I Will Always Be With You (Gh...

By Faddingfast5

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to my favorite ship in hollow knight ghost x grimmchild this is an au of these two where they grow up togethe... More

chapter one return
chapter 2 reunion
chapter 3 secrets uncovered
chapter 4 past and present
chapter 5 practice and planning
chapter 6 return of the past
chapter 7 the battle begins
chapter 8 siblings?
chapter 9 finally a sultion
chapter 10 The forbidden dance
chapter 11 the ties that bind us
chapter 12 Radiant Resurrection
chapter 13 Truth, past, bounties and promises
chapter 14 an evolving threat
not a chapter but definitely an update
(chapter 16) the end of draws near

chapter 15 The visitor

87 2 1
By Faddingfast5

"Narrator's pov"

Disclaimer this chapter will be a little bit more on the sad side so sorry)

"When the blinding light subsided ghost was the shade lord and scarlet she was a nightmare queen. In fact everyone in the room has there god forms unlocked or reopened the path to their godhood the power flowing through their veins were immense even ghosts felt his God power essentially double it felt amazing"

"Cron and pails looks completely different Palace had four arms now while having the look of shade Lord but way more feminine and had the top horns shapes like pilkey, cron was also different he had changed still had two arms but the crystals growing out of his shoulders spine chest and kneecaps had became red and had grown a bit they didn't hurt as much"

"Along with everyone else in the room it all look different they were all stronger strong enough to take on the threat that lead ahead but yet everyone felt tired besides pails and cron"

You know this feels amazing but I don't know why I feel so drained right now we'll attack it tomorrow me Scarlett and everyone else will be getting a little bit of rest heal up so don't worry I promise we will defeat him tomorrow everyone just rest up."was that everyone left the room besides two people pails and cron"

well I guess it's just us two left I don't really know what to do but being around you makes me so much better feel better too, so maybe you and I can go over to my room and have a little bit of fun if you know what I mean"pails said wth a mischievous grin on her face making it clear what she wanted"

Not right now I need to think about some stuff but I'll be with you later I promise and we will do it"cron said while smiling back at her with a kind of grin a soft one he never lied never turned his back on anyone when he made a promise he kept it but something was different today maybe it was the new found power or the suddenness of his brothers change who could have known that's a night was going to be a night of pain and sadness"

I promise we will do it later okay just stay put try getting used to your God form I'll be back in a bit"he leaves the room and starts heading to the destroyed courtyard pulling a lever to a wall or a secret entrance to a garden was it was full of delicate flowers of course you couldn't get too close being that if he did he would be trapped in it"

"But yeah regardless of this fact he still picked it up held it by its stem and examined it his mind started to wander and think about his life but crystals embedded inside of them rolling from him the pain he's in but the love that he receives. It was heartwarming loving caring it helped him and protected him kept him going even in the darkest times of his life."
(Flashback to child hood)

Hey guys let's play a game hide and seek well hide from dad!"kid void said to his three brothers currently there sisters where not there with them in this particular place and time"let's go hide come one!"he ran away now finding a place to hide finding a hole in the wall and going in it claiming it as his hiding spot. Cron was looking for a place now heading his father counting he hides in a black crystal room his crystals blending in with his surroundings. Then came decon he used a hook he made as a tool to hook on the ceiling as he sat down on a wood beem of the roof the last sibling know as sentin was hiding in a dark corner he was part mantis so he clung to the wall making his black cloak blend in"

"The game went on for what felt like hours the first one out was surprisingly decon being of his father's awareness he looked up and saw him the next one out was void, though in the walls itself his father heard him make a very quiet laugh and then he was found

"Then about 15 minutes later cron was finally found although it was a form of surrender coming from his father and his siblings wondering where he was. The three siblings giggled and laughed all had fun playing the game that they were playing after that they played several other games such as tag truth or dare and several other things to have fun and pass the time"

"As his mind wandered to the crevices of his mind a small grin appeared on his face reminiscing on all the good memories, but this is that smile was there it quickly faded away now getting to the part where him and his siblings were trapped inside their own home for decades they presumed. And he remembered the tragic Truth of all of them getting separated not being able to find each other for years even after they all escaped it took them several years to find each other. Through that time he never felt more alone the only one that truly kept them stable was" pails she was there for me all that time whenever I felt left out missing she came to my aid made me feel whole.

"He had a warm smile on his face knowing that she'll probably be here for a long time. His mom started to drift off again thinking about their future together how much fun they could have exploring the land of several different kingdoms all the possibilities I can happen he smiled knowing that nothing was going to take her away. All of this started to make him remember how he met her his mind began to drift"

(Flash back)

Hey pails how have you been doing lately I know things can get rough around your dad and I hope this doesn't affect our friendship in any way'kind of nervous that this somehow would affected in the end he didn't want to lose her again during this period he just lost his brothers"

Oh I promise I'll be by your side forever if it maybe I just want to help you feel better"she said with glethal eyes this made him smile with the first time he actually smelled in a long time in the back of his head you know it wouldn't take forever he just hoped that they would stay friends"

Yeah let's just hope that can you make a promise to me and I really mean this when I say it but can we stay friends like not split up it may remind me too much of my you know my brothers and I don't feel like losing anyone else"he said with a heavy tone in his voice he truly meant what he was saying he didn't want to lose anyone else the impact from the last time was too strong for him made him sad think thoughts that he didn't want to think"

Of course we'll stay friends!. If there's anything I can do is stay your friend be there for you I'm not going to just say goodbye unless there's a perfectly great reason for it but you're just kind I wouldn't do that to you I know how much you've lost and I know it can be a heavy burden"she said with enthusiasm in her voice confident in her answer she wanted to help him get over his trauma she wanted to help him all she could for the past she can't fix but the future she can help"

Thank you so much I really mean that those words alone mean a lot to me it reassures that I'm not completely alone"he turns to her with a smile on his face genuine in all his words knowing that he had a friend to back him up a friend that will try to help him the best she could not just try and fail but genuine words"

"Both of them shared a good moment there both were happy suffice to know that none would betray the other both knowing that they will have each other's back in any trying times no matter how dark, their teenage minds not knowing what held for them in the future but no matter how dark it may seem it would get better"

"The flashback ended despite the pain and memories that he had he was sufficed to know that he had a friend that was now someone even greater to him that he held to his heart he got up and said to himself"maybe picture waiting long enough she deserves to know the rest of the truth my story and a lot of other stories and the thing I want to give to her"in his pocket he held a ring he was planning to give it to her tonight for poster they knew each other for a long time so might as well be the best who knew how long they had left to live being the current circumstances that they were going through"

"It took him about maybe 30 minutes for him to make up his mind he was going to do it he was going to propose to her today."come down with feeling down in the dumps I'm done with feeling sad and miserable I'm going to make myself happy I'm not going to let the past hurt me today is a new start a new beginning things will go right I know they will she loves me"he said to himself reassuring his thoughts making sure that he was actually going to go through with it it was a big moment for him after all. He left the garden make sure to close the door behind them even though it was a garden it was special to him very special he didn't want to single one of those flowers getting destroyed"

"He started looking for her going past many vessels as he did he smiled up their innocence knowing that their childhood wouldn't be as messed up as his. He envied them they had something or somewhat of a childhood a good one hope something to look forward to he smiled knowing that they would have something to look forward to having a good time ahead of themselves"

"Eventually he didn't know where to go he explored every room besides hers it was odd she normally would have been with her siblings or something so he started making his way there. However on the way he felt like someone was watching him the walls they were closing in he was known for being a little bit anxious but something was wrong he had a bad feeling like something bad was going to happen. It was around midnight when he finally got to his room he could feel his heart pounding in his chest and I had a breaking anxiety was not helping as well. He took a few deep breaths in and a few deep breaths out finally pushing himself to enter not from his feeling but because of fear

"Doing it from a quote he heard from a friend if you're too scared to do it do it with fear you can't be scared of something that you're doing with fear" pails Im here I want to tell you something I!-----

"Silence for the room as he saw her with someone else she was intimate they were still standing but intimate she didn't even realize he was there his eyes widened his heart sank he didn't know how to feel but that emptiness was quickly filled by something else he hasn't felt in years rage" WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!

"He's said out in anger getting her attention and the man she was with was familiar it was his best friend shade seeing this made him even angrier meaning that those two only started talking two days ago. The side of this only infuriated him more feeling the rage and sadness starting to build up immediately all rationality and everything else started leaving his mind"

Cron!! This isn't what it looks like I promise I--- I"he mine finally snapped anger boiling to the point of out of control he was finally going to let" YOU WAHT PAILS YOU WERE GOING TO DO WHAT CHEAT ON ME AFTER ALL I GAVE TO YOU AFTER HOW MANY TIMES I PROTECTED YOU AND CARE FOR YOU! AND ALL OF A SUDDEN YOU CHEAT ON ME FOR MY BEST FUCKING FRIEND YOU'VE ONLY KNOWN HIM FOR TWO DAYS!.

AND WHAT MAKES IT WORSE IS THAT LAST NIGHT YOU PROMISED ME THAT YOU WOULD STOP THIS BEHAVIOR YOU PROMISED THAT YOU WOULD STAY WITH ME YOU PROMISED AND THEN YOU LIED ABOUT IT WENT BACK ON YOUR WORD IT HASN'T EVEN BEEN 12 HOURS SINCE THEN. I trusted you with everything I had and you are proving no you prove to me that that meant nothing all the negative things that people said about you I defended you all the times you wanted to vent how I listened and this is what I get as a reward turned the back on by someone I thought loved me. But no all you did was use me to please your ego to please yourself that's all you thought about me you don't care

No one has for a long time and I thought I finally got something going in my life and then you do this"he didn't allow her to speak she didn't have a good defense I guess what he was saying she felt terrible to the risk of her decision but took it anyway"look I'm sorry just give me a chance please! I promise I'll make it up to you just give me a shot to do so!"pleading for forgiveness knowing that her actions were wrong but he was too far gone and anger and emotion to do anything this wasn't going to change with the simple apology"


AND YOU DOING THIS WITH HIM IS NOT HELPING ANYTHING I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN IN MY LIFE HOW HOW ABOUT YOU START A LIFE WITH HIM BECAUSE YOU KNOW YOU'RE NOT INTERESTED IN ME SO WHY DO I CARE BECAUSE I LOVED YOU. You know what not anymore no more chances goodbye have a good life pails hope you enjoy it"he turns his back on her she's nearly in tears after hearing that him himself was also do that as he walked to the door and slammed it"

(Okay time for the sad part don't read this if you to sensitive to this kind of things)

"With a blink of her eyes she let out tears but was quickly interrupted by hearing a crash at the door followed by the door being blown away. She saw cron sent flying his back to the wall someone was floating holding him by his mask. They flew past her into and threw the wall the rocks breaking and crumbling that she heard him grunt in pain"


Sorry I got to do this to you kid it's just a business it's the way I run but sad to say but your story end here"with that he finished pushing him through the mountain and now had free space. He stoped suddenly and let his arm fling and letting go sending cron into a wall" come on kids you got to show me something I'll find otherwise this is not going to be any fun for me

"The person look at pails from what she could see it was just a stranger with a mask on his face was covered but the bottom section of his mouth had no skin like the flesh was ripped off and this was no bug it was something else nothing she's seen before. She can feel the fear run through her veins as she saw this unfold she couldn't take it anymore even though he was upset at her she wanted to help him out she ran through the hole outside of the mountain but as she did she could see him having the life beaten out of him"

Fucking damit who the hell are you tell me now the fucking kill you"cron yelled as is face and mouth was covered by a hand the crest of his horn was being gripped by his hands he was still dazed from what just happened too angry he just started trying to fight back swinging his blade wildly making contact most of the time but it just made a clink not even leaving a scratch"


Well being that I'm about to kill you I should probably say I won't tell you my real name but I go by many some call me the mad Men of reality but for the sake of it you can just call me by my name TICK!"he said with a grin as he grabbed him from the rubble and hit him in the gut blowing any sort of wind or stamina cron had an in pain he barely grabbed his nail and stood up. He was already breathing from exhaustion being one he didn't get enough sleep until his mind was too focused on one thing he couldn't get over what just happened no matter how much he tried to his mind just kept running the adrenaline started kicking in he made rash impulsive decisions. Every blow felt like some sort of boulder hitting his body and the whole time his opponent just kept smiling laughing he could tell that he wasn't even getting a little bit serious all of this was just one big joke he was a joke"

Oh come on kid you got to fight back otherwise I'll just kill you quicker!"he said as he dodged one of his attacks and sliced his stomach he purposely made it so that I would just bleed and not train him to death still he was losing so much blood in such a little bit of time he was throwing him around like some sort of rag doll a sick twisted game in his mind blow after blow more blood was lost they had gone so far away from the beginning of their fight they were now at a lake fighting. It was a shallow lake so they could stand easily but no matter how much cron try to hit him he just had dodging even if he did connect it didn't leave a mark the warrior was being defeated quick and swiftly he started losing strength but he wasn't going to give up"

I'm not-------"he was met with a very powerful punch breaking a piece of his outer shell as he weekly try to counter*giving up"it was more with another one but this time he flung across the lake to the other side he had no energy left as his opponent stood before him with his weird weapon drawn"dust to dust"he plunged his weapon down twords him but before he could hit him it was blocked. By non other than pails as she went on the offensive trying to protect him"

"You went from no hope to some sort of Hope he had anger to her but maybe with enough time it could heal but this quickly faded away as he heard nothing not even any clanking just her grunting when he looked up he saw that she couldn't even hit. He was driving with perfect precision taunting her playing with her"

STOP GGAAAA Dodging RAAAA YOU MONSTER!" I'm sure she knows to grab his arm and rip it off crushing it she smiled as she did it it's probably knowing she actually got to hit him"

Oh owwww it hurt so bad no it's doesn't!"just as quickly as the wound was inflicted it healed itself right back up arm and all like it never happened. She tried swinging one more time but was stopped her blade was caught"I think our little game comes to an end right here"he said and with a moment's notice he destroyed her blade shattering into pieces as he dashed and hit her in the gut inflicting the same amount of pain as cron was in. Right next to him see him exhausted be in and tired and broken."

I'm sorry to say this but this little effort of yours was a valiant effort but it was not good enough there was no way you could possibly damage me or beat me" he went over to cron and pick them up with a single hand his fingers in between the crest of his horns the rest of his hand covering his face in one last effort cron held the arm trying to break free"

Oh no no no that just won't sufficed let's play little game this game is a luck game I'm going to allow her to decide your fate let's see how much she really loves you"he turned to her and looked into her eyes her beating heart beat faster with fear hoping that he wouldn't kill him this went on for about 5 minutes and then he looked away his smile quickly faded away into a frown"

I knew it"confident that she was in the clear and he was too she smiled knowing that he would be safe that she could somehow repair this broken relationship a moment of silence was there in her ears it was abruptly broken by a loud splat and crunch sound. the noise filter ears she scaredly looked up as two horns fell to the floor with a empty clank"

"He was dead his head was crushed in nothing but a black paste remained in tike's as he let the body drop and it quickly started to dissolve away melting and seeping into the floor her eyes teared up wellowed with sadness and guilt how could this happen to her she thought she tried to apologize she tried her best"

I know this may seem dull and dismal and I'm sorry I fooled you there but I can't allow him to keep living it would have been unfair I basically spared him now if you excuse me I'll be taking my leave"just as quickly as he was there he was gone nothing she couldn't move and she saw the last little bit of the liquid of cron seek into the floor and disappear nothing was there but an empty mask and a cloak and just a second too late the others came rushing in seeing her crying in tears unable to move and seeing their friends empty show sitting there"



Now I know what this may seem like but hear me out on this I spared him a life of misery a life of pain she would have kept cheating on him he would have forgiven her and the cycle would have continued with the both of them kept getting back and kept getting taken away until eventually he would have went insane anyone would can't take from a man that's already lost everything he's had.

moral of this is don't be too fast to open your heart because just as quickly as love and warmth can come in is just as fast as it can be stolen and taken away and replaced by cold and dead be safe everyone I'll explain more in my side for now goodbye

(End of chapter 15)
Word count 4076

(Author's note. Hello everyone that reads this I am sorry this took so long to make it took me a while to figure out how to do this and a bunch of pent-up stuff that I need to let out it is still taking me quite a while to release the other chapters so please bear with me and as he said above stay safe and I'll see you in the next chapter)

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