back to you//[a.k.]

By thesoftestwords

9K 218 159

you and awsten grew up together. you fell in love and dated throughout highschool. but when you had to move a... More

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273 5 8
By thesoftestwords

a few months later

"why, won't you let me gooo-" i was singing to ode to sleep by twenty one pilots while it blasted through my speaker when my phone interrupted it by ringing. i stopped sweeping my kitchen and put my broom down to go answer my phone.

"hello?" i answered.

"hey, y/n! what are you up to?" daphne greeted me.

"oh, not much. just cleaning my apartment. why, what's up?" i replied.

"well, me, chloe, and grace are having a girl's night at mine and jawn's house and we wanted to invite you because you're apart of our group now. it's a sleepover and the boys are having a guys night at otto and grace's house as well."

i thought for a moment. i didn't have any plans after cleaning my house and it would be nice to just have some girl time. the idea actually sounded amazing.

"yeah, that sounds great! what time should i come to your house?"

"perfect! i invited everyone to come around 5ish. we're gonna order chinese and watch stupid romcoms and do face masks and all that."

"sounds like a ton of fun, can't wait."

"see you then!"

"see you then, daphne!" i hung up on my friend and began to finish cleaning. it was only a little after noon and i had a bunch of time to finish cleaning my house before getting ready to go.

after hanging up, my music resumed and it began blasting at the volume i had it at before, which made me jump at least half a mile.

"holy shit!" i yelled. i gave myself a second to restart my heart and then i continued to clean my house.

i finished cleaning around 3:30 and put all my cleaning supplies away. i decided i probably needed a shower because i was sure i smelled like cleaner and bleach.

i grabbed a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top with a flannel to go with it. i then went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. when i was done, i dried off and blow dried my hair. i then straightened it and did light makeup, as usual.

after my shower, i got my things together to stay the night at daphne's. i grabbed a cute pair of pajamas, an outfit for the next day, a hair brush, deodorant, my tooth brush, and all sorts of shit i would need to get me to the next day.

i then wondered if i would need a pillow or anything like that, so i shot daphne a message.

you: hey, do i need a pillow or anything like that? :)

daphne: yes, i completely forgot to tell you! thanks for reminding me. you just need a pillow and a sleeping bag, we're gonna camp out in the living room :D

you: sweet! see you soon.

daphne: see ya!

i went into my closet and grabbed an old sleeping bag and i grabbed my favorite pillow off my bed.

when i had all my shit together, it was going for 5, so i decided i would get going. i made sure belle was fed and watered and i picked her up and kissed her before putting her down and leaving, locking the door behind me.

i threw my shit in the backseat and got up front and turned my car on. i plugged my aux cord into my phone and began to play music, just shuffling my playlist. lucky people came on, which was still one of my favorite songs.

the drive to daphne's was only about 25 minutes and when i got there, there were already a few cars in the driveway. i must have been the last to arrive.

i grabbed my things and walked up to the front door and knocked. very shortly after, the door was opened by daphne. my friend engulfed me in a hug and let me inside.

"y/n's here!" chloe exclaimed when she saw me. she came up and hugged me as well.

"hey, y/n!" grace greeted me, but not coming to hug me. it wasn't that we disliked each other, we just weren't as close. her and otto mostly kept to themselves, in terms of our group.

"hey, guys!" i greeted everyone back. "where can i put my stuff?"

"follow me!" daphne told me. i followed her into the living room and she showed me a corner where we put all of our stuff. i put my things down and followed daphne into the dining room.

"so, what's first?" i asked.

"i was thinking, first we'd order takeout. then we can eat dinner a little early so that we have room for snacks when we snack and watch movies later tonight. that sound good?" daphne pitched an idea. we all looked around at each other and nodded in agreement.

daphne called the nearest chinese place and placed our chosen orders. they told us they'd deliver it in about a half hour and so we decided to just chill in the dining room and talk while we waited.

soon enough, the delivery guy brought us our food and we sat around the dining room, eating it.

"man, what chinese place did you order this from? i gotta remember them." i asked daphne. she chuckled.

"it's new peking. jawn and i order from them all the time. good, right?" she replied. i nodded.

"very." i agreed.

"i wonder what the guys are doing." grace wondered. chloe shrugged.

"probably ordering pizza and playing mario kart. as long as they're not getting into trouble, i don't care. they've got rory so they better be careful and watch her." chloe said.

"chloe, i'm sure you don't have to worry about rory. geoff is a good dad, he'll take good care of your two year old." daphne assured our friend.

"oh my gosh, when did rory turn two? i must have missed it." i chimed in.

"it was just a few days ago. we didn't really do a whole big party, geoff and i just did a little small thing for her." chloe told me. i nodded in acknowledgement as we continued to eat.

after we finished eating, we took care of our trash and stood around wondering what to do next.

"you know what we should do?" chloe started. we all looked at her expectantly. "we should turn on some music and do face masks!"

we all agreed that was a good idea and daphne ran upstairs to grab her bluetooth speaker. she came down and connected it to her phone. we all agreed on a spotify station and then we wandered into the bathroom to do the face masks.

daphne had an assortment of different face masks and we all picked different ones. the one i chose was a black charcoal peel of mask that i decided would be satisfying to peel off.

we sat around the bathroom waiting for our masks to dry and we made conversation. mostly about our boyfriends and lives and whatnot. just girl talk.

"so, y/n, you and awsten are finally together. how's that?" daphne asked me. i smiled.

"it's really good. we're almost at three months of dating and he's taken me on a million dates and things have just been going really well." i said. "except, sometimes things get a little crazy, but that's because awsten's awsten. i'm sure you guys know what i mean."

"ah yeah, been there done that. i know what it's like." grace chimed in. i gave her a confused look. been there done that?

"what do you mean?" i asked her. realization struck her face and she seemed to regret what she said.

"awsten didn't tell you we dated before i got with otto?" she asked. i shook my head. "oh, then nevermind. it was like years ago anyways, it's nothing now. from like 2011 to 2015."

"oh..." was all i said, not really knowing how to respond. i wondered why awsten never told me that he and grace dated. especially if they dated for four years. i then shrugged it off. it was a while back, i could just talk to awsten about it some other time. "small world i guess!"

grace laughed, seemingly relieved that things weren't awkward. i joined in her laughter and so did chloe and daphne.

a few minutes later, we took off our masks and washed our faces. when we were done, we cleaned up our messes and then walked out to the living room. by then, it was already after 8.

"you guys wanna watch movies now?" daphne asked. we all nodded in agreement. "what should be watch?"

we discussed for a few minutes and then eventually decided on the fifty shades of grey trilogy. i had only seen the first movie so i didn't mind watching the two following. i was kind of interested in seeing what happened next.

"okay, i'm gonna go grab snacks from the pantry. you guys can set out the sleeping bags and pillows." daphne told us. we all nodded and began to set everything up.

i put my sleeping bag and pillow in between chloe and daphne. we were fairly spread out but i ended up being close to the two of them. grace layed hers towards the bottom. the way it was all set up, we could all see the tv.

daphne eventually came in with snacks and sat down. she grabbed her roku remote and turned on the first movie. she clapped and the lights turned off and our movie night began.

"man, christian grey is so hot. i'd be his sub any day." daphne said with a mouthful of popcorn, about twenty minutes into the movie.

"daph!" i semi-scolded her with a laugh. she just shrugged.

"i'm just saying, i'm just saying. you gonna tell me he's not hot?" she asked me.

"i have no opinion." i simply replied.

"come on, y/n, you can agree he's hot as fuck. awsten's not here." grace said.

"okay, fine. he's pretty hot." i finally agreed. the three girls chuckled and we continued watching the first movie.

when the first movie ended we all got our pajamas on in case we fell asleep because it was after 10.

we all ended up making it through the second movie, but when we got to the third movie i grew really sleepy and eventually passed out.

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