A Pitch Perfect Fanfiction: T...

By kayleighmtomlinson

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A Pitch Perfect Fanfiction: The Story Of Beca and Jesse
Chapter One: Thanks Dad.
Chapter Two: Go With The Flow
Chapter Four: Oh Benji!
Chapter Five: Excuse me, I am taking a shower.....
Chapter Six: You're the girl I sang to :)
Chapter Seven: An Accapella Boy and An Accapella Girl :)
Chapter Eight: Crashing, and Cups :)
Chaper 10: Initaiation

Chapter Three: The Bellas?

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By kayleighmtomlinson

Beca's POV

I wandered around the open area which seemed to be neverending with anxious freshman, and alot of the uperclassman showing the new kids around. When I thought I might be able to head back to my dorm without that Fat chick seeing me, I saw her over by a group named "The Barden Bellas". What were they, a church group, or something like a choir?  I was clearly uninterested, and rolled my eyes and tried to get away. All of the sudden I saw that chick walk away, now was my chance. I might be able to make it back without being stopped by anyone. All of a sudden A girl with bright red hair , and a very enthusiatic smile greeted me. Shoot! I was caught. She introduced herself, her name Chloe. Oh god she was one of "those girls". If you don't know what I mean, what I am saying is the ones to you know, appear to the public as this sweet and charitable person. But on the inside, we all knew she was a slut. I hate to say it, but somebody had to.  I tried to keep cover, but I introduced myself as well. I said Hi my name is Beca, and I got this horrid glare from this barbie look alike. Slut. Once again people I would not associate myself with. Chloe continued to talk about how The Bellas were an "acapella" group. I came to my senses, and thought that this was not a horrible idea. I mean I could sing, but that isn't what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a DJ. I could never live with the fact that I could potientially be one of those---- you know acapella girls. The ones that are all about female power, and being all prissy.  When she asked me if I would like to have information, I thanked her and told her that I didn't even sing.  She had a disappointed look on her face, sort of like I had just given her a big middle finger and slapped her in the face. I did feel a bit of sympathy for the girl though. She didn't seem as horrid as I pictured her.  I took this slight moment of awkwardness and sorrow to just walk away.  I saw her face drop along with the barbie behind her. I hadn't taken the time to learn her name. What was she going to mean to me. Well because I am kinda lonely might as well go back up to my dorm and work on a new track. Sure beats the lame scene at this stupid school.

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