The Prototype

By PhynxDeville

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He could very well be the most Brutal, Sadistic , Cold-blooded, dangerous, deadliest Mafia King on this entir... More

Character Inspiration
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Twenty

73 1 0
By PhynxDeville



The deed is done. The deal has been sealed and a new turn of events for the Galileli Costa Nostra is in place.

The sound of Tempest's heels sounded off in the room as I watch her walk to the door, Nino winked at her with his signature smirk as he opened the office door for her and spoke something lowly to her before she completely left the room.

I don't know what it is about that damn woman that has Nino so intrigued and ready to damn well make a mess of his relationship with Nicole however, what I do know is, Nicole is what's safer and at the end of the day Tempest is temporary.

I hear Uncle Galilei clears his throat breaking me out of my thoughts and my focus as Tempest has completely left the room. I turned my focus to his direction watching as he walks over to me "Well that was an interesting meeting, she is definitely a unique one. Probably the most unique one we've had ever." He chuckled.

"Oh, father that is not even half of who she is and what she can be or turn into," Nino spoke with a chuckle as he begin to walk towards me as well.

I took the time to sit at the desk that was also in the room as Uncle Galilei and Nino took a seat in front of the desk in the leather chairs.

I took a soft exhale "I'm just pleased that we have finally come to an agreement." I admitted.

Uncle Galileli nodded his head "Well I see you took my advice instead of trying to tame her, just make her feel a part and secure enough to get what need to be done while she is here for the time being." He expressed in a tone of satisfaction.

I nodded my head in agreement with his statement. Nino let out another chuckle "You know a lot can happen in three years, that's if you don't intervene" Nino mischievously smirked at me.

I looked over at Nino "You mean if she behaves herself and focus on the objective and not get her personal conceited emotions involved then yeah I agree. But also let's face it, It's either she's going to try to finish it before three years or she will allow her nuisance of emotions to get the best of her and void the contract." I corrected him.

Uncle Galilei cleared his throat once more bringing my attention back to him "That is where you take control of the situation. Listen, Marcellus, the contract is very important, I know we don't have to mention, discuss or stress how important the contract is and if all goes well what it could do for the family. This contract is very valuable. What you have her doing for the family is very valuable and it would greatly benefit the family. Let's keep that as a focus." He encouraged.

I nod my head agreeing once more "I know and I do agree with you. I do want this contract to succeed however it won't be at the cause of her disrespect toward me. I will not tolerate it under no circumstances, also, in no way, shape or form will she overstep me or think as though she can overstep me. I am still head. I am still the alpha. I will do my part as making sure this contract succeeds and make sure business is handled."

I open up the side drawer of my desk grabbing the shiny wooden little chest. I opened it seeing all the organized Montecristo Cigars neatly packed in it.

The mesmerizing and comforting aroma of the cigars immediately hit my nostrils bringing a soothing sensation to my body.

I grabbed one from the mini chest and then tilted the chest over to Uncle Galileli allowing him to get one as well and then placed the chest back in its rightful drawer since Nino doesn't smoke.

I looked amongst both Uncle Galilei and Nino seeing them watching my every move "I know we are aiming for the success of this contract. This would be huge for us but you both know me and what I will and won't allow. That still applies to Tempest. Nonetheless, and fortunately, it seems as though her mindset and focus are also on this contract and the completion of this contract so that she doesn't have to be here which is good. However, this is a three-and-a-half-year contract. As Nino stated a lot can happen over these next months and years ahead of us that she is under this roof." I explained.

I took the straight cigar cutter, made a clean and precise cut of the cigar cutting the cap of it off, and then passed the tool along to Uncle Galileli.

I put my focus on Nino "I know Nino, you and Godmother think so highly of her and she has somehow made a place here for y'all, however, keep your focus on what's important here and do not allow whatever emotions or desire you may have for her get you attached to her. Whatever you have planned or are thinking of pursuing with her I do not need for it to intervene with the focus of this contract. Do with this warning as you may however if your emotions or whatever you try to pursue with her get in between the goal of why she is really here then me and you will have a problem. Do I make myself clear?" I sternly spoke to him.

Nino nodded his head "Absolutely." He answered.

Uncle Galileli passed the torch lighter back to me. I position the cigar above the flame to prime the cigar. Spin it around a bit to burn the end evenly watching a fairly uniform orange glow form.

I began to take a few puffs from the Cigar before continuing. The aroma from the cigar and its white smoke begin to mix into the room from each smooth puff and slight exhale.

Returning my focus back to Nino  "Remember, you have important duties as well. One of those duties is to also make sure this contract becomes successful. That doesn't mean for you to use your desires for her as a way to do it. Business comes first. This is business. I will not always be here on the estate, your father, The Consigliere, uncle Galileli is rarely here this we know as he himself also has duties to this Cosa Nostra. That means you must make sure as we are away or whenever we are away, this contract and the goal stays intact and Tempest stays focused. I do not want this woman and whatever your desires, and motives for this woman to be the reason why you fall as Underboss and fail your duties. Understood?" I spoke with my focus remaining on Nino.

He nods his head once more "Understood, no worries Marcellus. I got it."He spoke with much faith.

I nod my head "That also means you need to be smart about your actions even in events. Especially with Nicole." I added.

Nino nodded his head once more. "And you have my word." He pledged. I took more puffs from the cigar looking over at Uncle Galilei as he does the same.

Lightly blowing the smoke from my nose and removing the cigar from my lips "Same goes for Godmother who has grown quite fond of Tempest. My only concern with the duration of this contract is that Godmother gets attached to her and that is what I do not want and May have to talk to Godmother about that personally. We know how she can allow her emotions or attachments to get the best of her. The same goes for Gabby and Gia. I just need to make sure everyone is on the same page with this. However, if the interactions that y'all have with her give great benefit to her work then by all means continue. Just keep a focus as to why she's here in the first place. At the end of the day, it's by contract and she's Temporary." I expressed to the both of them watching them both nod their heads to me in understanding.

"Speaking of events and turn of events, also including Tempest. What about Vincenzo and his desire or whatever motive he has with Tempest? With the beginning of our intense horse race tournament coming up next Month will Tempest be attending those as well and how will you go about Vincenzo possibly wanting Tempest?" Nino asked.

I softly tilt the cigar over in the ashtray allowing the ashes to fall off. "For whatever reason, Godmother wants Tempest to be in attendance of the events. But also, Now Tempest has a role at the events which is being labeled as my significant other, therefore she has no choice but to attend until I can clean all this up with a break up plan. I do want to find out the motive of Vincenzo in regards to Tempest. Tempest and I have come to an agreement that she does not make herself accessible to him." I explained as I begin to think about how busy March is about to be far as events on top of having to deal with Vincenzo and whatever plan or vendetta he has out for Tempest.

Allowing a brief moment of silence as I take more puffs from the cigar allowing my thoughts to settle before speaking once more. The smoothness of the smoke exhaled from my nose "I told him when I was in Italy that I will call him today because he asked for me to see if Tempest had any "coworkers" after he boldly ask me if she could be his accountant. So I have something to solve his request and we shall see if he accepts it or deny it once he comes for the social gathering and first initial inspections of the horses that will be entering this season's Galileli Horse Tournament." I explained. I tilt the cigar over into the ashtray flicking it gently allowing the ashes to fall from it once more

"Mind if I give you some advice?" Uncle Galilei spoke causing me to solely focus on him. I nod my head signaling him to go ahead as I took another puff from my cigar "As your Consiligere but also as your Uncle, Marcellus I advise you to be smart about this. Not saying that you already aren't or that you haven't been thinking much on this. What I am saying is, with the lie of Tempest being your significant other you want to play this smart. You do not want to leave open any reason for anyone to question or assume that this is a lie and there are several reasons why I am saying this." Uncle Galilei spoke with sternness in his voice.

I continued to give him my undivided attention "You know honesty is very important in our lifestyle. We must hold ourselves to the highest of morals and code of conduct. With Tempest not really being your girlfriend but to others who think she is, you have to make this believable." He pointed out. I suddenly began to curse myself of even doing this. Uncle Galileli was right. Although I fucking despise this woman, I must play into this accordingly.

Uncle Galileli continued "I know you feel as though, it's no one business about your personal life but because you are the man of such caliber and the title that you hold, you know it's unrealistic to think people wouldn't watch every move and want to know everything about you, including who you're with and if she is the perfect woman after Priscilla and much better than Priscilla."

I would not ever compare the two. Priscilla may have had her flaws but she knew her place. She knew how to carry herself and how to act accordingly.

Tempest is a fucking menace. A got damn lunatic. I have no expectations for her. She doesn't stand a chance.

Uncle Galileli continue "No one knows about Tempest, who she is and why you chose her. The mystery will continue to rise and with Vincenzo who may even be one to wanting to solve that mystery as he have his own motive behind Tempest that is unknown at the moment. You have to be strategic about this." He took a puff of his cigar.

Vincenzo is really starting to become an annoyance. Mentally cursing this entire situation and how it had unfolded because of this fucking woman. I watch as Uncle Galileli smoothly blew the smoke out. His ocean blue eyes focuses back on to me "Now I must admit, I don't understand why your Godmother would insist on Tempest coming to the event initially because regardless of where Tempest is located on this estate, she is an outsider. She shouldn't even be in arms reach of our peers. The only Mafia she should know of is us and that is because she is in this building and under our roof." I nod my head agreeing with everything he was speaking.

I don't see nor do I understand the reason behind Tempest being at the event and why would she make such decision for Tempest to attend the event.

Uncle Galileli continues "Now Tempest face is known in our world, our peers have seen her. Peers from all over the world who have attended the event have seen Tempest and that she is tied to you. If whatever happened in Washington, D.C continue to unfold and they continue to unravel the catastrophe that happened in Washington, D.C and broadcast it on every news platform, will Tempest picture pops up on the screen one day and our peers see that." --

All hell will break lose in ways I can't even imagine.

I continued to ponder on everything he was saying as I take puffs from the cigar while I and Nino give him our undivided attention "That's something that needs to be addressed immediately. That is what I mean by all lose ends with this need to be covered up or burnt off. Every little crack and hole of this that could back fire on us, on you, need to be sealed." He suggested and I agree, I need to really take a dive into all of this from every angle.

I took a deep sigh as I tilt the cigar back into the ashtray putting it out as I come to the realization that I need to have yet another fucking conversation with this hell of a woman to save my own ass and to make sure everything is sealed and closed tight since Vincenzo could be going into all measures to figure out any and everything about this woman.

If you ask me I would have wanted no one to fucking know who she was nor would I have wanted to tie her to me as my significant other. If it wasn't for whatever Vincenzo has out for her, I wouldn't have made such a ridiculous decision.

Even if I had the chance to do away with Tempest or come up with a way for Tempest to not be in these spaces as often, it's far too late for that now that Vincenzo is on her and seemingly desperate to figure out who she is.

It is now once again my duty to figure out more about this woman's position, role, and whatever power that she held in Washington D.C working with Zyus that would benefit Vincenzo and make any loopholes in the lies to now protect this woman who has become a target by being in these spaces.

This is one of the many reasons why outsiders such as Tempest are never to join these spaces and because of Godmother and whatever attachment she has for Tempest, here we are.

I took another deep exhale "Thank you Uncle Galileli, you have given me a lot to consider and think about. I appreciate your advice and your suggestions which is why you're my Consigliere, most important to me and I am grateful for that. Although I may not want to, I do need to have yet another conversation with that woman. It definitely won't be today but there are some things I need to get to the bottom of immediately. However, I need to go ahead and make this call to Vincenzo and I know you both have Valentine's day plans made. So this concludes our meeting for now." I expressed looking at my Rolex and seeing the time.

I watched as both uncle Galilei and Nino looked at their Rolex. "Hm, you're right about that. Didn't know the time has passed us by so quickly" Uncle Galileli mentioned as he put out his cigar.

I stood up as he and Nino did the same "Send my apologies to Godmother as well as to Nicole if I have caused any delays in your plans." I expressed to the both of them.

Uncle Galilei reached out his hand for me to shake "You know your Godmother completely understands and you didn't cause too much of a delay at all actually." He corrected as our hands firmly shake.

"Yeah, Nicole would most definitely understand, she doesn't really have a choice but same with me, you haven't caused much of a delay." Nino expressed causing me to chuckle as I then shook his hand as well. "You all enjoy yourselves, I will see you when you return." I expressed while Nino and our firm handshake come to an end.

I remain standing while I watch the both of them leave from the office chair and then walk to the door of the meeting room "Have a great rest of your day Marcellus" Uncle Galileli spoke as Nino opened the door. I nod my head giving a comforting smile "Thank you." I expressed.

I watched as they both left out of the door and closed it behind them. I sat back down getting comfortable in the black leather office chair once more, taking a deep breath to allow ease and prepare myself for the call with Vincenzo.

Out of all our years, I have never seen Vincenzo this focused and this adamant to be slick, sneaky, and conniving. Which is how I know whatever it is about Tempest obviously is something very important to him.

I pulled out my personal phone unlocked it and then found his contact and gave him a call.

Within three rings Vincenzo answered "Marcellus, it's a pleasure to hear from you, I thought I would have had to wait until tomorrow to receive a call from you since today is Valentine's Day" he mentioned causing me to mentally scoff.

I let out a chuckle "Our day hasn't started just yet, I had some business to get done. Now that I am done with that, I decided to go ahead and give you a call before I leave my office for the day." I explained to him.

"Well I really do appreciate that, I hope you're calling with good news" Vincenzo mentioned.

I don't think this the news he's going to be expecting.

I leaned back comfortably in the chair "Well I do apologize for the disappointment this news May bring. Tempest has reached out to those she knows which isn't many at all but of those she could really trust that would take care of you however they aren't accepting any more clients at the time. However, I do have an amazing suggestion and offer of someone that I think would be perfect for the job. You know her as well." I explained.

It took Vincenzo a slight second to respond as I am sure he was probably cursing in his mind of the brick wall that I have just slammed into his face. He cleared his throat "That's absolutely fine. I do appreciate her for trying. Please tell her Thank you for trying and Thank you Marcellus for even asking her to do that for me." Vincenzo expressed as I could tell in his tone he was disappointed or maybe just annoyed that he got absolutely nowhere with that plan of action.

"Of course Vincenzo, like I previously stated if I can help in any way I will. I will also let Tempest know you appreciate her for trying of course but those of Tempest may be good but you and I know someone that in my opinion is better because she's been around and worked amongst us and those of us." I expressed to him.

I smirked waiting for him to take my bait knowing that he clearly didn't want another option and doesn't want an accountant probably at all I'm sure he already has one. He just really wanted a way to Tempest and to figure her out.

Vincenzo cleared his throat "And who might that be? " He asked taking my bait just as I wanted him to.

"You remember Annalise don't you? Daughter of the Colombo Family. She's a phenomenal accountant and financial assistant that I am beyond positive she would be delighted to join your team and help you with your business finances. Especially since she knows our world and how we need for things to look to those of the outside world." I explained to him.

Vincenzo was once again quiet for a second "ooh yeah I do remember Annalise. You're right. I forgot all about her. However, I'm sure she may be full of clients as well don't you think?" He mentioned.

I softly chuckled, more so at him giving himself away "I doubt it, you know she only takes certain clients for sure and she would be delighted to help you in any way. We grew up with her. She would be more than welcome to help you along your journey. Also, if you need for me to put in a good word to her for you then I would be more than happy to. Just to secure your deal. Although I'm more than sure when she hears from you and what you are building she will be ecstatic. You know she will be here in March during the Galileli Annual Horse Race tournament, that's even better for you." I explained with a sly smirk on my face knowing that I'm only forcing his hand to have to reach out to her if he was really in need of an accountant.

"I really appreciate your help with this Marcellus. I think you are right, Annalise would be a perfect candidate. I will reach out to her. I'm sure she might be busy today with it being Valentine's Day so I will make a note to send her a proposal email or give her a call first thing tomorrow morning." Vincenzo informed.

"That is wonderful Vincenzo, you definitely should and I do agree that Annalise would be a phenomenal candidate for you. It's my pleasure to help." I expressed to him.

Vincenzo cleared his throat once more "Well I know you and Tempest have special plans today so I will do my due diligence and say my goodbyes. Thank you once again Marcellus and tell Tempest I said thank you. I appreciate it." Vincenzo spoke.

I smiled in accomplishment. As of now, I can watch this unfold if Vincenzo is really in need of an accountant as he says which means he would reach out to Annalise or if he will come up with some excuse as to why it didn't work out with her and him finding another accountant to cover up him wanting someone close to Tempest for his own personal benefit since he damn well know he can't get Tempest.

"No problem Vincenzo, have a good rest of your day." I concluded. The call ended and all I could do was chuckle at his attempts.

Little do he know, I am close to Annalise so eventually this will all come to light if he falls through with it or not.

I would say he is a clever man but I have seen and have been more clever than this. He has to come better next time.


I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door causing me to groan in frustration of being interrupted from my amazing beauty rest. I turned over looking at the time now that military time has become second nature to me, it was easy for me to read it as it is six in the afternoon, two hours before dinner. "Avyanna" I heard my name being called softly from the other side of the door.

Also knowing the only person that calls me that consistently is Mrs. Galileli. "Coming" I spoke out after remembering that I locked my door. Finally getting the strength, I dragged myself out of bed and walked over to the door unlocking it.

The door opened as I walked back over to my bed hearing Mrs. Galileli softly giggle "You know, you are the most sleepiest young lady I have ever come across" she mentioned as she walked in closing my door behind her.

I threw the covers back over me as I sat up in my bed. "Well as you know by now, I don't have the traditional sleep schedule as you and everyone else" I commented to her as I watch her sit down on my bed.

I analyzed her seeing that she was dressed in this beautiful red dress, her silky black hair was styled so elegantly in a vintage classic combed-out finger wave, body wave style.

One thing I can always say about Mrs. Galileli, she always looks so ageless, so well put together, so elegant, and so refreshing. A very modest woman that's for sure.

"You're back so soon, is it Mandatory for you to be back before dinner as well?" I asked her. Mrs. Galileli let out a soft giggle "Of course not, absolutely not, my husband and I were invited to a Valentine's Charity Dinner so he had to come back here and have a talk with Marcellus about business of course, and then we will head back out. As they are doing that I decided to come and talk to you since I heard the good news of you accepting the new business contract with Marcellus. I also see you're not in any harm or on the hospital floor so that's even better and tells me that everything went great." She explained with a satisfied smile.

I softly shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly "Surprisingly here I am. I guess I can agree that the meeting went better than I expected. Someone finally decided to act like a businessman with some sense and not a malevolent, overpowered, egotistical, deranged asshole, which I guess can say helped things go as well as they did if I say so myself" I sarcastically smiled at her.

Mrs. Galileli let out a soft laugh shaking her head "Listen, honey, I know Marcellus can be a bit tough—

I left out a scoff "Not to cut you off, my apologies, but tough is definitely not how I would describe him. I actually think I described him perfectly the first time" I smiled.

Mrs. Galileli let out a soft laugh once more " The point I am making is that although to you he may be all those things, however, he's really a phenomenal young man and an incredible leader." She defended.

I couldn't help but to roll my eyes and be disgusted at her statement "Yeah, yeah, I've heard that too many times since I've been here and clearly someone is lying however, I do not care enough to figure out who's lying or as to why he's not living up to those reviews or statement you all keep defending him but that is neither here nor there. I digress. I did want to talk to you about something else" I expressed to her wanting to get off the topic of that deranged man.

Mrs. Galileli nodded her head "And what might they be?" She asked as she looked down at her watch for timing purposes.

"I know you have somewhere to be so if we need to wait to have this conversation then that's fine." I assured her.

I watched as Mrs. Galileli looked back up at me with a pleasing smile "You're fine dear, we have time. What is it that you wanted to discuss?" She asked putting all her attention back on me.

I cleared my throat "Okay so I understand as to why you wanted me to go to the first event well actually I don't, I mean at first you mentioned it was because I stay in this house and members of this house must attend. However, I just don't understand why keep me in this house? Also, at the time I haven't even been in this house that long to even have the pleasure of attending such an event like that not that I wanted to go in the first place but what I am saying is that women such as Sapphire who seems to be extremely loyal to not only you and your family but especially to Marcellus does not live in this house nor does she attend the events. I guess I get why she doesn't live in this house since her and those she works with have their own residents here specifically for them but it's like Sapphire be at breakfast and dinner with us here in this house, she's what you all consider a veteran and have earned her privilege obviously to have access to this house so why not give her access to the events? Why me?" I explained.

Mrs. Galileli smiled but without any words came out of her mouth just yet. She scooted a bit more up on my bed getting a bit more comfortable " There are several reasons why Sapphire doesn't attend and will not attend. One being she doesn't stay in this house in particular. She never stayed in this house. Yes, we have other places for those who arrive but it's on a case by case. Two, Sapphire has her own role here and she has her own duties and responsibilities that match her role here such as her being a Vixen. That being said, her role and the role of this house and the events must and will never cross paths. I'm sure you know those of the outside must be in contract with us as well to even have access to certain amenities of this estate. Sapphire and the Vixens are one of those amenities." She explained.

That makes sense, but damn referring to her as an amenity is crazy.

"Why has she never stayed in this house?" I asked.

Mrs. Galileli softly sigh "Because at the time of Sapphire's landing here she was a very damaged and fragile young lady who needed to under supervised care of a nurse. She was in rough shape running from the Russians. Also, this building is very male dominant, it would have made her extremely uncomfortable given her past circumstances." She explained.

I couldn't help but let out a scoff "Meanwhile I'm still in this building?" I remarked.

Mrs. Galileli nodded her head "Yes you are still here in this building. I get that you would want to be in another building however and unfortunately for you, here is where you must stay and that is not my decision nor my place to change that or go against that. That is Marcellus's." She explained.

Hearing that made me want to wish I never signed the fucking contract without making where I sleep one of my demands.

I sigh "And clearly there's no way around that is it?" I asked. Although I unfortunately already knew the answer to that. Mrs. Galilei may have gotten my phone, and the things I needed after me and Marcellus's big feud that almost led to my remarkable final death but even with that she had to go talk to him about it before making any further moves upon giving me my items.

She softly smiled and shook her head answering my question "No, not at all." She spoke.

I leaned back against the headboard feeling the back of my head against the wall as I felt as if I was dying inside.

Mrs. Galileli looked down at her watch and then back at me. She softly placed her hand on my leg above the covers reminding me of what my mother used to do to try to comfort me.

Mrs. Galilei put her attention on me as I continue to stare at her. "Avy, please trust the process. It'll get better for you, I promise. It'll become easier to wake up every morning here. It'll be easier to work and interact. It'll be easier to take every day for what it is and what is to come. You just have to give it time and stop trying to fight against it. You're here and now you have a purpose right? The contract. Do that. Focus on that and I promise it gets easier. It gets better. I could tell how much you love the technology building and felt so comfortable there and at peace. Lean into that. Do what you love to do." Mrs. Galilei soft Italian voice spoke.

I continue to actively listen to Mrs. Galileli "Doing what you love and what you've done your whole life. Treat this just as if this was your next job after leaving your previous one. It doesn't matter how you left your previous job. What matter is that now you have another job to do. Another task at hand that involves you putting your skills to use. Do that. Do your job. Everything else will align and settle as they should." She explained.

I allowed her words to settle realizing. She was right. At the end of the day. I have work to do.

Mrs. Galilei looked at her watch once more which caused me to look at the clock that was sitting on my nightstand seeing that it was now seven at night. "I have to go now to see if my husband is ready to leave. I hope our conversation helped you with all of this. And by the way Avyanna. I'm glad that you're here. Although it was a tough journey for you, I'm glad that you've made it this far and I'm here sitting in front of you." She admits politely smiling.

I returned the smile as I wish I could say the same when it comes to me being here but the woman is and for sure have a heart of Gold and Marcellus is one lucky motherfucker. "I hope you and Mr. Galilei have a great and safe Valentine's Night." I commented.

I watched as Mrs. Galilei stood up from my bed. "Thank you, Avy. You have a good rest of your night as well. Remember what I said okay? It really does get easier." She encouraged.

I nodded my head knowing that is much easier for her to say than for me to believe.

I continued to watch as she then walked towards my door, opened it, and left out of my room.

Knowing that there was no time for me to go back to sleep and most certainly not enough time to go to the technology building to relieve me from how long this day was.

After realizing that time was not on my side and that I must prepare for dinner. I slid out of the bed feeling the soft rug under my feet as they landed and I began to walk towards the bathroom to freshen up.

The worst part about dinner tonight is that Mrs. Galilei won't be here, tonight it'll just be Marcellus. There won't be Sapphire but I guess at least there will be Gia, Gabby, and the rest of the Galilei that I am more accustomed with while attending breakfast and dinner with them.

I let out a deep sigh preparing myself, not for dinner but for the remainder of the time I have to be here. To think that a countdown would be easier but it'll only be more torturous.

The time has come and it was ten minutes until dinner. I finished getting ready and headed out of my room. My eyes glazed the interior of the halls as I walked them. It was more quiet than usual, I figured everyone had Valentine's plans.

To not cause any interaction that would even prompt that man to say something to me about being late or almost being late, I decided to take the elevator down.

The sound of the elevator rang throughout my ears as the doors of it opened, I heard light chatter as I step off the elevator and continued to walk towards the dining room.

Eventually my eyes lands on Gabby, Gia, and Nino standing along the doors of the dining room with Marcellus.

"Tempest!!!!!" Gia and Gabby spoke excitedly there eyes met mine. "Hi, glad to see you two back before dinner." I spoke making myself slightly laugh at the pathetic curfew Marcellus has given them.

Gia and Gabby both hugged me "We're glad to see you!" Gia expressed. "We have so much to tell you," Gabby whispered into my ear.

"Are you not happy to see me back?" I heard Nino's voice speak causing Gia and Gabby to both scoff in unison as our group hug ended.

My eyes landed on Nino who had such a fake pout on his face. I sarcastically rolled my eyes as I softly laughed. "Well......" I trailed jokingly causing Gia and Gabby to laugh.

"How about you all discuss that inside." Marcellus's voice spoke causing me to mentally roll my eyes. Nino, Gabby, and Gia all began to head inside and I decided to follow behind him.

"Tempest." Marcellus called before I could even pass by him causing me to stop in front of him. The tone was low enough for me to hear loudly but I'm sure no one that was in the dining room heard a thing.

Without even looking at him "Marcellus. I know. I will have my professional email sent to you. I have already set it up however, I went to sleep right after that. I'll give it to you or have Gia and Gabby to give it to you after dinner." I explained in the same low tone enough for him to hear me but silent to those in the dining room. Before he could even try to attempt or have the nerve to chastise me about the fucking email.

From my peripheral, I saw him nod his head as if he was approving. I fucking hate when he does that.

However before I could even take another step he spoke "Okay, however that is not what I was about to say" he informed me which caused me to look at him.

"There need to be another meeting with you." He informed. I couldn't even stop the facial expression from forming. "Excuse me?" I spoke before I could even think.

Immediately Mrs. Galileli and her soft words repeated through my head.

I deeply exhale relaxing myself.

Tempest. This is your job and unfortunately, this is your business partner. I reminded myself in my head.

I opened my eyes back up to him.  "Care to inform me on the subject of this meeting?" I asked.

"This meeting involves your role in Washington D.C after the incident that needs to be discussed to better move forward and make sure things are sealed where they need to be sealed. I will explain everything at the meeting." He informed me.

His eyes focused on me as we both stood tall to one another, except I'm only five-seven without heels and if I could guess, Marcellus stands about six foot four inches? Maybe five? "And when will this meeting be?" I asked.

Marcellus looked down at his watch and then back at me "Once you give me your email, I will email you the details but it will be sometime tomorrow." he informed me.

Copying his rude gesture, I nodded my head without saying anything. Marcellus did the same and then gestured for me to walk into the dining room.

I sarcastically smiled and walked past him seeing Gia and Gabby and even Nino all staring at me or maybe Marcellus as well wondering what we had just discussed.

Since Marcellus was also walking in everyone stood up as I made it in front of my chair and stood as well letting out another sigh...

Tempest..... This is your Job. For the next three years...This will be your Job.


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