Buttercup Syndrome

By 01karatekid

747 9 3

(Y/N) (L/N) is an ordinary kid, he is a junior in highschool and has no friends. Somehow a god chose him for... More

Lifes a joke and I'm the punchline
I made designs
World War Mario
Final Hours
(Y/N) And Tari: First date
Where I've been
(Y/N): Symbiote (Part 1)


46 2 0
By 01karatekid

*(Y/N)'s POV*

This feels unreal, I'm floating, not that shocking sense I do have powers but something's different

Something isn't right

I look around my surroundings to see a black void of nothingness

Yeah this has to be a dream, no way this can be real

I turn around to see a figure of black, it looks familiar but I can't tell why

It has something in it's hand, a... Katana?

Oh no... I know who this is now, I try to run away but it's no use, he's faster then me, on top of that I'm not even sure I'm moving, I think I'm just running in place

Before I know it I feel a sharp pain in my chest, I look down to see that I have been stabbed through the chest

I try to contain my pain but it's too much and I yell out in pain

The pain feels so real, I'm in actual pain

I can last for about 10 more minutes before it gets worse

I turn to the figure of Sephiroth

(Y/N): That the best you got? I can do this for a while if you want

I give him a shit eating grin, just to piss him off

In response he plunges the katana deeper


I cry out for help, I'm not sure if it will do anything, but I have to try


No response, no use in trying I guess

I turn back to Sephiroth

(Y/N): What do you want anyway?

Sephiroth doesn't respond, he just states at me

I'm at my limit, if he plunges it deeper I don't know if I'll survive

Sephiroth shockingly pulls out the katana

But now I'm bleeding out, damnit of course

I go from sitting to laying on the floor as I lose consciousness







I jolt awake in my bed, I had the worst nightmare yet, my PTSD is getting worse, fucking hell

I check Tari to see if she's still asleep, yup still asleep

Tari... How do I even tell her? Let alone everyone else?

I think for now I should just keep it a secret, this will come back to bite me in the ass but I don't want anyone to worry about me

I lay in bed unable to go back to sleep but unable to move as to not wake up Tari

......I think I should tell them

This is gonna suck but it's the right thing to do, I just hope I'm not treated specially for it

Then again I don't want to worry them, and if they know they'll worry

Ughhhh I can't deal with this, I need to get some fresh air

I slowly get out of bed trying to not wake Tari up, I put on some clothes and head outside,

It's not even close to morning, it's 3 AM, guess that means I get some alone time though

It's cold out at this time of night, should have brought a jacket or something, I should head inside before I get sick

As I open the door I wonder what I did to deserve someone like Tari, she's too kind for someone like me, I thought she would hate me, just goes to show what I know

I walk towards my room, I hope Tari hasn't waken up, knowing my luck though she probably has

Tari: There you are! Where were you? I was worried!

Knew it, I have the worst luck

(Y/N): I can't sleep, I can't tell you why until tomorrow though, it's something everyone needs to know

Tari: is it serious?

(Y/N): It's very serious, a medical problem is all I'm gonna say

Tari: Medical problem? Like your sick?

(Y/N): Not exactly... It will have to wait until I can get everyone together

Tari: Alright... If you say so

I climb back into bed and so does Tari, I feel bad for her, she's gonna worry I know she will, but I don't want her too

This is gonna suck




Morning comes and I have to get everyone together, hopefully they won't all worry about it, PTSD Isn't that bad right?


Cut to everyone surrounding me asking if I'm ok because I had a meltdown

I thought I saw Sephiroth in the corner of the room, Im trying to calm down but it's hard

Tari: (Y/N) are you ok? What's wrong?

I can only mutter one word

(Y/N): Sephiroth!

It all makes sense to them now, at least that's what it looks like

Tari looks shocked while meggy and saiko know exactly what's going on

Meggy: He has untreated PTSD from when he got stabbed

Tari: he told me last night that he would tell us all what's going on but I didn't expect this to be how we found out!

Saiko: get him to the infirmary now!

I'm being rolled away to the infirmary, I feel bad, I am in full control of my thoughts but can't control my body, I wish I could tell them that I'm ok, but that would be a lie

Why now of all the times? I just wanted to tell them but instead they had to learn from experiencing a breakdown




It's been a few hours sense the breakdown, I regained control of my body, I can't move though, doctors orders

Tari's sitting next to me, she I insisted she stay with me Incase something happened

I just lay there in silence, I don't dare speak a word to her, it just feels awkward to do that

Tari: So what happened?

(Y/N): I'm sorry about that, I have PTSD, when I first got here and got shish-kabobed by Sephiroth? Yeah that caused me to develop PTSD

Tari: are you scared of dying... Or being unable to protect those you love if it happens again?

(Y/N): I don't fear death, death is natural, I'm more afraid that I'm going to die or be incapacitated and everyone around me will get hurt while I'm unable to do anything about it

Tari: I understand that, will you be alright if I go check on things for a little bit?

(Y/N): of course I'll be ok, go ahead and go do what you need to do

Tari gets up and leaves the room, she looks worried, this is what I meant by I hope no one worry's

Of all the people I was expecting to show up I wasn't expecting SMG4 to show up

SMG4: you alright man?

(Y/N): I'm still breathing aren't I?

SMG4: that's fair, what happened back there?

(Y/N): PTSD, Sephiroth is to blame.

SMG4: Damn.... So Sephiroth gave you PTSD?

(Y/N): you could say he gave me... Despair.

SMG4: Dude... Your still able to make jokes even though your in pain?

(Y/N): I'm only in pain because I made you all worry, that's the last thing I wanted, especially Tari...

SMG4: Tari.... She loves you (Y/N), of course she's gonna worry about you!

(Y/N): Yeah I know, I just don't want her to worry about me, it's 50/50 wether I live or die in a year, I'm counting on living, but preparing for if I die

SMG4: Speaking of... Did I ever tell you that when we make a new friend their origins are uploaded to my YouTube channel? It's weird because I have no control over it, it's just a thing that happens

(Y/N): I assume you saw my story then? It's depressing huh?

SMG4;?: Your own parents ignored you, that's low, on top of that your name isn't (Y/N), you made the name up because you hated the name your parents gave you when they stopped caring about you, your name is-

(Y/N): don't say that! ...I don't want to hear the name, it's better to leave things in the past then to live in it

SMG4: I understand... Do you want me to show everyone else?

(Y/N): ...No I don't, save them the grief of having to endure my pain, it's time I got out of this stupid bed

I try to get up but SMG4 stops me

SMG4: Dude you need to rest! We don't know what this breakdown did to you!

(Y/N): relax, I'm just going to my own bed, I can make it there

I once again try to get out of my bed, Im standing on both my feet and waking slowly to my bed

It was hard trying to avoid everyone else, I didn't want them sending me back to the infirmary, but at least I'm at my bed now

I lay down gently on my bed and drift off to sleep




I'm back here again, the black void of nothingness, I don't see anything, not even the Sephiroth figure from before

Instead there's nothing, just me and my thoughts

Unsure of what to do I start singing something from my head

To my surprise the environment changes to reflect the mood of the lyrics, sense I'm singing a lofi song the area changes into a calm dorm room

I take a seat in the chair, a notepad Infront of me I grab a pen and start doodling some drawings

It took a few minutes but I drew something amazing

I drew a picture of me and Tari together

...I'm going to miss her if I do end up dead

What am I thinking? I'm not gonna die! I'll live, I have plenty of friends to qualify for this stupid challenge

Y'know I never have it much thought though, they said if I live I can stay here of go home

...why go home? There's nothing to go back too, this is my home now

I decide to redo the drawing, this time in a different way

After a few minutes it's done, me and Tari chilling at a pond

I know Tari likes duck's so I drew her feeding the duck's

Alright, now what do I do?




Before I can decide I wake up in my bed

I check the clock, it's almost 6 AM

Tari's next to me, I wonder how she reacted to seeing me in bed after thinking I was in the infirmary

No matter, I should get ready for training

I look at the mirror before I put on clothes, wait... WHAT?


Calm down... There must be an explanation

I decide to throw on whatever I can and hurry outside for training

...Confused is all I can be right now, No one is here, Delsin, Fetch, No one

I sigh to myself and walk toward the pond

It's cold, really cold

I should have gotten a jacket

I walk back inside the castle

And I'm met with a hammer from saiko


Saiko: Who are you? Why are you here?

(Y/N): You really don't remember what I looked like when I was human?

Saiko: Looked like? ...Wait, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yup, I don't know either honestly, I just woke up like this

Saiko: Interesting, but you should be in bed, not out and about

(Y/N): Oh yeah, forgot about that, but why aren't you on bed?

Saiko: I heard the door close a bit ago, so I waited for the person I thought was an intruder to come back

(Y/N): ahh, well you should go back to sleep, meanwhile I usually wake up at this time so I'm just gonna lay in bed

Saiko: Alright, hope you feel better

(Y/N): If I didn't I wouldn't be up would I?

Saiko: That's fair

(Y/N): just go to bed Tari, I don't want to talk about it honestly

Saiko: I understand

I walk back to my room hoping Tari didn't wake up, she didn't thankfully

I wonder how she would react to me turning back into a human

She should know it's me right? Hopefully

I decide against waking her up and just go back to bed and sleep




A/N: Sorry for the late upload, things got in the way of me being able to finish working on this, I started writing Friday 2 days ago and was supposed to publish it yesterday on Saturday

Anyone who's reading in the future your lucky because you probably get to read the whole thing in one go

Anyways hope you all enjoy this chapter, I worked hard on it

Cheers - Samual

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