Big Time Big brother season 2

By RedSnow1997

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Same but next season More

We're back but now we're got a lot of work to catch up on
Don't make promises you can't keep
I won't let you hurt him
And we're live in 5.... 4.... 3.... 2....
I'll be my new self tonight
Dating for publicity
Leave me out of it!
Home for the holidays
Hello my name is Swag
You're not invisible you're beautiful
Big brothers at their best
Griffin's beach house
Oh, yeah
Stupid reality shows
Cats vs dogs
Going green
We love you moms
It's prom again
I promise I'll talk to you everyday while I'm gone
That's not why I love you I'm falling fast
We're all having a rough time
We've got a wedding to crash
Lucy Stone
We're going on strike
Now is our chance to bond a little
Hey we worked hard for that!
We all have secrets
Ah good times

No fight is worth losing each other

4 0 0
By RedSnow1997

For now everything was calm we were all having fun it made me feel better that my brother knew my secret after signing a piece of paper that said he was allowed to. And the interview for our sec album went great. Nothing too terrible had happened but for what it's worth I didn't like her leaving us in suspense. Bur now we were all playing a video game having fun once again. Something about lasers I think. But then Ken upset with Carlos about blowing up his ammo and Carlos and Kendall were arguing over his controller and Logan was upset with James about betraying him. They were getting all worked up over a game. Was something else happening that I didn't know about? What was wrong? Normally that's the case. Why were they getting so worked up over a video game? Which is what I asked them. But I kind of went ignored but not to be mean I knew my boys better than that. Logan was upset he was too slow but James said he was trying to watch his back. Lately what was happening was the boys had been fighting like every 5 mins it seemed like.

All the fighting would make me upset but instead of crying well in front of them I'd wait till during the night to cry but in front of them I just push the button and torture them for a good 10 mins. The more times they fight I had another 5 mins. But I didn't think this time it was helping. When it seems they're about to start fighting I go across the hall and hang out with Jason and we talk to Jack. Please stop! Kendall starts as the other 3 all stop fighting and Kendall says exactly what I'd been thinking. How they've been fighting more and that they couldn't stop fighting every 5 mins around each other. And it makes Farrah very upset. She just shows it in different ways. Part of this consisted of Carlos sitting down next to James to eat cereal out if his helmet and James flipping it and making mess. And then there was Carlos closing Logan's computer on his hands. The two of them attacking James as he combed his hair and each of these times resulting in me cutting in some fashion. Well I can't live like this anymore I'm moving out James exclaimed!

James had a suitcase already packed and ready to go. Logan said he was way ahead of him and also pulled out a suitcase. Kendall and I wanted to know about these already packed suitcases. How long had they been playing this? Did they see this coming a long time ago? Why had they been fighting all these times over nothing to begin with? Why did James hit Carlos's helmet and make his food go flying? Why did Carlos slam Logan's computer on his hands? Why did they attack James for combing his hair? Even Carlos had one ready to go. The 3 of them were ready to head ou. When they started arguing over who was moving out first Kendall and I got in front of them. Scoop them up. He turned to me. Ok. I *sighed* as he hadn't caused any problems yet. And I did as he asked. I was so sick of this. Listen no one is going anywhere no one is moving out we've all been best friends literally forever. And we are all capable of spending 5 mins together without fighting and without needing to otherwise be punished. Please if for no other reason than for Farrah. He wraps an arm around me. The only time we haven't been fighting is when we're laughing too hard to be fighting.

They all agreed that he was right and they tried.... For 9 secs. Before they were all moving out saying they hated each other. While I sat on the bright orange couch elbows on my knees head in my hands. The 3 of them went to the front desk to tell Mr. Bitters they were moving out and he pushed a button that set off balloons and he blew a party horn but he was upset he meant not out of the Palm Woods but that they wanted their own apartments. He said he needed a security deposit first and last months rent a key fee a parking fee a fee fee for a total of about $7,000 each. So they all said they were out of there and didn't want to talk to each other. And then someone moved out and put their key on the desk and James grabbed it. Inside 2J Kendall and I were busy cleaning up when mom and Katie walked in and the apartment was complete and total mess. Mom was upset they were fighting again and sometime between when the boys left arguing and Kendall and I were cleaning up I'd run off to my room closing it and locking it behind me. While I laid on my bed and silently cried. Kendall promised we'd all be fine. Oh yeah where's your sister? Let me see.... He put a finger to his chin. Feeling as his heart sank knowing I felt sad. Then licked his finger and put it in the air. My guess is that she's in her room crying.

And you're not gonna go talk to her? Katie asked him. There's nothing I can do for her. Nothing she did worked. When she's not punishing us for or misbehavior she's across the hall at Jason's and otherwise she's in her room crying but never in front of us. Rarely in front of me. I can probably count each occasion that I've seen her cry. Also my heart just fell into my stomach and my nose has that burning feeling and I feel the need to cry. And as I can feel her presence I know she hasn't left 2J. Man this thing is both a blessing and curse. But trust me we're all gonna be ok. But when mom walked away he fell back on the couch and Katie asked how bad it was. They packed their suitcases and moved out. He said. Moved out?! She questioned. No wonder Farrah's in her bedroom crying. Cause the other option is for her kill all of you. And just trap you in those chairs without the punishment going and just keep you locked in her room till all of this is settled. Let's call that plan like Z. But also I have no idea why there's even been so much fighting we never fight that much around Farrah. She makes sure we behave ourselves or we get punished for fighting and acting out. And when she does it usually ends then and there.

It's starting she told him. What is? He asked her. She said we were all growing apart and that it wouldn't be the first to be destroyed by the intense pressures of Hollywood. Well you know what? That's not gonna happen to us. Kendall started like he was gonna make one of his great pep talks. And you know why? Because I have a plan and if for no other reason because we can't do that to Farrah. She holds us together. You're gonna make Gustavo yell at them and make them move in? She asked. And now I have a better plan. Thanks Katie. He patted her head. But first..... He knocked on my door. Just as he was feeling groggy. Hey he called. Don't fall asleep on me ok? He pleaded. I know you're upset I am too. He started. But we can fix this. He said through the door. But I can't do it without you. Can I come in? Yeah I muttered only loud enough that he heard me. I rushed to the door to unlock it and back to my bed. And then once the door was unlocked he walked in. Sat in front of me on the floor as I laid there looking down at him. BTW you can. I started. Fine but I don't want to. I gave a tiny tired sad smile at hearing that. There's that smile I love so much he squeezed my hand.

Come on he encouraged sit up. He jumped up on the bed sitting next to me. Pulling me next to him. How are we gonna get them back? The net sure didn't make them stay. I think I'm just making it worse. To be honest. Hey no don't say that. He rubbed my back while I laid my head on his shoulder. If the negative reinforcement was helping then you wouldn't all still be fighting and now they're all gone just shortly after letting them free saying they hate each other. I sobbed violently turning my head and clutching his shirt as I cried and cried. Hey sh sh we'll fix this. I promise. He kissed my forehead. Don't cry he mumbles back to me. I'm SO tired of all this fighting and nothing working! And for what? Why is everyone fighting?! Kendall fix it! I sobbed some more. We were just saying not that long ago that even though none of us were related by blood that we were all family and now they want nothing to do with each other. After everything we've been through! I kept crying and crying as my tears soaked through his shirt. You're getting my shirt all wet. He tried to tell me trying to lighten the mood. I'm sorry. I told him as I wiped my tears away and calmed my breathing. Hey it's ok it's just water. It will dry. I'm more concerned about you. And about our friends.

Now let's go find a way to bring them back. This is just like the time we went home and you and James stayed and you became a vampire. Do you think you could've compelled any of them? He asked me while brushing my hair back. I think they would've seen I had powers James and Carlos maybe would've been easily compelled but Logan would think I was acting strange. So you're saying they're weak minded and you could easily compel them? Could you compel me if you wanted to? Do you think you're weak minded? I lifted an eyebrow. We won't know if we don't try not that I personally think that I am. I feel I'm pretty smart but that I know that Logan is also a lot smarter than me. Ok uh let's see I've never done this before so.... Look at me. And tell me if anything happens. So that's what we do. Kendall. I start. They turned red. As I excepted. I then cleared my throat. Kendall. I start again. Um.... I think for a moment watching as golden swirls spiral in his eyes like a flash of light. It was by far the easiest to make him do the usual silly commands just enough to prove that I could in fact make him do whatever I wanted. Kendall. I began once again. Bark like a dog while you hop on one foot and pat your head and rub your tummy. I couldn't help but smirk as I watched him do as I said. Which did happen to cheer me up a little bit.

I let this go on for the next 10 secs. As I laughed and laughed. Kendall. I said again as I calmed myself down. Stop forget the last 10 secs. I'm guessing you made me do something silly. You know what I don't even care because you're smiling and laughing and I'm happy to have been a service. So what does that say about me? Am I weak minded? No. I confirm. What? You said that's why you wanted to it and I said I thought it would be easy to compel Carlos and James because they aren't that bright. So what? What does that say about me? That you're open to suggestion and or that you trust me. It would not had been possible for me to do that if you didn't at least trust me. So under those circumstances I may had been able to compel Logan I'm not sure how open to suggestion he is though. Well he's always saying he needs new friends when we get him into trouble like when we set the sprinklers off on the girls field hockey team and ran away. Or when I made him do Griffin's voice for them to start building our room in 2J. Or any other suggestion I usually convince him of doing. So yeah I think as smart as he is he's probably open to suggestion. You can make me be as silly as you want me to be as long as that smile stays on your face.

So what's the plan? We're gonna go make Gustavo yell at them and knock some sense into them and we'll call those chairs without punishment but strapped down until we can sit there and not fight and or you compelling them as plans Y and Z. Why isn't it plan A or plan B? Because we don't know where they all are at the moment. I'm friends with someone in the FBI I an make them come and find them. Yeah let's call that plan somewhere in the middle. And now at RR Gustavo and Kelly were talking about our second album. Like the one we were talking about in our interview. He said since our album was called "All over again" he wanted our next tour to be called "All over the world" And he had flags with our logo on them everywhere. We hear about how bands break up and they split up and become solo artists but we were all best friends first. Like when 1D split up or when the Jonas Brothers went their seperate ways until they got back together again more or less kind of. And BTR just had a reunion concert. They all look the same except Kendall he had facial hair personally I like him better without it. But everyone else looked the same. Just like the Jonas Brothers. But right now I couldn't believe this was happening to us. Kelly was freaking out because Germany wasn't calling them back and Australia wouldn't answer their emails. Gustavo we have a problem! We ran in saying in sync. I know he told us. I'm trying to put together your world tour but the world won't call us back!

Also it's a little strange how you two do that. He pointed out. You mean act like twins? I ask him. Actually... Kendall started. No don't say it again. It hurts too much. I got new tears in my eyes. He held me in his arms. Wrapping his arms around me. What's going on? Kelly asked. Um well the guys got into a big fight and they kind of moved out and my sister has been violently sobbing into me since then and it makes her drowsy and tired and I can feel her falling asleep on my shoulder because she's so full of draining emotions. And it physically hurts because I can feel it. Especially after we told the interviewer we were a family even though we weren't blood and now they're screaming at each other that they hate each other and never want to see each other again. Farrah please you need to stand up you're gonna knock me over. He pleaded. Instead he carefully lowered me down as I hugged his leg in sadness as I sat on the floor. Kelly held her hand to her heart. A big pouty look on her face. IDK if this is better or worse than the time she got the magazine before our birthday or when I tried to make them break up before Jack left and then she left because she was mad at me. We've been friends for a long time those boys are like having more brothers and my best friends.

But wait go back. She stopped herself. They moved out?! They asked in sync. Kendall was hoping Gustavo would just yell at them to make them come back. Gustavo was all in agreement with that because he didn't need the band to be broken up right before our soon to be world tour. And then he said he liked to yell before he threw a banana peel on the ground and Kelly told him to pick it up before he slips on it and throws out his back. He felt that only happened in cartoons but he threw out his back trying to bend over and pick it up. This looks bad we all agreed. I can't move or yell he said while he was hunched over so Kelly thought maybe it wasn't so bad after all but it wasn't good for us because if he can't yell he couldn't yell at the other members of BTR to make sure our band didn't break up. Yes this is bad because he needs to get to the Palm Woods so he can fix us! And fix her. My melted puddle of goo sister. He pointed at me. Just call Jack and make them turn into googly eyed mess and she'll be sunshine lollypops and rainbows in like 5 secs and back to her normal happy let's fix this mess save your butts again self. Kendall you have to do it yourself you need to keep this band together. He said whispering and you know your sister better than anyone you can help her be happy again. Take Kelly's advice. It was weird because he was whispering.

Ok great but how am I gonna get her back to the Palm Woods? Then he had an idea. Give me your phone. He said down at me. Ok. I moaned and groaned trying my best to stop crying. Hey he called into the phone. It's Kendall listen I need your help. And I need more of a ride in then a hang on she's in no position to.... Actually she may just hang on as long as you don't mind your shirt getting all wet. You'll see when you get here. Hurry. Then he hands me back my phone. Jason is coming to get you. But we're going to the same place aren't we? I want to be close to you. I plead with him. Please Kendall don't leave me too. Give it here. He asks for my phone back. Hi Jason yeah can you kind of maybe bring that self driving car or drive a car over to us she doesn't want to leave my side right now. She's in pretty bad shape. No of course not he'd never do that but I know he told you about how the magazine came out before her birthday when she cut herself or when I attempted to make them break up before he left IDK if this is better than the later and or also worse than the former. It's somewhere in between and hopefully not worse than the later. She was mad and it took a couple of weeks to get her to come back but if this happens longer than just you know today or a couple of days IDK what will happen and if THAT happened she may lose the will to live. And he would no longer BE living. She'd probably never make a coherent word ever again and just cry and pout and blubber. She'd never get past it. I'm worried if this doesn't work itself out she still will be like that.

Farrah Farrah stop look at me he turns his head to me calm down he watches as I run my fingers through my hair stroking it in a nervous fashion hyperventilating in panic. Thanks a lot Jason. He rolls his eyes. No way tell her that yourself. I'm not relaying that you're the one that mentioned it. she's already a mess. You think I need her on medication for depression if that happens? She's trembling. Hey hey Farrah? Kendall questioned. Just get here Jason please and thank you. He scopes me up in his arms like a small child. G-D Farr's don't you eat anything? I moan and pout somewhere as I panic some more. Hey no I'm sorry that wasn't funny. You're just so light. That's all. I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. I leaned my head against his chest and cried into his shirt some more. As I felt drowsy. I closed my eyes for a sec. Poor thing. Kelly cooed. G-D how much do you imagine she weighs? Probably no more than a 100 lbs. I can't remember the last time she got this upset. He brushes my hair to the side. As we sit down on a chair in the room. It's not like we'd ever fought like this before. And we've never let her have a boyfriend before. The last time I remember holding her like this when she looked like this minus turning into a crying puddle was when we had to take her to the hospital when she was a little kid and she had childhood seizures.

They went away when she as about 8 but she took the medicine till she 11 just to be sure. She started having them when she was about 2. She was so weak and tiny and she looked so sick. How come you didn't have them? IDK lucked out I guess. Oh where's Jason when you need him? Ken 'm so cold. I shivered. What do you mean? He asked. IDK I just kind of feel feverish. Should we call Carlisle he whispered into my ear. Sounds like a good idea I mumbled against his chest. Kelly call Dr. Hollywood. We heard Gustavo say. I've never heard him whisper before Kelly said. I will destroy all of you except for her. So Kelly ran off and we waited for Jason to bring the car. Hey girly pop. Jason greeted. I'm so cold. That's interesting considering well uh does he know what you are? Yes he signed a contract. Right and they made me sign on too when I became your makeshift boyfriend. You're not funny. I hit his arm although pathetically. We need to get her to Forks and I need to go find the guys and make them come back. Kendall put me down in the seat next to Jason in the car. Take her to Forks make her better. But Kendall?! Farr's I love you but I can't drag you around all day as a puddle of sadness trying to make the guys come back. I don't want to manipulate them like that let's call it plan somewhere in the middle.

But this is one of those times that Jack gave you Jason. To help in situations that I can't help with. When I can't get things done because I'm too worried about you. If I don't make someone else play with and take care of you like a pet I can't get the band back together without emotionally manipulating them because you're so sad. Which normally is a good idea but I also don't want to use your sadness for my own personal gain just to get said band back together. Call me if you learn anything. Ok well you're the boss. Jason shrugged. Kendall! I whined. Please don't go. Call me if you need anything he told Jason as he squeezed my hand. You got it. Why don't you close your eyes and you'll be there and back before you know it. I know how crying makes you so tired. And you're gonna get the band back together? I will. I promise. By the time we get back? That I can't promise. Well it's about two hours there and two hours back after the time in between (actually it really takes like almost a full day but for fan fiction purposes and the fact they can't spend two days in the car just to see what's wrong with her we're calling it two hours like I've been saying it takes anytime I say that) So we left I fell asleep and Kendall went back to the Palm Woods where he saw Logan sitting out by the pool.

Hi Kendall how NOT nice it is to see you. Now get off my lawn. Logan scolded him. What lawn? And what is this? Kendall asked. I've always wanted a place by the water. Logan said. It's so peaceful and doesn't have any of my ex friends. Look can you please just come back to the apartment so we can figure this out? You can't spend the rest of your life living in a cabana. No but the sign in sheet goes for the next two years and guess whose name is there written for those two years? Me! So get off my lawn! There is no lawn and I'm sorry that we're fighting. But what will it take for you to come back to the apartment? I want Carlos and James to apologize too and then I'll think about it. Great do you happen to know where either of them are. I don't care but I know that Carlos said something about how he always wanted a place overlooking the park. BTW where's your sister? Hanging out with Jason. I told her I'd handle this. Of course it wasn't great that he lied but he also didn't want to tell them that I was sick even if that would make them all come back in a heartbeat. It wouldn't be right. So he went to the park and saw a cardboard apartment where there could only be one person living in it.

He knocked at the door. Carlos said who is it? It's Kendall. I'll be right there. And then he made noises inside of his fake house as if it were bigger on the inside. And then poked his head out the window. Where's Farrah? And what do you want? Farrah is with Jason I told her I'd take care of it. And what I want is for you to go back to the apartment and not live in a cardboard box. Carlos was in denial there was anything wrong with his box and thought it was awesome including the fact that it had a view of the park his own bathroom and a modernized kitchen and then a timer dinged and he got out a tray of cookies. Ok so your box house is cool but so is the apartment and the swirly slide and video games and best friends and if he apologizes to Logan everything will be ok again. He said not until James apologizes to him. Ok well that's a problem because no one knows where James is. And then he turned and saw James in a fancy suit driving down the sidewalk on a red motor scooter and a glare on his face. Carlos closed his window then opened it back up to ask if he'd take a couple cookies to me. So he dumped some into a plastic bag and handed them to Kendall and then Kendall followed after James to see where he'd been living.

It turned out he was living in the apartment that the other guy had tried to leave and when Kendall asked what he was doing he said he was retiring. Then set a fancy bowl down on the table that had hard candies in it and asked where I was. With Jason I told her I fix this. Anyways I'm retiring from the apartment the fights and my former friends. And then Kendall walked in while James made himself at him. Whose place is this? Kendall asked. Does it matter? James asked. It might. Kendall exclaimed. Here's what matters James cut him off moving out of the apartment was my best move ever. I clap and things happen. When he did light jazz music came on. And when Kendall reached his hand into the bowl he slapped his hand away saying he didn't need to share his hard candies with anyone. But that he did have those hard Carmel candies I loved to suck on so much. And handed him some to take to me. You have no friends here. Kendall said. But James had one of those pagers around his neck to push a button when seniors needed something and thought the person on the other end was his friend. Ok listen IDK why we're fighting so much or why Farrah's chairs aren't helping us when they have in the past because none of us can stand to see her so upset. Especially as much as she is right now but we've been best friends forever and Farrah means the world to all of us.

And to top it off we have a world tour that's coming up so will you please apologize to Carlos so that he can apologize to Logan?! And please don't say only if Logan apologizes to you first. He begged him. And then Kendall left. I said not to say that! He groaned in frustration. And then he called me. Did you get the band back together? I asked him groggily. I'm trying but the only thing I've accomplished is that none of them will come back without the other apologizing to the other first and where they're currently quote unquote living until then and that Carlos wants me to give you cookies and that James wants me to give those hard Carmel candies you love sucking on so much. What about you any progress on your end? I hand my phone to Carlisle. Hi Kendall it's Carlisle listen she's going to be fine as long as she stops being in this state. She's gotten slightly better since they got here but I've seen this happen before but with hybrids. Like your sister now is. As you know we call our Farrah Jade and she was sick recently having been taking care of Jake when he had the stomach flu but she's fine now although her brother was upset because she died from the flu back in their past life. Your Farrah isn't 18 yet so what she has can still happen to her.

What's wrong with her? When you're a vampire your greatest personality trait or your strongest I should say like your senses becomes heighted. Like the other two Farrah's yours also identifies as an empath. In short and simple words your sister is simply very sad and that's why she's sick. And with how sad she is it triggered the heightened part of her being an empath. But she says she's feeling feverish so I'll have to see what else could be bothering her. Does she often get the stomach flu? IDK about often but she has a poor immune system. When it was Christmas she had the stomach flu and Jack took care of her. She got better by that night. IDK where she would've picked something up if she has the stomach flu now. Aside from that she's been crying off and on the last couple of days with the guys fighting for some unknown reason or another I can't think of what she ate that would've made her feel sick. I'm sorry to hear that the boys are not getting along what happened? They all moved out. He *sighed* into the phone. IDK what I'm going to do. You know stomach bugs just kind of go around if she hasn't eaten anything out of the ordinary maybe its just some kind of stomach bug when did she start saying she didn't feel good?

Kendall told him everything that happened that morning. I see. Hm a first time using compel from a new born vampire wouldn't cause some kind of sickness it would cause a slight headache at most. Especially since she's not a full vampire until she turns 18. I made sure to make our witch friend be sure of that. Anyways that's coming up again soon isn't it? I think we still have about 6 months before then I haven't really been keeping track this is all new info to me. But I just want her to be ok. She'll be fine. I'll call you back when we have something 100% other than her sadness running high. I'm sorry I'll fix it I promise. It's hardly your fault Kendall some people just have bigger more emotional hearts than others. Being a vampire is like a blessing in disguise. Will we all have to turn to stay with her? Not in the way you're thinking you probably won't get like magic powers or whatever but you would live forever young and won't die. Once each of you turn 18 or above in your mother's case or Gustavo and Kelly's case and any adult you can't live without they will drink the potion as well but your friends won't until they reach 18. As long as it's after you guys turn 18. I suppose they could before then if any of them are older than you and it really wouldn't matter other than the fact that there would be a lot of explaining to do. I guess they could drink it once you turned 18 if they were already 18.

I told her if all else failed I would use her to emotionally manipulate our friends into coming back or that she could compel them. You don't want to use magic for that. What do you mean? Using magic to make someone be somewhere they don't want to be will just make them more miserable than they already are I'm afraid. And as Farrah Eppes has found out through her grandfather you can't compel someone to make them love you no matter how much you want their love. What do you mean? That's not my story to tell. He shakes his head. She'll be fine here. You go figure out what to do about your friends. As far as emotionally manipulating someone goes that can be just as annoying. Why did that happen as well? Oh it was hysterical since it wasn't Jade that was doing the manipulating but Edward and the wolves don't get a long very well the whole vampires vs werewolves thing of course but the reason why they don't like him in particular is not my story to tell but recently one of the boys emotionally manipulated him into coming over to their territory to get their little group over there just so they could make Jake sing them a couple of songs. As frustrated as my son was if nothing else it proved just how loyal the 4 of them were to each other. He told Edward that something bad happened and the other 3 heard that something was wrong only to go over and confuse the poor boy making him think that something was wrong with either one of them until the boy that called them there told the truth.

But by the end of the night Edward Jake Jessica Bella Jade and Jack all came back to the house looking like they were drunk. How did they get drunk they're not old enough to drink? He questioned. Jessica had a bottle of this stuff that magically gave them the opportunity to be in such a state because if they weren't drunk they probably wouldn't had gotten along as well as they all did. Thankfully by morning at least none of them were hung over. Magical creatures are kind of like mutants they have a high tolerance to drinking. Anyways I better let you go. Good luck. Yeah thanks you too. Thank you Carlisle. Anytime Kendall. Where Gustavo and Kelly were Gustavo was laying on a flat surface and Kelly was talking to Doc Hollywood. Who wasn't there so she was on the phone with him and he was laying on a table. He told them he was shooting his reality series but he was sending the best in the business over to them. He came right in as soon as she said that he said he was an alternative spiritual healer and advisor. Kelly said no robe quacks and he told her that that's what Johnny Depp said till he cured whatever it was he had with his palms. Cure me! Gustavo begged. I have to get up so I get going on this almost world tour. He told them that 70% of the alignment was in the mind so they had to trick the mind into having him get off of the table.

And then he stood behind him and pushed the table out the door and then he crashed. Well now we know it's not in his mind he shook his head. Back at 2J Kendall was playing video games with all 4 controllers. And Katie walked in. She gave him a look with her arms crossed. I miss them but now at least I get to play with the platinum controller he told her. Even though she hadn't said anything. And before you ask Farrah is going to be fine she's in Forks with Jason. You were too nice to them. Katie they're my best friends. Kendall complained. And you should've seen the sight Farrah was in. You should've told them that! If you're saying she's so upset and they know how much they upset her you need to use that to your advantage. You need to manipulate them. And I understand you don't want to use Farrah as the manipulation I'm not saying she has to be the thing you manipulate them with but if they want apologies you give them apologies. But they won't apologize. He complained again. And that's where the manipulation comes in. And so he went back to Logan's where he did put down a lawn and made it look like more of a lived in space.

If Carlos is so sorry why didn't he come over here and apologize himself? You know Carlos and his pride but he told me to tell you that he's making you a special lunch to show just how sorry he is. And in addition Farrah's really upset about this and she's sick now Jason took her all the way to Forks to see what was wrong with her. Logan frowned at hearing this. He never wanted to see me so upset. He described in full length just how miserable I was. And he told this to Carlos too. James wants to make a special lunch? Carlos asked. Why doesn't he just come here and tell me? He asked while smoke came out of his cardboard house. You know James and his pride. What's he making me? He said poking his head out of the window acting like he was showering. And he also felt bad on how Kendall said I was feeling. And then he went to James and said the same thing. A nice healthy salad he told James. Well Logan does know how much I love a light lunch. James confirmed. And you know how Logan is with his pride. Kendall added in before telling him about the pathetic state I was in. Anyways I wouldn't even mention the apology and just enjoy the lunch he made you. And how happy Farrah is going to be seeing us not fighting and having us all be back together.

Eventually he called back and Carlisle was just about to call him as well. Kendall told him the good news. Carlisle said for the most part I'd been resting and that I'd calmed down and he sent us on our way back and that I went right back to sleep as soon as I got into the car because yes being upset made me feel bad but also yes I also did happen to have some kind of stomach bug. And that he was proscribing the normal medicine and what I should be eating at home until I feel better and TLC. That I can make sure of. But for now I have a manipulative lunch to make for all my friends. You'll have to tell me all about it. He chuckled. She can eat what we call BRAT she can have bananas rice apple sauce toast and sprite. Got it Carlisle you guys are the best thank you so much. Don't worry if there's one person that knows how to keep her happy it's me. Ok but for now try a more emotional or mental approach instead of a physical one at least until she's back to being herself. If there should be any physical contact hugs work just as well. He chuckled back. I have my own immortal teenagers in my house I know how a sibling's mind works. Even if I can't read them unlike Edward and Jacob can. Or any pairs of twins I've ever known or in Farlie's sake because apparently according to their grand father their souls are mates and that's the only reason why she can't compel him.

Yeah I promise. Scout's honor. I'll just have to take your word for it then. But I have no doubt that you will take very good care of her. Good luck with your lunch. Thanks I think I'm gonna need it. And so lunch came as did I and Jason. Hey Kendall slowly started as to not to startle me. How are you feeling? A little like you're treating me like a small child that you're preparing to give bad news to to be honest. Sorry come sit by me Carlisle told me the foods you were allowed to have. Did you get the boys back? Once they got here and lunch started no one said a word. They frowned at me but weren't sure what to say to each other so lunch was awkward. This is really good. James started. You know how much I love toast. Logan said. And has anyone noticed it's been 5 mins and we haven't fought? Kendall said with a cheery voice. Trying to lighten the mood. Once they all agreed they also agreed they had no idea why they were fighting in the first place. I reached over to squeeze Kendall's hand hoping this was gonna be a good thing. A tiny smile on my face. So let's all renew our friendship Kendall said as he held up a video game in his hands. And never fight again. He declared.

But then 9 secs later they were fighting again. Logan wanted Carlos to put down his laptop Carlos wanted James to put down his helmet the room was a mess again. And James said he wasn't doing that till Logan put down his lucky comb. And then he licked it while James rubbed his butt on Carlos's helmet. And Kendall and Katie were tied up while I was laying on the floor having slipped out of my chair and now I feel how Kendall felt when Jo left. But since it had been 6 mins in addition to lunch they felt the fighting was getting better. But then the platinum controller was tossed over their heads and they all moved out again. Logan had James's comb with him Carlos still had Logan's laptop and James had Carlos's helmet tied to the back of his senior scooter. Inside of 2J I once again slammed my door shut and locked it behind me and flopped onto my bed like Disney princess. Violently sobbing until I was fast asleep. I just don't understand why we're fighting so much! Katie said they were growing apart that most adolescent friendships eventually decay because of distrust and..... And then mom put a hand over Katie's mouth to make her stop because it wasn't helping. And of course Farrah is sick and upset and she fell asleep. He yawned. Farrah's sick? Mom and Katie asked. How do you know? Well for one I'm feeling the emotional and mental side affects but we took her to go see Carlisle she has some kind of stomach bug and she's been violently sobbing into a puddle all day and refused to leave my side.

Then again anytime we've been fighting lately she either fixes it by punishing us or let's them fight it out while she cries and takes a nap but rarely cries in front of us much less in front of me or she goes across the hall to talk to Jason and call Jack. Today was worse than it's been the last couple of days. Last week we were singing and getting ready for our might be world tour. And now we're not even talking. And Farrah's devastated and due to you know twin stuff it's making my emotions all feel jumbled up too but in different ways. Like when she cut herself I felt the pain and I knew she was upset and somehow I knew exactly where to find her. But it's not like I have scars on my arm and there wasn't any blood on me. My nose stings and my eyes feel wet and I feel kind of tired but at least I'm not physically in pain. Even if I'm starting to feel slightly feverish. But that's nothing I can't handle. In addition to what's already going on. Carlisle said she needed to eat BRAT and have some TLC and she would feel better but I can't make her feel better when I'm struggling to keep my friends from killing each other. Why don't you just be honest with them and tell them how much you miss them? Mom suggested. And fix your sister before fixing your friends. Carlisle said TLC didn't he?

Who better to give her that than you? Well or her mom obviously but there's only so much for I can do even then. And it's not my attention she wants right now. It's yours. If you can't fix this mess right now go fix that one. Fix one problem at a time. Haven't you ever heard the saying work smarter not harder or KISS as in keep it simple stupid?! Start with the thing you can handle. You don't need all of them to help you fix how your sister is feeling. IDK about that. He rubs the back of his neck. Carlisle also said that emotionally she probably won't feel better without knowing that everything is fine now and that the guys aren't gonna fight anymore. It's tearing her apart. Farrah? He knocked on the door. Farrah?! He called again. I told you mom she's asleep. It's best to let her rest. She doesn't feel good. Besides guys don't do that with each other. He scolded mom when she suggested he tell them that. Yeah but manipulating them worked out so well for ya? She asked with a look towards Katie. Yeah why did you do that? She asked him. Even though it was her idea. Well how I am supposed to get them all together to say anything?

With love. Mom said. But they looked at her like she was crazy. Love solves a lot of problems ok?! And since Carlisle doesn't think Farrah won't get emotionally better until the guys are back together and that she needs some TLC from her twin brother it can't make the situation worse. You want Farrah back don't you? More than anything in the world. And Kendall decided she was right because they all love whatever video game he pulled out. And of course we all love Farrah and want her to feel better. He said he would make the ultimate challenge so cool that they'll have to come back to the apartment and I'll include Farrah in it as well. That way everyone's happy. Or you can go outside and play and go get a popsicle with your sister. I can do that with her later once I use my way to fix the guys and that will make things better. So I'm using your suggestion but on my sister and not the guys. Meanwhile at RR the quack Dr. had stones on Gustavo and Kelly was answering phones and many of them were ringing and he asked about Switzerland. Because they liked everything. While they like me same as everyone else them and Norway and Finland didn't like BTR. But he just needed one international city to make it an all around the world tour.

What you need is to free your mind from all this negativity and to let the hot healing stones draw out the pain in his back. But he said the stones weren't even hot. And then he tried to use a flame to make them hot and Kelly stopped him. Kendall meanwhile took an invitation to each of their makeshift houses for their mailboxes to invite them to the event he was putting together. At RR Canada said yes so it made things official that we were an all over the world tour. So at least something good was happening. But then the quack Dr. said it was technically a North America tour and we had to play on another continent to make a world tour. But they yelled at him that it wasn't helping. You need to fix him so that he can move again. Kelly scolded. He said his record was perfect but that his positive vibes had never faced such negative blocks before. Look our album is called all over again so do whatever it is you're doing all over again until he's fixed! She scolded him. He said he'd try a more western approach and basically rolled Gustavo off of the table just to confirm that he was unhealable. I'm gonna be on my back forever with no world tour. Gustavo said frustrated. He then said he'd do something unorthodox and picked up one of our flags. She thought at first he meant acupuncture since they were so sharp but then he said that what he was meant was that as he was an advisor for someone in England he would advise that he book BTR in London. Yes! Gustavo shouted and then his back was fixed.

As long as our band was healed back to our normal friendship we would have a world tour after all. And so back at 2J we waited and waited for the guys to show up. It was supposed to be at 3:00 and no one was there and it had gone by 5 mins. Did you add that if they didn't come they would be scoped up by the drone as part of drastic measure that they can run but they can't hide and that they can't unrun the the drone? Katie asked. I did. He confirmed. While they waited. He had me in a one armed hug and had given me a popsicle. It's 3:05 they're not coming. Kendall pouted. Ok first thing tomorrow morning we're going to the mall and getting you some new friends and if they're not here in the next 5 mins make Farrah send out her drone. And when they got there they were arguing about the ultimate prize. And asked where it was. He said the prize was their friendship. And when they hated that prize Katie passed me the remote to my drone as they were scooped up into the net. And I hate this net! Logan exclaimed again. Fine then Kendall started. Now that they couldn't go anywhere. Walk out walk out on a lifetime of friendship because of one bad week. I smell a speech. Carlos said as they glared at us and crossed their arms. While I hugged his arm and pouted with tears in my eyes. I hate that smell. Logan declared. I hate you! James scolded. Hey! Katie yelled at them all.

Carlos who helped tutor you every night when you were struggling with Algebra? Kendall started. As the net began to lower. Logan. Carlos started as it lowered a tiny bit more. Logan who protected you when you called the wrestling team jerks in Latin? James he admitted. As the net lowered a tiny bit more. And James who ran two miles to the drug store when you ran out of hair gel the night of the 6th grade dance? Carlos. He *sighed* in defeat. As the net lowered a little more again. And a little more again when he gave Carlos his helmet back. And again when Logan gave James his lucky comb back. And again when Carlos gave Logan his laptop back. I still don't know why we've been fighting so much lately. James admitted. As the net fully began to lower. But it stops now! They all agreed. As the net was fully dropped altogether. And after all we didn't like hearing how upset we made Farrah. There is nothing we love more than that smile on her face. At least we can all agree there. Finally. Kendall exclaimed. Before he pulled out the video game controller. And then they all started fighting again. And I frowned. I don't get it we were just gonna play a game. Kendall started. Wait a min. A game! It's the game! He exclaimed again.

The fighting started last week when we bought the game. Once they started fighting the net was triggered and pulled them back up. He might have a point. Logan started as the net began to lower once again. Think about it. Kendall said. As it flashbacked into when the fighting started. Logan bragged about getting a higher score on the game than Carlos. And that's when Carlos came over and slammed his laptop lid down onto his fingers. And later James wasn't helping them play because he was busy combing his hair so they both tackled him. But what didn't make sense was the helmet cereal. Well I was sitting eating my cereal.... James started as it went back into flashback. Apparently it had something to do with his cereal looking a certain shape that reminded him of something Carlos did in the game. Which is why he took it out on his helmet. Well that makes sense they agreed as they turned around still in the position they were in when mom came in with groceries. Are you guys fighting again?! I swear I'm gonna take that video game away from you. Mom declared. Take it we're done with it. They agreed as the net lowered once again to the ground and they handed the game over to mom.

Good maybe now you'll finally go outside and play. Mom we're not 8. Kendall said. Then G&K came in to give us the good news and said something about passports and that I needed to call my boyfriend and Jason because they had jobs for them to do on tour as well. We got all excited. We're going to London?! We said excited. You bet and rehearsal starts right now. Ok looks like we're playing outside. They agreed. And that night we were out by the pool and the firepit where all of it started. And I wrote a song that's perfect for this exact moment.

that night we saw Cam there and our friends all heard about it. And of course they were all glad to hear I was feeling better. Jason was there and so was Jack. They said they wanted to get started right away and flew him out apparently Gustavo had photography jobs for the both of them. And Jo was so happy for him. And how supportive he'd been for her and happy for him that he got to fly out and be with me when they flew him out. Some girl that Carlos had been into was there and Lucy was there too. And one girl even had a sign that said "hi James" on it. In fact many of them did and they had hearts on them all too.

Everyone had someone out there that night for them and everyone was happy and getting along. And then when it ended everyone cheered and mom said she loved it when we played outside. Big Time Tour here we come. Once it was all over and I'd had enough of the outside I went inside and sat in the lobby. I sat there staring into space. Are these seats taken? I heard a voice behind me ask snapping me out of my thoughts. No go ahead. I smiled over at him. I had to see where this was going. I'm Jack Taylor and this is my friend Jason. What's your name? I laughed when he stuck his hand out with his big bright beautiful smile as we once again stared deep into each other's eyes. Farrah Knight I laughed as I stuck my hand out to shake his hand and then Jason's.

I made a gentle hm sound, and he asked me if I was ok. Yeah, sorry, your hand is cold that's all. Oh sorry, I guess there's a reason my friends and my twin sister nickname me Jack Frost my hands are always cold and I look a lot like him. I can see that, I giggled. I take it you don't like the sun or heat? No, I said shaking my head. Same here. I miss my hometown. Where's home for you? North Carolina. You? Minnesota. What's a nice girl like you that doesn't like the heat or sun doing here in L.A.? What kind of girl? I asked trying to push back my hair, but he beat me to it. A nice pretty girl, with hair as dark as raven, lips as red as blood, and skin as white as snow, with a beautiful gothic style and a prettier smile than I've ever seen. Um.... Me my twin brother our friends and my mom and little sister all moved down here to become a band, I'm the lead singer and help our record producer write our songs. That's the coolest thing I've ever heard.

What are you doing? I asked him. I know we just met but you wanna go out with me sometime? Hm? I tapped my finger to my chin while he smiled at me like a dork. IDK I don't think my boyfriend will like that very much. Jason stood by and snickered watching to see where this was going. And I happen to really love my boyfriend. Tell me about him. Well for one he's a total dork. I snicker back at him as I wrap my arms around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist. Hey? Ok that's fair. What else? He makes me smile and makes me laugh. He wants everyone to love him so much that it must be kind of exhausting. He even trained his best friend to act like him while he's out of town with his twin sister. Out of town you say? Then he'll never even know. Hm IDK about that I call and talk to him every day and he and his best friend are going on our world tour with us. He's one of our photographers. What else do you love so much about this guy. He smirked at me with an exaggerated eye roll. He has a good sense of humor and he's inspirational I even wrote a song about him when we first met. It happened to be his suggestion. Hm and is he also a singer?

Depends on what you mean by that. He can act and sing and dance and it's lovely. What is? His beautiful voice. I could listen to it all day. I love the way he treats me and my family and would do anything to keep me happy. Even when that means I get to take drastic measures and he gets in trouble with the rest of the band. You know how I said I could listen to his voice all day? I asked with an exaggerated end point on the all day part. Everything is beautiful about him from his eyes the most beautiful blue you've ever laid your eyes on. His eyelashes are thick and long and dark they make the blue really pop. His platinum blonde hair is nearly white like the color of snow. His hands are cold and he loves winter and bad weather as much as I do his friends even nickname him Jack Frost. And I kind of have a thing for Jack Frost. His hands are even a calming cold. His heart is a pure of gold even if he has some bad boy tendency's he means well. Just like the other boys in the band. He's not one to get jealous he loves me for all my flaws and imperfections. What are you talking about you don't have single one. He cups my cheek with his hand. He's sweet and sensitive a lot of girls actually like that in a guy. Personally I cant get enough his cute laugh. It makes my heart melt and his smile makes me feel safe. And even though his hands are like ice when I'm wrapped in his arms I feel warm. There's nothing I don't love about him. And I know that he feels the same way.

Wow his breath hits against my face. I don't think I could ever compete with someone like that. You're one lucky girl and he is one lucky guy. You better believe it. I flip my hair. But you're right it's me that's the lucky one. Actually I disagree I'm the lucky one that has you. I love you. He says to me. I love you more. I say back. I love you most. He says as our sparkle seeing each other in each other's reflections. Before we kiss. I can't wait to go on tour with my beautiful girlfriend that I love so much. He mutters when he pulls away. I would be here anyways even if I wasn't going with you even if it was just for tonight. He admits. What do you mean? I step at arm's length. I hate seeing you so upset and hearing how upset you are and not being able to hold you in my arms when things go wrong. And I'm so grateful that Gustavo and Kelly fly me out so often when these things do happen. I like me better when I'm with you. But you're not a bad person. No but you make me a better one just the same. Your heart is already golden are you trying for platinum? I hold his cheeks between my hands. What about crystal? IDK what the purest metal is but you're sure shooting for it. I'm not a saint I still have my flaws. But you're heart is always in the right place and that's what I love most about you. My heart can be gold but you will always have a heart that's more pure than mine. I'm no saint either. Hence the chairs. But to quote you "you're heart is always in the right place and that's what I love most about you." He repeated back to me. We are gonna have such a fun time on tour. I intertwined our fingers before we kissed each other again. And Jason's camera went off capturing this perfect moment.

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