Falling For The Serial Killer

By foxglove17

668 7 0

THIS STORY IS NOW COMPLETE Here in Railwood, the town is separated. The good side, where there is richness a... More



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By foxglove17


Rage. Heartbreak. That's what this feels like. To be ripped apart by someone you were falling for, by someone you trusted. My father has been missing for ages, a couple months. I've had zero contact and no help in finding out where he even is. Only to be told that he's dead, but now, I watch Haze with her parents tell me that this was the plan all along.

My father made a deal with Amanda, to have me and Jake come here so then he can be free from having us, raising us. So then he can go and be free and he gone and got himself killed. "You think that I trust you" ... "I can't trust you now" i say. "I thought all along that he had nothing to do with this, that he wanted me back but he wanted to just dump us here." Haze tried to take my shoulder but I brush her off, "dont touch me" i say.

"You" ... "you are fucking dead to me" i point at her. I don't know if I actually mean it, or if I'm only saying it because of how upset I am. I'd probably go crawling back to her, but right now, I'm too busy with my own feelings. Feelings of hurt and betrayal. I've been stuck here when my father has been trying to flee away from Railwood only to end up dead in a lake. "I'm sorry" Haze whispers and I shake my head.

"I don't care for an apology" ... "I don't care for pity, or for sympathy... compassion" i pause because I did it hard to grab my own words. To even speak right now is pushing it, I just want to scream and attack. I haven't killed, not felt the urge to for ages but right now, I've never wanted to kill as much as I do now. "Cory" she sighs and I walk away from her slowly, I can't face her.

I turn and walk through the front door and out into the world, the free world that I could explore. I could go anywhere, everywhere, so how come I haven't. How come I don't want to. She doesn't even follow, good, because I don't want her too. My first trail of thought was to go find Jake, tell him everything. How I overheard them talk about my dad and that he made a deal with Amanda to have her basically babysit me and Jake while he goes and explores the world for himself.

I thought he was as good as dead. I thought that he'd never walk again, was he faking it all along. Did he get bored of us, did he get bored of me, his own son. Instead I walk through the alleyway and into the bad side because it feels more like home than the good side ever does. The good side only felt like home when I was happy and with Hazel. Now, that's all disappeared into the distance.

I find a group of teenage girls, drunk after a night out and that's my choice of prey. I'll spare the details but within a matter of minutes all four are dead and piled onto each other. Now I'm covered in blood just like I used to be, the only difference is that fir the first time ever, in the history of me killing... I feel guilty. I feel myself crack and the guilt go through me, I drop to my knees and let go of the knife as it falls beside me.

I take a deep breath and just silently cry and let it all out. Someone takes my shoulder and my heart immediately drops into my stomach before I turn around and see Jake. "Haze called" ... "she told me everything, I thought you could use a friend" he pulls me up from the floor and into a hug. "I hate her" ... "I hate this place" i say and he hugs tighter the more I show the pain I'm in. "I know" ... "but it's going to be okay" he pauses, "we've got each other."

Ellie is back home from the hospital , she was given the all clear 2 days ago and now this. Jake smiles softly at me and i nod my head, feeling better already. I stand beside him and look down at the dead bodies. "So what do we do with them" he asks and I shrug, this time actually not knowing what to do next. "Hide them, in the forest, like we always do" i say before dragging two of them. He takes the other two and follows me.

"After you" he teases and I roll my eyes and begin to walk away from the scene of the crime. The thing about alleyways is that they are always quiet, so you never get caught. Only this time, I wish that I was... I've never wanted to be caught, I made it my main mission to never ever get caught. Yet, here I am, with my emotions messing with my head. Creating new feelings, feelings I've ignored. Making me feel sick to my stomach about what I've done, making me regret it, making me want to go through the consequences for my actions. This is new, I used to hate it, but now.... now I'm getting used to it.

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