fairy of darkness -riven

De Emilyhollas

9.1K 107 2

sophie is the most powerful fairy at alfea. her riven and skye have been best friends Since there first year... Mais

first day back
getting ready to party
date with riven
party with riven
he cheated
your lying
its over

party time

1K 13 0
De Emilyhollas

sophie's pov

when me and riven got the the party the place was already packed. the music was so loud you were screaming to the person next to you so they could actually hear you.

'do u want to get a drink.' riven asked me
'yeah sure but i can't drink much i have to teach in the morning and i can't be hungover.' i told him
'don't worry princess i will make sure you start somewhat sober.' he said to me

after about and hour me and riven had had 2
drinks and just sat in the quietest bit of the party and have just been talking to one and other about our summers and we were laughing and making jokes

'i can't believe we have been here for an hour and not spoke to skye.' i said
'the trio is becoming a duo, they do say trios never work.' riven said teasing me
'shut up riven. let's go and find him.'

after 5 minutes we seen skye playing beer pong with me suite mates.
'hey skye, you losing.' i asked him
'nope i'm not.' he said
'for once.' riven replied
'what do you mean.' bloom asked
'every time sophie and skye play beer pong she always wins.' riven explained
'why don't you play it's boring doing one on one.' bloom said
'ok.' i said
riven joined skye and i joined bloom.
we played for 20 minutes and me and bloom had every clearly won.
'haha boys i win again.' i said to them
'oh shut up sophie.' skye replied
we all began talking about random stuff until rickey was brought up and it got awkward fast. i need to find a way to get out of there
'i should probably go back to the suite and sober up fully.' i says
'oh ok.' bloom says
'riven what to come with me.'  i says and he basically shot up wanting to get out of there
'yeah let's go.' he said

we got up and began walking away
'thanks for getting me out of there.' he said
'riven you know i would never leave you behind.' i say to him
'yeah i know you wouldn't princess.' he said to me.
after about 10 minutes we got back to the suite and it was nearly 1 am.
'well i should probably leave you princess' he says looking a bit upset to leave me
'how about you come in.' i said to him smiling
'i would love to.' he said.
we walked inside and it was still empty all the girls must still be at the party.
we walked into the kitchen and riven sat down at the table while i made us got us a glass of water each.
'what are we going to do.' he said as i handed him the water
'why don't we watch a film.' i said to him
yeah that sounds great.' he said.
'do yous have snacks though.' he asked
'of course we do.' i grabbed a box of popcorn for us to share.
i noticed uncomfortable we both were.
'how about you go and change then come back i will get change and get us a movie while i wait for you.' i say to him
'sounds good princess.' he said getting up
'hurry up riven.' i say to him

after that he left i have about 30ish minutes until he would be back that was more than enough time for me to do everything i need to do.
first i got changed into my pjs.

i then took off all my make up and did some quick sink care.
i had about 10 minutes after that so i got few blankets for us and picked a movie for us to watch.
riven wasn't here so that meant to could pick without him saying anything about my choice.
i decided to go with meet the parents to be honest me and riven both loved that movie. i wanted something easy to watch because i was tired.
finally riven was back
'look good princess.' he said and winked at me.
'shut up let's just watch the movie.' i say to him.
'ok ok let's go.' he said
riven sat in the couch next to me and i moved closer to him so we could cuddle.
cuddling was a normal thing for me and riven to do but if i was to do something like this with skye it would be weird and strange.
after about 20 minutes of the movie i fell asleep.

hey i hope you liked this part sorry it's short i was going to write more but decided to leave it here and the next part will be the morning ect
like and comment please x

word count- 801
picture count-1

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