Braver - Jack Brewer

By nverFallinloveagain

51.2K 980 551

"She's braver. Braver than most." "You got that right." Jack Brewer is the new kid at Seaford High. Naomi Ada... More

1. Wasabi Warriors
1.5 Rudy and Naomi's talk
2. Fat Chance
3. Dummy Dancing
3.5 Jack and Naomi's moment
4. Dojo Day Afternoon
5. Swords and Magic
6. Road to Wasabi Part 1
6. Road to Wasabi Part 2
6. Road to Wasabi Part 3
6. Road to Wasabi Part 4
7. All The Wrong Moves
8. Rocky Beaver
9. Wax On, Wax Off
10. The Commercial

11. Kung Fu Cop

827 25 13
By nverFallinloveagain

"I got it! Guys, I got it!" Jack runs down the hall yelling.

I was sitting on the banister on the side of the stairs, drinking a Red Bull. Milton just sat down in a carpeted ledge and Jerry and Eddie were walking over to where we were.

"The line at Game Player was a mile long. I didn't get any sleep, but it was worth it. I am the proud owner of Kung Fu Cop 77." He proudly shows off the game.

"Nice! Yeah!" The boys all say.

"That's cool, Jack." I say, taking a sip of my Red Bull.

"Is that Red Bull?" Jack rushes over, grabbing the drink out of my hand and chugging the rest of it.

"Yeah, totally have the rest, you psychopath." I sarcastically say with a smile on my face.

"I know what you have to go through when there's a hot new game on the market. I had to wait two hours when French Horn Hero came out." Milton nodded.

"There was a line two hours long for French Horn Hero?" I jump off the banister to stand between Jack and Eddie.

"No, there was a line of jocks waiting to see who was gonna buy it."

"Damn, Milton. Damn." I chuckle but Jack elbows me in the side. I glare at him and he gives me one in return.

"Hey, guys." Kim walks in the middle of me and Jack.

"Hey, Kim." Everyone but me choirs.

"Hey, guys. Ugh, she sounds like a bad porno." I lean against the wall by Milton now.

"Be nice." Jack shoots at me.

"But I'm always nice, 'cause howdy y'all, I'm Kim Crawford." I mock.

"Naomi, shut up." Jack whispers to me.

I scoff, "Make me."

"Yo, Eddie, I heard Stacy Weisman in your gym class really likes you." Jerry gives Eddie a heads up.

"Yep, I'm outta here, see ya." I walk away.

"Bye, Naomi." All of them say.

"Okay, everyone," Rudy come out with a karate magazine covering his lower face. "I have not shaved in over a month. Behold my full blown man-stache." He takes it off to show a tiny line on his upper lip and a few going down to his chin like a puppet's mouth.

Jack chuckles, "My Aunt Connie has a thicker man-stache."

Rudy gives him a look, making Jack stop smiling.

"Aw, it's cute! It's like a little moldy shoelace." Kim smiles.

"Cute? This is the same mustache that Bobby Wasabi has."

"At least Bobby can actually grow hair." I mumble and Rudy glares at me.

"I'll have you know that it really started bushing out when I tried this." Rude opens his locker, "Dr. Follicle's Hair Fertilizer is the beard and mustache grower endorsed by lumberjacks, bikers, and rabbis."

"Wow, those three groups usually don't agree on anything." Milton wonders.

I walk over to Jack, who's head was resting in his locker, "I'm going to stab my eyes out, Jack."

I got no response from the boy whose arms were hanging down.

"Jack?" I ask. "Jack!" I sigh, flicking the boy's ear, "Jack Owen Brewer!"

His head jolts to the side, making his head slam into his locker with a loud clang. I wince as the boy rubs his head, bringing it out of the locker.

"Sorry. I was up all night playing Kung Fu Cop 77. You go back in time with Bobby and play a bell-bottomed super freak with a trusty girl, pause, friend by your side. Last night, I took out eight ninjas with one disco ball." Jack grins proudly.

"Wait, JB, so now you haven't slept a wink for two nights in a row?" I put a hand on Jack's shoulder with concern and a warning look on my face.

"Ah, so what?" Jack brushes my hand off, "Let's spar, Milton."

They both go to the middle of the mat, bowing to each other in respect before putting up their fists. Within a blink of an eye, Milton flipped Jack onto the floor. Jack groans on the floor.

"Holy Christmas nuts! I don't know what just happened but I think I just became a man!" Milton's voice raises five octaves, "I've gotta call my father." He runs into the back.

"Jack, come on, you just got your ass handed to you by Milton Krupnick. You're exhausted!" I help Jack up.

"Naomi's right, Jack, go to my office, lie down, and take a nap."

"Rudy, I'm fine. Tell him, Eddie." Jack slings his arm around Jerry's shoulders.

"Oh, no, I'm Jerry. The good-looking one."

"Said no one ever." I add.

"Jack, I'm not going to let you spar. It'd be too dangerous. I'm telling you, just go to my office."

"Rudy, you can't tell me what to do."

"Maybe he can't, but I can." I grab Jack's wrist pulling him into Rudy's office behind me even with his long and harsh argue following.

"Jack, what is up with you? You don't sleep, hardy eat, and argue with Rudy about even just taking a damn nap!" I close the door behind us.

"It's not my fault, Naomi."

I sigh heavily, "Here." I grab my backpack that I had in Rudy's office full of snacks. I throw Jack a bag of almonds, some fruit snacks, and my water bottle.

"Naomi, I'm not even hung—" Jack's stomach cuts him off with a loud grumble.

"Tell that to your stomach, jackass." I open the door to the office to leave.


"Yes, Jack?"

"Stay with me. We can watch a movie." He holds up Kung Fu Cop 77, the movie.

"Jack, you need sleep."

"I can sleep while watching it." He shrugs it off.

I close the door. "Fine."

Jack eats a few almonds and drinks some water before laying down on the coach, facing the small T.V. with the movie starting.

It was the summer of '77. A wave of crime swept the city like a giant broom of... crime.

I sit in the weird bean bag chair Rudy had.

"What the hell are you doing?" Jack looks at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Come lay down with me." Jack yawns.

I scoff, going over and laying down beside him. Jack smiles, pulling me into his chest so my head was laying in the crook of his neck. One of his arms wrapped around my shoulders and the other around my waist, holding me close as he yawns once more.

"Go to sleep, Jack."

"Only if you sleep with me."


"Shut the fuck up, Adams." Jack closes his eyes, smile on his face. I do the same.

"Get up, hairbags!" A loud voice startled me awake as the weird looking bald Eddie shakes Jack awake.

"Eddie?" Jack asked, looking very strange.

(don't mind the pic. was the best i could find but this is what jack is wearing. if you need a better look go to the episode titled Kung Fu Cop and you can see it fully)

"It's Chief Eddie to you! If I wanted to stare at a long-haired bucket of drool, I'd go home and wake up my wife! Now come with me." Chief Eddie beckons for us to follow him.

"Jack, what the hell is going on?" I ask, looking down at my own outfit.

(choose one or make up your own. keep in mind this thing was a resemblance of the late 70s early 80s)

"I don't know, but we look hella weird." Jack forced his long hair out of his face.

Eddie opened the door from Rudy's office to the dojo, only it wasn't a dojo. It was some sort of police department.

"My number one kung fu cop is waiting outside. It's time for him to meet his new hard-headed rookie partner and the partner's partner." Eddie speaks very loudly.

"Why are you always shouting?" Jack's ears ring.

"It's the 70's, everything's loud! Look at your shirt. See that? Loud! Look at her shoes. See those? Even louder!" Eddie points to the back. "There's Wasabi now."

Rudy walks in with a full on Bobby Wasabi mustache and a green turtle neck.
(also go to episode if need be)

"Bobby, this is your new partner and your new partner's partner." Eddie introduces us.

"I guess I'm the new partner?" I question.

"No! You're the new partner's partner!" Eddie yells in my face.

"Three... two..."

Jack puts a hand over my mouth to stop me from counting.

"This kid's my new partner? And that girl's my new partner's partner?" Rudy walks around me and Jack. "I'm a butt-kicker not a baby sitter."

"We don't need a baby sitter, pops." Jack pops the p.

"Who you calling pops? I'm old enough to be your father. Oh, I see. That actually makes sense. Now come on, punk, you want a piece of this?" Ruby gets into fighting position.

"Yeah, I do! Maybe it's time somebody put you in your place! Whoo!" Jack slyly got into fighting position.

"My bet's on Jack!" I raise a hand high.

"Let's dance." Rudy states.

"Come on." Jack holds his fists up.

"Beat his ass, Jack!" I cheer on before disco music turns on. They start doing some weird 80's style dance moves. "Oh, get the fuck out of here!" I groan as Eddie runs up, stopping the two.

"Whoa, whoa! Back off, both of you!" Eddie holds his arms out to separate the boys as the music cuts. "This is a police dojo, not a disco. You better figure out a way to work together. That includes you, smalls." Eddie points at me. "I'm going to lunch." He walks off as I give him a look of disbelief. "I said lunch!"

"You both just stay out of my way, rookies." Rudy sized us up.

"You stay out of ours, old man." Jack puffs out his chest.

"My name is Snowflake Jones, and I've been robbed." Kim walks in with a puffy, poodle-looking wig. She has a Jersey accent as she chews ferociously on her gum. In her hand, a pink nail file while her body was decked out in a bright pink, orange, and yellow jumpsuit with a gold clasp around her arm and a matching belt around her waist.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." I roll my eyes, scoffing as Jack sprays mint spray in his mouth, throwing it behind him.

Jack passes Rudy, walking up to Kim, or Snowflake, "Hello, uh, Snowflake. You've come to the right place, I'll help you. My name's Jack. Check out my hair."

"Usually I don't trust the fuzz, but I'm digging your vibe." Kim giggles.

"Oh, please." I walk over to a desk and finding a chair to sit on.

"Well, I hope you keep digging. 'Cause under this vibe is a layer of groove." Jack fixes his collar, smirking at Kim.

Rudy let's out a disgusted grunt. Me too, Rudy, me too. "Are you done, love train? I'll help this helpless kitten who... lost her mitten."

"This kitten has claws. Hi-yah!" Kim chops a table in half with her hand before fluffing her hair.

"So, how can we help you ma'am?" Rudy and Jack attend to the girl.

"I can take care of myself, man. I don't need your jive time muscles, I need your badges. Someone broke into my pad and stole my dragon's eye necklace." Kim sits on the desk in front of my chair.

"Well, we dig. What does your necklace look like, sister?" Jack does a twirl, flipping his hair.

"Whoa, whoa, hold on, rookie. Let me show you how it's done. What does your necklace look like, sister?" Rudy does the exact same as Jack.

"What the hell is this universe? God, get me home." I hold my head in my hands before getting an idea, "Do I need some ruby slippers or something?" I ask the three.

"Whatever." Kim chews her gum, rolling her eyes at me, "Gold link chain, round pendant with a dragon's eye in the middle. My aunt gave it to me, and said whoever wears that necklace holds great power."

"A necklace like that falls into the wrong hands, it would be a bad scene. One, it's owner could use it to take over the world. Two, it may not go good with their outfit." Jack tells Rudy, making him gasp.

"Okay, we'll take the case!" Both of the guys say.

"I won't take the case." I raise my hand. "Oh, yeah, I'm still here, by the way." I glare at Rudy and Jack as they look at me as if I poofed out of thin air.

"You're the partner's partner, you have to." Rudy squints his eyes at me.

"We are not taking the case, Jack!" I look frustrated at Jack.

"No, you won't!" Eddie walks in with a foot long sandwich.

"Come on, Cheif! The Snowflake needs us." Jack pleads. He really was taking this whole movie thing seriously. Almost as if he was really in the movie. "We can't let that dragon's eye into the wrong hands."

"I'm not sending you on a wild goose chase. Not when a wild goose just busted out of the zoo and I need you to chase it." Eddie yells at Jack. "Just stay away from that dragon's eye case, or it'll mean your badges. Oh, wow, this is good!" Eddie bites his sandwich, walking back out of the dojo.

"I'll find the necklace myself. I thought you two had nunchucks." Kim starts to waltz out.

"Oh, we got nunchucks, sister." Rudy and Jack both pull out nunchucks from their pants before doing the same routine.

"Get me out of here!" I slam my head on the desk multiple times.

"Look, I don't care if our jobs are on the line." Jack starts, "This stone cold fox needs our help. We're in."

"No, we are not in because we don't even have badges. We aren't cops, Jack. We are two teenagers who fell asleep on the couch in Rudy's office while watching Kung-Fu Cop 77, and now we're in a fucking movie that we can't get out of." I walk in front of Jack. "This," I motion to us and all around us, "isn't real. It's a movie. We are in a movie, Jack."

Jack stares into my eyes, "We're in on the case, Naomi."

"Hold on, punks. I'm in charge here. And we're not in unless I say we're in." Rudy states, "We're in."

"Groovy, baby!" Kim chomps on her gum.

"Ah, if we're gonna fight crime, we need some theme music." Jack combs his fingers through his hair.

"For once, you're right." Rudy smirks, going over to turn on music. He shoves the CD in to cue romantic music. Rudy slowly sways to the music, enjoying himself.

"Now, that's my thirteenth reason." I point at Rudy.

"Let me take a shot at this." Kim walks over, pulling a CD from her hair. Upbeat music starts when she puts the disc in. "Now that's a groove I can boogie to." All three start to dance out.

"What the hell, man?" I mumble to myself. "How the hell do I get out of here? Wait..." I talk to myself, "at the end of a movie, everything stops. If I make it to the end of the movie, I'll get out. It's like the movie Final Girls, but there's not a killer chasing us." I look around to make sure, "At least not yet. Think, think, think, what happens in Kung-Fu Cop 77? How does it end? We get Snowflake her stupid dragon necklace back and send the robber to the slammer." I groan, realizing what I have to do, "For fuck's sake!" I angrily walk out of the dojo, on my way to find the guy who fucked this all up.

I walk into what looks to be Falafel Phil's, "Anyone know who the hell La Boca is?" Everyone points to a guy that looks like Jerry.

"Oh, no." He has a strong Spanish accent as he tries to run from me.

I run behind him, grabbing his collar and turning him around against the doors. I pick him up by his vest before holding him with one hand, "I'm looking for the dragon's eyes necklace. Who the hell has it?"

"Let me down muscle mami, and I'll tell you what I know." He holds his hands up in defense.

"I don't think so." I glare at him.

"Santa mierda me puedes poner estúpida?" (holy crap can you put me down stupid)

"no, no creo que pueda joder." (no i don't think i can jackass)

"Oh, God, they got hot Spanish fuzz now." He bites his lip making me drop him out of disgust.

I walk and stand near a booth not too far from where I dropped the very Spanish and flirty Jerry, "What do you know, Jer— I mean La Boca." I scowl to myself for using the name he has been given for this God awful film.

"Okay, there's a hot new club downtown called The School. Word on the street is someone had been flashing that necklace around there." Jerry says just above a whisper.

"Okay, I'm gone." I begin to walk out before Jerry stops me with his barely clothed body.

"Wait!" He holds his hand out to stop me, "There's more. Once I start snitching I can't stop. You don't have to wait an hour after you eat to go swimming. Oh, and the tooth fairy is actually just your parents."

"Cool, don't care. Where the hell is The School?" I roll my eyes at the name, knowing it is just probably where our high school is.

"It's this building that looks like a school just downtown. Has a banner that says "The School."" He nods.

"Alright. Bye, La Boca." I wave with my middle finger as I walk out of the diner.

I arrive at The School. There was disco music and kids with weird ass suits and ties. Man, I hate hippy world. As I'm scouting out the place, I see Rudy, Jack, Kim, and Jerry waltz in, literally. I hide behind a wall since I know they would recognize me and then ask me questions on why I'm suddenly invested in this case.

Suddenly, the lights dim and everyone starts cheering as they crowd the stairs. A sheet that had stars on it lifts up to show Milton in a very ridiculous costume while holding his french horn in his hands.

"Hello, earthlings! I bring you an interstellar groove." Milton shouts as he begins playing a funky riff on his horn, to which the crowd cheers.

"You have to be kidding me." I mumble under my breath as Milton starts to struggle down the stairs in his tight suit with high heeled shoes towards the group of detectives.

Milton starts running off after he talked to Rudy. I groan seeing Kim, Rudy, and Jerry follow him while Jack runs around the other way to cut him off. I make a split second decision to follow Jack.

I run up beside him as we see Milton. Jack grabs Milton's shoulders while I grab his legs. We fling him into a near by trash can, getting him stuck so he couldn't run any farther away.

"Okay, Milty, spill it. What are you hiding?" Jack demands.

"Milty? The hell they get these names from?" I mumble to myself.

"I can't hide anything. I'm in Spandex." Milton groans as the rest of the group runs up behind me and Jack.

"He won't talk." Jack states.

"Why would he? We threw him into a trashcan, literally." I point at his stuck position.

"Since when have you been apart of this investigation." Rudy glares at me.

"Since I've reluctantly been put as the partner's partner." I glare back.

"Whatever." Rudy rolled his eyes, walking up to Milton, "Sure would be horrible is something bad happened to your horn!" Rudy hurriedly grabbed Milton's french horn. He held it above his head before letting out a shrieking yell making my ears feel as if they were on fire.

"Fine, I'll talk!" Milton gave in to the temptation. He wiggles himself from out of the trashcan, aware of what was at stake. "I saw a dude with your necklace. He asked me to play a private gig later at his lava lamp factory."

"If you know what's good for you—" Jack started, unaware that the horn-player would cut him off.

"Oh, I do. Vitamin C, eight hours of sleep, and leafy vegetables."

"Guess his "genius" didn't change in this reality." I grumble to myself with a blatant roll of my eyes.

"Let me finish." Jack walked up slyly, "If you know what's good for you, you'll take us there."

"Oh, that? Yeah, sure. To my spaceship!" Milton geeked out. "And by "spaceship," I mean my sister's bike."

"I'll be damned if I'm going on your sister's bike with four other stooges. I'm goin' on my own." I hold my hands up, walking away from the troop of weird pioneers.

"Hey, Naomi." Jack grabbed my hand, stopping me from keeping a steady pace ahead, "Dude, what's wrong with you?"

"Dude?" I scoff, "Since when was I your dude? Didn't know I was Jerry." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Come on. What's your deal?" Jack gave me a stern look.

"What's your deal? You are the one acting like the hotshot in this movie reality when it's not real. It's fake, Jack. These people aren't our friends. They're some randos that we might as well have picked up from Dave 'N Busters." I motion to the group behind him. "Face it, Jack. You're not some badass kung fu cop. You're a fourteen year old boy that goes to school and karate practice, nothing more. I'm trying to get out of here while you're playing into your little fantasy."

"You're not my Naomi." He looked me up and down with a scowl.

"Excuse me?" My face contorts.

"My Naomi would support me. My Naomi would help me. You're not my Naomi." Jack's eyes gloss over.

"Maybe I never was your Naomi then." I square my jaw before turning around and walking off.

I near my locker as I walked. I place my hand on the turn dial before putting in my combo. 24-32-01, the same it has been for the past years. Surprisingly, the door opens as my fingers play with the latch. I look in it. Everything was the same. My same pictures hung up, my same small gym bag tucked in the corner, my same rack of deodorant, perfume, and random trinkets the crew gave me.

My fingers find the edge of a picture of me and Jack after the first week we met. I smile at the memory before grabbing my gym bag and slamming my locker shut tight. The picture I was looking at flew down and onto the floor after my locker slammed. I pick it up, sighing before opening my small gym backpack and placing it in there. At least I'll now have actually good clothes even if they were for gym class.

(the gym clothes and picture)

After changing, I asked a few people around where this infamous lava lamp factory was. A few gave me a weird look while one actually told me where. He even drew me a small map with the address. He had blond hair and a small tattoo on his hand. I thanked him, smiling.

"No, thank you, hermosa." He kissed my hand gently.

I lightly laughed, going off to the factory half a mile from here. Outside, I saw a bike as the lights shone brightly. It was a decent sized building with awaiting mysteries. Reluctantly, I go through the front door, a little bell ringing when I did.

The lights in the back were already on, making me wander back behind the beads. I heard talking, deciding to hide behind one of the many stacks of boxes.

"This necklace gave me the power to get everything I ever wanted," Chief Eddie's harsh voice spoke, "money, women, cars, and my falcon, Toto."

"Give it up, Eddie. It's a stuffed pigeon!" Jack yells. His voice concerned me. It was hoarse and rough, not like his normal smooth, velvety voice.

Eddie gasped, along with two women. I couldn't see anything, but I could definitely hear the higher pitched gasps.

"You've got something at belongs to this... foxy mama." Jack's words made my heart sting as I heard her annoying voice.

"You just made my mood ring turn red!" She giggles.

I peaked out, seeing him nodding with a smirk. He winks at Kim before looking behind the poodle look-a-like. He makes eye contact with me. Jack's face fell, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Naomi..." He trailed off, guilty looking.

"Naomi? Your partner?" Eddie asked. "Where is she?"

"Great job, Jack. You ruined my cover." I sneered, using that as an opportunity to glare at him to cover my real hurt. I came out of the spot, walking over to La Boca and Milty.

"Do you mind? Battling an evil mastermind here!" Rudy interrupted. "We want the Dragon's Eye and we want it now!"

"You mean this?" Eddie shows the necklace around his neck. "I don't think so!"

The two women beside him clap, making six ninjas jump out around us. Jack, Rudy, and I all stand back to back as they circle us. The other three ran and hid behind some nearby boxes.

"Wasabi!" Rudy yelled, going after two. Jack took on two as well as I did.

They fought back to back as the ninjas I were battling kept moving backwards, to a stairwell. I kicked one in the stomach, punching the other in the face. I grab the one I just punched, flipping him by his neck.

He landed behind my back while the other whistles. I look around, seeing another two pop out. I fell right into their trap.

"Fucking hell." I curse, getting grabbed by the one I threw. He then tossed me to the other three who started to carry me off to some place. "Jack!" I yelled, before a blindfold was over my eyes and duck tape was over my mouth.

I struggled with all my might. Kicking and squirming as hard as I could to let them let me go. I heard grunting from the others. I realized, Jack wouldn't come save me. He'd rather get Snowflakes fucking necklace and become the hero. He doesn't give a shit about me.

I'm a girl who does karate and pushes people away. I skate instead of wearing dresses. I fight rather than hug. I'm tough, not cute and sweet. What guy would want that? Not Jack. He wants Kim. So I stop struggling. Stop fighting. I just let the ninjas take me away.

I hear chains rattling and feel them wrap around me. The next thing I know, my body limply hangs and from what I can see from looking down, I'm over a huge lava lamp. Then, my blind fold and tape is ripped off, showing me the full extent of what was happening.

"Naomi!" Jack yelled.

I look up, the necklace was falling toward me. I stick my foot out, catching it with my boot before it could fall into the lava below me. Jack walks the skinny pipe that held me and the necklace. I was bouncing up and down with every step he took.

I felt myself slowly slipping from the chains. Shit, I'm gonna die in a movie. If I die in the movie, do I die in real life too?

"Jack, it's too dangerous. That pipe won't hold both your weight." Rudy said, concerned.

"I know what I'm doing." Jack reassured.

"Jack, I'm in charge, and I order you off that pipe!" Rudy yelled.

"No one tells me what to do!" Jack grabbed ahold of the chain holding up the pipe. "Naomi, give me your foot." He leans down.

Thank God to flexibility. I slowly pull up my leg, letting Jack grab the necklace. He throws it to Snowflake, making her smile.

Suddenly, the pipe broke, making Jack start to fall in slow motion. My chains still holds on, making me stick my legs out.

"Jack, grab on!" I yell. He grasps my legs, holding on tightly. "You're okay. I got you."

"The chains won't hold you both!" Rudy yells at us.

"Jack, climb up and get off the pipe, now!" I look down at him, feeling me start to slip from the chains more.

"No! I won't leave you!" Jack looked at me.

"Please, Jack. You have to." I look into his brown eyes. "Do it."

"I won't." Jack shakes his head.

"Do it, Jack!" I yelled at him.

He slowly starts to climb up. Making me slip lower and lower. Half of my body now hangs out of the chains, making me scared of falling into the hot lava below. He grabs the pipe, pushing down on me to climb onto it.

"Jack!" I slip from the chains, starting to fall in slow motion like he was.

"No!" Jack yelled, holding his hand out but it was too far to reach.

"Jack!" I feel the heat coming from the lava on my back. This is how I die. In a giant lava lamp that Eddie made. What the actually fuck?

"Jack, get off the pipe! It's gonna break again!" Rudy yelled.

"Naomi!" Jack called out, jumping off the pole to get me.

"We should have listened!" I yelled up to Jack as he rushed down by me. He grasped me, holding me as we both fell into the black abyss.

"We— We should have listened!" I hear Jack half-yell. "We should have listened!"

"Jack, Naomi. Jack, Naomi! Wake up!" Rudy yells at us, making us both jolt up from the couch.

I hit my head on Jack's shoulder, making me rub my head. Jack holds me close still, tighter than before. He holds me like he did when we were falling. I turn around, seeing Kim, Rudy, Jerry, and Milton.

"I just had the craziest dream." Jack gasped. "You were there, and you were there, and you were there." He points to our friends before looking at me, "And you were there. We all had really bad hair. Except for you, Naomi. Your hair looked kind of pretty, even if you were mad at me. There was a streak of blue and it was pretty."

"Uh, thanks. I guess." I feel weird, knowing we had the same dream.

Kim looks down at her hand, "Whoa, that's weird. My mood ring just turned red."

"What?" Jack and I both say, standing up.

"My aunt gave it to me with the necklace." Kim shrugged.

"Where is your necklace?" Jack asked.

"I lost it. She's gonna freak out." Kim walks out.

"Jack, you feeling any better now that you got some sleep?" Rudy asked.

"Yeah, you were right. I didn't mean to disrespect you. I was just tired." Jack apologized.

"It's cool. I'm just glad you got a little rest." Rudy smiles.

"Hey, Jack. Can I talk to you?" I motion out the door.

"Yeah, sure." He follows me into the dojo. "What's up?"

"We had the same dream." I blurt out.

Jack chuckles, "What do you mean?"

"You had terrible hair, Rudy was Bobby Wasabi, I was the partner's partner, you hit on Snowflake aka Kim, Eddie was an evil mastermind, Jerry was a Mexican snitch, and you dove for me as I fell into a giant lava lamp." I take a breath, "Sound familiar?"

"Holy fuck." Jack mumbled. "How the hell did we have the same dream?"

"I don't think it was a dream, Jack." I shrugged, sighing.

Jack brung a hand up to my hair, grabbing a piece that looked blue, "I don't think it was either."

Author's Note:
Sorry for the long, long, long wait. I've been trying to work on my other stories as well. Thanks for the support!
QOTD: What stories would you like to see me write? (Maybe I'm even writing the one you're thinking)
5387 words

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Kim moves to Seaford after her Mom gets a transfer. At school, she meets Jack Brewer, the hottest guy of the school. At first, she thinks he is irrit...
265K 7.9K 70
Riley is now a high school graduate. Her parents send her off to her brothers in California to be only sent away again. She is sent off to a vacation...
115K 2.4K 36
Alexis was never happy at home. A step-dad that never did anything but drink and make her feel like shit. A mom that never said anything to her husba...