The God Of Evolution: Godzill...

Af NasuadaNightingale

14.3K 233 169

*This book has been Rewritten! The rewrite is called The God Of Agony And Evolution* Ruby Rose had been train... Mere

When Death Refuses One Into It's Embrace
The Agony Of Evolution
When Family Learns One's Fresh Hell
Becoming Evolution Incarnate
Invitation To An Old Dream
The Tragedy Of Monster's
Persecution Of The Grimm
New Book Poll
A Academy's Newest Monster
Team RWBY's First Day
A Golden Threat Emerges And A Snow Lilies Change
A Snowflake Turned Firebird
Reaction To Fire And Ash
Questions On A Gothic Victorian RWBY Horror Book Idea
Finite Mortality And Golden Colored Terror
New Update Schedule
Daikaiju List I Out Of ???
Dangerous Development's Across Remnant.
Fighting God's, New Technology And A Sneak Home
Burning Love, Food Source's, And The Start Of Training
Christmas Omake
Thank you all!
Question on a rewrite
This book has been Rewritten!

A Daikaiju's Date

375 2 0
Af NasuadaNightingale

This is going to come out late and I don't really have an excuse, I got a new game recently and spent both Wednesday and Thursday playing it with only 1 hour of sleep, really sorry for the late update.

This chapter will be a feel good chapter mostly, it is to build up Ruby and Weiss's relationship since as I've said this is the Weiss arc!

Bold: Important note to the story

Italic: Important message to a specific character or event

"Message" Kaijuspeak

"Message" Speech

'Message' Thought's

|Boom!| Noise/sound effect


Ruby Rose was a nervous wreck as she got dressed for a special event for her, Weiss was taking her out on a date today and she knew she would probably mess it up somehow. Ruby got on her usual attire that her father had gotten her weeks ago, it was custom made to fit her 8 foot tall body and could fit Scylla as well.

It was made of leather and it was colored black, Weiss still was changing in the dorm as Ruby always changed in the bathroom. Ruby was hyperventilating slightly as even before becoming a Daikaiju she had never been on a date, not a lot of boy's ever approached her due to hyper-activeness and nerdy tendencies.

"I know I am going to mess this up somehow!" Ruby squeaked as she pulled her long hair into a ponytail very gently with her hand's, her claws could easily slice through her hair but then again it would grow back instantly through her regeneration.

"Calm down Ruby it's just a date!" Ruby whispered to herself as she took long slow deep breathes to calm herself down, her speeding heartrate slowed down to it's typical slow 60 beats per minute.

Ruby took a deep breathe and stepped out the bathroom to see a amazing sight, Weiss was wearing a simple but cute outfit of a orange tank top to fit her wing's, her leg's were covered by a set of jeans that went down to her ankles as she couldn't wear shoes with her talon's.

Weiss's brown hair was parted in front of her face and set in a very small ponytail in the back, her bright orange eyes were shining as she stared at Ruby.

Ruby had her mouth open as she couldn't form words right now and her third leg stood at attention, Yang while laughing up a storm walked over and closed Ruby's hanging mouth.

"How do I look Ruby?" Weiss asked with a smirk as she put her wing's behind her back and waved her body sexily.

"Like the Goddess you are!" Ruby blurted out without thinking as she went slightly pink in color, her skin was normally as pale as a corpse so when she was blushing hard her face became light pink.

"You think so? Would that mean your my little devout follower then~?" Weiss asked as Ruby held her hand to her face to clean off her nosebleed she had.

"Maybe, but you would have to treat me like an apostle then!" Ruby asked she wiped the black blood away from her nose and had a bashful look on her face.

"I will but let's get going already, I got a nice restaurant reserved for us and a movie for later!" Weiss shouted as she grabbed Ruby's hand with her wing claw's and rushed out of the dorm through the many corridor's of Beacon, once they had reached the courtyard in front of Beacon she took off into the sky with Ruby in her claws.

"Enjoying the view babe?" Weiss asked as she flew her and Ruby past the clouds to the open azure sky around them, Ruby loved flying with Weiss now as she couldn't fly herself and the sky felt so open and free.

The sky was splayed out in front of them in a endless expanse of turquoise blue, birds flew below them as Weiss just glided on her wing's with little effort, both of them were enjoying the view and the beauty of the flight they were in.

The sun stood in the sky far above them with it's blazing yellow light streaming on the planet, a eagle started flying beside Weiss as she flew towards the open ocean. Ruby could breathe underwater while Weiss could soar the skies and Weiss wanted them to do both, Ruby swimming beneath Weiss as Weiss flew right above the water.

Nature was just serene and beautiful and they were a set of new born god's that would protect it, Weiss tucked in her wing's as she could smell the saltwater beneath them with her advanced senses.

The two Daikaiju entered a freefall as they plummeted towards the clouds below them, punching a giant hole through the white fluffy and cold clouds, Ruby saw the water below them as she released Weiss's grasp on her and cannonballed into the water.

|Thwaboooom!| Ruby's vision was clouded by a sea of white bubbles until her inner eyelid flickered over her eyes and she saw the beauty of the depth's of the ocean, giant swarms of vibrant colored fish swam through the blue water that dwarfed Ruby in size.

Each swarm of life was as big as her God form and shone in every color of the rainbow, the most pretty were the blues that shined in the oceans aquamarine color, plants littered the floor as they moved gently through the oceans many currents.

Eel's and crabs ducked in and out of coral reef's looking to ambush something for food, turtles of many kind's swam with their flipper's while eating their species preferred meal, seal's of every variation darted through the swarms of fish snacking on the fresh delicacies they had caught.

Shark's and other predatory fish of many sizes glided through the waters that gave them life, pod's of dolphins and whales torpedoed through the water as Ruby watched them and heard their clicks and clacks with her sensory organs. Ruby breathed through the gill's on her neck and slowly used Scylla to swim back to the surface where Weiss flew, Weiss's dark shadow shone across the buoyant surface of the waves.

Ruby was one of the only humanoids that could see this so clearly since marine faunas were extremely rare on Remnant, most faunas were some kind of mammal and very few could be underwater without technological aid for long periods of time.

The ocean current's calmed Ruby as she felt it glide across her skin like wind during spring would, soft and gentle that carried the vibrancy of many living thing's in it's motherly embrace, soft light from the sun shone through the water and covered everything with it's warmth.

'There are many thing's I regret about becoming a Daikaiju.... but maybe if I could see this sight whenever I want it isn't so bad...' Ruby swam through the water to where Weiss was gliding above the calm ocean, at the last second she used Scylla to punch through the water into the air above Weiss.

Weiss shrieked in surprise before laughing as Ruby sprayed her with cold water after breaching, this was one of the best thing's she's ever done in her life, Ruby came back to the surface after coming down into the water again. She swam next to Weiss as she used Scylla to propel herself against the tide, Weiss folded her wing's as she landed on Ruby and laid on her chest, humming a tune that only she knew through her soft lip's.

"You know Ruby you are the best thing to ever happen to me, not once in my childhood have I ever felt this amount of peace and your the one who caused it.... Thank you." Weiss whispered as she closed her eyes and silently listened to Ruby's deep breathing and the sound of the endless waves lapping against Ruby.

"No....thank you Weiss for promising to stay with me." Ruby whispered back as she wrapped her arm's around Weiss's body, Weiss body heat kept Ruby warm as they floated in silence enjoying the serenity and each other's company.

Migratory bird's flew over them as they let out shriek's and call's to the air, some of the bird's dived into the water to catch fish to eat and reappeared with salmon and tuna in their beak's, Ruby and Weiss had never been at peace this much and knew as immortal's it was their job to try to keep their beautiful world safe from harm.

"Ruby we have to go for the lunch reservation..." Weiss spoke softly as she used her wing's to start flying again, she grabbed Ruby in her claw's as she flew for the far coastline behind them.

Each flap of her wing's was silent and it did not disturb the peace they felt, soon they flew over a empty beach and headed towards the ever busy cobblestone city of Vale. Miles and miles of green pastures and meadow's went under them as Weis soared the skies, soon they flew over the road leading to Vale and entered the huge cobblestone city.

Once they had reach downtown Vale Weiss set Ruby down and landed next to Ruby, as they walked to the more commercial district of Vale they got many hate filled stares. Many human's spit at them as they thought the two Daikaiju to be some sort of mutated faunas freaks, Ruby wilted under the glares but Weiss returned even harsher ones with her orange eyes glowing in hatred.

"I guess we both now know how much hate the faunas get...." Ruby quietly spoke as she had another spitball directed at her, Weiss knew Ruby had a very weak mental state due to her past as a Daikaiju and the suffering it caused her.

Weiss had enough as she let fire envelop her wing's and cinder's filled the air in scorching waves, shrieks and screams filled the air as their tormentor's ran away in fear of The Firebird, while the nearby Faunas grew wide eyes upon seeing a supposed faunas with such amazing power's.

"Who is she, is she a faunas?" A large leopard faunas asked his buddy who shrugged his head, Weiss led Ruby away from the area towards the restaurant she had reserved.

They soon stood in front of a rather large brick building in the west district of Vale, they went inside and found a hostess waiting for them with a list in hand.

"Hello reservation for Weiss Schnee?" Weiss asked kindly as the hostess did a double take, this girl did not look anything like Madam Weiss Schnee.

"Can I see proof of reservation?" Weiss pulled out her scroll and pulled up the dustmail she got when making the reservation online, the hostess checked it over before sending them away with a server.

"I guess since you no longer look the same many people think your not you Weiss." Ruby said as she gripped Weiss wing claw's in her own, there many stares and glares directed at them again and it made Ruby uneasy.

"I guess so but I wish they would ease up on the hostility or I am going to get pissed!" Weiss spoke loudly as she let the edges of her wing's drip molten magma which stop most of the glares.

"Here's your table and I'll be back shortly to get your drink's." The male server informed them as he walked back to the kitchen, Ruby sat beside Weiss as she leaned a bit into the winged girl.

"We should definitely go back to the ocean again another day, I want to see if you can join me under the water!" Weiss agreed with Ruby's statement as she had never been more at peace as when she had drifted on the ocean atop Ruby.

"Just ask me on a day off and I'll fly you out there again!" Weiss saw Ruby nod her head with a happy look, Weiss herself was having one of the best day's of her life.

Weiss had very few friend's when she was younger due to her father treating her as a living PR doll, so many day's where she had went without a single good thing said to her, it made her feel so damn lonely she almost lost her mind.

Now here she was on a date with the one who had changed her life forever, the one who she had cursed with immortality by making the weapon she helped create. Weiss had many thing's she regretted but being with Ruby would never be one of them, no matter how many path's she could have taken this would be the only true good path.

Their male server soon came back with a small fake smile that held a rather small amount of disgust behind it, Ruby didn't notice but Weiss had taught herself to read body language and didn't like his attitude at all.

"Hello my name is Rin, can I know what you want to drink?" The man asked with a fake smile and Ruby responded with a genuine smile.

"Yes can I get a sweet tea, I also want the rib's platter." The man nodded at Ruby order before turning to Weiss.

"I want a root beer please and for my food I want the 21oz steak!" Weiss said with her own fake smile and all this hate they were getting for their appearance was starting to really piss her OFF.

Weiss knew Ruby wouldn't like it if she burned the place down in her anger, but all this hostility to them was making her Daikaiju instinct's flair up in response, they demanded she put the lesser human's in their rightful place beneath her talon's.

"You okay Weiss? Your growling and mumbling a little bit in Kaijuspeak!"Ruby whispered as Weiss growled deeply in a frequency that no human or faunas ever had a hope of hearing without technological aid, though she didn't know that far far away north in Atlas she had been heard by Atlas and by their rival in Mistral.

"Yeah I'm fine Ruby just annoyed right now." Weiss scratched the table with her wing claw's as Ruby got a little worried at Weiss's aggressive nature now, ever since Weiss had become a Daikaiju her behavior had changed a LOT.

"Do you feel the hostility Ruby from those around us? Being a Daikaiju it pisses me off that they think they are better than us!" Weiss let out a chest shaking growl as her wing's had very small fires dance on them, Ruby finally noticed the hostility after Weiss pointed it out.

Ruby had been focused on being happy the date was going well and making Weiss happy, now that she felt it her instinct's flared up like Weiss's but even more prominent than the Firebird. She was a king of God's and she demanded obedience from those beneath her, Ruby took her left foot and stomped it onto the ground shaking the entire building using her sheer physical strength.

The whisper's and glares were replaced by yelp's and glances of fear at the two, the building now knew that the two Daikaiju were powerful, TOO powerful for any mortal man to challenge. Ruby was THE alpha Daikaiju and Weiss was her lieutenant.

"That should shut them up, great job Ruby!" Weiss smirked before pecking Ruby on the cheek, Ruby blushed as their food came to them on a steaming tray in the same moment.

Ruby and Weiss tore into their food like animal's eating both meat and bone alike, their teeth shattered every bone in no less than tiny shards and they ate EVERYTHING in minutes. After they had finished eating their meal they drained several drink's and paid the tab 50/50.

Ruby lead Weiss out of the restaurant towards east Vale and the huge shopping mall there, there was a huge movie theater inside it where Weiss had reserved movie tickets for them. Ruby didn't let Weiss fly them there and instead opted to walk to it.

"Come on Ruby you know how much I love to fly!" Weiss pouted as she flapped her wing's slightly, Ruby shook her head and chuckled at Weiss's cute pouting face.

"Sorry Weiss but I want to walk there instead of flying!" Weiss pouted even more until she felt Ruby envelop her in a hug that made her squeak.

Ruby put Weiss down before rushing them both into the mall and to the movie theater, they were going to watch a movie that had dragon's like thing's fighting a giant turtle monster like the two Daikaiju.

Weiss got three buckets of popcorn as both of them were slight glutton's as Daikaiju, Ruby got the drinks before they sat down in the designated theater, the screen flickered on as it showed a city in devastation and loud cries of monsterous beasts eating humans.

A/N: Gamera never gets enough love tbh!

Hour's later Ruby and Weiss came out of the movie theater with loud voices that held excitement.

"That turtle monster Gamera was so cool and strong, not as strong as us but still!" Ruby shouted as Weiss just smiled in happiness, she knew Ruby would like the movie because of Gamera.

"Well Ruby it's time to head back to Beacon!" Ruby sighed as she knew her and Weiss had to go back at some point today, Weiss picked Ruby up in her claws before flying past Vale and towards Beacon. Weiss flew them into their dorm window and surprised Blake who was reading a book, while Yang was too busy playing video games.

"So did you two have fun?" Yang asked as she threw the two Daikaiju a look over her shoulder, Ruby nodded her head before yawning and collapsing onto her bed.

She had so much fun today with Weiss and it had made her bone tired, Weiss just chuckled before throwing a heavy blanket onto Ruby.

Today had been a good day.

Annnnnd that's it! A much shorter chapter but I think it was a good one, I hope yall enjoyed and tell me what you think!

Have a good day and be safe!

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