Funkin Battle Lights Camera A...

By Cameron849186

130 0 0

The 21 contestants get sent to a abandoned film lot to battle for the 1,000,000$ More

The contestants that are in this season
Episode 1
Episode 2
The votes in episode 2
The teams
Episode 3
The votes in episode 4
Episode 5
The votes in episode 5
Episode 6
The votes of episode 6
Episode 7
The votes in episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
The votes in Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
The votes in episode 11
The teams in episode 12
Episode 12
Episode 13
The votes in episode 13
Episode 14
The votes in episode 14
Episode 15
The votes in episode 15
Episode 16
The votes in episode 16
Episode 17
The votes in episode 17
Episode 18
The votes in episode 18
Episode 19
The votes in episode 19
Episode 20
The votes in Episode 20
Episode 21
The votes in episode 21
Episode 22
The votes in episode 22
Episode 23
The votes in episode 23
Episode 24
The votes in episode 24
Episode 25 (Canon Ending)
Episode 25 (Alt Ending)
Secret Episode
The contestants in season 3
The elimination order (with reasoning)

Episode 4

4 0 0
By Cameron849186

Java: last time on Funkin battle, the contestants had to bring up film equipment up a mountain and filmed a movie with the equipment, in the end, the Blu fighters and zombie claws won it but there wasn't a elimination so none of long crawlers was out, who will lose next, and who will fall, find out tonight on...........FUNKIN.........BATTLE!!!

Blu: so sky, how long does the hair spray take to dissolve?

Sky: it takes about 2 weeks.

Blu: dang, guess we gotta wait Bob.

Bob: yep.


(*everyone exits their cabins*)

Java: well hello everyone.

Carol: hi java.

Java: so, today, we will be heading to the beach.

Sky: oh wow, I will be able to enjoy the waves and the smooth sand.

Java: so, here's how it works, everyone beach movie has three things, one of them being optional, one being surfing, two being a sand castle building contest, and the optional 3, a dance-off, so everyone, grab your swimsuits and get on the tour bus cause we are heading to there right now!

(*after everyone grabbed their swimsuits, entered the tour bus, and got to the beach*)

Sky: ah, the beach, the most amazing place ever.

Carol: you know it sky.

Java: ok contestants, change out of your usual wear into your swimsuits.

(*after everyone changed out of their usual clothing and into their swimsuits*)

Java: ok contestants, the first challenge you'll be doing is surfing, since the Blu fighters got first place last round, they go last

GB: wait a minute, how is this fair, my team only have six members while the others have seven.

Java: oh yeah, we're also gonna need somebody to sit out.

Robo Engineer: I'll sit out.

Springtrap: same.

Java: ok, Robo engineer and Springtrap sit out, anyways, long crawlers, you are up 1st.

(*after the long crawlers finished*)

Java: ok, so, only half of you managed to stay on, that's fine, zombie claws, your up next.

(*after the zombie claws finished*)

Java: ok, so zombie claws, four of you managed to stay on, your in the lead right now, Blu fighters, your up next.

(*a few turns later*)

Java: ok, we only have two more people who need a turn, ski and sky.

Ski: I'll go next.

(*ski pushes the surfboard out to the ocean and starts to surf*)

(*Sky looks left*)

Sky: !!!

(*Sky saw someone with a six pack, white skin, black wings, and black horns get out of the water and starts to blush*)

Carol: Sky, are you ok?

Sky: I think I'm in love...

Carol: hm?

(*water splash*)

Java: and it looks like ski fell, Sky, it's up to you to tie up with zombie claws.

Sky: alright then.

(*Sky pushes her surfboard and starts to surf*)

(*after Sky finished*)

Java: well, Sky managed to stay on, which means the zombie claws and Blu fighters tie up.

Scout: so does this mean we lose?

Java: you didn't lose yet, you guys got one point while the other teams got two points.

Scout: oh, ok then.

Java: anyways, it's time for part two of today's challenge, sand castle building, every team member get into their team squares and start building!

(*after all teams get in their team squares*)

Java: oh, I forgot to mention, you have twenty minutes, ok, now start building!

(*almost everyone starts building*)

Ski: sis, why aren't you building?

Sky: well, I think I'm in love but I don't know how to tell him.

Ski: wait, don't you love boyfriend?

Sky: well, not anymore, girlfriend can have him.

Ski: oh, can I help you?

Sky: I don't know, I don't wanna fuck up asking him out.

Ski: don't worry, I'll teach you how to ask him out.

Sky: really?

Ski: yeah!

Sky: ok, teach me.

(*20 minutes later*)

Java: ok, times up, time for the judging, let's start with the zombie claws.

Java: hmm, that's cool, 6.5/10, Blu fighters, your next.

Java: that's amazing, 8/10, long crawlers, let's see if you can comeback from last place.

Java: that's very amazing, 10/10, you guys get first place!

Scout: heck yeah!

Java: so, zombie claws are in last with three points while long crawlers and Blu fighters are tied with four points, time for the final part of the challenge.

Dorkly Sonic: which isssss?

Java: a dance-off, so choose one person from your team to be your dancer.

Carol: I'll do it.

Eduardo: same here.

Scout: I got this for my team!

Java: ok, now let's start in 3...2...1...NOW!

(*after the song*)

Java: ok, I think we have a clear first and second place winner...Long Crawlers and Blu Fighters, with Long Crawlers getting seven points and Blu Fighters getting six points!

Carol: yes!

Java: ok, let's head back onto the tour bus.

Ski: nows your chance, go talk with him.

(*Sky walks up to the mysterious person*)

Sky: h-hi.

???????: oh, hey there, who are you?

Sky: I-I'm sky, w-who are you?

???????: my name is Selever.

Sky: t-that's a cool name.

Selever: it may be a cool name, but it isn't a cute name like yours.

(*Sky blushes*)

Java: uh, contestants, a little problem, the tour bus broke down so we are gonna have to stay here for tonight so we can fix the tour bus.

Scout: oh, ok then.

Selever: so, your in a show?

Sky: y-yeah.

Selever: huh, that's cool.

Sky: y-yeah, I know.

???: son, what are you doing?

Selever: oh, hey dad, I'm talking with this girl that I just met.

???: hmmmm, she's very small.

Sky: hey, I'm not small!

Selever: heh, she acts cute.

???: hm, ok then, goodbye now son.

(*the person leaves*)

Sky: w-who was that?

Selever: oh, that was my dad Ruv, he's kinda a wanted criminal in russia.

Sky: o-oh.

Selever: say, maybe we should hang out soon, can I get your number?

Sky: w-wait, you actually want to?

Selever: yep.

Sky: ok, give me a second!

(*Sky grabs a piece of paper and draws her phone number and hands it to Selever*)

Sky: here!

Selever: heh, nice.

??????: brother?

Selever: what is it now Rasasy?

Rasasy: who are you talking to?

Selever: this is sky.

Sky: hey there.

Rasasy: oh, hi.

Selever: anyways, what do you want?

Rasasy: I just wanted to tell you that we're leaving.

Selever: oh, well, ok, goodbye sky, I'll call you sometime.

(*Selever kisses sky on the cheek and walks with rasasy back to ruv and his mom*)

(*sky falls flat on the ground with heart eyes*)

Ski: did it work sister?

Sky: I'm in love.

(*at night*)

Java: ok contestants, I have six bag of chips since we don't have any of the golden chocolate awards.

Tord: oh, ok then.

Java: anyways, start voting.

(*after everyone voted*)

Java: ok, I'll start it off by saying who got zero votes, the people who got zero votes are Skid, Tord, Zanta, Lord X, and Speedrunner Mario.

(*Java tosses skid, Tord, zanta, lord x, and speedrunner mario their bags of chips*)

Eduardo: uh oh.

Java: Eduardo and Springtrap, you two are the last left, whoever gets this is last bag of chips is out, the last player safe with only two votes is.....

Java: Springtrap...

Springtrap: thank god.

Eduardo: what!

Java: sorry Eduardo, but you are out.

Eduardo: well, I can't be eliminated until the tour bus is fixed, so ha!

(*the boat of shame arrives with lego driving it*)

Java: wanna bet?

Eduardo: that isn't fair!

Lego: come on Eduardo, get in.

Eduardo: no!

(*Lord X picks Eduardo up*)

Eduardo: hey, put me down!

(*Lord X throws Eduardo into the boat of shame and the boat of shame drives off*)

Java: and with Eduardo gone, there are only 19 contestants left, who will be eliminated next, find out next time on..........FUNKIN.........BATTLE!!!

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