Matryoshka Doll - NoRenMin βœ”οΈŽ

By kpopislifeu_707

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Sometimes being shielded from the outside world can take a toll on someone once unexpectedly exposed to the p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
🌢️Chapter 22🌢️
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Author's Note

Chapter 25

38 5 3
By kpopislifeu_707

Sleep they did because not one of them arose. Not even when Kunhang let out an ear piercing shriek after waking up to use the bathroom.

So out of it that not even Yangyang and Dejun, who were still asleep, awoke. Only the hotel workers seemed to have heard the desperate scream and moments later, there was a knock on the door, asking if everything was alright.

"No! Get in here and help me!" Kunhang yelled, safely perched on a piece of furniture to save himself. "Just break down the door if you have to!"

It took a while, some rattling, a beep from what Kunhang assumed was a master keycard and finally, he was greeted by one of the workers, smiling sheepishly but painfully from the top of a cabinet.

"I’m sorry, Sir, but what seems to be the problem? And how aren’t your friends awake from your scream?" He asked, looking around puzzled.

"Don't really care about why they aren't helping me right now but I would care if you get that frog away from the window. I'd rather die than move from here."

The hotel worker looked around, spotting the window he was referring to near the head of the bed and moved the curtain, noticing that the frog wasn't inside but scaling the building and perched outside.

"Sir, there's nothing I can do about the frog. It's outside and I wouldn't be able to reach it even if I opened the window. You will have to come down. Don't worry, it's all safe. It can't get in."

Kunhang looked mortified, shaking his head as he took in calming breaths.

"No. I'm not moving until I get that thing away. I don't care if you have to hire someone to climb the walls, I want it away!" 

He was rocking on his heels, distress radiating off in strong waves.

"I’m sorry, sir. But I can't d-"


He was already losing his sanity. He knew he hated frogs but never did he know that he hated them to that severity. To the point that he shook and honestly climbed to the top of a cabinet to take shelter. Dejun and Yangyang weren't even a help! 

But really, he couldn't blame them. They were still tired from going on such a long trip and it made sense that they were still asleep.

Unfortunately, the hotel worker didn't think that them sleeping was necessary and with a feather duster he fetched from a closet, he poked Dejun to wake him up.

Kunhang just watched, waiting for his boyfriend to open his eyes where he was then able to beg for his help.

"What? Guan?" Dejun mumbled, using the Mandarin variation of his name. "Why're you awake?"

His eyes were still closed, an arm wrapped around Yangyang as they snuggled under their blanket comfortably.

"Dejun! I'm here!" Kunhang cried out, his frantic cry seeming to startle his boyfriend fully awake.

"Kunhang?! What the hell are you doing up there?!" Dejun asked, eyes losing all forms of sleepiness. He seemed to register the man beside him and his shoulders jumped in surprise as the man stepped back with arms raised to show that he wasn't a threat. "And who the fuck is that?! Kunhang?! What the hell did you do now?!"

"I’m sorry, Sir. We had a little problem a little while ago and your, uhm? Friend? Seemed to have gotten up there and now refuses to come down. I promised him there wasn't any worry but he is adamant to remain where he is."

Dejun was at loss, having no clue as to what was happening but slowly nodding anyway. Sounded very much like his boyfriend so he wasn’t that concerned to hear that he was going through some type of turmoil and was being a stubborn little bitch on a piece of furniture.

"Guan? Explain?" Dejun gently instructed, aware that even though he was being a stubborn little bitch, there was a high chance that it was for good reason. As he waited, he probed Yangyang in the rib to wake him up.

"There's a frog outside the window. Woke up and used the bathroom but when I came back to bed, I wanted to look outside and to my horror there was a slimy little shit just sitting there staring at me. Felt my soul leave my body and by the time I realized, I was sitting up here and that man was at our door."

Yangyang managed to hear part of what Kunhang said, blinking blearily as he gave a sleepy salute to the hotel worker, not even questioning what was happening.

"Yang-ie, help Guanheng down. I'll move the frog."

"But Sir-"

"Don't bother. I have to get it away if I want him happy today," Dejun interrupted, grabbing the feather duster from the hotel worker as he climbed on the bed, opening the giant window situated directly behind it as he struggled slightly to get it open to the degree he wanted it.

Once he managed to do so, he stuck himself outside, dangling a good eight stories above the ground as he used the feather duster to urge the slimy critter to crawl down the building's side. He managed to accomplish the feat, the frog climbing onto their downstairs neighbours window to traumatize them instead.

"Dejun! This is why I love you!" Kunhang cried, wrapping him in a hug once he pulled himself through the window once more.

Once Dejun managed to apologize to the worker for wasting his time and explaining that Kunhang would be fine, they packed up reluctantly to start the final bit of their journey.

Getting everyone ready and out was possibly the hardest part of their day, still recovering from an extremely long night of driving but the moment they were in, Yangyang couldn't shut his mouth and just had to tell everyone of their morning experience, Renjun having the most fun of teasing his brother for climbing on the cabinet.

Sure, it was a phobia, it was serious and they weren't going to tease him for being scared but they sure had fun with teasing him for climbing on a cabinet and not waking up anyone else except alerting the workers.

"Bet he screamed like a six year old," Yukhei snickered, receiving a whack on his arm from his brother.

After the most excruciating fifteen minutes of that moment's journey, they were silenced where another hour went by and finally, they arrived at Jaemin's house. He was nervous. So nervous yet his parents didn't know anything. They didn't have to know anything just yet. 

He, Jeno, and Renjun had all decided that they'd tell her the day they'd be leaving for Jeno's house. She'd be unable to stop them from leaving and she'd be given an entire week to process the situation before he'd return home.

He was the first to clamber over everyone, no one willing to get out yet, fearing the parents that had given Jaemin such a confusing and closed life would have a bad reaction to just seeing them. So of course, they gave him the honours to greet her first which, in all honesty, he did not want to do because in his heart he knew he was a completely different person from the one he was the year before. He knew in his heart that she didn't know that but when she did find out, his life would never be the same.

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