"We lost ourselves..."

By Call-Me-N

108 0 0

Y/n reunites with her lost partner after her best friend sacrifices him to the unknown god she believed in, a... More

Chapter 1: memories
Chapter 1 (part 2): memories
Chapter 3: Deep into the woods
Chapter 4: A mysterious life
Chapter 5: A new family
Chapter 6: Excepted
Chapter 7: Nightmares

Chapter 2: Present time

13 0 0
By Call-Me-N

"*bing* Ladies and gentlemen, **** Airplanes welcomes you to ****. The local time is 4:39. For your safety and the safety of those around you, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened and keep the aisles clear until we are parked at the gate."

You hear the airplane pilot speak as the plane lands, as soon as the plane parked at the gate one got up, some got up and immediately grabbed their stuff, some stretched first, and some were still asleep. You quickly grabbed your stuff and headed off the plane.

You had finally left the airport, grabbed a Taxi home, and FINALLY made it to your apartment building, Checking in with the receptionist and then finally heading up to your flat.

You open the door, throwing your bag to the side and taking a deep breath as you finally make it home after a long day on a plane and from vacation with your family.

You look at your island table, and a note from your pet-sitter "Hello!, Sorry I had to leave earlier than expected, Just in case I left at least 2 hours earlier than your estimated arrival time, Chichi was fed, and given water before I left!" The note. You looked at your phone at 12:34, She must have left at around 10.

You walk to your room, kick off your shoes slide your bra off from under your shirt, and throw your jeans across the room as you flop on your bed, Chichi jumps onto your bed and rubs her face against yours, Chichi was your tabby cat, she was a rescue from 2-3 years ago, and she loved you just as much as you loved her, just as much as you loved.... Nevermind that!

-Time-skip, A week later- (1st person)

"Bye!, have a nice day!" I heard the lady at the counter said as I left the little shop full of trinkets and things to decorate with, I headed out, walking along the sidewalk looking into shops and now and then entering them to look around.

The little wind chimes jingle as I walk into a little coffee shop "Hello! Welcome to Oasis Cafe, how may I help you" I hear as the lady at the counter speaks up.

"Hello!, can I have hmmm" I looked up at the menu board thinking about what I wanted "I think I'll have the sweetest thing you have, not sure what I want"

"Alright, name?" the lady asks

"y/n!" I answer

"All alrighty, take a seat and I'll call you when it's done" The lady softly smiled as she wrote my name on a cup

I headed to a seat, put my stuff down, and relaxed. But that relaxation ended soon, my head quickly turned to the window as I felt the hard stare of someone. but, no one was there.

"y/n!" I heard someone call out my name

I turn towards to counter, seeing the woman standing there with my drink. I got up and walked towards her, grabbing my drink.

"thank you!, have a nice day," I say as I leave the shop.

As I stepped outside I looked around a bit paranoid, my grip on my stuff tightening. I saw a few people talking outside the shop, a few walking across the street, and...

A tall-ish man across the street, dressed in all black, standing in the alleyway looking dead straight at me.

I felt shivers run down my spine, I immediately started walking away. I didn't look back, I just walked forward. As walked passed people, through large crowds "Excuse me!" "Sorry!" "Coming through" I would repeat as I pushed through the crowd. After what felt like an eternity of running I had somehow ended up in a dead part of town, I walked around, now and then seeing some people either homeless or just spray painters, painting away at the walls other than that the only person I was worried about was the man dressed in all black who felt like he was following me the whole time.

But just when I thought I felt safe I turned around and right there just in front of me was a tall man dressed in all black who wore a blue mask with voids for eyes and some weird black goo dripping from what seemed like his eye sockets. In that instance my immediate reaction was to run, my heart dropped faster than the speed of light as I ran faster than I could imagine, I wasn't even thinking of where I was going.

Just as I had stopped to catch my breath I had realized I had run into some woods, I felt a slight sting on my hands as I realized small little stab wounds formed on my hands, I turned around to see a fence covered in signs, most likely "Do not trespass" signs, I didn't care though, A strange man had been stalking me and the last thing I wanted to do was follow rules. I turned around and headed deeper into the woods, slowly and steadily I walked farther into the woods, now and then seeing abandoned buildings, animals, and sometimes papers stapled onto the trees, My hands stung as I held them together harder, and I kept walking deeper into the woods, sooner or later I had gotten tired, I leaned against a tree and slid down it, now sitting on the ground, catching my breath, god I was so tired.


My head quickly turned as I heard something snap.


I heard leaves move as if getting pushed around. I got up and started looking around


The air started getting thicker as I looked around, almost looking foggy, it was getting hard to see.


I heard someone behind me. I turned around to see-


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