
By glowing_pheonix

5.4K 162 7

Avni Mathur is a senior at East High, a third generation Indian and a Broadway star in the making. When her b... More

1. Auditions
2. Read- through
3. Wonderstudies
4. Blocking
5. Homecoming
6. What Team?
7. Thanksgiving
8. Tech Rehearsal
9. Opening Night
10.2. Act Two, Part 2
11. New Years' Eve
12. Typecasting
13.1. Valentine's Day, Part 1
13.2. Valentine's Day, Part 2
14. The Storm
15. The Quinceañero
16. Yes, And...
17. The Field Trip
18.1. Most Likely To..., Part 1
18.2. Most Likely Too... Part 2
19. Spring Break
20.1. The Transformation, Part 1
20.2. The Transformation, Part 2
21.1. "Showtime", Part 1
21.2. "Showtime", Part 2
22. Second Chances
23. The Menkies
24.1. Camp Prom, Part 1
24.2. Camp Prom, Part 2
24.3. Camp Prom, Part 3
25. Let It Go

10.1. Act Two, Part 1

146 5 0
By glowing_pheonix

EJ was leaning in front of his mirror.

"EJ?" Avni asked. "What happened out there?"

"Maybe you should ask Ricky."

"He exited on the opposite end- I thought he'd be here."

"Hey!" Ricky said, coming in. He took off his jersey, extending it to EJ. "You need to do the second act. As Troy."

"Are you sick?"

"No. I'm good. Just not good enough to help Nini get to where she wants to go."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm screwing up out there. I can't blow this for Nini. There's someone in the audience who could change Nini's life. She needs her best shot to impress them. Will you do it?"

"Ricky..." Avni started.

"Please don't."

"Look I know we're stuck in some weird fight- but you need to hear me, loud and clear. You cannot switch roles in the middle of the musical. Nini rehearsed with you, you're putting her in a spot and you don't know how she's going to react," Avni said. "I'm sure she'll be great- but you aren't doing her any favours giving up halfway. And if you mess it up- at least you'll make her look better in contrast."

EJ snorted, "Great pep talk."

"Like you could do any better."

EJ looked at her, paused, and then at Ricky. "I would give anything to play Troy tonight. But I didn't earn this role, you did- and there's a reason for that. You have to trust the process. When you started off, I didn't think you'd last very long- I didn't think you did either. You've surprised us all- you shouldn't give up on that."

"Remember when I told you I wanted you to do this for you, not for Nini? This is what I meant."

Ricky nodded, but he didn't look too convinced.

"Trust me Ricky, biggest part of putting up a great performance is getting over the nerves," Avni said, smiling up at EJ.

"Alright," Ricky said. "Okay, I'll do it," he breathed loudly, "I'll do it."

"Put your shirt back on," Avni told him.


"If I could go back and change the past..."

"Nini," Avni called. The girl was standing in the wings, admiring Ashlyn's performance.

"Oh wow," she said. "Is this for Bop To The Top?" She gestured at Avni's outfit.

"Yeah," Avni replied. Talking to Nini honestly felt weird when they weren't in character. "Listen, Gina and I were thinking- and we wanted Miss Jenn to say her apple line from the movie? You'll be the last to bow- so when we all line up for the group choreography, you get the tray, Gina will get Miss Jenn and we'll set it up."

She smiled, "Sounds good."


"To, Ashlyn," Carlos read the card on the flowers as everyone sat around, changing out of costumes and removing make up. The play had ended without any major clashes- at least on stage. "Because you get me."

"EJ, really?" Ashlyn squealed.

EJ snorted, "I didn't write that."

"I did," said Big Red.

EJ and Avni caught each other's eye, making aww faces.

"Okay, if you guys stay in here any longer, your parents are gonna riot in the lobby," Kourtney said. They all trudged out of the dressing room.

"You were amazing," Avni's Dad said, walking up to her with her grandma.

She smiled, "Thank you. Did you like it Aaji? 1"

"You sing so well, I've told you before, you should get into playback."

"I'll think about it," Avni laughed. "Where's mom?"

"Oh," her dad said. Avni's heart dropped. "She couldn't make it. She had to work."

"Oh. She said she would be here."

"How does the shiny stuff stay on your face?" Her grandma abruptly changed the subject.

Avni blinked. "Oh, they use Vaseline. The glitter sticks to it."

"Good job up there, Avni," her dad said. She felt guilty about her obviously dejected reaction to her mom- she knew her Dad missed her too. "Be back before midnight, yeah?" Avni nodded, and watched her family walk away.


She turned around to see Miss Jenn calling her.

"Thank you," she said. "For the apple."

"After everything you've done for us? It's the least we could've done."

She smiled, "You were incredible up there."

"Can I be real with you Miss Jenn?"

She nodded.

"I think this was my best performance yet. Not because it was big or important, but because I actually liked the part and it pushed me to be someone onstage that I hadn't been before. I've been thinking about it- and maybe getting leads shouldn't be so important to me, you know? I'm going to try to get parts that actually challenge me from now on."

Miss Jenn smiled, "I'm proud of you, Avni."

Avni hugged her.

Maybe she teared up a little, maybe she didn't.



1 - Grandma

Okay you guys part 2 will drop this evening!!

Stay tuned :)

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