Truth or Dare?

By onesixcl

99 1 1

Anavrin, a girl who likes doing her job as an analyst, until when the CEO shifted her job to become his pers... More

Characters: Anavrin
Characters: Ivan
Characters: Sides + Note from Author
Day One
Slow & Steady
Past 3 days
Be Careful


6 0 0
By onesixcl


"Our boss, Iver, you need to watch out with him. He's a very particular person, he wants everything to be perfect and spot on, dont come late to work and never say no to his orders"

"Woa, thats too extreme. How are you guys still coping?" I replied.

"Well, it's a dream to work here, and my work life is so far so good, excluding his presence. But you dont have to get too scared with him, he's a good guy for sure just that he's very stern."

"Is he old?"

"Babes, he's 26."

"what the hell, 26 and a ceo."

"Exaxtly, he's the richest family in UK, opportunities flows at him 24/7"

Look, first of all i dont give a shit about who is he or how rich he is. He's not gonna intimidate me like that. I'm here to do my job and not to please him all the time. If i want to say no due to certain circumstances, i will say no. If that's a problem, I'll confront him myself.

"Ah cool, im not really afraid of him though."
"You sure? I'm just giving you a heads up girl."
"Haha, thank you, still"

"He's also extremely appealing, i'm trying so hard to get his attention"

Ugh, this again.

"Yea?" I replied, losing interest in the conversation.

"Fuck sake, i would do anything to get him on my a-" she was interrupted by Andrew who barged into the room out of a sudden.

"Anavrin, Iver wants to see you. Its an interview" Andrew said, gasping for air as he was running all the way to the 3rd floor to find me.

"What, i got the job. Why do i still need to get interviewed??"

"It's the policy dear, you get in here 100% under his agreement. Right now youre at 50%"

"Ah fuck, thats one odd system."
I replied, annoyed with the company's policy, ridiculous.


Andrew and Grosjean accompanied me to his office, since its a skyscraper, his office is the the highest floor. 86th floor.

"Breath, dont be scared and go nail it okay" Gorsjean hugged me. Then Andrew hugged me as well.

What the hell, what is this? Hunger Games? It's just an interview with the CEO, why are they acting as if im about to die at his hands. Geez.

I knocked his door twice. "Enter" a male voice echoed.

I entered with my annoyed face. Ofcourse im annoyed, my first day of work and im getting interviewed again? When will i actually start working. Or is all of this a trap. Fucking frustrating, pick a struggle man.

"Hello sir, i heard you'd like to interview me?" I asked softly.

He didnt even tilt his head upwards. Not even a glance. Bloody glued to his thick books, what is he? A historian?

"Yes, come closer to my desk, but do not sit."

Fine. I obeyed him just to give him a good impression and so i can actually start working ASAP.

"What would you like to achieve with us in the next 6 months"

"Enhance the value and prestige of our company, increase reach and stabilise our cash flow through analytics." I said confidently with a smile. This time he finally tilts his head upwards and looked at me, dead in the eye.

"What if i told you that this company is shutting down next year, what is your action."

"To shut down or not is not my choice, its yours. I'm sure you are capable of holding this company together, but to answer that i will be pursuing my studies in law and sociology."

He closed his books, stood up and walked towards me. God damn this man has one fine body. He's got good height and shape. Maybe about 187cm.

He sat on his desk, about 1 metre away from me.

"Miss Elizabeth, do you realise who you're working with?" He asked with his voice raised a little, looking at me directly.

"I wasn't looking for that answer. My employees must be fully dedicated to this company regardless of what is about to happen. You dont leave when we are facing big challenges, what the hell with you and further studying. Work is work, if you still want to study, you may quit now."

What a bitch. Do you want me to kiss your ass?

"My answer is rational and logic, if you expect me to depend on this company at all times; even when its falling, i cant. Deal with it"

Ha, take that sucker.

He kept on looking at me.

"Ms Anavrin, do you know who youre working for?" His raspy, deep voice echoed the room once again.

Before i could answer him, he continued saying "You have 3 days to prove me your skills and performance, otherwise you are out."



"You may leave now"

I left his room, with my heart slightly racing. 3 days? What can i do in 3 days? Give me atleast 2 months fuck sake

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