I'll Fight For You

By Tuulavintage

661 127 195

In which two teenagers fight for their family, their reputation, and their love. - Elliot couldn't even comp... More

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By Tuulavintage

Silas grew up on the streets. A common nickname for him would be a street rat, or a rogue. He preferred a rogue. "An unconventional and devious fighter," people would often say. A rogues main goal in combat is to use any means necessary to inflict the most possible damage to his opponent. They are disciplined warriors, who's brute strength and defense helps them excel in face to face combat.

Silas was quite good at fighting. He always knew what the opponent would do next. Whether it be a jab, or an upper cut, or maybe faking a cross and going in with a strong left hook to the jaw. He would know.

But one thing he wasn't too good at was new things.

He hated new food, new clothes, new people. And he really hated transferring to new schools in the middle of the year.

"Why can't I just drop out," he muttered and rested his forehead against the cool glass of the window. To which it belonged to his mother's convertible. Not to mention, her new convertible.

"Because, you need to do something with your life Silas, I'm not driving across the country just to waste my money and gas. I'm going to get you into a good college and we're going to get some money." She said and nodded. Her words were proud and filled with such determination, that if Silas wasn't related to her, he'd think that she was telling the truth. But he knew better.

He could see the smile on her lips start to drop along with the little hope she was still holding on to. She didn't have enough money to pay for a decent apartment for their family, so how the hell would she get enough money to pay for him to go to college?

He shook his head and sighed, letting his eyes close as he tried to block everything out around him. His little moments of peace and quiet didn't seem to last long when his little sister, Melanie, gasped and started to sing along to one of her favorite songs.

"You would not believe your eyes, if ten million fireflies, lit up the world as I fell asleep," She giggled and looked over at her bored brother, reaching over to tug at his shirt. "C'mon Silas!" Her laughter made his ears perk up and he looked at his little sister. She looked nothing like him. Melanie was a ginger with beautiful green eyes and freckles dusting her body beautifully. Silas, however, had piercing black eyes and raven hair. He was tanner too, and this was all due to a very simple cause.

Silas closed his eyes and ignored his sister for a moment as he remembered St.Patrick's Day several years back; seven to be precise.

He always bought it was extremely ironic how the day his mother decided to stupidly have sex was on St.Patrick's Day, only to find out she was pregnant. Not that ironic right? Well his sister came out into the world with bright red hair and freckles. She really was their little leprechaun.

"Cause they'd fill the open air, and leave tear drops everywhere," Melanie sang the next verse as it came on and Silas glanced at his sister who's eyes were wide and pleading him to join in.

"You'd think me rude but I would just stand and, stare," his voice finally rang through the car and his sister laughed and wiggled around. And soon, the whole bunch of them were singing the song.

But while the happy tune rang through the car, they soon arrived to the new apartment they were to be living in until he graduated from High School. It was extremely fancy and new for his taste, having a special underground parking lot, and even a swimming pool. 

"Ya sure this isn't a hotel?" Silas asked, grabbing his things as his mom shut off the radio.

"Don't be silly Silas," His mom said. "Of course it's not a hotel." Silas' eyes watched as she pulled several documents out of her purse. It was almost as if she were trying to prove to herself that it wasn't a hotel and that it indeed was an apartment complex.

"See! Right here," she pulled the paper over to him and showed him the print. There, in bold letters on the right hand corner ( also in a very fancy penmanship ) were the letters, ABERNATHY'S APARTMENTS: luxury at the tip of your fingers!

 Melanie had grabbed her Hello Kitty book bag, all of which contained the most useless toys Silas had ever seen; two Barbie dolls whose hair turned blue when put under warm water, a wind up toy Melanie had gotten from Chuck-E-Cheeses, a coloring book without any crayons ( Melanie had forgotten them in her suitcase, and by the time they were already packed up and driving, their mom refused to go search for her crayons ), various amounts of small plushies, and an old iPod filled with Disney songs, Hannah Montana, the Jonas Brothers, and so, so many other outrageously annoying songs. In Silas' opinion at least. 

Thankfully for him though, the iPod had died forty minutes into the car trip. 

Melanie was the first inside of the building. Silas let out a small whistle of approval as he looked around. "Fan-cy." He murmured and stayed near his sister as their mom checked them in. Melanie was transfixed by a huge fish tank in the wall. Had Silas been any younger he thought he would have been transfixed too. 

"Okay you guys!" His mom's shrill and cheery voice filled their ears as she waved around their keys. "I've got our keys so lets head up!!"

She instructed them to both grab their bags of things while a man in a fancy blue suit got the two carts with the majority of their things. Silas frowned and looked at him. He was clean and his hair was combed back neatly, and he probably had some type of gel in it for it to keep it's shape. His smile easily fooled his mom, but Silas could tell he was tired and stressed out from the bags under his eyes.

In the elevator his mom hummed along to the elevator music, earning herself a glare from her oldest child.

"What?" She asked with a frown of her own. Silas didn't have a chance to answer as the doors opened on their floor. Floor eight, room 814.

Nothing much was said besides the multiple questions asked by Melanie and the blunt yet exciting answers given by their mom.

"Do we get room service?" She would ask.

"All you have to do is call for you brother hun." Would be the reply.

"What about school? Do we have to go to school anymore?" 

His mom grinned at Silas, making him groan. "Please no," he mumbled. "I'll home school myself."

"Nonsense! Get your claws ready because from this day forward you're a Tiger from Teamont High!"


Silas knew his mom was joking about needing claws and being a pierce little thing, but from the looks of his new high school, he might actually need it. It was like a mix of what you would see out of a movie and real life. Kids were making out before the bell rang, cars pulled up and parked in what was probably their normal spots, and people were rapidly trying to pass on homework and finish before their next class. 

He sighed dramatically and looked up at the roof of his car. "Please God, I know I've sinned in the past but if you have any hope for me to survive at all please don't make me live through this hell." He groaned out into the angels who lived in his car roof. 

When no godly spirit answered his prayers, and the five minute bell rang, Silas let out an ever louder groan of frustration and got out of his car. He had his black book back on his back, slung over one shoulder like a cool kid. 

He passed his way through the halls and gave many people hard stares. If it wasn't for his absolutely charming looks he doubted anyone would have noticed him at all. But his tall stature and his very strong and handsome face drawled in the attention of almost ever passing girl and boy in the halls. They practically parted for him as if he were royalty. 

"Talk about a cliche entrance..." He muttered to himself with a frown. 

Silas hated the attention. He never knew why girls stared or why guys hated him. He'd never stolen a guys girlfriend and he's never broken a girls heart. In fact, most girls have broken his heart. He hated how people expected things from him, but over time he learned to just roll with it.

He knocked on the office door and stepped inside, looking at the very old lady working at the front desk. "May I help you?" She asked. 

"Uh yeah. I'm Silas-"


His eyes widened at her outburst and watched as her body flailed a little to go grab the things she needed for him. "You're the new student! I have your stuff right here. I just need to make sure things are all set so take a seat for me deary."

Silas took a seat a few feet away from her desk and watched as her plump body scrambled to grab everything. She had so many documents and files it was almost like they didn't know they were having a new student. 

Silas actually got to know the lady very well. Her name was Rhonda and she had two kids and a fat dog name Boner. You wouldn't really know how these two became friends but apparently the principle didn't know there was a new student so his files and schedule was backed up to the point where Rhonda bought him some Wendy's. 

"Why'd you name your dog Boner?" He asked curiously, eating the last bit of fries he had left. Rhonda shrugged and smiled a little. Her lips were coated with grease and her cheeks were so rosy and pink that she looked like she wasn't breathing. 

"Well, my son wanted a bow and arrow for Christmas but he's still young so I wasn't planning on getting him that," She started to chuckle as she remembered the memory. "Instead I got him a dog and when he saw him he just exclaimed, 'Mommy! You got me a boner!' And my husband and I were cracking up so much that we decided to name the dog Boner. Of course my son meant to call it a Bow and Arrow, but he was so little and excised that it just came out wrong." She laughed and even Silas was chuckling a little.

"Cute," He murmured and sat back, tossing the empty wrappers int he trash can. He sat up a bit straighter and his smile faded from his lips as he saw the principle walk from her office. 

"I'm so sorry that took so long! Here's your schedule! You're gong to be in third block by now so just head to your teacher. I have you down as first lunch but since you already ate I'd say take this time to find your way around." She gave him a tight smile before heading off, throwing a quick, "Welcome to Teamont!" Behind her back before disappearing into her office."

"I would come with ya," Rhonda said with a frown. "But I have s much work to get done. I can call in a student for you if you need help."

Silas shook his head and gave her a small smile. "I'll be fine. Thank you for the offer though."

Rhonda nodded and wished him a good day as he left the office. Unlike this morning, there weren't any kids in the halls. Maybe one or two walking to get water or maybe even heading back to class from the lunch room, but Silas was too busy looking at his paper and the room numbers to pay attention to them. 

That was until, he saw someone catch his glance. He looked up from the sheet of paper and saw a short girl, thin and petite walking down the halls with such a loud opposite that he almost scowled. Almost.

Her dull grey eyes met his and he drank in her features. Big round eyes, pale, light skin, and long blonde hair. She was the opposite of him really. Pure. But just as he saw her walk by, her and her friend turned the corner and they were gone. He sighed a little and throughout the rest of the day she was on his mind, distracting him from anything sane and good.

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