Unlikely Allies

Por blaisegellert

67 0 0

A tale of how Muggle fanfiction saves the lives of James Potter, Lily Evans Potter and Regulus Black, thanks... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 15

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Por blaisegellert

As Marlene followed Mrs. Black into the Parlor, her eyes lit first upon Regulus. He wore dark green dress robes and sat on a small sofa at Kreacher's side. Marlene's stomach dropped a little at Black's nervous smile. Though his reason for being nervous was perfectly understandable, it made her concerned for how things could go if his family did not take them seriously. Contrary to popular belief, there were several directions in which a thing could go south. What if they had her locked up in St. Mungos for being completely mad, for example? A young thin man with short dark hair sat across from Regulus in an arm chair. To his right sat a couple casually holding hands. The man was huskily built with a strong jaw and blank hard looking eyes. The woman leaning into his shoulder was tall and willowy with long black hair and features much like those of Regulus and his parents. All three wore black gothic attire, posh but not at all in the spirit of the holidays. These were the ones Voldemort would eventually bend to his will. Marlene found herself staring at them, thinking that currently their minds were their own. Granted they believed their precious dark lord to be the bees knees or whatever but they believed so of their own choosing. When they changed their minds, their minds would be bent by said dark psycho to his own will and ends. These people would be able to do nothing about it. They would not even be able to lift a hand against him, because they wouldn't have time and nor did they have the power to do so. His Horcrux would see to that.

"Marlene, this is Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange," Regulus said, nodding first to the couple, then to the thin young man seated across from him. "And this is Marlene McKinnon, a very talented associate of mine."

"Hi there!" Rabastan smiled, giving Marlene a wink. She nodded back, choosing not to wink in return, mostly because winking was far more difficult than blinking. She often ended up blinking, which did not send the same message at all. "So Regi thinks it's important that we meet you," Bellatrix said abruptly. Marlene made a noncommittal sound as she suddenly felt her panic rise once again. Weren't they going to wait until after dinner? It felt like the right way to handle it, getting everyone full and satisfied before dropping disturbing news, after all. People could be angry when hungry, or so Marlene had heard. With that in mind, doing this before dinner hardly seemed wise. "So," Bellatrix prompted.

"I...need some air. Please excuse me just for a moment," Marlene said, and before she knew it she was fleeing back the way Mrs. Black had led her. Rather than going outside, though, she just huddled in the front hall with her forehead pressed to the cool wood of the front door. She shivered, gaze going up to study the Christmas wreath which hung above her head in all its festive glory. The sight of it was soothing, and therefore should've soothed her, but she was too panicked to tolerate soothing. She struggled to breath while unwanted images of skeptical looks of disbelief on the faces of Regulus's hungry family as she imparted to them what she'd seen in her crystal ball assaulted her mind. Really they should wait and have the conversation after dinner! When a voice spoke behind her, she started.

"Ur...Everything alright?"

She turned to see the big muscular Lestrange with the hard blank eyes, though at present those eyes were more confused than blank.

"I..." Suddenly Marlene found it difficult to speak, perhaps because it was difficult to breathe. "What if you don't believe me," she burst out. "And I need my dad to go home! He can't hear this!"

"Hear... What? I was just on the way to the library to bring he and uncle Orion out at Walburga's behest. It is nearly time for dinner."

Nearly time for... How long had she stood here in the Black's front hall with her forehead pressed to their front door having a bloody panic attack?

"I don't think I can do this," she said. The words combined with the suddenly kind look in the man's eyes at her upset served to unleash something in her and tears began to spill down her face. She couldn't decide if this was better or worse. It was probably neither, just different.

"What is it that you are expected to do," Lestrange asked, clearly confused.

"I can't tell you all that Voldemort is evil and planning to screw you all over in the worst of ways! I can prove it but it may not matter, because you could choose not to listen or believe me! Then I'll be responsible for everything dreadful that happens to you because I knew," she wailed. Marlene couldn't make out his face through her tears, but he didn't move or object violently, so perhaps it was a good sign.

"Regi isn't one to hear ill of The Dark Lord," he said after several long seconds. "I'll listen to what you have to say. Pull yourself together. it will be fine. Whatever it is, we shall all work together to sort it. Perhaps it's merely some misunderstanding."

Marlene gave a hysterical laugh. "I hardly think so!"

"What does your father have to do with it all, then," Lestrange asked. No, Rodolphus was his name, she reminded herself. As there were three Lestranges, remembering the first name was a good idea.

"He just can't hear this. It's not to do with him, but if he comes to know too much, it could be dangerous," she explained, drawing in a shuddering breath and wiping at her eyes. "I just pray Mr. Black doesn't invite him to dinner. They went to drink together so who knows?"

Rodolphus frowned in thought. "I get wanting to protect the parents. If he ends up staying for dinner, I can quick bring my own dad to distract him. If he's getting on with Orion, he'll like my father just fine...Though it's honestly so weird for any Gryffindors to like us!""

Marlene blinked, not sure what the houses should have to do with it. "My dad was actually a Ravenclaw. My mum and older sister were Hufflepuffs so I am the only Gryffindor."

"That explains it to a degree, I suppose," Rodolphus said, still looking mildly disgruntled as he pondered the thing. "You are still a bit of a puzzle, though."

"You haven't seen a third of it yet," Marlene said with a sigh. All these unwanted emotions would have completely exhausted her were she not so shot through with nervous adrenaline. "Should we go back in to join the others? I think I'm alright now."

He nodded. "Yes. But we still need to fetch Orion. You can come along and that shall at least give you a go at getting rid of your dad. Though honestly if it isn't to do with him, I hardly see why it matters if he knows."

"Because I have no way of knowing if his learning of things could change anything," Marlene said. "He goes home!"

Rodolphus shrugged wide shoulders carelessly. "Fine. Let's go get that done, then."

He had a calming steadying presence that surprised... even shocked Marlene. He hadn't taken her head off when she spoke certain ill of his dark lord. Instead he trusted Regulus's judgement. As Regulus seemed close to the Lestranges, that made sense, but considering how fanatical Voldemort's followers were, it was still impressive. Now if the other two were just as easy to get on with, she'd be utterly flabbergasted, but pleased. Rodolphus led the way to the library, and Marlene followed, peering curiously about as she did. The place was full of heavy antique furniture and there was what she took to be a troll head staring at her from one of the walls as they passed. When they reached the library, Rodolphus knocked before pushing the door open. "Orion! Walburga calls!""

"And it's time for you to go home before Mother worries, Daddy," Marlene said sweetly.

"If women learned to have more fun when not in the bed chamber," Orion said and both father's erupted into gales of what was certainly tipsy laughter. Out in the hall, Rodolphus and Marlene exchanged a glance of disgusted horror.

"That right there did not just happen," Marlene whispered fervently.

Rodolphus nodded grimly. "Agreed." Fortunately Orion Black and Mickey McKinnon exited the library then, clapping one another on the shoulders and promising to get together again soon. "I'll walk you out, Dad," Marlene said hastily.

"Thanks, Dear," Mickey said dryly as she took his arm. "Have a good time tonight and don't be out too long after midnight."

She nodded. "Sure, Daddy. They don't strike me as the party hard sort, so I don't think that'll be a problem."

"That Orion has some fun in him, though," Mickey chuckled happily as Marlene shepherded him to the front door and kissed his cheek.

"Good. I'm glad you made a friend, Daddy."

"Yeah, that was nice," Mickey grinned. He kissed her cheek in return before exiting and apparating home with a crack. Marlene felt giddy with relief, and chuckled happily to herself.

"Ready to go join the others, then," Rodolphus asked. She hadn't known he was still there, but he waited in the hall near the library. "I just wanted to make sure you didn't have another episode before you got something to eat," he said with a grin, causing her to laugh.

"Food does sound really great right now," she admitted. What with being relieved over her father's departure, she was relaxed enough to be hungry. She followed Rodolphus, who led her to the dining room rather than the library. The family was just settling down around the table, so they hadn't missed anything.

"Really, Orion," Walburga was grumbling.

"What? We had fun, Burga! Remember that? Fun?"

She sighed. "Yes, Orion, but you could've behaved properly."

"I've been behaving properly all holiday season. Santa has already given me my gifts and I deserve a little fun."

"Is that like a naughty and nice list thing," Marlene asked curiously as she settled down into the chair Regulus gestured her into.

Orion gave her a wide, pleased grin. "Yes! It's nice to know that someone gets it."

Marlene watched as Bellatrix and Rodolphus exchanged an amused glance and Walburga's scowl deepened.

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