Brave Love

By theCuppedCake

2.5M 133K 183K

[Second book of the Baked Series] "For when there is Love, every ending is a new beginning". The broken-hear... More

Baked Love
At first light, At first sight
On Second Thought
Two is company, Three's a crowd
Four-square behind
Fifth wheel
At sixes and sevens
Seventh Heaven
Behind the Eight Ball
On Cloud Nine
Hang Ten
Eleventh Hour
A Dime a Dozen
Lucky Number Thirteen
February 14th
Fifteen Promises
Sweet Sixteen
Of Age
Nineteen to the Dozen
Twenty-twenty Hindsight
Twenty One
23 Skidoo
Twenty-five minutes too late
Baked Love?
Zero Hour
Half the Battle
A Thousand Years
The Question of Infinity
What's good for the heart?
Beyond, Infinity
Happy Birthday


69.6K 4.3K 7.4K
By theCuppedCake

Anagram: VIXI, in LatinI have lived.


A life begins

With, perhaps—

An act of Love.

That little life grows;

With, perhaps—

The touch of Love.

The life learns;

With, perhaps—

The voice of Love.

The life cares;

With, perhaps—

A heart of Love.

The life falls;

For, perhaps—

Another Life.

But when a life loves another life,

Then perhaps what we have here—

Is a miracle.

Something that even the stars,

Shooting across its vast home far—

Cannot bar.

And here;

When two lives intertwine,

Begins yet another life.

A new life—for then,

We truly live.

I am alive

I exist

I insist

Only then, can we truly stop at death's door—with a certain triumph in our steps, give it a firm knock only to say—with truth and conviction:

I have lived.


Brave Love Chapter 17: XVII


"Never seen an erection before?" Xander looked slightly put off and irritated, as implied in his tone.

I felt a crazy amount of heat rush to my cheeks and ears-basically turning me into a kettle on fire.

"W-What kind of question is that...?" I retorted, scrambling over to the other side of the couch to grab one on the cushions and gain as much distance as possible.

The tall figure smirked. "An unnecessary one, apparently. Since you did see one before."

If my body temperature could go any higher, I think it just did.

The entire living room felt hot and stuffy, and I was suddenly very aware of Xander's movements.

"" I fidgeted uncomfortably, shifting the cushion on my lap as I pulled my knees to my chin.

Uwa...t-this is so awkward!

"Guess I should take care of this, shouldn't I?" Xander sighed lowly.

For a moment, my gaze flitted towards the tent in his dark jeans—and it was probably my imagination, but it was bigger than before.

I looked away, nodding furiously and trying to avoid any form of eye contact with Xander.

Unfortunately for my poor heart, it was already too late.

Oh Lord

Why am I so sensitive?

I-It was just a glance!

And...and already...

Why do men have weird things between their legs???

I swallowed, knowing that it wouldn't be long before Xander finds out that he wasn't the only one now. Shifting to cross my legs, I felt extremely hot and uncomfortable—hoping that Xander would at least announce his trip to the bathroom soon.

Dear adorable cushion,

Please cover meee!

My hands gripped the strawberry pink material tightly, pushing it down on my thighs in attempt to hide the strange bump in my pants.

Calm down Chip!

You can do this,

Just stop thinking about the person beside you!

Don't think about Xander;

Don't think about Xander;

Don't think about Xander...


Oh no! I-It's...

The area between my legs felt increasingly warm and tight, as if something was being held back.

And still—between our seconds of silence, Xander had not bothered to make a sound.

I was beginning to panic.

"U-Um, know...aren't you...going to the-um, the bathroom?" I stammered incoherently, feeling my cheeks flood once again at the thought of, his...thing.

Xander raised an eyebrow, then proceeded to put on his signature smirk. "Not really. Actually—I was thinking of doing it here."

I could feel the blood in my cheeks drain the instant the words let his mouth.


"W-W-Wait what—Xander, that's...that's not nice! And...and who does that anyway?" My voice was too soft to be heard-already influenced by shock and panic. At this point, I wasn't surprised that I didn't even know what I was saying.

The tall figure merely shrugged.

"I do it all the time," Then he smirked, "whilst thinking about a certain someone who smells like strawberries and whipped cream."

The thought of Xander thinking about me made my head spin slightly-and for a moment, I wondered whether one could melt from the heat inside of them.

O-Of course, the blood didn't just flow to my cheeks and ears, it naturally decided that it was a good time to flow to lower regions!

Should I go to the bathroom then...?

B-But if I stand up-Xander would see it!

Oh nu...



It was obvious that my angel didn't know how to handle the situation. Judging from the blush on his cheeks and the fidgety stance, it didn't take me too long to realize that he probably felt it too.

We're guys after all—

The D wants what it wants.

Aaand that's where things will start to go wrong.

Chip's small fingers grasped onto the cover of the cushion, which I assumed he was using to cover his hard-on. He must be feeling so embarrassed right now.

He was biting his lip, seeming to be deep in thought as his eyes showed signs of distress.

And of course, his cheeks and the tips of his ears were coloured.

It was hard to control my urge to tease him; and yet I couldn't seem to let go of this golden opportunity—and so I simply stayed still, and kept silent, letting my last few words sink into his mind.

I figured that the most probable decision an embarrassed Chip would make would be to make a break for the bathroom, but that would mean that he would have to get up from the couch in the first place.

I know we're not together

And it's painful, yes

But I just fucking miss you so much,

Even when you're right here in front of me

I miss you so, so much.

"W-What are you going to do, then?" Chip piped up all of a sudden, small-voiced and shy.

I felt the need to be a little sarcastic and cocky here, so I went with "Well, we were supposed to be cuddling...but now I have a boner—so."

There was a pause as I made my point, letting it sink into my Angel's mind. Undoubtedly, it would take a pretty long time because Chip obviously wouldn't be able to get at what I was trying to hint.

"O-Oh! You want me, go home, right...?" He nodded sheepishly, and for a split second, I saw his gaze dart to the cushion covering his adorable hard-on. "Sure! Oh, b-but um...d-do you think I can—perhaps—use your bathroom...? For a while. I-I promise I won't be long!"

My angel finished his sentence with an overload of stumbled words and stammers, proving that he was more nervous than usual.

Granted, it was hard to say that it wasn't annoying to other people. I mean—Chip got pushed around for his manner of speech in high school. Jett's words likened to the sharp edges of a dagger proved that.

It was on a whim that I heard Kim, Chip's best friend in high school, tell me that people would go as far to say that he was 'kind of fake' and that he was 'too shy to be a guy'.

Like I said, hell's empty.

And all the devils are here

Out to destroy every single angel left.

Perhaps because;

Of a strange blind was

Love's hands over eyes—

And ears hear no lies—

That I have come to love;

All of this angel dove.

Chip began to rise from the couch, still hugging the cushion to his lower stomach.

I pretended to raise a brow. "You taking that to the bathroom with you?"

My angel flushed a deep colour, probably realizing that it was impossible to escape my sharp eyes. In a slow motion, he turned his back against me and placed the cushion back on the couch-

Then he made a break for it.

And of course-I wasn't going to let him get away with it so easily.


[A/N: HERE IT COMESSS le white stuff /.\ beware]


Before Chip could start sprinting towards the bathroom, I took hold of his arm to stop his momentum.

"Uwa!" The grip caused him to jerk backwards, falling back onto the couch with a slump. My angel's face paled and he glanced at me anxiously. "What are you—"

"Looks like someone's pretty sensitive," I smirked, gaze flitting to the small bump in Chip's pants to indicate my intentions.

The small frame blushed yet again, cheeks and ears heating up with a faint coral red. His fingers gripped at the edge of his oversized sweater, pulling it downwards in effort to hide the area between his inner thighs.

"D-Don't look!" He pleaded, embarrassed.

I shifted closer, reducing my smirk to a small smile.

"Hey, there's nothing to be embarrassed's part of nature," I made a joke, trying to make light of the situation.

Chip's lowered gaze rose slowly to meet mine. "R-Really? But...but it's weird isn't it? Just-just by looking..."

Now that I was closer, I could count the ridiculously long lashes that fanned above his blue orbs.

"No, not at all."

My voice was low, and I was practically whispering beside his ear.

What the fucksexual tension can you stop?

Why can't I look away from his eyes?

Shitit feels like I'm drowning.

It felt like...

We both were.


Perhaps it might be the fact that I couldn't control my urges any longer-or perhaps I couldn't seem to breathe underwater; but I made the first move, holding the back of his neck and bringing his lips to mine.

It felt as if I resurfaced, taking the first breath of air from a long time in deep waters.

Perhaps I ran out of breath.

Perhaps I felt like it was the right time to breathe.

Or perhaps I just wanted to feel the pleasure of sweet air-something we took for granted.

Chip didn't seem to be able to react at first, his lips simply stayed still for a moment. But as I ran my fingers through his hair and deepened the connection, I felt his frame shiver against mine and fuck it felt so good.

Unconsciously, my other arm snaked around his waist—pressing our bodies together in attempt to close whatever distance there was.

But even though there was no longer any distance between our chests;

His heart

Felt as if it was miles apart.

"Ha—" A soft sound slipped past my angel's lips when my hand at the small of his back slipped underneath his sweater.

"W-Wait," He broke the kiss, eyes slightly watery-wavering.

"K-Kiss me and leave me again like you did last time, I'll...I'll come after you with a rolling pin," My angel sobbed quietly, using the back of his hand to wipe his tears away.

I smiled sadly in return, caressing the side of his head and the soft skin of his lower back.

"No...No, I won't."


"U-Un—Xander, c-can we, um, perhaps...move to the room—" My angel's sentence was cut short by a gasp, and I could feel the tremble of his fingers resting on my shoulder blades.

He seemed affected by my trail of kisses along his neck, back arching slightly and pressing against my chest.

"Mm...why?" I replied, far too distracted to bother about forming an entire sentence.

Running my tongue on the edge of his ear, I received a soft mewl in return. "W-Wait, but! But Giselle's in the next room..."

"Then let's keep it down," I solved easily, smirking and running my hands along his bare sides at the same time in attempt to remove the piece of clothing in the way.

The tips of my angel's ears turned red.

"W-What but that's—"

I silenced his protests with a kiss, pressing his hips closer to the tent in my jeans.

His small hands gripped at the back of my shirt at the friction, and I could tell that he was panicking.

He remained untouched for all these years.

All...these years.

He belonged to me

I pulled back, yearning to see his expression.

Chip's eyes were slightly dazed, lips still slightly parted-as if numb from the kiss.

"You okay?" I whispered into his neck, taking in his scent.

He nodded vaguely, seeming to have some trouble with his speech as he panted softly.

"I won't go all the way, just..." I trailed off, hands arriving at the waistband on his pants, waiting for his approval.

Chip's eyes widened all of a sudden, and his hands darted to mine-stopping me from unzipping his pants. "E-Eh?"

"What's wrong?"

His gaze flitted everywhere but mine. "W-Well, you see—I...I don't think it's polite that um, that I'm the only one..." My angel's gaze lowered and his cheeks flushed in embarrassment.


He's thinking about me.

"Mm, guess you're right then," I agreed, hands moving from his waist to the zipper of my pants.

Chip looked relieved for a second, until he saw me unzip my jeans and the hard-on coming into full view. (A/N: Oh God oh Lord save me there's no turning back I am going to cupcake hell yay join me)

I saw him gulp, then blink furiously.

", i-i-it looks...different."

Well, I did grow.

An inch or two.

Or maybe three.

"Too big for you?" I laughed, planting a kiss on his forehead.

My angel blushed hard. "What's...What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing," I shrugged with a smirk, knowing that he got what I meant anyway, "So...what now?" I teased.

"We, um...we c-cuddle?" He laughed sheepishly, hands resting on my shoulders for support.

I looked into his smiling eyes, and saw the sky.

Clear skies that looked nothing

Like the storm in mine.

But that's what my angel was

My summer time;

My winter warmth;

My brilliant sun;

My hot crossed bun.

I laughed back, feeling the true stretch of my muscles that were tired from smiling fakes.

"Too late for that now."

Chip looked stunned for a moment, until he felt the tug on his pants—sliding them down to his mid thighs.

He made a movement to stop me, but then remembered that we were both in on this. "J-Just hands, okay?"

"Yes Angel," I said into his ear, pulling him closer.

He froze at the word, as if he hadn't heard it for a long time, then relaxed soon after.

"A-Any advice on what I should do...?" He asked helplessly, hands still on my shoulders.

"Mm...not really. Just leave it to me, yeah?" I comforted, marking the base of his neck.


Chip's breath stopped short when I took him in my hands, eyes scrunched shut. "A—"

I shifted so that our hips were close, producing a pleasurable friction when I jerked upwards.

Caressing him gently, I had my other hand on the back of his neck to pull him closer for a connection of our lips once again.

"Mhn—!" His hips bucked when my tongue slid past his lips, moving against me.

He's close?

That's kinda fast.

Not wanting to miss this opportunity, I slid my hand along his inner thigh, grazing and applying pressure on the sensitive spot I remembered from five years ago.

My angel let out a soft whimper.

You really never change.

"T-That's...un-unfair..." Chip protested quietly, trying to hold back his sounds of pleasure as his thighs trembled.

"I have my ways," I laughed huskily, voice slightly lower than usual. I brushed my thumb over his tip in a teasing manner, increasing his sweet pants.

Watching his blushed form and adorable expressions sent spikes of pleasure throughout my body-and I could feel myself getting harder.

"Haa—h-ha, I...I think...melting..." Soft words slipped out of Chip's lips, along with his uneven pants.

You used to say that too.

Bringing our members together with a single hand, I moved faster.

It was strange how it was an instinct for me to run the tip of my tongue along Chip's ear when he was close-because that was another of his sensitive spots.

But the strangest thing was—I haven't forgotten it.

Not that I remembered,

I just...didn't forget.

My angel's hip bucked once again, arching his back before he came with his hands covering his mouth, muffling the sounds he made.

"Aw," I smirked, voice rough, "I wanted to hear that."

It wasn't long before I turned to myself for attention, when I realized that Chip's small fingers were reaching down to help me.

Visibly, he had to put in more effort due to my length, relative to the size of his hand.

But it was enough to get me off.


I slumped against the couch, Angel's head resting on my chest as we panted in sync. "Thank you," I managed, surprised that he would help me at the last moment.

His ears coloured. "O-Okay."

I couldn't help but laugh at his embarrassment. "What do you mean by okay?"

"Oh, I's it's nothing," He repeated a word twice without noticing.

There was a pause as we tried to catch our breaths.

I recovered soon enough though, resisting the urge to ask: Can we do that again?

However, at that very thought, something happened.

The door to Giselle's bedroom clicked open a couple of centimetres wide.

We both froze.

There was a pause.

Then, something came rolling out from the small gap.

It rolled and rolled and rolled—

Till it hit the leg of the couch.

Durex Play Strawberry Lubricant

Chip and I stared at the bottle; equally shocked that the lube I bought at the store a few days ago with my angel was now at my feet.

Attached to it was a note.

It said:

Hurry up

I'm hungry


A/N: :'D Oh Lord I just wrote a whole chapter of tension and now I can't even X'D Please forgive me if I have become bad at this ;__; There wasn't much in the chapter, but I hope everyone took note of the increasing trust Xander and Chip are slowly building! ^^

After all, it takes so many years for trust to build-but a second to destroy.

And then by the time you want to rebuild it,

It's too late.


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