Solitary Sword Sovereign

By theonionjunktion

587K 34.3K 1.9K

One day, every human on earth was given a class and gained abilities. People gained levels and stats; like st... More

Chapter 1: Death of the Peerless Loser (Edited)
Chapter 2: The gifts of duality
Chapter 3- Immortality is all i ask.
Chapter 4- Cultivation!
Chapter 5- The Art of The Solitary Sword Sovereign
Chapter 6- Enlightenment Through Battle!
Chapter 7- Sword Totem
Chapter 8- First Kill
Chapter 9- Perfecting Technique Through Slaughter
Chapter 10- The Valley of the Shadow of Death
Chapter 11- Wrath of the Water God
Chapter 12- The Nail that Sticks Out, Gets Hammered
Chapter 13- Blood Calamity: Part 1
Chapter 14- Blood Calamity: Part 2
Chapter 15- Blood Calamity: Part 3
Chapter 16- Earth Shattering Battle
Chapter 17- Ten Seconds
Chapter 18- The Power of Four Degrees
Chapter 18 - The Power of Four Degrees (Full)
Chapter 19 - Grinding!
Chapter 20- The Soul
Chapter 21- True Cultivation!
Chapter 22- Water Sense
Chapter 23- A New Challenger Arrives!
Chapter 24- Exchanging blows with a king of the skies
Chapter 25 - Intent
Chapter 26- Truly, Sharp!
Chapter 27- Imparting Knowledge?
Chapter 28- Energies
Chapter 29- Splitting The Earth!
Chapter 30- Bloody Spiders
Chapter 31- 9999!
Chapter 32- Uh? Greatest prodigy? Is that food?
Chapter 33- What a man does for them big butts...
Chapter 34- Boss? You There?
Chapter 35-
Chapter 36- The King of Titans
Chapter 37- Mysterious Truths
Chapter 38- Back to School
Chapter 39- Lords
Chapter 40- Have to become a Lord!
Chapter 41- Registration
Chapter 42- The Ultimate Guide
Chapter 43- What is He?
Chapter 44- Secluded Meditation
Chapter 45- Standing Corpses
Chapter 46- Eridium
Chapter 47- Testing, Testing, One Two Three!
Chapter 48- Please, destroy my planet!
Chapter 49- Soul Regalia
Chapter 50- Why do you want to kill your family?
Chapter 51- Instant death!
Chapter 52 - Goldback Warhog
Chapter 53- Arena!
Chapter 54- Spoils of Battle!
Chapter 55- A new challenger approaches
Chapter 56- Chilling Yin Dragon
Chapter 57- Do You Yield?
Chapter 58- Colossus Criterion Thesaurus
Chapter 59- This King!
Chapter 60- The Sword is Drawn!
Chapter 61- The Door Is Opened
SSS has a comic!
Chapter 62: Bastian Smith
Chapter 63: Andre Chamberlain
Chapter 64- Lord!
Chapter 65- Shocking The World
Chapter 66- Reagent
Chapter 67- Super Makeover
Chapter 68- War Is Looming
Chapter 69- I'm Crazier
Chapter 70- Surrender
Chapter 71- Stalker
Chapter 72- Death's Door
Chapter 73- Opening The First Door!
Chapter 74- Survival
Chapter 75 - Water, Overlord of the Elements
Chapter 76- The earth pyramid
Chapter 77- A New Expieriment
Chapter 78: Ghosts and Supremes
Chapter 79: Muddled Thoughts
Chapter 80: Fishing
Chapter 81: Visitors Ahoy
Chapter 82: Entering a Dungeon
Chapter 83: Good Old Duke
Chapter 84: Talent Vs Potentional
Chapter 85: Body Strengthening
Chapter 86: Golden Lord
Chapter 87: A Welsh Greeting
Chapter 88: Taiga's Thoughts
Chapter 89: Brother
Chapter 90: The N Word
Chapter 91: Bluff
Chapter 92: Jaeger Meister
Chapter 93: Mysterious Old Man
Chapter 94: Hydromancer
Chapter 95: Kick it up a Notch
Chapter 96: Concepts
Chapter 97: Will's Disgust
Chapter 98: World Situation
Chapter 99: Death Match
Chapter 100: The System of Rights
Chapter 101: I Have Some Killing to do Today
Chapter 102: Ezra The Mad One
Chapter 103: Arthur Pendragon
Chapter 104: Klopp The Informarion Broker
Chapter 105: A While Back
Chapter 106: Challenge Begins
Chapter 107: Not A Single Crease
Chapter 108: This Is How You Make Dragons
Chapter 109: Woodsy Makes Her Move
Chapter 110: Are You Tired Of Breathing?
Chapter 111: my name isn't The Solitary Water Sovereign
Chapter 112: Ugly Yet Dashing
Chapter 113: Slow Mystic Sandstorm
Chapter 114: True Strike One Shot
Chapter 115: Tiger Of The East
Chapter 116: Will, What The Hell Did You Do?
Chapter 117: Like Grass
Chapter 118: Ezra's Top 5
Chapter 119: More Exposi...I mean Important Chat
Chapter 120: Okay, New Rule
Chapter 121: Technique Refinment
Chapter 122: Tell Me What You See
Chapter 123: The Drooling Immortal
Chapter 124: Higgs Boson
Chapter 125: Warrior? Mage?
Chapter 126: Warrior? Mage?
Chapter 127: Guten Morgen
Chapter 128 - Courting Death
Chapter 129 - The Old Man's Friend
Chapter 130 - What The Fuck Did He Do?
Chapter 131 - A Maid Nigga
Chapter 132 - Zone Destroying
Chapter 133 - Level £$
Chapter 134 - Lucky
Chapter 135 - Decapitation
Chapter 136 - (Traitorous) experts are everywhere
Chapter 137 - A New Dungeon
Chapter 138 - Ambitions
Chapter 139 - I Wonder As Well...
The Monk In The Bar
Make Your Choice!
Extreme Yin
He's Here For Me
Dukes Time To Shine
Sneezing Immortal
For The Gods! For Olympus!
Full Strength True strike
Good Results
Perverted Politics
Atlas Columns
Fafnir's Grave
A Choice to Make
The Breath
The Essence of Solitude
Immortals and Divinities
The Seventh Scion of Ha
The Formless Concept
A Clash of Swords!
Opening The First Door!
Martial Harmony: Will Strikes Back!
'Water Force'
The Immortal Realm
Hou Yi's Shock; Modus Arrives
His Name is Duke
The Raindrop Area
Strange Matter
Will The Godslayer Uleashed! Unbound Vector!
Will's Value
Wodin's Analysis
The All Father Descends
Scavenger of the Battlefield
Hou Yi Shoots Nine Suns
The Raven's Grin
One Raindrop
A Clash Of Sovereigns: Yin vs Yin!
Jaeger Meister's Path: Hydrolytic Fission!
Four-Step Setup! Seventh Door Open!
True Sword Kaiser
Heart of a Swordsman
King of the Aesir
Odin's Trial By Fire
Flowing Tide Restriction: Breaking The Walls
Child Of The Literati: Polarising Energies
Metamorphosis Complete
Testing New Limits
Primordial Refinement Boons
Literal Growth
Energy Maps
Preparation: Frozen Asgard Mask
Michael And His Vassals

Hou Yi's Knowledge

380 26 0
By theonionjunktion

"Modus, what is Strange Matter?" said Jingsung as he turned around to his immortal counterpart. Modus shifted his view to Hou Yi and said, "You should ask your retainer. Stars and what happens inside them is more of his speciality."

Jingsung raised a brow and looked at the quiet bald archer. The trio were currently observing the battle whilst talking. To Jingsung, controlling an Avatar and battling a mortal at the same time was as easy as breathing, so it did little to affect him.

"Ehem. As you know Master there are many forms of matter. From ordinary matter that makes up the visible universe through the five mortal senses, to dark matter to anti-matter and the like. Close to the core of Neutron stars, where the gravity, heat and pressure approach reach reality-warping levels, sub-atomic particles are broken down into quarks.

Stars live in a state of equilibrium between two forces: one of expansion, driven by powerful nuclear reactions in their interior, and another of compression, caused by gravity. When stars run out of fuel, the force of gravity gains the upper hand and the dying star begins to collapse in on itself. The compression is brutal. For a star like a sun of a lower world with a diameter of almost one and a half million kilometres, what remains after the death process is completed is a corpse barely the size of a small mortal city, only a dozen or so kilometres across, known as a neutron star.

The intense pressure pushes matter to the limit until it fractures. In the first phase, the compression becomes so great that there is no space left between atoms, which strain to resist the pressure that compresses the atoms until their nuclei are stuck together. In this process, almost all the electrons and positrons are converted into neutrons, leaving only an ultra-compact mass of neutrons.

The matter that makes up a neutron star is called neutronium, which is remarkable for its density. A glass of neutronium water would be as heavy as the whole of a mortal mountain as big as the one we are standing on. Because the star's gravity has compressed all the particles of a mountain into the volume of a cup of coffee. Neutronium can compete with tetragranium in terms of weight and density so I'm sure that you can imagine how serious it is.

Near the core of the neutron star, things get really strange haha. The pressure is so intense that not even neutrons are able to remain stable, at which point they break down into their fundamental elements —quarks— forming an ocean of subatomic particles. Under intense pressure, there is one type of quark that can stay stable: the strange quark. Grouped together they form strange matter, a perfectly dense, stable and literally indestructible material.

One of the most bizarre characteristics of strange matter is that it is contagious. When strange matter comes into contact with normal matter it generates more strange matter. Just like the tale of King Midas, everything it touches turns into strange matter. It is analogous to how fire operates in an enormous blaze; at a sufficient temperature the fire converts everything around it into fire, but on a quantum level."

Jingsung Ha was not an expert on such topics but he was very intelligent. He quickly processed the knowledge and said, "That doesn't sound like something an ordinary mortal would be able to handle, let alone produce. Is there even a technique for such a thing?"

"I can tell you with confidence, that no being in the mortal realm can wield or use strange matter at this time. The whole universe would be at risk of being converted, so the first system admins and I took measures. But geniuses have a habit of breaking convention hehe." Snickered Modus.

Ha quickly diverted his attention back to the task at hand


"I do indeed know of strange matter, why do you ask such nonsense? A mortal like you can't wield such power."

'A mortal like you? Doesn't he mean mortals like us?' A light of revelation flashed in his eyes as he got more excited.

'Seems like the Atlas Columns got daddy a pretty big fish.'

"You are right, it's beyond me. But still, doesn't it remain alluring? The most indestructible, stable and contagious type of matter in existence. Just imagine the possibilities.

Jingsung frowned and said, 'Where is this boy going with this?'

Will's breath started to pick up the pace and the glow in his eyes brightened. "I am trying as hard as I can to come up with something similar in terms of attributes, but you be the judge. You seem like you know your stuff."

Jingsung was about to tilt his head in confusion until a feeling he had not felt in a long time started to creep up from within. The problem was that it was not only Jingsung's Avatar that felt this, the feeling of danger approaching was even stronger for the immortal.

Jingsung focused on Will and saw the silvery light in the boy's eyes start to fluctuate a bit. The latter narrowed his eyes in undisturbed focus and gripped his sword tight. All this while Will had been sensing that within Jinsung is an incredible power, a power that inherently suppressed him, or rather that is how it was supposed to be. Instead, this small yet overwhelming power source within Ha felt oddly vulnerable to Will. The young man felt like a human holding a knife in front of a thin sheet of outstretched plastic.

Will felt like he could slice through that power slice like he was cutting butter with a hot knife. This feeling was so intense it roused Will's desire for battle and allowed him to overcome his fears. Will started to sense that there was something within him that could genuinely cause serious damage to Ha. Whatever it was, it was intoxicating.


"Young one of the Ha, pay close attention now. Remove all defences. Trust me you will enjoy this."

Jingsung Ha snorted but did as Modus was told. The primary objective was not to thrash the young man but to evaluate him. And Jingsung had every intention of doing that properly.


AN: If you want updates on my...uh...updates, follow me on webnovel, royalroad, wattpad fb insta and twitter!
instagram @theonionjunktion (cool character designs and such there:)
Twitter @onionjunktion95
wattpad @theonionjunktion
webnovel @theonionjunktion

Thank you for reading! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Creation is hard, cheer me up!


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