sh; it started with a cigaret...

By NeighborhoodSpook

5.6K 188 84

She hated him. He hated her. And that was alright in their world until one night. Everything changed then, co... More

season 1|fifteen days.
i|are you even old enough for this movie?
ii|irresistible force paradox.
iii|what happened to will byers?
iv|the freak.
vi|not so bad when you're hungover.
vii|the body.
viii|the encounter.
ix|too close.
x|welcome to the circus.
xi|everything takes time.
season 2|summer of '83
xii|happy f*cking halloween
xiv|happy f*cking halloween pt.2
xv|put that thing away.
xvi|i don't need your protection.
xvii|the pollywog.
xix|two-man army.
xx|steve f*cking harrington.
xxi|the world's best babysitters.
xxii|don't let go.
season 3|the past has a way of haunting us.
xxiii|a ghost?
xxiv|an old friend.
xxv|i miss your face like hell.
xxvi|try again.

xviii|steve harrington, dumbass.

232 7 3
By NeighborhoodSpook

» Say, by John Mayer «
0:00 ─〇───── 3:50
⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻

"𝒾𝓉𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝒶𝓎 𝓉𝑜𝑜 𝓂𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝑜 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓈𝒶𝓎 𝓌𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝓈𝒶𝓎"


This concoction of meat smells foul. Steve and I spent the majority of the past three hours buying out entire aisles of meat products at the local supermarket. As we mix the meat into two buckets, I make an effort to say as little as possible and never look at him. I'm unsure if it's shame, regret, or something else that sends me into a whirlpool of emotions when he's around. 

It was just one night. One meaningless drunk night... right? 

I can still feel the way his arm was draped around me the next morning--the warmth and security it provided.

I keep the clothes neatly folded in a stack on top of my dresser. I wrestle with figuring out if I keep them because I'm scared to talk to him long enough to give them back, or because I don't want to give them back at all. 

"They'll meet us at the junkyard," Dustin says to Steve. I haven't been listening to their plan, too wrapped up in my own thoughts. I silently set the bucket of meat off to the side and pull on some yellow rubber gloves. "Y/N, what's wrong?" 

I snap my head up when my brother speaks my name. "What?" I ask blankly. It takes all of my willpower not to look at Steve, as he's closing the car trunk next to me. The faint smell of his cologne drifts my way in the breeze. Goddammit. 

"What do you mean, what? You haven't said a single sarcastic comment in, like... forever. Who are you? What did you do to my sister?" Dustin speaks. 

"I'm just tired, Dustin," I mumble. "we've been up all night," 

"Ah! Did you hear that?" Dustin barks at Steve, pointing an accusatory finger at me. "She called me Dustin. She doesn't call me that," 

"That's your name," Steve reminds him, but Dustin is insistent. "What does she usually call you then?" 

"Dummy, Dusty, D-Man, Don't-Do-That, Stop-It, Pain-In-The-Ass," Dustin rambles on. 

"That last one's my favorite." I deapan, beginning to walk down the trail with my bucket. The boys are quick to follow. I don't say a word, just counting how the number of planks on the track and doing my best to only step on every other one. It's how I keep myself entertained while the boys have "girl talk". 

"Now, let me get this straight," Steve starts, tossing a chunk of meat on the ground. "you kept something you knew was probably dangerous in order to impress a girl who you just met?" 

I snort a bit, looking over my shoulder. Steve has a point. This whole thing is a little ridiculous. But, that's our lives now. Pure ridiculousness. 

"That's grossly oversimplifying things," Dustin rebutes. 

"I mean, why would a girl like some nasty slug anyways?" Steve continues. 

I nod in agreement. 

"An interdimensional slug," Dustin corrects. "Because it's awesome!" 

"Well, even if she thought it was cool, which she didn't, I just... I feel like you're trying too hard," Steve offers. I can't help but stop and pay attention now. I wait for the boys to catch up to me, then walk beside Steve. 

"Not everyone can have your perfect hair, Steve," Dustin complains. 

"It's not about the hair, man," Steve argues. 

"Really? You don't have any other redeeming qualities," I tease. 

Steve looks at me, unamused. "You shut," he speaks. I roll my eyes. "The key with girls is just... pretending you don't care," 

"Even if you do?" Dustin encourages. 

"Exactly, drives them nuts," 

"Hold on a damn second!" I say, throwing my hands up in the air. "Don't ruin my brother's love life before it's even started. What kind of stupid advice is that?" 

"Hey, I'm just telling him how I do it," Steve defends. 

"Oh, and how's that working out for you?" I say sarcastically. 

"Wait... so then what?" Dustin urges. 

"Oh my God, are you actually listening to him?" I scold. 

They ignore me. "You just wait until... you feel it," 

"Feel what?" 

"It's like it's before it's gonna storm, y'know? You can't see it, but you can feel it, like an electricity," Steve describes. My face flushes hot and pink. I take measures to make sure Steve doesn't catch a glimpse of it. 

"So that's when you kiss her?" Dustin says excitedly. 

"Woah, okay. I've heard enough of this," I announce, getting in between the boys. I separate them and begin to rewire all of the absolute garbage Steve has just spewed to Dustin. "Dusty, the key with girls, or people in general, is they aren't all the same," I start. "I might like something you don't, or enjoy something you hate," 

"You mean like the Footloose thing?" Dustin perks up. 

I nod. "Kind of like that, yeah," 

"The Footloose thing?" Steve parrots. 

"She's obsessed with that movie. I hate it," Dustin explains. 

"But he watches it with me anyway because he loves me. The same way I listen to his science ramblings when I have absolutely no interest whatsoever," 


"That's the thing about caring about someone, though. You do things not always because you enjoy them, but because you want to see the people you love smile. So, my advice for girls? Find out what they like. Get to know her. Then, see where it goes from there," 

"Sounds time-consuming," Dustin appoints. 

I nod. "Absolutely, but if she's worth it to you, you'll put in the effort," I tell my little brother. I look to Steve. "you are a horrible influence." 

Steve shrugs and chuckles. "Just whatever you do, don't fall in love with her," 


"She'll break your heart, and you're way too young for that shit." 

Now that, I can kind of agree on. I'm not even in love, and my heart hurts pretty fucking bad at the moment. All over a single night, that I can barely remember. 

The nagging need to know how much Steve remembers from that night eats away at me. I know there will never be a time when it won't be awkward to ask. 

It shouldn't matter, because it will never happen again. He's loud, rude, and spoiled. He spends way too much time on his hair and probably hasn't passed a math class since fifth grade. He thinks the world will show up for him just because he's rich and that hard work doesn't mean a thing when you can buy into anything you want. 

Steve Harrington and I have a love-hate friendship forged by extending circumstances, and nothing more.  


"I said medium well!" Lucas calls from on top of the hill as I pour out the remainder of the meat sludge onto the junkyard floor. 

I look up at him and laugh, waving for him to come down and join us. There's a girl with him, an obviously reluctant and unamused redhead in a turquoise sweater. 

"Who is that?" Steve asks. 

"Lucas and..." I trail off, looking at Dustin for answers. Dustin just stares, with a pained look on his face. My brows furrow. 

I help Max collect materials for what feels like hours. She's a sweet girl, easy to talk to. I find her very mature for her age. 

"So, did you just move here?" I make conversation. 

"Yeah, from California, just this summer. My mom got married to some dude, and we moved out here," Max informs me. 

I nod. "Do you like him? Your stepdad, I mean," 

She frowns. "He's okay. His son's an ass, though. I think he's your age, actually," 

"Really?" I respond, tugging on a metal chair in the rubbage pile. "What's his name?" 

"Billy," she answers plainly. 

I choke on my tongue, sending myself into a small coughing fit. 

"Are you okay?" Max asks worriedly. 

"Yeah, I'm good," I chokwheeze. My eyes burn, and my lungs hurt. 

"Hey, dickheads! How come the only ones helping me are Y/N and this random girl?" Steve shouts at Lucas and Dustin. 

Max laughs. I smile a bit. Steve chases the boys from behind a rusty beater car. As his eyes watch them skitter our way, he scolds them for making us do all the work. Lucas and Dustin promptly join us in our venture through garbage piles. 

I wander off, waving at Steve to follow me. We move out of earshot of the others. 

"Max is Billy's sister," I spew out. 

Steve gives me a confused look, pointing at Max. "The redhead?" 

I nod. 

"Her name is Max?" 

"Jesus, Steve, that's what you're focusing on right now?" 

"Sorry," he shrugs. 

"You don't think he'll cause a problem if he finds out she's with me, do you?" I ask nervously. It's not my safety I'm worried about. I worry about the kids' safety, always. I'm concerned for Max. I can't believe she has to live with that jackass. Billy and I clearly have some sort of beef going on, and I'd hate for Max to get caught in the middle. 

"Hey, don't worry, you've got me. You know I'll back you up," Steve tells me quietly, reaching out to squeeze my shoulder. I pull back and walk away before we connect. 

Max is watching Lucas and Dustin sword-fight each other with random scraps of metal they found in the junkyard. It's not me I'm worried about. 


The sun set an hour ago, but no sign of Dart. Steve flicks his lighter on and off with his right hand. I watch him, remembering how we set fire to the Demogorgon a year ago. So much has changed since then. 

"Dustin's got it bad for that girl," Steve whispers to me. My eyes move to Dustin, who sits quietly in a bus seat, arms folded as he stares at Max and Lucas. 

"Yeah. If he uses that advice of yours, he's doomed," I remark teasingly. 

"Pfft, no way. I'm fantastic with women," Steve counters. 

"You better be joking," I cackle. 

"You are so mean," Steve laughs, shaking his head. 

"It's my redeeming quality," I grin. 

He smiles at me, eyes soft. "Yeah, I guess it is..." 

Sensing the tension in the air, I try to lighten the mood. "Man, I wish this stupid thing would hurry up. It's cold as shit out here, and I could use some food," 

"You want my jacket?" Steve offers, tugging on his gray coat collar. 

I shake my head, maybe a little too quickly. 

"Yeah, you do," Steve argues, moving to slip the jacket off. 

"Steve, seriously, no. It's fine," I insist. He isn't having any of it, though, removing the article of clothing and draping it over my shoulders. 

"Quit being so stubborn for just one second, would ya?" Steve remarks. "And once we're done monster hunting, how about dinner?" 

Butterflies fill my stomach. My breath catches in my throat. The only way I know how to deflect emotion is with humor. "Steve Harrington, are you asking me on a date?" I joke. 

"Absolutely not," he shakes his head, flicking his lighter open and turning it on. The orange flame illuminates his handsome features in warm light. "I don't date superheroes,"

We share a quiet fit of laughter. I feel much warmer now, but I'm not sure it's because of the jacket. 

"So... you really fought one of these things before?" Max asks me. I turn to her and nod. 

"She didn't just fight one. She kicked its ass," Steve chuckles. 

"You're, like, totally sure it wasn't a bear?" Max presses. 

I give her a funny look. "I hit it in the face with a table, and it barely flinched," I deadpan. "I'm pretty sure it wasn't a bear." 

I wonder if when Lucas told her about everything, that he also told her about Eleven and me. Does Max have any idea about my powers? In her skepticism, does she even believe it? 

"Shit, don't be an idiot. Of course, it wasn't a bear," Dustin says harshly. "why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home." 

I roll my eyes, about to tell Dustin that there's no way in hell I'm letting her walk home alone at night with the Demogorgon running loose. 

"Geesh, someone's cranky," Max snarks, making her way to the ladder to the roof. "past your bedtime?" Max climbs up the ladder and disappears through the opening in the roof. 

"That's good, just show her you don't care," Steve encourages. I elbow him in the ribs lightly. 

"I don't," Dustin mumbles. "Why are you winking, Steve? Stop." 

I look over to see Steve winking at Dustin. I scoff. I think he's earned himself a new nickname.

Steve Harrington, Dumbass

I almost like that one better. 

A piercing screech shatters the atmosphere, sucking all the oxygen out of the air like a roaring flame. I flinch, instinctively clutching onto Dustin and Steve's arms. I'm the first to stand up and check the window, my brother and Steve on either side of me. 

"Do you see him?" Dustin asks. 

"No," Steve answers. 

"Lucas, what's going on up there?" I shout upwards. 

"Hold on!" Lucas shouts back. "I've got eyes! Ten o'clock!" 

Steve points Dart out in the foggy rubble of the junkyard. 

"What's he doing?" I wonder aloud. 

"I don't know," Steve says. 

Low chittering emits from Dart as he sniffs the bait, turning his nose up at it. 

"Why isn't he taking the bait?" Steve says. 

"Maybe he's not hungry?" Dustin offers. 

"Or he's just sick of cow," Steve adds, moving away from the window. I follow him with my eyes, watching him grab his bat from one of the seats. 

"Steve?" Dustin asks. 

"Steve, what are you doing?" I begin to panic. Steve moves towards the door, beginning to remove the board we had used to keep it blocked off. "Steve, what the fuck are you doing?" I follow him.

I can't let him go out there. Dart could rip him to shreds in an instant. His parents would find a way to blame us and we'd be doomed for life. For the sake of keeping myself out of the Harrington's bad graces--I rationalize--I can't let him leave. The board is thrown from Steve's hands, slamming back into place. My ears ring, and my hands burn. Steve swivels to face me. 

"Let me out," he instructs sternly. 

"No," I inflect. "you're going to get yourself killed," 

"I'll be fine, Y/N. Let me out," 

"Not unless you let me go with you," I argue. 

"Are you crazy? That's not happening," Steve snaps, trying to move the board again. 

"We're talking about interdimensional, behemoth monsters that eat bullets like raisins. You're going to need me," 

"Then help me from in here, where it's safe," Steve pleads, staring longingly at me. I relent, releasing my hold on the board. Steve creeps closer to the door, and I follow him, gripping the sleeve of his shirt. 

"Hey, don't die. I still gotta give you your stuff back." I tell him to lighten the mood. 

He smiles up at me from outside the bus. "You have my word, Supergirl." 

I reach up and pull down the lever to close the door between Steve and me. I go back to the windows, watching him closely. I'm ready to jump out and save his stupid ass at a moment's notice. 

"Come here, buddy," Steve whistles to Dart in the darkness. 

"What's he doing?" Max asks frantically, climbing down the window. 

"Being stupid," I say quickly. 

"Expanding the menu," Dustin adds. 

Steve plants his feet and swings the bat back and forth. "Human tastes better than cat, I promise," he tells the small Demogorgon. 

"He's insane," Max exasperates. 

"He's awesome," Dustin beams. 

I get a strange tingling sensation up my spine. Following my gut instincts, I scan the area. I spot two more Demogorgons, sneaking up behind Steve. 

"He's going to get himself killed," I say fearfully. 

"Steve, watch out!" Lucas warns from above. 

"Little busy here!" he tells Lucas.

"Three o'clock!" Lucas screams. 

One of the Demogorgons is right behind Steve now. I swing into action, with no regard for my safety. I open the bus door and sprint out. I bolt towards Steve as fast as my legs will allow. 

My booted feet pound against the frozen dead grass beneath them, alerting Steve and the monsters of my presence. "What the hell are you doing out here?" Steve shouts. 

"Saving your ass," I retort, throwing a Demogorgon back just as it lunges at us. "run!" 

Another throws itself at Steve, and he dodges it, rolling over an abandoned car and landing a hard swing into its face. 

I grab onto his wrist, pulling him towards the bus. We race to our only sliver of safety, bulldozing into the doorway. I push Steve into the door hard, causing us to fall on top of one another on the dirty bus floor. Dustin closes the door behind us. 

The creatures are close behind, slamming their bodies into the thin glass of the door. I scramble to get off of Steve and lift my hands. The board settles itself sturdily against the door. The monsters slam against it. I can feel the force of their bodies against my wrists, causing an excruciating amount of pain. 

"I can't hold them back for long," I tell the group. My hands tremble, and my hold on the board loosens. 

A clawed arm bursts through the metal, grabbing at the air hungrily. The bus shakes violently. Steve beats the arm with his bat, and I take a panicking Max to the back of the bus to hide her. My body is weak and drained, but I still hold her in my arms and shield her from having to look at the beasts. 

"Is anyone there? Mike! Will! God! Anyone!" Dustin screams into his walkie. 

Something tells me even God can't save us now. 

"We're at the old junkyard, and we're going to die!" Dustin continues. 

Suddenly, everything goes quiet. The shaking stops, and our screams cease. The monsters make no noise. Max and I poke our heads up, checking the coast is clear before standing. 

A thud comes from the roof, accompanied by a large dent in the shape of a footprint. I push Max behind me, us being the only two at the back end of the bus. The prints trail along the length of the bus until a Demogorgon pokes its head through the opening. Max lets out an inhuman, blood-curdling scream. 

I will my body to run, or my mind to fight, but I can't manage anything. I'm exhausted, blood pouring out my nose and dripping off my chin. My body aches with intolerable pain. 

"Out of the way!" Steve demands, pushing Max and me away. "You want some!?" he screeches at the monster. 

The creature's face opens up, roaring. Chirps from the other two monsters take it's attention off of us, however, and it promptly dashes away with a final shout. 

As the beasts run off into the night, we are left to question what just happened. Steve and I step off the bus. The kids watch us from inside.

"Did Steve scare them off?" Lucas questions. 

"No," Steve says. "they're going somewhere," 

I feel compelled to crouch down and rub the rough blades of grass between my fingers. At this moment, I come to a revelation; as if someone is whispering it to me in the far corners of my mind. "They're going home." 

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