Daughter of the Copy Cat, Res...

By ayameuchiha786

363K 10.8K 1.5K

SEQUAL TO: Kakashi's daughter, Sasuke's lover? What? Ayame is all grown up now, engaged, in love, she has ev... More

Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 1
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 2
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 3
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 4
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 5
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 6
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 7
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 8
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 9
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 10
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 11
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 12 ~edited version~
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 13
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 14
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 15
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 16
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 17
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 18
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 19
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 20
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 21
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raver Chapter 22
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raver :~ Christmas Special ~:
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 23
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 24
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 25
Daughter of the Copy Cat, Rescuer of the Raven Chapter 26 ~:FINAL:~
~ * ~ 2000 Followers Special ~ * ~


12.6K 428 69
By ayameuchiha786

The short haired female aimed carefully at the target, letting out a slow breath. I watched from the side lines, smiling brightly. From beside me, Kakashi nursed Shiro, my newborn. From the photo’s I’ve seen, Shiro looks like my deceased brother when he was little. Stark white hair, pale skin, and the hereditary blue present in his eyes as he inspected his surroundings. Perhaps it was fate that I decided to name him Shiro- my brother’s name.

The girl swung out her hand, letting loose two kunai, and in a matter of seconds, a barrage of kunai were being hurtled at the target- all hitting the mark. It was over soon, as the onyx eyed girl had run out of kunai to throw.

All around, people clapped. “That’s my girl!” I whispered, not too loudly though, or I’d be sure to get a scolding at home for embarrassing my daughter in front of her peers.

As Hanayo Kawa Hatake retreated back to the line of students, Haruka Kawa Hatake, the older male twin- my first born. Hanayo sneered at her other, almost challenging him. Haruka merely frowned, approaching his spot on the field. And, as expected, preformed with deadly accuracy, and grace.

Like a true Uchiha.


I smiled, watching as Hanayo ran around with a red haired child I’d never seen before. Haruka sat beside me, swinging his legs absently on the bench. His onyx eyes glanced down at the newborn in my arms, who was sleeping peacefully.

“Mummy,” Haruka’s voice was soft, for he didn’t want to wake his little brother. “Shiro doesn’t look like Hanayo and I.” I smiled at him, running my fingers through his raven hair.

“That’s because you and your sister look like your daddy, dear.” Haruka’s lips pursed, and he tried to hit my hand away.

“When are we seeing daddy next?” My breath hitched and I glanced around me, trying to see if anyone heard. When I was positive nobody had overheard my son’s words, I leaned close and shushed him.

“Haruka, sh!” He slapped his tiny hand over his mouth, his eyes wild. “Mommy will be in lots of trouble if anyone knows that I’m letting you see him, and so will daddy.” Haruka shook his head, and I knew he felt bad.

“I don’t want mommy to get in trouble!” He whined, lip quivering. I laughed, calling Hanayo over.

“Calm down, ‘Ruka.” I winked, “Today.” Haruka’s eyes lit up, and he bounced in his seat, suddenly filled with excitement. A smile stretched across my face, the adoration my children held for their father warming my heart.

I stood, taking Hanayo’s hand, who had seemed to have abandoned the anonymous red head. Haruka jumped up, walking beside his sister happily. The adorable six year olds had only just entered the cootie stage, and have seemed to be reluctant to touch the opposite sex. I was surprised Hanayo had agreed to play with the red head, unless, I was mistaking playing with fleeing.

In my arms, Shiro stirred. Glancing down, I admired the complexion that he’d inherited from me. This brought a smile to my face, and I looked up to continue walking through the park. Around me, mothers stared; clearly they were judging me.

Under normal circumstances, I wouldn’t have cared. But, my children were with me, and I hated when they were subjected to such isolation. Especially since Uchiha’s are born with natural instincts to pick up on their surroundings, and as a result, I always felt compelled to re-assure them.

“Just ignore them,” I smiled down at my twins, “We’ll go home and get packed.”


“Hana’, don’t drag your bag, it’ll give it holes.” I scolded, before turning forward and giggling, unable to hold a straight face. Hanayo grunted, trying her best to lift the bag above her head. She’d insisted on bringing her weapons, just so she could show her father what she’d learnt at the Academy.

Haruka, being the elder twin by a few minutes, took it upon himself to help his other half. He took the bag, hoisting it onto his shoulder along with his own bag, and continuing his journey into the forest. Hanayo pursed her lips and crossed her small arms, throwing a small tantrum.

“I want to carry my own bag!” She stomped her foot stubbornly, “Haruka! Give it back!” I turned, knowing what was coming.

“Haruka, can you please give your sister back her bag?” Haruka gave me a look as if to ask if I was stupid, and I was wondering it myself. It was obvious Hanayo was unable to lift the weight of all her kunai in her bag, but the Uchiha pride was coming through. However, with Haruka having my temperament, he obeyed without question, and dropped the bag.

Hanayo waddled over, almost tripping on a root as she did. From my arms, Shiro gurgled softly, something he did when he slept. I smiled down, before surveying the twins once again. “Come on guys,” I rushed, “Your dad’s probably already there.” With the mention of their father, Haruka and Hanayo did as they were told. Hanayo even managed to keep up with her heavy bag, even if it was still dragging on the ground.

Finally, a small cabin came into view, and I couldn’t help the butterflies that erupted in my stomach and the warmth that spread through my chest. Haruka cried out, sprinting for the house despite the oversized bags he carried. Even Hanayo, dragging her heavy bag, passed me, squealing along with her brother. I figured that all Uchiha males were as strong as him, whereas the women went through the attitude problems earlier, apparently. As the children ran indoors, I took my time. I couldn’t run with a child in my arms, of course.

When I reached the open cabin, tears sprung in my eyes from what I saw. Haruka and Hanayo were cuddling up to Sasuke, their father, who had his head buried in their shoulders.

Haruka and Hanayo Kawa Hatake was on their birth certificate, along with Shiro’s, but all children had a hidden Uchiha title at the end of their names. If such a name was ever printed, my whole family would have some explaining to do. Although, Kakashi knew about my promiscuous behaviour with the missing nin, he didn’t ask questions.

Joining my children and boyfriend, I wrapped one arm around all that I could, and rested my head on the shoulder of the missing nin.

“I missed you.” I whispered, to which I only got a grunt in reply. After a short while, Haruka and Hanayo started getting restless.

“Look!” Hanayo pointed to Shiro, who was still asleep in my arms. “Look! It’s Shiro!” Sasuke’s eyes met mine, and I felt as if I was going to cry, again. At Shiro’s birthing, Sasuke hadn’t been present, and this would be the first time he’d held his third child.

Haruka stood on his tip-toes, trying to get a good look at his white haired brother. “He’s sleeping, though.” Sasuke held out his arms, and I carefully handed him his son. I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to stop my emotional side from showing. I’d long since retired from being a ninja, so my emotional detachment skill was lacking.

I watched as Shiro slowly woke, and was about to start crying, but then Sasuke spoke. “Hi there,” Sasuke’s voice, although it could be harsh when talking to others, seemed to soften up for his own children. I could imagine the adoration he carried for them, for they were his future; they were what he’d been aiming for his whole life. “Shiro, do you know that you’re going to grow up to be handsome.” The baby paused, confused at the new man who was holding him. But, it seemed as if Shiro knew who Sasuke was, and slowly reached up to fist at his father’s hair.

“He likes you!” Hanayo chimed, grinning at the duo. I stood from the sidelines, sniffling quietly.

“Do you know why you’ll be handsome, Shiro?” The baby giggled and gurgled, which made Sasuke grin, a true rarity, even around me. The original Uchiha lifted his child up into the air, causing Shiro to laugh. “Because you look just like your mother.” After that last sentence, I couldn’t stop myself from crying.

It was like Shiro’s birth all over again, only this time, his father was here to see him, instead of Naruto. The part that really got me, was that Naruto had said the exact same thing as Sasuke.

“Do you know why you’ll be handsome, Shiro? Because you look just like your mother.”

I hadn’t cried that time, however, because I’d thought it as a joke. But when Sasuke spoke the exact same sentence, I felt something well in my stomach- something only he could bring forward in me.

Said Uchiha glanced over, and lowered his child before approaching me. Firmly, he wrapped an arm around me, comforting me in the way only he could.

“Shhh,” He soothed, his breath hitting the nape of my neck as he nuzzled into me. “I can’t imagine what you go through every day,” He whispered, not pausing when Shiro started tugging on my hair. I merely laughed, trying my best to bush away my tears so Hanayo and Haruka wouldn’t see. “But, just remember that I’ll always come if you call me. I’ll never leave my family.”

“Mummy,” Haruka inputted, wrapping his arms around Sasuke’s legs, along with mine, “Don’t cry!” Hanayo also wrapped her arms around our legs, nuzzling into them.

“If you’re in pain, I’ll go get you a band-aid! That always helps!” I couldn’t help the laughter that came with her words, and I found Sasuke had joined in with me, laughing whole-heartedly, something I’d found him doing a lot around the children.

“Come on,” Hanayo pulled out of the group embrace, tugging on Sasuke’s pants. “I want to show you what I’ve learnt!” Haruka withdrew then, too, pouting.

“I want to show you what I’ve learnt, too!” Sasuke looked down at his male twin, smirking. Tapping the pursed bottom lip, he chuckled.

“Uchiha’s don’t pout.” Immediately, Haruka abandoned his pout, opting to stare blankly at his father. I hit my boyfriend on the arm, glaring.

“Don’t do that.” Raising an eyebrow at me, Sasuke crossed his arms.

“Do what?” I didn’t want to say ‘make him emotionally stunted’, so I settled for silence. Sasuke, sensing my reluctance to continue talking, took Hanayo’s hand. “Both of you can show me what you’ve learnt, then maybe I can teach you something.” Sasuke, ignoring my glare on his back, hoisted Haruka onto his shoulder, exiting the small space.

Letting out a sigh, I rubbed my temple. In the midst of our children’s nagging, Sasuke had passed me Shiro, who was now wide awake and sucking on my Uchiha fan necklace. I was always a little worried leaving Sasuke alone with the twins to train, and I guess it could only be put down to trust.

His own father had pushed him hard, from what I heard, and wanted Sasuke to give his all, and then some. My fear was Sasuke- thinking it was normal- would do the same to Hanayo and Haruka. It didn’t help that, one day, I’d walked in on him trying to teach them chidori.

Excluding the lack of chakra control that could seriously hurt both children, there was the electricity itself. Of course I’d pulled them out of the room, giving both a mild smack despite everything being their fathers fault. I’d apologised to Haruka and Hanayo afterwards, of course, but at the time, I was completely at a loss for what to do.

I was new to motherhood at that time, and wasn’t quite used to the responsibilities. Well, that day was Sasuke and I’s first major fight as a couple, which ended up with him leaving and not returning for a fair few weeks, which in my opinion, was a bit harsh. He had kids, after all, and they missed him in that time.

Shaking my head, I laughed at myself for remembered such a silly incident in such detail. Nevertheless, I left the house to follow the trio. Eventually I came to a break in the trees, where multiple targets were set up in the branches and on the ground.

I leaned against one of the larger trees, watching as Sasuke helped Hanayo with her posture and foot position.

“Okay,” I heard Sasuke say, letting go of her tiny arms, having them in the right position. “Now, jump, and throw like I showed you.” Hanayo did as she was told, the Uchiha determination coming through.

My crystal eyes followed as she rose into the air, throwing her kunai quickly. Some weren’t aiming for the targets, but got hit by other kunai and ricocheted onto target. One, I noticed, went behind a tree, were Haruka emerged, grinning.

“You hit it!” Hanayo landed back on the ground, the pride wafting from her. No doubt she was going to be exactly like her father, maybe with a bigger ego.

I sure hoped not.

Sasuke grunted, crossing his arms, and with a quick glance, Hanayo copied, mimicking her father’s expression to the last arrogant twitch. Haruka, being like me, approached the two and congratulated his sister with a grin.

“Dad, teach me now!” Sasuke’s eyes flickered to his son, before nodding.

“Right, get into position. Oh, and Aya-chan,” I flinched at my name, “You can come out here and watch, if you want.” I laughed nervously, pushing off the tree and walking to the centre where Hanayo, Haruka and Sasuke were. Shiro gurgled and watched Haruka with great interest, finding all the action exciting.

“Hanayo, good job!” My praise seemed to boost her ego further, and I couldn’t help my roll my eyes at her.

“Mum, you have to watch me now!” Haruka turned, and although his lips lacked the pout- Sasuke had corrected that already, his eyes were big, pleading. At this, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Of course,” Sasuke answered for me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and rubbing circled on my shoulder with his thumb. “Your mother and I will both watch.”

‘So this,’ I thought, ‘Is a family.’


I had to upload it now. I'm sorry. Just, Hanayo and Haruka <33 I love them. Papez123 helped me name them, because I'm uncreative and yeh. I'm sorry to say that no more chapters now. Finished. Gone. Done for.


I tried making Sasuke and Ayame's relationship a little... weird? Dysfunctional? I'm not sure. I just know that they wouldn't be perfect but everything would always work out fine in the end.

I hope you enjoyed the story as a whole, because I enjoyed writing it. 

Thank you c:

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