Coming Home

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No One's POV

Rumi was on duty as she was patrolling the streets. She looked a little tired and bored as she walked on a sidewalk. When her shift was over she went to her hero company to clock out and then change from her hero outfit to her normal clothes. It was a little cold outside so she was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a unzipped jacket over it. She was walking out of the building to be stopped by male hero, as he was taller and stronger than her, "Hey Mirko." Rumi let out an annoyed sigh as she looked up at him, "What do you want?" "I was just seeing when you're free on Friday?" "Excuse me?" "When do you want me to take you out on Friday?" "I'm already in a relationship." "Look I've seen the guy and I know that you want a real man." "And what makes you a real man?" "Well I'm strong and tall for one. Plus I'm a hero." Rumi stared at him for a while to kick him in the crotch. The man fell to his knees while holding his crotch for Rumi to look down at him, "Hmm. You don't seem so tall to me."

Rumi started walking home for her to run into some fans, so she took pictures with them and took some autographs. She made it home to take the elevator up to her large apartment. She unlocked her door to walk in to be met a brightly lit room, as nearly all of the lights were on. She took her shoes off and walked into the apartment into the living room to be hugged from behind as she remembered this familiar embrace, "I'm glad to see you too (Y/N)." Rumi leaned into (Y/N) as she let out a tired sigh, "It was really boring at work today." Rumi looked up at (Y/N) as he was looking at her a little confused for Miruko to avoid eye contact, "Yeah that is a good thing, but at least chasing a purse snatcher would of been nice." Rumi then smelled what (Y/N) was cooking, "Mmm, what smells so good?" (Y/N) smiled for him to point to the kitchen as the oven was on for Rumi to smile, "Dinner." (Y/N) then took Rumi's hand to lead her to the bathroom for Rumi's ears to perk up as her eyes brightened, "A bubble bath!" She put her hand in the water to give a satisfied hum, "Still hot." She looked at her boyfriend, "Thank you hun." (Y/N) smiled as he signed to Rumi, "You're welcome. I'll let you be so that you can get in the bath." Rumi started taking off her shirt to stop before it showed her bra showing her washboard abs, "Or you could stay and join me~."

(Y/N)'s face became red as he quickly signed, "I have to finish dinner." He then quickly left for Rumi to close the door and begin taking off her clothes. When she was naked she got into the bath to hold up a handful of bubbles to smile, "I love him so much." Meanwhile (Y/N) was in the kitchen finishing up dinner. He was 5'10 tall, had short (H/C) hair along with wolf ears and a tail to match his hair color. He had (E/C) eyes, and (S/C) skin. He took his time to make two plates of food and set them on the table for Rumi to walk out of their room as she was finishing drying her hair. When she saw dinner ready her stomach to nearly rumble as her mouth drooled. She sat at the table as she picked up her chopsticks, "It looks so good." (Y/N) sat down as Rumi took her first bite, "It's as good as it tastes." (Y/N) simply smiled for Rumi to get up and mov her chair next to (Y/N). The two ate together in silence for Rumi to finish first.

When she was done she looked at (Y/N)'s plate to see some food. She tried to sneak a piece of food for her lover to block her chopsticks with his. The two started a chopsticks duel for (Y/N) to end up breaking Rumi's chopsticks making him gloat a little bit. Rumi pouted at him a little for (Y/N) to grab a piece of food and raise in front of Rumi with his hand under it. He opened his mouth to mouth, "Ahhh." Rumi opened her mouth to accept the bite of food that her boyfriend had given her, "Thank you hun." After dinner the two watched T.V. on the couch for (Y/N) to notice Rumi glancing at him every now and again. (Y/N) scooted next to Rumi to put his hand behind her back to scratch it a little bit. Rumi quickly raised her shirt a little bit to let (Y/N)'s hand inside letting him give her a back scratch. Rumi felt at ease as she enjoyed the scratches that she was receiving. A nice shiver went down her spine whenever he scratched near her sides or neck. This went on for a while until Rumi looked back at (Y/N) to pat her lap. Her boyfriend stopped giving her a back scratch to lie down and lay his head on Rumi's lap.

Rumi started running her fingers through (Y/N)'s hair to soon begin rubbing his ears. She saw (Y/N)'s tail going up and down as he had a smile on his face. After awhile it was the time that they usually went to bed, so the two got ready for bed as they changed into their pajamas. When they got in bed however (Y/N) was surprised by Rumi sitting in his lap, "I still have a lot of energy today." She leaned down to have their faces being close to each other, "Will you help me get rid of that energy?" (Y/N) simply nodded for Rumi to smirk as she leaned further down to give him a deep and passionate kiss. The two did not sleep much that night.

Rumi X Mute Boyfriend ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora