𑁍yumeko and Mary X reader On...

By faultyPhantom

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I'LL TRY TO MAKE THIS MY LAST KAKEGURUI BOOK I PROMISE😭 But I can't help it I love the anime and the Manga s... More

𑁍Smile and give us a kiss𑁍 Yumeko
𑁍You don't ever have to worry𑁍 Mary
𑁍Irritating𑁍 Yumeko
𑁍I hate you𑁍 Mary
𑁍The only one who had your love𑁍 Yumeko
𑁍I'll never ever let you go𑁍 Mary
𑁍We both need to make Sacrifices𑁍 Yumeko
𑁍Your smile again𑁍 Mary
𑁍Because you're mine𑁍 Yumeko
𑁍Fewer bruises this time𑁍 Mary
𑁍You won't be feeling this way for long𑁍 Yumeko
𑁍I miss you when you're gone𑁍 Mary
𑁍Lucky to have eachother𑁍 Yumeko
𑁍She used to be your fool𑁍 Mary
𑁍The only other person in the world𑁍 Yumeko
𑁍I'd never complain𑁍 Mary
𑁍The love you shared𑁍 Yumeko
𑁍Her arms around you at last𑁍 Mary
𑁍I can't wait𑁍 Mary
𑁍Read right through her𑁍 Yumeko
𑁍Prehaps you were meant to be𑁍 Mary
𑁍Maybe she's not so bad after all𑁍 Yumeko
𝐴𝑛 π‘Žπ‘›π‘›π‘œπ‘’π‘›π‘π‘šπ‘’π‘›π‘‘

𑁍Gambling or me?𑁍 Yumeko

843 32 6
By faultyPhantom

A/N: Hello everyone! This Scenario was requested by Ritoru__ thank you so much for this request and I hope you enjoy! :)
I also feel I should point out that I've set this scenario after the events in Kakegurui, like everyone mentioned here has now graduated from Hyakkaou Academy. And Y/N hates gambling but Yumeko is doing it behind her back?? You can interpret this chapter however you want of course but I just want to give a tiny summary just in case! Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for requesting once again!!<333333

2160 words ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"This is so wrong" Yumeko thought as she looked down at her poker cards.
A royal flush, Yes!
A giggle escaped the woman's lips as she dragged her thumb towards her mouth and bit it gently, gripping onto anticipation and tightly pressing her legs together in an attempt to hold her excitement. To think that she had been getting away with these acts without you knowing for this long was so tedious and deliciously risky. She was selfishly abusing your undeniable trust by sneaking out to casinos and playing with your hard- earned money behind your back and was not even feeling an ounce of guilt "And I know this is wrong"

The man across her table threw down a three of a kind, his lustful stare conquering every inch of her desire. She sighed and encouraged him with a slight groan when she threw down her royal flush victoriously, seductively teasing his horrified expression.

It for sure was wrong, but she couldn't help but love every moment of her sin.


"Oh, baby" you exclaimed happily through the kitchen "You're already up! I was just making some breakfast...If you can wait for two more minutes, it'll be done and we can eat together"

"Sorry, I have to go now" She spoke grabbing an apple from the counter and dashing out of the room. You followed her with your stare, slightly annoyed by her blank rudeness. You had noticed her strange demeanor ever since she came back from the big city three days ago. She had come not only exhausted, which you concluded it was from the long travels back, but also extremely absentminded and distant. The days after were cold too; her morning kisses were gone and the long, lovely messages that would pop on your phone's screen disappeared.

The longing in your heart was stronger than any thought invading your mind. It was tough having a girlfriend who didn't even show you love. Did she have any left for you? You weren't sure anymore.

The day went on as usual, you worked the most part of it. However, you still returned home earlier than Yumeko, which was normal. You left your things on the little shelf stuck on the entrance wall and directed yourself to the bedroom, changing into some comfortable clothes before grabbing your phone and plopping yourself on the couch.

You scrolled through social media for nearly an hour and started to get worried when you didn't receive any messages from your girlfriend. Although she had been distant for a while now, she never failed to text you if she couldn't make it for dinner. Worriedly, you searched for your friend Ryota's number and dialed the man with no hesitation.

"Hi, Y/N!" she greeted you. Ryota loved you dearly and you cared for her equally. He was extremely happy that his best friend had actually found such an incredible partner to be by his side. Therefore, when you explained why you had called, his frown came as quick as lightning "She excused herself earlier than usual because she said she had an anniversary date with you"

You had fallen silent.

"Y/N? Are you alright?"

"I'll call you later" you struggled to keep your breathing steady "Thanks for the help, Ryota"

"Y/N, wait-" but you had already ended the call.

Tears streamed down your cheeks as uncertainly conquered your chest, wrenching every inch of space for air to come into your lungs. Your world started trembling and you clutched your shirt for any kind of support. Breathing became impossible and, out of anger as well as disappointment, you had plummeted on the floor struggling to move your body from its sitting position against the wall.

She couldn't be at the casino behind your back, right?

Your trembling fingers tapped on her contact name and the signature beeping of the call deafened you. One time, two times, three times-you counted every annoying sound the device made. You waited patiently, even though you had ran out of it a long time ago, closing your eyes in the meantime. It stung, everything burnt and ached inside you. Your heart was broken, your energy was drained and your head spinned when suddenly someone picked up the phone.

"H-hello?" a woman's worn out voice mumbled through the phone.

"I-Is Yumeko Jabami there?"-her name tasted like venom in your mouth. "T-this is her, I'm sorry I can't talk right now I'm at the casino, who am I talking to?"

"Don't even bother coming back home"-you screamed. Everything you had done for her, all the things, opportunities and dreams you had postpone just so you could be with him a little longer. All your support, all your trust, all your love were made out of the most fragile paper and she had burnt them all with just a single flame; temptation and lust "I'll pack your things and put them outside. I want them gone by tomorrow."

"W-wait Y/N?! please darling! Let me explain..." she begged, picking her act back together after presumably a nights worth of risky gambling.

"Oh! So now you want to talk, Yumeko?"-you laughed "Now you want to discuss things because you've been caught?! Save your words for your stupid gambles, babe. Maybe they'll be of better use"

And you ended the call.


"Aren't you going to talk to me, Yumeko?" Ryota questioned as his friend shook her head disapprovingly-"I betrayed Y/N, not you!"

"They're my best friend too, Yumeko?!"-he screamed-"They didn't deserve it and you know it! But you are so damn arrogant that you won't admit it, will you? God, they gave you everything and you just had to mess things up? Why couldn't you just break up with them if you knew they wouldn't approve of this?!"

Yumeko didn't answer. Truthfully, she had been scared. She knew how wonderful you were, how much you would give and do for her. She could say she had taken advantage of such blind love, such trust. But she would be lying for she, in fact, feared the mere though of being alone again. She couldn't think about the what if's and her future without a partner she could come home to. Maybe she wasn't in love with you anymore yet she was enamored with what a romantic relationship had to offer her-"Because I couldn't let her go"

"You sound like a psychopath"- Ryota muttered.

"Well after everything I've done to her maybe I am" Yumeko sighed, sitting down while ruffling her hair. Ryota, reluctantly, took the free spot besides her and snuggled further into the couch's comfort-"I hate losing her, Ryota"

"At least you regret it..."-the boy mumbled-"I know it won't solve things but maybe leave them a message? I guess that would make you less of an asshole"

"Thanks for the support"- Yumeko rolled her eyes.

"Oh, you know you deserve that and more" Ryota snickered before pushing himself off the couch and out of the room.

"Yeah, I kind of do"


Even though she was the one who ruined the relationship in the first place, Yumeko couldn't help but feel lost without you in her life. She would get home from a day packed with sinful gambling, hoping she could eat a homemade dinner prepared by you, only to meet an empty table and cold takeaway in the fridge.


She put herself through this life, though. Yumeko knew what she was doing when she decided to continue gambling behind your back. She was fully aware of her mistake and, therefore, consequence but she chose to ignore them for the mere pleasure those actions implied.

She hadn't seen you since you left. She thought you had changed your life's course, opting to do things that maybe you couldn't have done if you stayed with her. Did she feel happy about it? Maybe she did, maybe she didn't...she wasn't sure about it.

"Hey kid!" One of the business owners called out to her-"Are you even paying attention or is that pretty little head of yours in the gutter?"

The gambling wasn't even that hard yet Yumeko couldn't manage to get a move right. Mary, noticing her friend's poor performance, decided to call the gamble off for a brief check in. When everyone went to look for their stuff, Mary approached Yumeko and asked-"Hey what's happening with you today?"

"I don't know"- Yumeko answered. The woman sighed, annoyed with herself and her unforgiving emotions, and drink a long sip from her glass of water"I sometimes wish I hadn't hid this from them, Mary...I miss them"

"But you don't miss them, specifically"-the blonde woman explained-"You missed what they did for you..."

But Yumeko wasn't sure anymore.

You had stuck around with the friend group, since you had a built a strong bond with most of them. You brought meals, snacks and even pampered Yumeko with those delicious tea you specially bought just for her. Saying she was slightly jealous was lessening the whole ordeal. Yumeko's anger was boiling.

Worst of it all, you seemed totally unfazed by her presence. You would enter the room, smile to everyone-even her, the piece of shit who treated you like trash-and continue on with your tasks. Continue on with your life...a life without her.

"Y/N, you remembered!"- Itsuki smiled as she hugged you from the side. You giggled, which was the most comforting sound Yumeko had heard, and proceeded to send a quick message on you phone. Itsuki's phone pinged and, out of curiosity, everyone peaked their head forward-"She managed to come back so she can help me with a bit of the gambling matches!"

"Yeah, I'm not the best gambler"-she scratched the back of her neck-"But I can nail some easy games!"

"Are you kidding? This is awesome!"- Ryota's eyes lit up as he moves towards you. Mary agreed with a concentrated nod, scanning you carefully. Itsuki winced at a drastic hip rol and Yumeko frowned because it was her ex-partner they were ogling at-"Damn that was a pretty smart move you did with some shitty cards Y/N, maybe you could teach us some of your secrets."

"Don't get too excited Mary, they're my-"

"I'd love to!"-you exclaimed, glancing at Yumeko for a brief second. She immediately understood her mistake and decided to exit the room, resting her back on the cold wall outside of the casino. She needed to stop thinking about you and your stupid ways of making her heart smile. Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible to forgive herself for betraying your trust.

"Yumeko?"-your sweet voice called for her. She automatically titled her head to hear you better, coming face-to-gave with your delicate features she had missed so much. She had come to adore how your gaze soften up with every single caress of someone's whispers. However, this time, your cold-stone stare pierced her every sense. She backed away slightly-"I just wanted to make something clear"

Her eyebrows shot upwards-"I'm still hurt, you know. What you did, what you've been doing behind my back for so long, broke me, entirely. I'm pretty sure you don't see it that way but it was extremely painful. I'm not trying to play the victim here, though. Everyday I wake and ask myself if I'm even good enough to go outside since the only person I'd fully trusted changed me for some non existent thrill from gambling. But I keep going and I'm still here, facing you. Facing what caused me so much damage. And you? You're trying to act as if things were still like before. You're selfish, Yumeko Jabami. You're a beautiful woman, believe me, and I'm really in love with you but you're just too into your own feelings. You keep on picking gambling over me, I notice, but have you ever asked yourself if I would pick gambling over you? Well, have you?"

She bit her lip, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes.

"I guess not"-you sighed-"Goodbye, Yumeko Jabami"

And as you walked down the alleyway, unforgettable perfume tinting the air between both of you, Yumeko never felt so utterly lost.

"Goodbye, Y/N"

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