> Promises < K.J

By a_vegetable

7.5K 87 67

"If you need to leave or need support, I won't be more than a feet away from you." He promised me. This was a... More

> Introduction <
> "Erm, I love you too?" <
> "Look over here for me!" <
> "Over some stupid boy!" <
> "Karl Jacobs?" >
> "You stream?" <
> "Welcome to another Banter episode!" <
> "Restart?" <
> "Patches!" <
> Speechless <
> Adventure <
> What was I going to do? <
> HOME? <
> Oh, How you Make me So Confused <
> Dumbass <
> I Miss You <
> Heartbreak <
> Surprise! <
> Friends <
> Why? <
> I Love You <
> My Forever <
> "I Pinky Promise" <

> "Luke?" <

314 4 2
By a_vegetable

"And I keep my side of the street clean
You wouldn't know what I mean"
Karma - Taylor Swift


I looked through my closet to pick out my outfit for the day. When I came back to North Carolina, I didn't pack much. I rummaged through everything I left behind when I first moved to LA. Most of these don't even fit anymore or they're just way out of style.

I settled on a nice cardigan with some baggier jeans. I had cute little bunny socks on to match my excitement. Mrbeast videos were always so high in production value.


I nervously waited around for me Uber, I picked at my cuticles. I pretended to look busy on the Lock Screen of my phone and read every sign around me.

The realization of Luke not being with me in North Carolina hit hard while waiting for this Uber to arrive. He should've been here with me to see my parents, visit our favorite places, and come see the place we grew up in together. I wiped the tears I didn't realize had on my face, careful not to smudge my makeup. I opened up the camera app to show my eyes all puffy. Not again, I got places to be. This breakup will be the hardest for me to deal with, it's like I'm picking up my heart piece by piece again. So many years down the drain.

Your Uber is arriving now.

The notification scared me, "Holy fuck."

I looked around to see a tiny white car pull up, "Uber for Y/N?"

I nod, waiting for him to unlock the door.


I put in one side of my AirPods on to distract myself from all my worries. The breakup, what my life is going to become, is this my career path? I looked out the window as we pulled up to a big warehouse. What the fuck, this looks like a hostage situation.

I thanked the driver before walking up to the metal door as instructed. I knocked on it a few times for good measure as someone opened it for me.

"Oh my god! Y/N, I'm such a big fan!" The person squealed, "Come in, Jimmy should be on side A."

I returned her a smile before making my way over, totally not getting lost..


"What the fuck is this?"

"Nope. That is a bathroom."



"You're not Jimmy."

"This is a whole ass kitchen?!"


"You're on side B.."




I finally made it to the side labeled, "A." I poked my head inside and looked around, "Hello?"

Not a person in sight, "Is this how I'm going to die?"

"Y/N!" Someone ran up to me from behind, hugging me.

I let out a little, oof, sound as his chest made contact with my back. I recognized the voice almost immediately, "Hi Karl!"

"Karl, let go of one of our contestants and guest." Jimmy smiled.

He let go of me and went to stand next to him. Hands locked together, bouncing on his toes.

"You ready for the challenge today?" Jimmy asked me, motioning for me to follow him.

"Not really, stuck in solitary confinement for 50 hours with Karl is going to be.. real difficult." I said, jokingly.

Karl huffed.

"If it helps, I forgot to mention that you're going against Kris and her teammate that she picked off the street." Jimmy shrugged.

"Oo, I'm really competitive." I rubbed my hands together, "Let's beat their ass."

"We're so going to win." Karl yelled out in excitement.

Jimmy checked his phone, "Kris just picked out her teammate, let's meet them at the front to start the introduction."

We walked across the warehouse as I listened to Karl talk excitedly about everything he had planned. Dropping in things here and there about his personal content creation career.

"We're rolling in like 3 seconds, you and Karl to my right." Jimmy motioned for us to move closer.

Me and Karl waddled closer to the camera before we fully looked at Kris and her teammate. They stood on Jimmy's left, Kris's teammate stood next me. My eyes widened in horror. Why here? Why was I standing right next to him.

Karl nudged me, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied.

Karl looked over before frowning, "Switch with me." He whispered.


"Switch sides." He whispered louder as he grabbed my hand to take my place.

I tilted my head, "Why'd you do that?"

He simply smiled before looking back to the camera.


Jimmy had finished up his introduction and made his way over to show off the rooms.

The contestants (us), lagged behind. Kris's teammate turned to us, "Y/N, look." He stuttered.

I tried my best to ignore him.

"Listen I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it." He swallowed, "Please. Can we talk this out?"

I rubbed my arms, I felt like crying again. He came running back to me months later, I haven't completely gotten over him but I've learned how to cope.

"Holy shit bro, she doesn't want to talk to you." Karl rolled his eyes before leading me ahead, "Get a grip."

Luke snarled, "The fuck are you talking to me like that? Do you know who I am?"

"Yeah, yeah, you lost your job after a scandal." Karl hid a smile.

Luke tried objecting, "Motherfu-"

I pulled Karl away by the hand and went to stand next to Jimmy again.

"You shouldn't have done that, he can ruin your career in like two hours." I sighed, making sure he was okay.

"What's he going to do? People believing the cheater?" Karl huffed, "Like when dream cheated in that speedrun-"

My lips softened into a smile, "Nerd."

Karl giggled, "Whatever."


"The challenge has officially begun!" Jimmy yelled out so both confinement cells could hear his voice.

I pointed my feet to show off my socks to the camera. "No free foot pics." I whispered to Karl.

Karl fell back onto the uncomfortable bed, laughing.

I leaned against the bars of our doorframe, "This is literally hell."

Karl shrugged, "It's prison and also a mr beast video." Karl whispered that last part.

I barked out a laugh and surprisingly, Jimmy heard the last part of that sentence as well.

"Karl, because of that sentence, bring in the handcuffs."

Karl snickered, "Handcuffed with Y/N isn't going to be bad."

I groaned, "Is this his punishment or mines?"

"Nope, you're going to be handcuffed with Luke." Jimmy escorted Luke over to our cell.

"There's so no fucking shot." He cursed under his breath.

"Y/N, you're going to be moving in with Kris!" He guided me to another cell, only 6 feet away.

I could hear Karl's groans of annoyance and tiny shut up's.

"I want to tap out." Karl whined.

"Karl, I'm super competitive. I will never forgive you if you tap out now." I stuck my arms in between the bars.


The night rolled around, I took the top bunk as Kris took the bottom.

Me and Kris were kept up with the groans and "stop touching me".

"Oh my god, just shut up." Kris put her thin pillow to her face.

"No!" Luke and Karl yell in sync.

I roll my eyes.

I rolled away to drown out the noise and attempted to sleep.


Hello! :D

I just realized how similar this plot is to my other story, like weird ass ex and stuff. This was previously called "Rebound" so obviously the plot went around that BUT I have a better idea for the title of this story now. Stay with me, I PROMISE there's a good ending.. I hope?

Much love! Have a good day! :)

~ 🥕

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