A Militarized New World

By Kk01u2

39.5K 1K 561

Altrainia is a continent filled with warlike yet interesting countries. Needed someone to ensure peace in thi... More

Chapter 1 "A Man Of Great Power"
Chapter 2 'War Of Vanitas'
Chapter 3 'A New Turning Point'
World Map (remade)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 NC
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Alternate Route: Peace Route
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Countries Info (For better Lore)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
In-Universe Wikipedia Page
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Opening of Discord Server
New Plans for this story

Chapter 8

1.1K 45 6
By Kk01u2

July 10, 1208

World Conference Building

Billian Republic

Travis Fisher was currently in front of the building used by the diplomats of the continent. The event was also broadcasted on TV and radio worldwide.

(Credits to owner)

After having announced my intentions and goals to the receptionists. As expected I encountered some Billian soldiers stationed in the building. Possibly to defend the structure.

I then opened a door revealing the meeting place.

(Credits to owner)

"Hey are you the Qota representative?"

A voice suddenly said revealing
a diplomat who asked in a questioning tone.

"Yes, by the way why'd you ask?"

I responded in my normal tone.

"Well currently the meeting was going to begin in 6-3 minutes but some of the other nations diplomats have not arrived yet so can we have a quick chat?"

He said.

"By the way, My name is Jonas Titus Krippin of the Billian Republic."

He continued revealing his identity.

"Now I heard about the Qota attack on the Kriegstanians but I aint against it. Instead I agree with your republic's response. I mean look at the imperialistic nature of the Kriegstanian Empire, imagine them increasing their technology militarily. Although I donts agree how your government responded via air strike, considering the disaster that occured. Now lets discuss abput my other questio-"

The diplomat was cutoff when a few other diplomats from other countries entered the room.

"Looks like the others are here, now lets start the meeting."

The diplomats from the various alliance began split of from each other. The diplomats from the TA went to the left side of the room, the NA to the Right and finally those from the ADL went to the center.

(Credits to owner, replace Irons with Titus)

"Now everyone we all know why we are here? If not, we are here to discuss the recents events from the Billian-Charatian Skirmish, The QAF airstrime, and some other events."

Jonas Titus said in a loud and commanding voice as he detailed what had transpired in the previous months.

"Now lets us ask the response to the response from the Charatian Federation?"

He said as he pointed at the Charatian Diplomat. A man of extremely mature age.

The man then went to the podium and said.

"My name is Quaris Ostwell of the Charatian Federation, Well according to our ministry of Foreign Affairs, we are not responsible for such skirmish as evidence pointed out from the personal accounts from our soldiers in the skirmish. Instead we blame the Republic as they were the ones who fired first according to accounts."

This obviously brought Titus to rage but he controlled his anger.

"Well obviously this is a lie, from your superiors who are obviously lying liars. We had photo evidence that your forces started this."

The Billian diplomat responded with restrained anger.

The Other diplomat looked offended.

'Well looks like its going to get hot.'

Travis Fisher thought, as the Qota diplomat watched the growing tensions between the two diplomats as they continued insulting each other with words like 'liar', or 'thieving capitalists' .

But before anything can happen between the two diplomats. An old looking diplomat from the Northern Alliance calmly broke them off their arguments and asked them to sit down.

"Now now lets continue the meeting considering the hostilies between Titus and Quaris. As we all know both countries were responsible for the skirmish therefore we must stop delving into that. Now lets look into the Qotan Airstrike. Qotan Diplomat Travis Fisher, do you have a response or reasoning to the attack?"

The old man asked in a curious and normal tone. It was clear to Fisher that this man was highly experienced in his line of work and that he needed to think clearly and have a response without any weakness to pull at or exploit.

"Well our response to the incident is that we were justiied at our attack due to 1. The Kriegstanian were reverse engineering some of our stolen rifles in the forest and 2. They were acquired via espionage and were planned to be researched in order to increase the power level of the Empire thus breaking the status quo in the region. 3. Another thing we found is that the Empire us gearing up for war thanks to our intelligence i-"

Fisher could not finish his statement as the Kriegstanian diplomat interjected saying.

"This is Bullshit, Nothing but a well crafted lie we would never ever gear for war. We are only arming ourselves for protection against the proxywar being done by the Billian Republic, who is hellbent in the destruction of the TA."

The old diplomat then said

"So the Empire admits to arming themselves for war."

"The response is yes and no. No we are and will not be arming for war, we are arming at what we call a proxy war."

"No its not the Qotans ha-"

The Billian diplomat attempted to respond.

But he was cut off and ignored.

"Well if that's the case where did the Qotan Republic get there weaponry and technology. From what I heard the village they took over was of medieval and musket era. So where did they get it another thing i heard is that they were  from the Billians for gifts in a proxy war. So Fisher where did your country get your technology?"

The Crowd turned to murmurs as they tried to figure out where the Qota Republic got their technology.

'Looks like I am in deep shit, Aint I?'

Fisher thought. He could not just reveal that he and the President were not from this world. That the President could summon armies from his time to the future. He couldnt just reveal there would many countries attempting to kidnap the president for their armsrace and it could possibly lead to a large war with many casualties currently he was debating whether he should reveal it or not. So this is how it is going to be. He began to prepare his response.

However, before he could say anything. An explosion suddenly racked the building.

Chapter End

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