Zhang yelled causing Georgia to stop as she looked at him, fear still evident in her eyes.

"Take a deep breath and come here" Zhang said causing me to internally smack my head.

As if Georgia would ever listen to-

I couldn't finish my thought when the mere scene right before me was something I never expected.

Gorgia was obediently walking towards him still fearful of the fact that there's a frog stuck to her hair.

She's actually listening? 

"Out of everyone here, Georgia only liked Zhang I suppose" Shang said behind me while I remained starring at them still not believing what I'm seeing.

The bitch of the school is listening to the mute prince of the campus

How romantic

"I can see that" I stated.

When Georgia finally reached Zhang he quickly grabbed the toy frog off of her hair and raised it right to her face.

"It was a damn toy" he said annoyed causing Georgia's eyes to widen, a slight tint of blush was slowly evidently showing on her cheeks.

She really does like him in that way?

The earthquake then started to slowly die down causing all of us to sigh in relief.

The gigantic roots that were crawling on the ceiling and on the floor started to descend back to it's original form leaving only nothing but spilled soils, broken pots and practically just leaving the room a giant mess.

"Everything is back to normal idiot you can stop hugging me now" Kenneth groaned while Diego only shook his head rappidly still hugging Kenneth from behind like a damn Koala.

My plan actually worked!

"Hmm, still with 10 minutes to spare, not bad" Someone said on the board causing all of our heads to snap at none other than Ms. Mendel.

"Do you know how fucking dangerous that was?" Diego hissed at out advisor causing Ms. Mendel to roll her eyes.

"If you died because of something as small as this then you wouldn't have been a Class A student in the first place" She stated as we all stared at her lightly pissed at what she did.

"Don't give me that look, I was only tasked to do the job, everyone needs to do something for a living" Dhe shrugged.

"Now, I'd like to ask you all something after, what have you observed today?" she asked causing Kenneth to scoff.




"A mess"

"Roots" Diego said causing all of our heads to snap at him as if asking are you serious?

"I-I did saw roots tho! Giant ones!" He explained causing all of us to roll our eyes.

"Other than those, what have you observed from what was happening to your surrounding and to Georgia?" She asked.

"Her fear of frogs activated her abilities causing everything to go on a rampage" Kenneth said causing Ms. Mendel to smile proudly.

"And what exactly were those things?"

"Earthquakes and abnormal growth of plants that are..linked to her element" Diego said finally being serious.

"Which is?"

"Earth" He replied causing Ms. Mendel's smile to grow wider.

"Did anyone notice more than those?" Ms. Mendel asked causing me to bite my lip.

I want to confirm if my hypothesis is right

"What about you Mr. Smith?" She asked causing me to gulp.

"Correct me if I'm wrong Ms. Mendel but, didn't you say that our ability depends on our personality?" I asked causing her to nod skeptical of what I'm about to say.

"Yes I recall saying something like that" she said with a creepy smile.

"And Ms. Georgia being known as one of the best actresses in campus, I can't help but think that everything she did today was.." I trailed off as I looked over my shoulder seeing Georgia with a raised brow.

"Everything she did was for show alone and that her abilities..played along with the story her mind is trying to portray" I stated causing Kenneth to look at me dumb founded.

I highly doubt that someone would act like..that..earlier just because of a meansly frog that was obviously fake in the first place.

Or maybe I'm just overthinking this?

"If that really were the case, wouldn't that mean Georgia had already mastered her abilities earlier than when she actually told us?" Kenneth asked causing everyone to look at me anticipating for a response.

"That is..exactly my point" I said causing Ms. Mendel to hum amusingly as she stared at me with a grin.

"And what makes you think that she mastered her abilities earlier than you? You were all joining the same class and never once had she missed a lesson" She said.

"But last night when the earthquake started, she was nowhere to be seen, not until you, Ms. Mendel, finally arrived. If last night really was the first time her abilities activated, wouldn't she have trembled in fear with everyone of us?" I stated.

This time everyone's head snapped at Ms. Mendel who only started laughing out loud like a mad man.

This advisor is freaking creepy.

"Haiya, looks like we were finally caught Georgia" Ms. Mendel said causing Georgia to roll her eyes.

"Georgia please enlighten your classmates about what Mr. Smith had discovered" She said causing Georgia to look at me coldly but nodded nonetheless.

"It is..true, I discovered my ability on the very first day of being a Class A student, when all of that happened the first time I..didn't trust any of you enough, so, I called for Ms. Mendel and explained to her what happened" She started as we all gathered together.

"That's when she explained to me everything and had given me special classes every night as a privilage of being the first one to discover their element." She continued.

"Like Jay said, yes, my ability depends on the story that my mind wants them to play in, of course it is limited to earthly things alone. Last night, as well as today, was all planned by Ms. Mendel and me " She finished causing all of us to stare at each other.

Who knew my mindless theory was right.

"Does this mean, Ms. Mendel lied about our abilities being connected to our emotional state?" Kenneth asked causing Ms. Mendel to shake her head.

"Your emotions do matter, however  the type of ability you get will depend on your personality, being calm and composed can help you have control over you element and it will submit to you, and therefore, Mr. Smith I commend you for your quick realization" Ms. Mendel stated as she walked beside Georgia.

"Tho..I didn't expect you, Mr. Smith, of all people to find us out this quickly" she chuckled.

"I guess at the end of the day  a  student is made Class A for a reason" she chuckled amusingly.

"Does this mean that her ability really was being a bitch after all! A two faced bitch that's what" Kenneth accused causing all of us to snort.

Ha..what exactly have I gotten myself into

________CHANGE POVS________

( Ms. Mendel's POV)

"How was it?" The familiar gut wrenching voice of this man asked on the other side of the phone.

"Not gonna lie, this batch is the best one yet, not only did we have a student who found her element on the very first day of being a Class A student, there's also someone.." I trailed off contemplating on telling him what happened.

He won't hurt them won't he?

"Someone who?"

"There's someone in class who found us out only from a mere observation" She stated causing him to hum in amusement on the other side of the phone.

"How amusing, look after this batch thoroughly, who knows, we might find someone with the same unique ability as mine" he said causing me to laugh humorously.

Is he serious?

"Tho this batch is quite commendable than of those from 27 years ago, I highly doubt that someone would ever be able to handle such an ability" I stated causing him to chuckle on the other side of the line.

"Never say never my dear, a hidden gem might be within this year's batch" he said causing me to roll my eyes.

" I still have somewhere to go to, however I appreciate the updates, continue to observe them properly" he stated seriously causing me to lightly gulp.

How can he still be intimidating at the age of 43?

"Yes director" I said causing the line to go dead.

A quadro elemental student amongst this batch?

Sounds like a joke to me

Thanks for reading!

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