Rumi X Mute Boyfriend Reader

By Deotakukids

21.4K 614 57

You are a former villain that was caught and given a second chance if you helped some heroes take down other... More

Coming Home

Her Day Off

8.6K 264 28
By Deotakukids

No One's POV

It was early in the morning for (Y/N) to flutter his eyes open as he was lying in bed wearing some pajama pants and a t-shirt. He got up out of bed and went to walk away, but was stopped by Rumi grabbing his wrist, "Where are you going?" (Y/N) signed, "I'm going to make breakfast and-" Rumi interrupted him, "Noooo, I don't want breakfast. I want you to sleep in with me." "But breakfast is important." Rumi sat up a little, "It's my day off. So I get to choose what we do today, right?" (Y/N) sighed to smile as he got back into bed and laid down. Rumi smiled as she laid back down again to wrap her arms around (Y/N), entangled her legs with her lover's and rest her head in front of (Y/N). Rumi closed her eyes as she was still smiling. (Y/N) wrapped his arms around her to nuzzle his nose against Rumi's. Rumi giggled, "I love you too."

A few hours later Rumi was sitting on the couch watching T.V. as she was still wearing her pajamas. As she was watching T.V. she got bored to walk into (Y/N)'s office as he was on his computer. He noticed her to wave for Rumi to walk up to his desk, "Hey, what are ya up to?" (Y/N) signaled her to come around for her to walk around, sit in a chair, and see the screens of his two monitors, as he was doing some paperwork, "Is today very active?" (Y/N) put his hand in the air laying it flat to tilt it from side to side to signal, "Not really." A few minutes passed for one of the screens to flash red with an alert sign. Rumi watched as (Y/N) was shown current camera footage of a bank robbery and an apartment complex on fire as everyone on the top floor was trapped. The incidents were happening on opposite ends of the city for (Y/N) to find heroes nearby that could take out the fire quickly and be able to get the civilians out safely. He then watched the bank robbery camera to see a few of the villains' quirks. He alerted multiple villains who could counter the villains' quirks and sent them to the bank. The villains tried to get into the vault for (Y/N) to be gain access to the bank's system to enable it's emergency shut down keeping the vault locked until the bank's manager put in a certain pass code. The heroes were quick to arrive as they stopped the villains, extinguished the fire, and end it all with no casualties.

(Y/N) took a breathe of relief to look over and see Rumi looking at him as she had wonder in her eyes. (Y/N) became a little nervous as he signed, "What?" Rumi scooted closer to him with her chair, "I knew what you did as a job, but you did it so quick." "It's nothing. I just remember every hero that lives in the city or comes to visit. So that way I can send heroes that are the most qualified to handle a crime." "But you were so quick at it, and you did that hole hacking thing. You're amazing." (Y/N) rubbed the back of his neck as his face was becoming a little red. He smiled for him to sign with one hand, "Aw shucks. Your more amazing than me."

Later that day in the afternoon Rumi and (Y/N) were in a café as they were waiting in line. As they were waiting Rumi looked at (Y/N), "Do you know what you wanna get?" (Y/N) nodded to sign to her what he wanted for the hero to nod, "Got it." The two walked up for Rumi to give their order to the employee, for the two to wait a while until they got their order. Rumi got a caramel frappuccino with a slice of carrot cake, as (Y/N) got a strawberry acai juice, with coconut milk, and strawberries with a slice of blueberry cobbler. The two sat down at a small booth as they enjoyed their sweets and beverages. Rumi took a bite of her carrot cake, "Mmm, this is pretty good. How's your cobbler honey?" (Y/N), who was sitting on Rumi's right, gave a thumbs up to ask how her how her cake was. Rumi shrugged a little, "It's good, but yours is better." (Y/N) blushed a little for Rumi to hold (Y/N)'s hand.

Rumi then looked around as her ears perked up as she listened to two guys' conversation, "That's her man, Miruko." One of the  guys quickly looked at the two, "Wait is that her boyfriend?" "I think so. I don't know how a loser bagged a dime like her. I bet that I can walk out of this place with her in less than ten minutes." Rumi's eyebrows furrowed as she looked at (Y/N) as his ears were also perked up. She was surprised though as his face was even more red than before, for Rumi to hear two women, who were sitting close to them, talking, "You're right. That wolf guy is pretty cute. I wonder why he's with a woman with so much muscle." The other woman was stirring her drink around, "I bet he would prefer a more girly girl over muscle. I bet I can walk out with the cute wolf in just a few minutes."

Rumi looked irritated for her to feel (Y/N)'s hand on her left cheek to make her turn her face to him as he connected their lips in a passionate kiss. Rumi kissed back for (Y/N) to pull away after a few seconds as he smiled at her to sign, "I love you." Rumi's heart skipped a beat to wrap her right arm around (Y/N)'s left arm as she rested her head on his shoulder. The two men looked defeated as the two women looked scared since Rumi stared daggers at them. 

After a while Rumi and (Y/N) finished their treats to begin walking on the sidewalk. As they were walking Rumi whispered into (Y/N)'s ear for the man's face to become entirely red for Rumi to just smile as she backed away from his ear, "Wanna try it?" (Y/N) scratched his cheek, "I would love to, but..." Rumi raised an eyebrow, "But what?" "Well, the landlord told me that one of the neighbors filed a noise complaint." "Why?" "Uhm, well... It's because you're to loud, at night." Rumi's face became red for to look at the ground in embarrassment. She then looked at (Y/N) again, "We could go to a love hotel." The two did not go home for a while.

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