All on me | byler

By mo_is_maladaptive

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SEQUEL TO 'KEEP IT BETWEEN US' SO READ THAT FIRST!!! (or don't idrc) Mike and Will are finally off to college... More

For the better chapter 1 preview
thank you


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By mo_is_maladaptive

"I can't believe you Mike! One thing! I asked you to do ONE thing, and you didn't do it!" Will yelled.

"Will I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! But you have to calm down. We still have some time left don't worry. It's only June! We'll be fine."

"Ok, but I wanted you to send the housing applications BEFORE June so we'd have a better chance of getting a room together. I don't want to share a room with a random person Mike, I really don't!"

"And I know that baby, but we'll be fine! Seriously! I'll do it first thing tomorrow, promise." He tried to kiss Will's forehead, but Will had backed away.

"Yeah whatever." He walked out of his bedroom and into the kitchen. "Wiiiill." He followed after him. "Mike, I had a long shift, so I don't really wanna hear you whine right now over something that YOU caused. Now, what do you want me to make you to eat?" He asked, opening the refrigerator.

Mike loved the way that Will took care of him. Even in his angriest of moments, he still wants to cook for Mike. Will was doing so well with communicating. His mental health was getting better too, although he did have his days. Some worse than others. As soon as Mike got the money, he paid for Will to start seeing a mental health professional. Apparently he had something called bpd or borderline personality disorder. He hadn't been to therapy in a little while though, because the fees started to add up. Luckily, he remembered some of the things they talked about to help him with his mood swings. Mike was so grateful that Will was in a better state now. Now he seemed like he was genuinely enjoying life. Happy Will fueled Mike's life.

"I thought we were meeting everybody for lunch?" Mike questioned. "Oh shit, you're right!" Will laughed. "Completely forgot about that—" Will was cutoff by the sound of the phone ringing Him and Mike followed it out of the kitchen. "Hello?"

"Hey bud."


"The one and only! How are you Will?"

"I'm doing good! What about you? You barely visit anymore."

"I know, I wish I could be there more. But I heard you and Mike are going to college together?"

"Oh- uh yeah!" Will answered with a nervous smile. "You guys gonna live on campus together and everything?"

"UGH!" Will dramatically exclaimed. Don't even bring that up! Mike forgot to send in the forms so that we could choose our room and roommates. It was supposed to be sent MONTHS ago but someone didn't do it." He stared angrily at Mike as he put his hands up defensively. "I said I was sorry!"

Johnathan laughed at his brother's anger. "So how do you think Mom's gonna do without either of us being here?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I mean she has her boyfriend, but it's not like her and Hopper live together or anything so... I really hope she's ok. I don't wanna leave her by herself if it's gonna effect her too bad though." Will explained sadly.

"Oh she'll be fine. Hopper knows how to take care of her."

"Yeah, I guess so." He shrugged. "Trust me. Mom is tough." He gave a warm smile. "I know she is." He returned it.


"Will why do we need to be there so early?" "Because we're the ones who invited them out to lunch, so we have to be there first." Will explained to Mike as they sat down on the same side of a diner booth.

"Ugh. I'd rather have you make me food. You're a good cook." Mike said. Will deeply blushed at the compliment. "I'm not that good!" He giggled.

"Yeah you are. The potatoes you made the other night were amazing!" He nudged.

"You're exaggerating." Will playfully rolled his eyes.

Mike started to poke and prod at Will's stomach. "I'd never!" He dramatically gasped. "Mike stop it!" Will laughed as he was continuously being poked by his boyfriend.

"That's sure not what you were saying last night... 'Oh Mike! Please don't stop I-" Will quickly slapped a hand over Mike's mouth. "Shut. Up." He demanded as his face turned a deep shade of red. "We're in public." He slowly raised his hand from Mike. "So?" Mike replied.

Will simply groaned. "Ugh you're like a douchy college frat boy except we haven't even started school yet."

"Don't be mad at me cause you're loud." Mike murmured, making Will blush even harder. "Mike you're so imma- Hey guys!" Will cut himself off to greet his incoming friends.

"Hi Mike, hi Will!" Max greeted the loudest over anyone, hand in hand with her boyfriend. "Hey guys." Lucas said as well.

"Is Jane not with you guys?" Will asked. "Oh, no she said that something really important came up, whatever that may be." Max whispered the last part.

"Don't tell me she's gonna disappear on us again like she did last year. We never see her anymore!" Will huffed. Max giggled at her friend's frustration. "It's fine Will, I'm sure she has a good reason." She said in a completely unbelievable tone.

"Yeah I guess. But come on guys take a seat! I wanted to talk about our plans for the summer before Max goes away." "Ugh! Don't remind me." Lucas groaned. "I don't want you to leave." He pouted.

"Oh don't start Lucas. You still got me for a little while longer." She smirked as she kissed his nose.

"Ewww boooo gross. Get a room!" Mike exclaimed as he threw sugar packets at the couple across from him. "Oh please! Don't act like you don't incorporate something about sex into literally everything you say Wheeler. If anyone's the gross one here it's you!"

Will giggled at Max's comment as Mike slumped back into his seat. "What are you laughing at?" He rolled his eyes.

Their conversation was interrupted by a waiter coming up to their table. "Good afternoon lady and gentlemen, I'm AJ and I'll be your server today. Are there any drinks I could get you guys started with?" He started in an upbeat energetic tone. "I'll take a Coke." Max said. "Me too!" Added Mike. "Could I please have a root beer?" Lucas asked. "I'll have lemonade please." Will said finally.

"Hey wait, don't I know you from somewhere?" The waiter nodded to Will.

"Um I don't think so."

"Wait. NO WAY! You're the guy from the hospital that day!" AJ basically screamed at his revelation.

"OH! I totally remember you now! You were the one that helped me with my water at the vending machine."

"Yeah! How are you doing now by the way?"

Mike was confused as he listened to their conversation. Will never told him about that. Then again it was probably just a two second conversation that meant nothing. So he relaxed.

"I'm doing fine. I can't believe you recognized me from so long ago though!"

"Yeah well a face like yours is hard to forget Will." He smiled.

Ok no. Mike most definitely wasn't relaxed anymore. This guy was flirting with his boyfriend! 

The comment caused Will to lightly blush. "Oh."

Suddenly, an arm was wrapped around Will's shoulder and he was being pulled closer to Mike. "So uh, what about those drinks?" Mike asked in an uninterested tone. "Oh yeah right, coming right up guys."

As soon as their waiter walked away, Lucas and Max broke into simultaneous laughter. "OH MY GOSH THAT WAS SO AWKWARD!" Max laughed.

"Byers, you have people drooling over you man!" Lucas giggled.

"Shut up." He blushed again.

"And Mike! Little jealous Mike over here started holding onto you for dear life!" Max was completely out of breath at this point.

"No seriously!" Lucas agreed. "Dude wasn't gonna like reach over the table and grab him Mike!" "He's kinda cute when he gets all possessive isn't he Lucas?" "No yeah, I kinda see it." He smirked.

"Could you two please shut up?" Mike's face was a deeper shade of red than a tomato as he crossed his arms in a pout.

"You are cute Michael." Will smiled and lifted a hand to ruffle Mike's curly hair. 

"I know."


"And here are your drinks! A Coke, a root beer, another Coke, and a lovely lemonade." Their server said, handing out the drinks from his platter.

"why does it have to be lovely?" Mike said under his breath, causing Will to kick him underneath the table.

"So are you all ready to order?"

"Yeah, could I please have the turkey club?" Started Lucas. "And I'd like the chicken quesadilla." Max went. "And could we have one order of shrimp pasta?" Mike asked for the both of them.

"We?" AJ asked.

"Yeah we. Is there a problem?" Mike was already tensing up. Will quickly took notice of this and grabbed Mike's hand under the table, giving it a pleading squeeze that said, "please don't make a scene."

"No, just making sure." The waiter's voice sounded less peppy. "So that's one turkey club, one chicken quesadilla, and a single order of the shrimp pasta correct?"


"Ok, I'll have that out for you all as soon as I can!" He quickly found his pep again as he sped away.

Then came the uncomfortable silence at the table.

"Wow." Max broke it after about a minute. "That guy is really grinding your gears today huh Mike? Lucas snickered so loud, that there was root beer flying out of his mouth and nose and onto the table.

"Holy shit Lucas!" Mike cried with laughter, causing the whole group to laugh as they grabbed napkins.


"Here is your quesadilla, your turkey club, and the pasta for you guys." AJ said as he set everyone's plates on the table.

"Uhm, we only ordered one." Mike said matter of factly as he raised an eyebrow at the waiter. Will was obviously overwhelmed by the amount of food in front of him. Will's friends knew about his eating disorder, so they didn't bat an eyelid when Will wasn't getting a dish of his own. He didn't want to spend money on restaurant food he wasn't even going to eat.

"Well I thought he might've wanted one of his own. It's on me." He smiled at Will.

"Yeah well you thought wrong. We're not gonna need all this extra food. Which is why I said ONE."

"What is your problem dude? You're not even letting him speak for himself! How do you know what he wants to eat?"

"Because I fucking do!" Mike huffed, lifting from his seat. "Mike sit down." Will yanked his boyfriend's arm.

"Is there a problem over here?" A guy with a white button down shirt asked as he joined the conversation. His badge had 'MANAGER' on it in all caps.

Mike slowly took a seat. "Well actually, I ordered one dish of pasta, but he brought me two. All I was trying to do was tell him that we don't need two but he keeps insisting that my boyfriend here is hungry." Mike knew where he was going by making it known that he was gay. The world was changing, so surely AJ would get penalized for being rude to the queer customers.

"I'm really sorry to hear that. How about you guys keep that and I'll get you a carry-out box. Your drinks are on the house." He smiled at the table.

"Let me talk to you for a minute AJ." The man pointed to the back leading AJ, who had his head faced to the floor, in front of him.

Will heavily sighed and leaned back in his seat. "Why do you always have to do this Mike?" He whined. "Baby it's not my fault he was acting like that cause of his little crush on you!"

"The cats are fighting again." Max whispered to Lucas who was working on his plate.

"Yeah whatever Mr. Jealousy. I'm not even hungry anymore you can have it to yourself."

"Guys this sandwich is amazing." Lucas said with his mouth stuffed with turkey.

Everyone just looked at Lucas and laughed. Even with Will and Mike's dramatic relationship, they all knew that they loved each other. And they were just happy to all have each other here as friends. Though they might have to part soon, they were always in it together.

word count: 2137

a/n- OMG OMG sequel alert! they're all 18 now btw. how do we like it so far? probably gonna do a time skip tho just so i can get onto the main plot soon! also gonna focus on other characters stories as well- other than byler. also we'll find out what colleges everyone is at next chapter! anyways byeee

~Mo |:0~

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