Stories of the titans~The pos...

By Bbrae_Robstar

2.7K 123 36

Weeks after Beast boy,Raven,Starfire,and Robin's wedding,something strange happened. Raven mysteriously colla... More



558 24 2
By Bbrae_Robstar

Beastboy and I stare blankly at the spot where Raven was swallowed up. What had happened? The lights stop flickering and the ground stops shaking. I wipe the sweat off my brow and adjust my mask. I see tears in Beastboy's eyes...awkward. In my opinion,crying is for the weak and unstable. I don't cry much.
"I'm gonna go back to the tower and start doing some research." I clear my throat awkwardly and turn around.
Beastboy nods and keeps staring sadly. If I were him,I'd get on to looking for her instead of standing there and feeling sorry for myself.
I walk out of the hospital and hop on my motorcycle,putting my helmet on. I rev the engine and speed out of the parking lot. I maneuver around cars quickly and run all the red lights.
I get to the tower and walk in.
"Titans!" I yell.
I love being a leader,some may call me bossy and demanding but I say I'm just a natural born leader.
Cyborg and Terra walk in. "Raven's gone missing!" I explain to them what happened,"So Cy,you start seeing if you can track Raven down and search for related scenarios on the super computer."
"On it." He walks to the super computer.
"Terra!" She looks over at me. "Where's Star?" My voice becomes more calm.
"She's still grocery shopping."
"Could you go and get her for me?"
"What?" She groans."Why does Cy get the cool job?"
"Ugh." She stomps to the door and grabs her jacket. "Can I at least ride your motorcycle?" She lightens up.
"No. You can summon rocks and fly on them for a reason."
"Ugh." She opens the door,walks out and slams it shut.
Sometimes I regret adding her to the team. (Fangirls_A_Million )
"Rob." I here Cy's voice and walk over to the computer. "I've looked at everything,no one's reported anything like this. I've looked up everything,tried every hack,every code,still...nothing."
"That's impossible." I look at him.
"Looks like we're gonna have to track her down ourselves. I have a tracking system in my arm. But it's not very high tech,it's like a gps,but as a tracking system. It's the only thing that seems to be able to track her."
"So be it...whatever it takes to find Raven." I say.
"Ok. It says she's in the Himalayas right now. We're gonna have to fly there in our ship and look." (He's talking about the thing we went to Tokyo in) "You might wanna start packing,it's a long way,and we're gonna have to get out of the ship and look for her on foot because this thing only tells relative location."
"Get packing then,I'll tell the other titans to as well." I say.
I call BB on the communicator. As I'm waiting for him to answer I remember how it was before they got together. I had a big crush on Raven. I had a big crush on Star too. I remember,I got really upset when I found out they were a thing. But good thing they did get together,or else I wouldn't be married to Star or have had Stargazer.
Beastboy answers,breaking my serious thought. "Hey Rob."
"You coming back?"
"Yeah. I'm here now."
"Good." I hang up and Beastboy walks through the front door.
"Cy is tracking Rae down." I know she'd kill me if she were here and heard me say Rae.
"REALLY?!" He lightens up. "WHERE IS SHE?"
"In the Himalayas." He gets all sad again. "Oh."
"Pack your bags,we don't know how long we'll be looking,she could run out to Paris by the time we get there for all we know. So pack for about a month."
"Got it."
"And Beastboy." I stop him.
"Call the titans East to see if they can watch the tower when we're gone and tell the nanny to watch them."
"I'm on it."
Terra and Star walk through the door.
"Hey Star." I walk over to her and kiss her on the cheek.
I tell Terra and Star the whole plan and they go to pack,so do I.
"Ok team,we leave tomorrow. Let's get some rest." I say to them all.
We all go back to our bedrooms,Beasty fell asleep in the rocking chair in the nursery. I go to the nursery and take Stargazer from her crib,walking to Star and I's room. Star is sitting on the bed,under the blankets. She looks worried. I sit down next to her and get under the covers as well,Stargazer is asleep.
"What's wrong Star?" I look at her.
"I am worried for friend Raven." She looks at me sadly.
"We'll find her Star." I grab her hand in mine.
"How are you sure?"
"We haven't failed a mission yet." I assure her.
"You are the right." She smiles and hugs me.
"Always am." I grin.
She wraps her arms around me and lays her head on my chest. Her eyes are closed and her breathing becomes slower and constant. Stargazer is cuddled up into my chest as well. I grin tiredly at them.
I want to sleep,but I'm doing more research. So I grab my laptop,place it beside me and turn the light off.

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