Fire Escape

By ThatOneCringeGirl

18.7K 1.3K 709

ever sense Error can remember, hes dedicated his life to giving his dying brother, Geno, a gift. the gift of... More

Prologue: hired
Chapter 1: a new morning
Chapter 2: Puke It Up.
Chapter 3: a rising suspicion
Chapter 4: everything is overthinking
Chapter 5: is it worth something I cant control?
Chapter 6: is this good news?
Chapter 8: did you plan for the sun to rise?
Chapter 9: he never came home
Chapter 10: this cruel city
Chapter 11: home sweet home
Chapter 12: hes not home. Yet.
Chapter 13: what does this mean?
Chapter 14: whos better for me..?
Chapter 15: a very sudden change of feeling.
Chapter 16: dancing in the rain.
Chapter 17: a reason to cry.
Chapter 18: cold
Chapter 19..
Chapter 20: ..Nothing once more..
Epilogue: a happy ending

Chapter 7: once the sunlight is gone

758 63 18
By ThatOneCringeGirl

Error POV: months passed, and after a few years of working. I ended up moving out. Mom was teary eyed, and of course, fresh could care less. He didnt seem to want to leave. Even at 23 years of age now. He doesnt really want to work, and mom, being mom, would love for one of her 'baby boys' to stay with her. She asked if I was sure if I wanted to leave. I reminded her I was 24 years old, a grown man, and that I could fend for myself.

I emptied out my room, packing everything in boxes, leaving only my bed frame with my mattress, and my dresser.

The apartment I got was furnished, but I still wanted to decorate my room to my own liking once I got their. I don't know why tho.. I wouldnt be their for long.. but even so, to make it less conspicuous, I took my stuff anyway.

According to the landlord, the small apartment had a living room, kitchen, bathroom, small balcony, 1 bedroom, and a storage closet. I had toured the building and it was pretty clean and quiet with the exception of one neighbor who constantly had people over. The appliances where kinda old, but besides that, it was decent. The balcony simply overlooked a street with more tall buildings and apartment complexes. Acationally bustling with cars and work trucks.

Nearby was a public park, with hiking trails that overlooked lakes with ducks, and flower fields, alongside the occasional sight of wildlife like deers and rabbits. Small restaurants littered the small town, including a Culvers, for me to eat at when I needed something in my system without puking it up. Shops of clothing and accessories overflowed a small shopping street, and a Mall was in the process of being build.

It was a calm little town, around 25 minutes away from moms house, and around 17 minutes away from Geno.

Not like he would he would want visit anyway.

He was constantly busy.

He was either working, hanging out with friends, or driving away to meet up with his boyfriend, Who was 2 to 3 hours away. Or traveling to just go explore. He enjoyed long car rides and enjoying the view sometimes.

I'm glad that he was happy without me. But it still hurt.

Hurt to much for me to handle.

Once I had officially moved out, I didnt bother unpacking the countless boxes that where stacked up in my room. The only thing I unpacked was the rope.

The ceiling fan looked sturdy enough to keep it stable.


I felt something pattering on my scull. I look up only to be met with water slowly dripping from the ceiling.


Just what I needed..

I just ignore it.

No need to tend to something temporary anyway..

That's why I didn't bother meeting the neighbors.

One neighbor I saw was an elderly human man that looked at me with disgust and closed his door, locking it. And the others where screaming and partying next door. I didn't really know who the owners where.

I looked at the rope that layed on my bed, ready for use, then looked over at the balcony. The gleaming sun peaked over the trees and cast a yellow and orange hue over the sky. No clouds where in sight and the chirp of birds could be heard over the loud partying next door.

'A beautiful sight to die with. Disappearing like the evening sun'

I looked at the rope yet again.

My heart felt heavy as I looked at it.

'Do it. You want Geno to be happy.. dont you..? Maybe in your next life you can be of use. Just like the sun, reborn another day.

What good is the sun if it doesnt light up the world? Your useless to everyone. Maybe you can start over once your gone.

You want to be useful. Dont you?'


'Then get the rope.'

I looked at the rope with longing but I couldnt convince myself to move. My body was frozen in place.

'Once I'm gone.. the sun will shine brighter..

Geno will smile brighter..

Mom will smile brighter..

Everyone will smile brighter.

Then why couldnt I bring myself to do it just yet..?

Maybe it was the fact that I wanted to see that gorgeous sunset one last time..

See the world continue to spin once im gone

Say goodbye to the nature of life.

Maybe that was it..

I looked out at the balcony one last time. Looking at the beautiful fading sun with longing.

'Once the sunlight it gone, then I can leave with it..

And then the sun will come back even brighter tomorrow'

I told myself as I walked to the living room, grabbing my jacket that I had throw on the floor, quickly putting it on.

'Once the sunlight is gone....'

I grab my wallet and my phone, alongside a small bag to keep my portable charger in, and my keys. I walk out of my home with a long stride, locking my door behind me quickly before leaving the building.

'Once the sunlight is gone..'

I walk the streets of the the small town, watching families roam around harmlessly. Oblivious to the pain of the world. I passed by small business, run by old men and women, and young entrepreneurs who wish to be wealthy in the near future. Kids running and laughing with nice-cream cones from a nearby stand tuned by a rabbit monster with a big smile.

Yet I didnt understand it.

These small things made everything better when I was younger.

But now nothing seems to help.

Why do I feel so numb all the time?


Why cant I just start over-?


'Once the sunlight is gone..'

I make it to the park. A large cobble stone sign was polished and sanded. Painted to say 'Baneville national bark' in big white bubbly letters. A rocky pathway lead throughout an open field with the occasional tree here-and-their. A large lake sat in the center, filled with lily-pads and duck swimming peacefully.

I looked around a see the woods nearby. Multiple dirt paths lead throughout the tree lines. I walk silently, keeping my hood over my face and not making eye contact with anyone.

I make it to the trails and wonder around the forest as the sky grows dimmer and dimmer. The sky begins to turn a dark violet and pink as the sun fades. Peaking only on the edge of the horizon to light the paths.

The chirping of birds, and melodies of crickets seem to make my worries fade of everything.

'This is bliss. This is what people will feel once your gone.

We can start over.

We failed in this life..

But maybe..

Maybe in the next one....


Once the sunlight is gone....

I cant start over.'

I think to myself as I look down at my oversized jacket, lifting it up slightly to look at my bandaged arms.

'Tommorrow is a new day.'

I look one last time as the sun slowly fades from view. I feel tears flow down my face as I know thats the last sunset I'll ever see.

'Tommorrow is a better day'

I walk slowly back home. My head bowed in sorrow for the painless end that's to come. The sun is gone, yet it will rise without me. Is this what the world wanted?

Will everyone be happier now?

I look up as the stars start to form only to be met with warm glow in the distance. Followed by the screaming of sirens and waterfall of smoke pouring up into the sky.

My heart stops as I realize that that's where my apartment complex is.



I start into a sprint as my adrenaline bursts through my chest. My soul pounds as I round the corner only to be net with the bright glow of flames and ashes

The large apartment complex burned as the widows flooded with smoke. Their were sirens blaring as ambulances, police, and firefighters all arrived to the scene. Alongside the screaming of families and witnesses wanting their families to get out of the burning building.

I rush over to the croud of people surrounding the complex in pure shock. I see a women talking to a police officer, before the police officer leaves. I decide to go up to her.

I tap her on the shoulder and try to hide the panic filling my voice.

"What happened? What's going on??" I ask the woman.

"I'm not sure..! I was just doing my afternoon jog when I noticed from one of the windows that their was a room that water was pouring from the ceiling. I didnt see anyone tending to it, and I saw a number plastered on a sign about a landlord and his phone number for if anyone wanted to rent one of the rooms."

That's right...

Thats how I stumbled across the building..

Their was a small sign outside the building that had the landlords phone number on it just in case anyone wanted to purchase one of the rooms..

And the water-

Their was water dripping in my room.. maybe a pipe bursted wile I was out..?

The lady continues with her story..

"I was in the middle of dialing it when suddenly it basically just exploded! The windows broke and their was flames everywhere! I think that the water might have touched something electric??"

Those stupid old appliances..!!

"But I heard screaming..! People here still inside, so i called the police immediately!" She looks back at the building. "I hope everyone is gonna be okay but.. I dont think anyone could have survived that..!"


Great. Their goes my chance..!

I look up at the burning flames as ashed flutter to the ground all around me.

How am I supost to continue now..?? All my furniture is destroyed..! And now I'm going to have to comfort mom and geno..! If the news gets out, then they'll be worried sick! They'll think I'm dead and I'll have to-..


Holy s### they think I'm dead..

My heart stopped pounding for a second.

They didnt have to worry about me anymore..

I watched as a news van pulled up to the scene. Taking out cameras and microphones to give to a lady dressed in an red dress.

The news will be out and they'll go on having to not worry anymore.

I can....

I can have a second chance.

I quickly reach into my pocket and take out my phone, immediately turning off my location.

I pull out my wallet and count my cash.

Plenty for a bus trip.

Next thing I know, I was rushing to a nearby bus stop, waiting wile pacing back and forth for Hope's of the bus to apear.

They didn't have to worry anymore.

This was my second chance.

'Once the sunlight is gone

I can leave this place.

And when it rises again for the start of a new day

I can finally rise with it.'

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