The Arnett Boy || James Arnett

By mcsnuglish

5K 172 52

This story is about little James Arnett, who goes by Jamie. This story this will be going through the eyes of... More

0. The Beginning
1. "mama?"
2. Meeting
3. Adventures!
5. Last day with Daddy
6. Wizzie's Famy!!
7. Boys Day Out

4. Chill day

574 27 2
By mcsnuglish

The next day
September 21st 2017
10:27 am

Jamie was cuddled up on the couch watching Tom and Jerry with Robbie, while Lizzie was cooking brunch for them all. The boy was holding his penguin toy named JJ along with Boo as Robbie had an arm around him.

As the boys sat on the couch in comfortable silence, Jamie couldn't help but look over towards the kitchen to see Lizzie off in her own world cooking. The boy didn't seem to understand why she looked calm, he always seemed to find it really boring when he watches his father do it. The toddler scrunched his face up before he soon decided to go ahead get up from the couch. Robbie looked at his son with a raised brow "what you doing there bud?" He asked his son. "See what Wizzie doin." He stated as he soon kept walking towards the kitchen. Robbie chuckled before he decided to continue watching the old cartoon knowing his child will be back soon.

As Jamie made it to the kitchen he looked at Lizzie who was swaying around as she hummed to herself. The boy didn't want to bother her but he soon tilted his head as he watched her move around as if she knew the whole kitchen. "Wizzie?" Jamie called out as he looked at her. The boy noticed how she didn't seem to look at him, he then did a huff before he tried again. "Wizzie!" He called out again, but yet again it was no use. So the boy scrunched his face up before he blurted out something which made Robbie and Lizzie both look at the boy with shocked looks. "Mama!" Jamie yelled out. The boy giggled before he soon seen Robbie looking over at him with wide eyes long with Lizzie. He soon felt himself grow embarrassed as if he did something wrong "I-I sowwy! I d-didn't mean t-to sway dat!..." he blurted out before he soon decided to go ahead and run off to his room while slamming the door shut.

Robbie quickly got up and soon looked over at Lizzie who seemed to be in shock still. "I'll go talk to him." Robbie said before he started to head to the toddlers room. "No. Let me do it. You stay here and watch the omelets" she stated before she went ahead and started to head back to the rooms. Robbie watched her before he went ahead towards the stove, knowing that she can take care of the situation better than he could ever since he would get turned down by his child.

When Lizzie knocked on the toddlers door he heard the boys voice "go way!" He blurted out. "It's Lizzie pumpkin. Can I come in?" She asked as she looked down at the doorknob. "No daddy?..." Jamie asked as he sounded a bit skeptical. "No daddy" she responded as she knew that Robbie was cooking and watching the omelets. "Can I come in Jay?" She asked again as she put her hand on the doorknob. All she heard was silence before she soon heard a small 'yeah' from the child. As she heard him she simply opened the door and walked in while closing the door behind her.

As Lizzie looked around the small room to find the toddler, she seen how there was a little body imprint under the covers in the bed. She soon did a small smile before she walked over to the bed and sat on the end. She could soon hear the toddler do a little sniffle which soon made her frown. "Baby... can you come out from under there? Please?" She asked. "No..." he said sadly. "Why not?" She soon asked before she placed a hand on the small body. "Y-you m-mad.. and d-daddy mad at me!..." he sobbed out before he cried.

Lizzie furrowed her eyebrows before she uncovered the now crying boy. "Oh baby... I'm not mad and your father isn't mad at you." She said as she quickly picked Jamie up and brought him close to her to rock him. Jamie couldn't help but sob still before he leaned into her to calm down, Lizzie did a little chuckle before she got up with him in her arms to rock him still. "No one's mad at you. We where just shocked that's all Jay." She stated as she rubbed the toddlers back. Jamie sniffled before he looked up at her green eyes to see if she was telling the truth.

As Jamie looked into her calm green eyes, he soon laid against her again. "I s-sowwy.." he said again which made the woman scrunch her face with confusion. "Why are you sorry baby? You didn't do anything wrong." She asked as she looked down at him and soon wiped his tears away. "I sway mama... inwead of wizzie..." he said before he looked at her. Lizzie did a little chuckle before she soon sat down on the bed with him in her lap. "Its okay Jay. You where just trying to call me. You can call me mama if you want to bub. I don't mind." She said before she ran her fingers through Jamie's curly hair. Jamie smiled at her before he soon did a little frown "but I have mama.. she in sky... daddy will get mad at me.." he said sadly before he hid his face against Lizzie. The young woman frowned before she sighed "your daddy won't get mad... plus you're mama will always be you're mama. Even though she is in the sky watching down over you. You are still her baby." Lizzie stated as she rubbed Jamie's back. The boy soon looked up at her before he felt them rock from side to side. "I'll be your mama who helps you too. Just like youre mama would have. I'll help you with anything and play with you and be there with you overall just like your daddy. If you want me to be there with you of course." She stated as she rubbed Jamie's back.

The toddler didn't quite understand everything she just said, but all he knew was that he wanted her in his life. Just like in his cartoons, where he sees all his favorite characters do fun things with their mama's. He also wanted what his father has with his mother, his granny. He can't seem to get that connection with his aunts or granny, but only with Lizzie.

But the little Arnett just hummed in response to what Lizzie said since he was confused and didn't want to speak about his thoughts just yet. He wanted to talk with his father first before anything happens, or before he calls Lizzie his mama overall.

Lizzie kissed the boys head before she stood up with Jamie in her arms. "Ok. Well let's go eat something. Let's hope your daddy didn't burn the food." Lizzie said as she bounced Jamie which made the toddler giggle. "Daddy! No buwrn food!" Jamie yelled out within the small home which made the father let out a loud cackle within the house. "I did not burn the food BluJay!" Robbie's voice was heard from the kitchen which made the woman and child laugh as they soon walked to the kitchen.

As Jamie and Lizzie entered the kitchen Robbie was already putting the omelettes on plates and setting the table. "Hey guys." He said with a smile as he soon went over to grab Jamie from Lizzie's grasp and kiss her. "Eww!" Jamie blurted out before he covered his eyes. Both the adults laughed at him before they looked at the toddler. "What? Is kissing gross Jamie?" Robbie asked his son before he uncovered his eyes with his free hand. Jamie quickly nodded before he smiled at him. Robbie soon looked at Lizzie before he put him down to both their level. Lizzie soon smirked before she got closer to them both.  "If kissing is gross then I guess you don't like it when we kiss you!" Robbie blurted out which before both him and Lizzie started to kiss Jamie's cheeks. The toddler let out a squeal before the room filled with giggles.

Once they all had their little moment Lizzie and Robbie both went over to the table and sat down, along with getting the toddler all settled in with him in his high chair. As Jamie was sitting in his high chair the toddler soon watched as Lizzie started to cut up the boys cheese omelette. Once she was done she gave the small plate back to him. "Thwank youuu!!" Jamie said with a huge smile before he started to dig into his cheesy breakfast. "You're welcome baby." She said with a smile before she and Robbie both started to eat their omelettes along with chatting here and there.

As Jamie finished up his omelette he soon looked over at the sippy cup that was on his little table on his high chair. The boy tilted his head before he grabbed the cup, he soon started to drink whatever was in his cup. He soon relaxed once he tasted chocolate milk, as he was drinking the chocolate milk he soon started to kick his dangling feet. Robbie and Lizzie both looked over at the boy and smiled at him. Lizzie quickly pulled her phone out and took a couple of photos of Jamie all relaxed. Before Jamie was done drinking his milk he soon felt himself getting lifted up. He then stopped drinking his chocolate milk to see his father not putting him down. As Jamie soon watched his father start to clean up along with Lizzie, he soon waddled into the living room where he left JJ and Boo.

Right as the boy got relaxed in between his favorite stuffed animals he soon started to finish up his chocolate milk and continue watching Tom and Jerry. As the episode ended Jamie looked over to see Robbie and Lizzie looking over at him with smiles and their phones out taking photos of him. The boy picked up JJ the Penguin and soon got off the couch and ran over to them giggling. Robbie was quick to realize what his son was doing so he quickly ran off and away from the child. "Daddy!! No fawir!!" Jamie yelled out as he started to chase his father. Lizzie couldn't help but laugh at them, she then started to record them as she followed them around.
As Jamie was chasing his father around the house he soon tripped over the rug which made a big thud throughout the household. "Oh no! Jamie! Are you ok baby?" Lizzie quickly stopped recording before she ran to pick Jamie up.

The toddler let out a loud huff before he looked straight over at his father. "Daddy no fawir! Aways wunning away from me!" Jamie blurted out before he teared up. Robbie quickly went over to them and furrowed his eyebrows. "Hey... I'm just playing around bud. No need to cry..." Robbie said as he soon wiped away his sons tears that escaped. Lizzie smiled at him before she picked the toddler up and sat him down in her lap. "Daddy was just being silly. How about we go and watch a movie before you're nap?" Lizzie asked before she rubbed the boys belly. Jamie nodded before he quickly threw JJ at his father which made the adults shocked. Before they could say anything the boy just laughed before he felt himself get picked up by his father. "You cheeky monkey!!!" Robbie blurted out before he started to tickle his son which made the toddler laugh hysterically. Lizzie got up and she couldn't help but smile at them. Once she seen the boy trying to wiggle out of his fathers grasp after a couple of minutes she soon stepped in. "Okay okay guys. Let's go chill off for a bit now." Lizzie stated before she went over to grab Jamie from Robbie. "Alright alright." Robbie said before he chuckled as he watched the boy now start to catch his breath.

Lizzie smiled at them before she kissed the boys cheek and soon walked over to the couch. Once she placed Jamie down on the couch she sat down next to him. The toddler placed his thumb in his mouth and soon laid against Lizzie. Robbie walked over and sat down next to his son, he then took his sons thumb from out of his mouth and replaced it with a pacifier. The toddler happily sucked on his pacifier as he watched the tv soon change from his and his fathers favorite cartoon into Rio. The toddler smiled through his pacifier before he got cozy on the couch. The adults looked at the toddler before they looked at each other before they smiled happily.

During the middle of the movie Jamie started to drift asleep, but he tried to keep his eyes open since he was intrigued with the movie. Robbie looked down and noticed the toddler who was trying so hard to fight against his sleep. The father soon nudged the young woman, Lizzie soon looked over at him with a confused look. Robbie soon pointed down to his son that was in between them. Lizzie soon looked down to see Jamie dazing in and out of sleep, she chuckled a bit before she grabbed a small blanket that was next to her. She then placed the blanket over the both of them, Jamie looked up at her with a confused look before she smiled down at him and soon went back to watching the movie. The 4-year-old then looked over at his father who just smiled at him and did the same as the woman. The toddler was confused before he felt himself starting to get cozy bundled up in the blanket. And as soon as he was all cozy he finally fell asleep laying in between his father and Lizzie. Once the adults looked down at the child they smiled before they went ahead to change the movie into something they can both watch peacefully before the baby boy wakes up.

2 hours later

Jamie woke up to the sound of chatter, as he soon tried to cover his small ear with a whine, he felt someone place a hand on his back. "Shhh... it's okay Pumpkin..." he heard Lizzie's voice. The boy soon slowly started to fully wake up, once he sat up he did a big stretch which made Lizzie chuckle at him. "How was your nap baby bird?" She asked as she moved Jamie's messy hair around. The boy did a little sniffle before he soon looked at her with a sleepy smile. "I'll take that as a good nap." Lizzie said before she smiled. The boy looked around to see where his father went since he didn't feel him next to him anymore. Once he spotted his father in the kitchen on the phone he soon took his pacifier out of his mouth. "Why daddy on phwone?..." Jamie asked before he brought the blanket up to him closer. Lizzie looked over to her boyfriend before she looked back at the toddler. "He's on the phone with you're Uncle Drew." She said.

Jamie hummed in response before he went ahead and laid down against Lizzie. The young woman looked down at the boy before she started to rub his back soothingly. "You're kidding! I already missed my sons birthday last year!" They both heard Robbie voice. Jamie quickly sat up and looked over at his father who was distressed and running his hand through his hair. Lizzie looked down at the boy before she looked over at Robbie. "I can't miss his birthday and Christmas! Drew come on man!" Robbie blurted out. The toddler was confused but he felt his facial features drop from hearing his fathers tone in voice. "I can't take him with us... I don't want him to go through that! He's little! Chloe wouldn't allow any of this! And you know that! Hell! My parents and sisters know this isn't the right thing to do!" Robbie yelled I to the phone as he soon moved into a different room as he noticed his important people where staring at him.

"Daddy tawlking bout me gwain..." Jamie said sadly before he looked up at Lizzie who seemed to be sad. The young woman looked down at Jamie with a sad look knowing that now his father wasn't there for him for his birthday, she didn't know how many other events and milestones he wasn't there for him either. Before Lizzie could say anything to comfort the toddler they both heard a sigh come from down the hallway. The little duo soon looked back over to Robbie who looked as if he was going to cry. "I'm sorry about that.." they heard him say. "Hey it's ok." Lizzie said before she soon got up and walked over to Robbie to give him a hug. Robbie soon hugged his girlfriend back and let a couple of tears roll down his cheeks. "Everything will be okay.. let's just take a breather and relax right now okay?" Lizzie stated as she took her hands and held Robbie's face.

As Jamie watched the adults he soon looked down at Boo, the toddler grabbed his bird stuffed animal before he got off the couch and ran over to them. Jamie then looked up at the adults "daddy!" Jamie called out. Both the adults looked down at the toddler with sad looks. Jamie quickly held his bird toy up to his father to take. Robbie scrunched his face in confusion before he looked down at his son, Lizzie also was confused but she watched what the boy would do. "Hug Boo! He has lwove and hawppynwess! No swad!" Jamie blurted out before he hugged his fathers leg. Lizzie couldn't contain her smile before she soon watched Robbie chuckle softly. "Thanks monkey... come here." He said before he bent down to hug his son properly. Jamie nuzzled into his father and smiled before he started to play with pieces of his fathers hair, as he always did when he was younger.

Lizzie smiled at them before she soon felt herself get pulled into the hug by her boyfriend. Lizzie was a bit surprised before she fully joined in on the hug. As they all hugged everything out Robbie pulled away and soon put Jamie down. "Thank you both." He said before he gave his son his bird back along with a playful hair ruffle. "Whats going on Rob?" Lizzie asked before she placed a hand on Jamie's head. The boy soon looked up at her before he looked up at his father. "I'm going on a long tour... I'll be gone for 3 months... I leave in a couple of days." He said before he put his hand over his face. Lizzie frowned before she looked down at Jamie who was over all confused. Robbie did a sad sigh before he looked down at his child "hey bud?" He called out to his son. "Hm?" Jamie hummed out as he tilted his head a bit.

Robbie couldn't help but smile at his child's cute little innocent ways. "You're going to stay with Granny and Papa for a while again..." Robbie spoke to the child. "Reawlly?! Will Auntie Joowa be dere!?" Jamie blurted out before he giggled. Robbie chuckled sadly at Jamie before he nodded "Yes Jamie. She'll be there." He said, he was crushed at how his boy will be crushed later on within the month. Lizzie couldn't help but have her heart ache for her lover, she soon placed a hand on Robbie shoulder. The father looked at his lover with a confused look. "I can take Jamie." She said as she gave him a reassuring look. "Liz... I cant have you do that..." Robbie argued. "Rob. It's okay. Plus my family is dying to meet him." She stated as she rubbed Robbie's shoulder. Robbie looked at her before he soon looked down at his child who was now looking up at them confused.

"Okay..." Robbie agreed as he smiled at his girlfriend. Lizzie smiled before she kissed his cheek. "Hey Jay. You'll be staying with me while daddy goes away for a bit. How does that sound?" She said. "What bout Granny and Papa?" Jamie asked before he tilted his head. Lizzie smiled at him before she soon got to his level "We'll see them for your birthday." Lizzie said before she placed her hand on the toddlers cheek. The toddler seemed sold on the whole idea now he then smiled brightly "I stay with Wizzie! I stay with Wizzie!!" Jamie cheered out before he did a little dance. Robbie couldn't help but laugh at his son along with Lizzie who laughed at the toddlers actions. Robbie looked over at Lizzie with a smile "thank you." He said before he hugged her. Lizzie hugged him back "It's no problem at all." She said before she and Robbie both kissed. They then heard the boys voice "EWW!" Jamie yelled out. The adults soon looked at each other before they looked at the toddler who was now giggling. They then laughed before they decided to go ahead and play with their little ray of joy until dinner time.

{Oop- let's just say I don't quite like this chapter that much- but yay! Update! Now I shall sleep! Look out for more updates!!
Also leave what you wanna see with Jamie!
But for now stay scooty y'all! -Alex}

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